
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,366

        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we evaluated the composition of smoke released from fish frying processes. We selected 4 fish types (mackerel (M), hairtail (H), croaker (C), and japanese mackerel (J)) which are commonly served in our daily diet and collected their smoke samples. The analysis was made to cover both toxic and hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that include benzene, toluene, p-xylene, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, butyl acetate, and isobutyl alcohol. According to our analysis, the mean concentrations (ppb) of VOCs derived from all 4 fish types were 254.5 (benzene), 34.5 (toluene), 833.0 (MEK), 29.4 (MIBK). Benzene as the class one carcinogen was detected at fairly high levels from these fish smoke samples so as to exceed indoor emission standard. Considering that roasted fish is often included as one of the common diet items, we can confirm that the smoke released from cooking should be controlled to reduce the possibility of their exposure to human.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An entomopathogenic bacterium, Photorhabdus temperata ssp. temperata (Ptt), suppresses insect immune responses and facilitates its symbiotic nematode development in target insects. The immunosuppressive activity of Ptt enhances pathogenicity of various microbial pesticides including Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). This study was performed to select a cheap and efficient bacterial culture medium for large scale culturing of the bacteria. Relatively cheap industrial bacterial culture media (MY and M2) were compared to two research media, Luria-Bertani (LB) and tryptic soy broth (TSB). In all tested media, a constant initial population of Ptt multiplied and reached a stationary phase at 48 h. However, more bacterial colony densities were detected in LB and TSB at the stationary phase compared to two industrial media. All bacterial culture broth gave significant synergism to Bt pathogenicity against third instars of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. Production of bacterial metabolites extracted by either hexane or ethyl acetate did not show any significant difference in total mass among four culture media. Reverse phase HPLC separated the four bacterial metabolites, which were not much different in quantities among four bacterial culture broths. This study suggests that two industrial bacterial culture media can be used to economically culture Ptt in a large scale.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 우리나라 주요 재배종인 Muscari armeniacum ‘Early Giant’ 품종을 사용하여 엽절편체로 부터 직접적으로 신초재생과 체세포배 발생에 미치는 생장조절제의 효과를 구명하였다. 무스카리의 엽조직으 로부터 캘러스 과정을 거치지 않은 직접 신초형성은 2,4-D 0.1 mg·L−1가 함유된 배지에서 가장 좋았다. 반면, 체세포배 발생은 생장조절제를 첨가하지 않는 대조구와 IPA 0.1~1.0 mg·L−1가 함유된 농도의 배지에서 비교적 양호하였다. 무스카리의 엽조직으로부터 재생된 자구를 기외로 이식했을 때 맹아율은 모든 처리구에서 80%이상 으로 높았으며 특히 NAA 0.1mg·L−1, IPA 1.0~3.0mg·L−1 배지에서 재생된 자구의 생장이 양호하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to produce the threshold values of 12 specified offensive odor substances based on the 3 point comparison method instead of the 2 point comparison method of ASTM or CEN. As a result, the threshold values of individual odor substances, including Methyl mercaptane, Hydrogen sulfide, Trimethylamine, and I-Valeraldehyde ranged between 0.0001∼0.001ppm, while the values of Styrene and Ammonia were relatively higher than of other substances at 1.8ppm and 0.04 ppm respectively. The threshold values of the 12 specified odor substances were compared in Korea and overseas, which showed that the characteristics of olfactory response varied by substance and nation. When it comes to acetaldehyde or hydrogen sulfide, western countries, including the United States, tended to quite insensible compared to Koreans. Japanese people were more sensitive in the 12 specified odor substances than Koreans in general, suggesting that it is not only because of its olfactory ability, but because of the calculation method that produces Japan‘s dilution threshold values approximately 1.5 times as high as Korea"s.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine distribution and characteristics of odors in Yeo-su industrial complex. The sampling of odor compounds was performed from may to september in 2009, twice a month, both morning and afternoon. The analytical items were meteorological data, complex odor, legally-designated 17 odor compounds. Complex odor and 17 odor compounds in Yeo-su industrial complex were suitable in emmission standard(s). The major odor compounds were appeared to be Hydrogen sulfide, Methyl mercaptan, Trimethyl amine, Ammonia. So, the industrial complex in Yeo-su was influenced by the Nitrogen and Sulfide odor substances. The distribution of concentration was investigated Ammonia> Stylene> Xylene> Acetaldehyde in order. We suggest that VOCs, causing the odor problem in Yeo-su, should be mutually controlled with Hazardous Air Monitoring Network.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목이버섯으로부터 항혈전물질을 추출하여 제품화하기 위한 대량생산공정을 다음과 같이 확립하였다. 즉, 건조된 목이버섯을 분쇄하여 75% ethanol로 추출하여 원심분리한 침전물에 증류수에 첨가한 후 76oC에서 2시간 추출한 후 압착여과하여 여과액을 얻는다. 이를 감압농축한 후 여기에 최종 농도가 80%가 되도록 ethanol을 첨가하여 추출한 침전물을 동결건조한다. 제품의 소비지 기호도 조사를 통해 부재료의 종류와 첨가량을 결정하여 배합비를 목이버섯 추출물 90.5%, 고과당 2.0%, β-cyclodextrin 1.5%, 올리고당 2.0%, 배 농축액 4.0%로 결정하였다. 제품을 포장하여 25, 37, 45oC에서 저장하였을 경우 저장 8주에서도 수분활성도, 수분함량, pH, 산도에 큰 변화가 없었다. 미생물 생균수는 25oC와 37oC에서 저장하였을 경우 저장기간이 지남에 따라 약간 증가한 반면, 45oC에서 저장하였을 경우에는 저장 2개월 후에는 대부분 사멸하였다. 제품을 쥐에 정맥투여하였을 경우 1,000 mg/kg 투여 시 APTT 활성, TT 활성, PT 활성, FIB 활성이 대조구와 비교하여 유의적으로 높았으며 500 mg/kg을 경구투여하였을 경우 항혈소판활성이 아스피린과 동일한 수준을 나타내었다.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2009년 5월에 전라북도농업기술원 수경재배 비닐하우스에 가지를 정식하고 담 배가루이를 접종하였다. 난황유 200배액, 님제 500배액, 은행과육 발효액 10배, 돈 분침출액 50배액, 제충국제 100배액, 은행잎추출액 200배액, 고추씨기름 200배 액, 고삼추출액 10배액 그리고 대비구로 디노테퓨란 입상수화제 1000배액과 증류 수를 7일 간격으로 분무처리 하면서 담배가루이의 발생, 가지 생육과 수량을 조사 하였다. 초기 생육은 처리간 차이가 없었으나 정식 73일후 생육은 초장, 엽장, 절수 등에 서 디노테퓨란, 님제, 돈분침출액, 난황유, 은행과육 순으로 양호하였고, 고삼추출 액과 증류수 처리가 저조하였다. 성충발생은 디노테퓨란이 3.5마리/4cm2로 가장 적었고, 님제 4.4, 난황유 6.2, 은행잎추출액 7.9마리/4cm2 순 이었으며, 고삼추출 물과 증류수가 각각 10.6, 11.9마리/4cm2로 많았다. 약충발생에 있어서도 디노테 퓨란 0.2, 님제 1.0, 고추씨유 5.0, 난황유 6.0마리/4cm2순으로 적었고, 고삼추출물 과 은행과육이 11.5마리/4cm2, 증류수처리가 12.1/4cm2로 많은 발생을 보였다. 수량은 디노테퓨란이 597.9g/주로 가장 많았고, 님제 308.2g/주, 고추씨유 240.7g/주, 난황유 224.8g/주 순이었으며, 증류수 182.3g/주, 은행과육 161.7g/주, 고삼추출물 130.0g/주로 적었다. 담배가루이 약충의 경우, 증류수 대비 화학농약인 디노테퓨란은 98%의 방제효 율을 나타내었고, 천연물질로는 님제 92%, 고추씨유 59%, 난황유 50%의 방제효 율을 나타내었다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mushrooms(Pleurotus ostreatus, Agaricus bisporus and Flammulina velutipes) are popular food sources in Korea, and have been reported as therapeutic foods, useful for preventing various diseases. In this study we researched HPLC conditions for the determination of nucleic acids in extracts of the three type of mushrooms. The method for nucleic acids analysis of mushrooms was developed using HPLC with UV detection. To determine the nucleic acids, mushroom extracts were extracted in hot water at 90℃ by reflux extraction for 1 hr. Then, the extracts were hydrolyzed by enzymes RP-1G and 50000G. The HPLC conditions were simple, rapid, and sensitive, and were applicable for the analysis of 4 nucleosides (cytidine, uridine, guanosine and inosine) and 3 mono-nucleotides(5`-CMP, 5`-UMP, and 5`-IMP) in the mushrooms. The nucleic acids in the mushrooms were cytidine, guanosine, inosine, uridine, 5`-CMP, 5`-IMP, and 5`-UMP. The analysis results for total nucleic acids in the mushroom extracts(Pleurotus ostreatus, Agaricus bisporus, and Flammulina velutipes) indicated levels of 25.28, 27.75, and 19.87㎎/g, respectively. In conclusion, this method can be used successfully for qualitative and quantitative analysis of nucleic acids in Pleurotus ostreatus, Agaricus bisporus, and Flammulina velutipes.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        아세틸콜린에스터라아제(AChE) 저해제에 의한 아세틸콜린 분해 억제는 알츠하이머 질병의 가장 확실한 치료 방법 중의 하나로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 최근 웰빙 건강 소재로 각광을 받고 있는 과일과 채소로부터 새로운 AChE 저해제를 개발하여 항치매 식품이나 대체 의약품 생산에 응용하기 위해 과일과 채소로부터 AChE 저해 활성이 우수한 시료를 선별하고, AChE 저해 물질의 추출조건을 최적화하였다. AChE 저해 활성은 호두의 메탄올 추출물에서 72.6%(IC50=14.2㎍)로 가장 높았고, 호두의 AChE 저해 물질은 80% 메탄올로 40℃에서 12시간 동안 처리하였을 때 가장 많이 추출되었다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A bacterial colony was isolated from the gut of the bean bug, Riptortus clavatus. From morphological and biochemical tests, the bacterial isolate showed the highest similarity to Staphylococcus succinus. DNA sequence of 16S rRNA gene of the bacterium supported the identification. Oral administration of penicillin G to adults of R. clavatus gave a dose-dependent mortality of adults of R. clavatus to adults along with significant decrease of the bacterial population in the gut. Similarly, three metabolites (benzylideneacetone, proline-tyrosine, and acetylated phenylalanine-glycine-valine) derived from an entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila, also inhibited growth of the gut bacterial population and gave significant mortalities to R. clavatus. These results suggest that a gut bacterial population classified as Staphylococcus sp. is required for survival of R. clavatus and that the three bacterial metabolites had toxic effects on the bugs due to their antibacterial properties.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study fuji apples variation were measured during gradual decay, stored 5 weeks at 25℃. A aluminum and glass emission chamber were used for visual inspection throughout the experiment. The sampling was performed by using polyester aluminum bags and Tenax-TA tubes. In addition, GC/FID/O and TD-GC/MS were used for monitoring the compound of odor and its density variation during each storing period. By visual inspection, we found that the apples started decaying in 4th week and were rotten to core in 5th week. In contrast, individual odor analysis shows that the apples flavor reduced gradually and dramatically increased with the odor of old apples and apple cider in 3rd week, which was before visual identification of decay. This phenomenon was due to ongoing internal decay. ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, ethyl propanoate and 2-methylbutyl acetate were the major factor of this off-flavor in this period (3rd week). After visible observation of decay (4th week and 5th week), ethyl acetate, ethyl butanoate and hexyl ethanoate were emitted, which smells bitter or sour. Above 6 odors are closely related with apples decay, and measurement of smell or density of these odors could easily check the apples status. We expect measuring composition variation can be applied for food storage and management cause of not only internal change checking but also monitoring pre-decay phenomenon.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, calibration characteristics of odorous amine compounds were investigated by gas chromatography (GC)-nitrogen phosphorous detector (NPD). To this end, three different amine compounds (methyl amine (MTA), dimethyl amine (DMA), and trimethyl amine (TMA)) were analyzed in a series of calibration experiments. As the first step, the liquid phase standards of these amines were calibrated at 5 concentration levels with the fixed standard volume (FSV) method. The results showed that response factors of three amines were in the order of TMA > DMA > MTA with their correlation coefficients (r) above 0.97. The results of FSV calibration also indicated that the analytical sensitivity of amines increased with reducing injection volume due to the decrease in matrix effect. However, when these compounds were calibrated by the fixed standard concentration (FSC) method, the results were not stable under most circumstances. In addition, the reliability of internal calibration approach was also tested using pyridine, nitrobenzene, and nicotine. When pyridine was used as internal standard of these amines, analytical reproducibility of amines was improved greatly compared to external calibration results (e.g., an improvement of 75% for DMA).
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To search the potent pig pheromonal odorants through receptor-based approach methods, molecular dockings between 680 Flavornets as substrate molecule and pig odorants binding proteins OBP (1HQP) and PBP (1GM6) as receptor, and QSPR (quantitative structure-property relationship) analyses from physico-chemical parameters of Flavornets and their docking scores (DS) were performed and discussed quantitatively. From the basis on the findings, the optimal value (MSA)opt.=407.595 Å2 of MSA (molecular surface area; Å), and RB (number of rotational bond) had the Flavornets will be able to increase DS. Therefore, it is expected that the stearyl alcohol from DS and H-bond type between substrate and receptor would be shows the character as potent pig pheromonal odorant.