
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 585

        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objects of this study are to find out (1) real situation of the food supply in prison under Imperial Government of Japan more cleary (historical meaning) and (2) which might help in understanding wrong present food consumption patterns in Korea which causes environmental as well as health problems. It is generally known that the length of the Japanese occupation for Korea is 36 years. However, it is concluded in this study that it was longer (70 years ; from 1875 to 1945 from when Japanese Army attacked and occupied Yungjongdo and Kanghwado island to e time when they were defeated on World War II.) Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910 then the Imperial Government of Japan dismissed the Korea Army, controlled the Office of Justice and the management of prison by force. Since then about 50% of all land was fell into Japanese Government ownership and 80% of Korean farmers became as tenant. After this change, Korea farmers were forced to pay extremely high rent (up to 80% of its harvest). Forced immigration, low price procurement of grain by Japanese government up to more than 30%of their production, was practiced. Accordingly, the food situation of Korean farmers became miserable, which may caused more violations of Imperial Japanese Law. Malnutrition, epidemic diseases, mortality rate of infants soared and average life expectancy shortened to 20-30 years old. This was the period of World Economic Crises and Food Crises in Japan. It was said then that if one Japanese comes to Korea then 200 Koreans will starved to death. Meanwhile, Proconsul Bureau of Chosun requested to the Department of Medicine, the Imperial University of Kyungsung to survey food supply situation of Koreans in prison throughout Korea. Objectives of the survey then was not only to find out scientifically whether it is agreeable in maintaining prisoner's health and also find out the possibility to save food during food crisis. Survey was started from 1923 and ended in 1945, and it focussed on prisoners in the Seodaemoon Prison. This report is the outcome of the first survey. They concluded that the food supplied was nutritionally (had) no problem, in compare with those of workers in the factory, students in the dormitory in Japan and with those of prisoners in Taiwan, France and Germany. Amount of grain supplied were different according to their work lord and was divided into 9 different levels. Total grain was consisted of 50% millet, 30% soybean and 20% indica rice(variety). However, there were no difference in the amount of supply of side dishes between work groups. For the highest working group, 3280g of boiled grain per day was supplied to make stomach full but as a side dishes, salty fermented bean paste, fermented fish and salty soups, etc. was supplied. Deficiency of animal protein were observed, however, high intake of soybean may possibly caused animal protein deficiency problem. On the contrary, the intake of water soluble vitamins were insufficient but the level of calcium and iron intake seems to be sufficient, however, imbalance of intake of nutrition may caused low absorbtion rate which might caused malnutrition. High intake of dietary fiber and low intake of cholesterol may possibly prohibited them from so called modem disease but may caused the defect in disease resistancy againist epidemics and other traditional disease. Over intake of salt(20-30g per day) was observed. Surveyors who attended in this survey, mentioned that the amount of food intake may nutritionally be sufficient enough but the quality of food(and possibly, the taste of food) were like that of animal feed. For the officials who received this report might consider that considering the war situation and food crisis, the supply situation of food in the prison may considered to be good enough(because they are not starving). But as a Korean who studied this report, one feel extremely pity about those situation because (situation of) those period were very harsh under the Imperi..
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서울시내 직장인의 식생활태도 및 식습관과 건강과의 관계를 알아보기 위하여 서울에서 직장을 다니고 있는 직장인 389명(남자 224명, 여자 165명)을 대상으로 설문조사 하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상자의 연령은 31-40세가 50.9%, 직업은 사무직 교사 공무원이 46.8%, 교육수준은 대졸이 51.2%, 가족형태는 배우자 및 자녀와 함께 사는 직장인이 29.3%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 2. 조사대상자의 건강과 관련된 사항 중 현재 건강상태는 보통이다가 69.4%이며, 평소 건강에 대한 관심은 많다가 55.0%로 높은 관심을 보이고 있다. 평소 운동의 규칙성을 보면 운동을 하지 않는다가 48.8%로 높게 나타났다. 수면상태는 보통이다가 46.8%, 충분하지 못하다는 43.9%로 나타났으며, 흡연양은 담배를 피우지 않는다가 41.6%, 음주횟수로는 주 1-2회가 74.8%로 높게 나타났다. 3. 식생활태도에 관한 특성 중 하루 식사 횟수는 2회가 61.4%로 가장 높았으며, 식사시간은 규칙적이다가 53.2%, 규칙적이지 않다는 46.8%로 비슷하게 나타났으며, 식사시 소요시간은 10-30분 미만이 69.2%로 가장 많았으며, 식사량은 거의 일정하다가 62.0%, 일주일에 아침식사를 하는 횟수에 대한 결과는 3-4회가 28.0%로 나타났고, 결식은 아침에 한다는 응답자가 71.4%로 나타났고, 그 이유는 시간이 부족해서 (46.5%), 습관적으로 (22.6%) 순이었다. 편식을 하지 않는 직장인들이 56.5%이며, 하루 동안 간식첫수는 1-2회가 72.2%로 대부분의 직장인들은 간식을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 식욕 상태는 보통이다가 43.2%, 좋은 경우는 37.3%로 대체로 식욕이 좋은 것으로 나타났으며, 평소 선호하는 음식맛은 매운맛이 40.3%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 건강보조식품섭취에 대한 결과는 가끔씩 섭취한다가 51.7%, 규칙적으로 섭취한다는 14.4%로 나타났으며, 그 이유는 피로회복을 위해서 (51.7%)가 가장 많았으며, 다음으로는 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위해서 (23.1%)로 나타났다. 직장인의 식습관을 조사한 결과는 평균 4.43점으로 Fair집단이고, Fair집단은 42.4%, Poor집단은 39.6%로 직장인들의 식습관이 좋지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 식생활 태도와 인구 통계적 특성과의 관계는 성별에 따라 유의적인 차이가 있었으며, 운동을 주 1~2회 하고, 수면을 충분히 취하는 경우와 건강상태가 좋은 경우에는 식습관 점수가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 식생활태도에 있어서 연령층이 높을수록 좋게 나타났으며 직업과의 관계에서는 모든 집단이 식욕상태가 양호하며, 피로회복을 위해 건강보조식품을 섭취하는 경우가 많았다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 직장인들은 건강에 대한 관심도가 높은 반면에 올바르지 못한 건강관리와 식생활태도로 인해 좋지 않은 식습관을 가지고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 잘못된 식습관은 신체적인 건강상태뿐만 아니라 개인의 정서발달에도 좋지 않은 영향을 미치게 되므로, 현대의 직장인들은 식생활 전반에 있어서 바람직한 태도와 규칙적인 운동과 적당한 수면 및 휴식을 취함으로써 건강을 유지하기 위한 올바른 식습관을 실천하도록 노력하여야 할 것이다.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was intended to collect the baseline information on dietary behavior of adults to develop nutrition education program in the context of health promotion at community level. Nutrients intake of 135 housewives were assessed by 24 hour recall methods. Also food habits, nutrition knowledge and attitude were investigated by self-administered questionnaires. Our results indicated dietary intake of calcium and vitamin B2 were insufficient when they were compared to Korean recommended dietary allowances(RDA). Among five food groups, intakes of milk and dairy product was inadequate as compared to the recommended amount. When we compared the fatness indices to self-evaluated meal problems, overeating and speedy eating were significantly related to fatness indices. Fatness indices such as relative body weight(RBW) and body mass index(BMI) were significantly higher in the subjects who self-evaluated their unsound food behavior as overeating. However, there were no significant differences of food habit score and nutrition knowledge among groups classified by fatness or meal problem. Body fat ratio, frequencies of night snack and skipping meal significantly increased with age. Food habit score was positively related to health-concerned attitude and active attitude toward change. We concluded that nutrition education program for housewives should include detailed strategies to modify unsound food behaviors for healthy weight.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to compare the dietary behaviors and the nutrient intake of a middle school and a high school girls in Iksan. The subjects consisted of 132 middle school girls and 122 high school girls in Iksan. The proportion of subjects eating meals irregularly was higher in the high school girls (98.6%) than in the middle school girls(78.7%). The proportion of subjects skipping a meal also was higher in the high school girls(61.5%) than in the middle school girls(53.8%) and most of them (65.8%) skipped breakfast though they thought breakfast was the most important meal of a day (87.4%). The subjects tended to overeat at lunch (38.6%), and at dinner (55.9%). The main reasons of skipping a meal were 1. They had no time (49.3%), and 2. They had poor appetite (24.7%) Mean daily energy intake was 2198.5Kcal in the middle school girls and 2150.5Kcal in the high school girls and mean daily intake of protein, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and niacin was significantly higher (p〈0.05, p〈0.01) in the middle school girls than in the high school girls. Mean daily calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin A and C intake of middle school girls were lower than those of RDA and all nutrients intake of high school girls except for phosphorus was lower than those of RDA. The index of nutritional quality (INQ) was under 1.0 for calcium, iron, vitamin A, B1 and C. Mean blood level of cholesterol, triglyceride, Hb, Hct, GOT, GPT were 170.9mg/dl, 78.9mg/dl, 13.1g/dl, 39.5%, 18.8mg/d and 15.7mg/dl, respectively.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The theory-the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius was an objective existance in Chinese dietary culture history, but it was ignored in the last two thousand years. In addition, some people misunderstood Confucius' and Mencius' thoughts and statements. This paper believes that the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius is Confucius' and Mencius' diet opinions, thoughts, theories and basic style in their diet experiences. Confucius' diet experience and Mencius' diet experience were alike, and Mencius' experience carried on Confuius' and theirs were the same in some sections. They all stay their diet standard to their stomach and don't persue good meal. They all thought resolving people's diet was important for a country and for the politic problems. Mencius succeeded Confucius' diet thoughts and put them to the theories-diet principle, diet standard, and diet morality. This paper deeply discusses theory, developing history condition and the affection and position in Chinese diet history of the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the this study was to investigate the dietary behavior and the food habits of university freshman according to body mass index. Questionnaire were completed by 532 students in university freshman. The data were analyzed by SAS program. The results were as follows : The means of normal group's height, weight were 175.00±5.98cm, 72.93±10.20kg for male students and 162.00±4.75cm, 51.97±4.98kg for female students. Under 20 of BMI(body mass index) among students were 69.7% for male and 9.6% for female. Twenty~twenty five(20~25) of BMI were 21.9% for male and 40.2% for female. The consumption of milk, oil and animal fat were significant according to BMI. There was high significant difference in the score of exercise and activity. In the self recognition of body shape 59.0% of male and 52.6% of female in normal weight group answered that their weight had to be a little thin. Self satisfaction rate was significantly higher in under weight group compared to normal weight group. This study suggest that a comprehensive nutrition education program is need for university students to improve desirable food habits and recognition of rate of figure.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dietary γ-linolenic acid on plasma lipid metabolism and anti thrombotic activity in male Sprague Dwaley Strain rats. Rats weighing an average of 100~120g were fed a experimental diets containing 5% lard (saturated fatty acids), corn oil(linoleic acid), evening promise oil(EPO, 9% γ-linolenic acid) or borage oil(BO, 24% γ-linolenic acid) for 3Odays, respectively. Though there were no significant difference in the food intake among the groups, the body weight gain of the BO group was significantly lower than that of other group. The spleen weight of the lard group was significantly lower than that of other group. The bleeding time of the BO group was significantly longer than that of other group. The blood clotting time was significantly tended to long in EPO and BO groups compared with lard group. The plasma triacylglyceride and total cholesterol concentration were high in order of lard, com oil, EPO and BO, groups and there were significant differences among the groups. The plasma HDL-C concentrations were high in order of BO, EPO, com oil and lard groups and there were significant differences among the groups. The plasma LDL-C concentrations were significantly the highest in lard group, but the lowest in BO group. These data indicate that γ-linolenic acid has a antithrombotic activity, and decrease the plasma triacylglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-C concentrations in rats.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the food habits and the dietary behaviors of university students. Questionnaires were completed by 492 students in five different departments. The data were analyzed by SAS program. The results are summarized as follows: Fifty(10.2%) of respondents were vegetarians, 81(16.4%) were heavy meat eaters and all the others were light meat eaters. All students had their biggest meal at supper. Three hundred and ninety-three(79.9%) of the respondents usually had rice for breakfast. Three hundred -sixteen(64.2%) ate 3 meals a day, 155(31.5%) ate 2 meals and all the others ate 1 meal or more than 3 meals. The length of mealtime was 30 minutes in 268(54.5%), 10 minutes in 209(42.5%) and more than 1 hour in all the others. Respondents considered taste the most important meal factor with nutrition, hygiene, and amount ranked accordingly. A majority(63.0%) of respondents ate occasionally ate between meals, while 28.1% snacked frequently, and 8.9% ate no snacks. Although nutrition dept. students had studied nutrition subject, some results of nutrition dept. students were desirable and others were undesirable in dietary behaviors. Therefore they should have a nutritional education program to improve their food habits and the dietary behaviors for students' health. And nutritional education program should be organized practically and systematically.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Differences in dietary intake of Korean Americans (KA) by the length of residence in the U.S. were studied in relation to health and disease patterns in Michigan. Of 1860 questionnaires mailed, 637 (34.3%) responded with demographics, anthropometrics, self-reported disease patterns, lifestyle, and dietary patterns (93-item FFQ developed for KA). Complete responses were available for 498 people (263 men,253 women, aged 30-87 yr), who were then divided into three groups based on the number of years lived in the U.S.: 15y, 16-25y, 26y. Age-adjusted weight, height, BMI, and waist to hip ratio were within the normal ranges and did not differ among the three groups. Chronic diseases frequently reported in men and women (age-adjusted) included hypertension (14.4%, 14.1%), digestive diseases (5.4%, 8.5%), diabetes (3.6%,4.9%), and arthritis(3.3%, 12.5%), respectively. The length of residence in the U.S. was inversely associated with the age-adjusted prevalence of digestive diseases (12.4%, 6.5%, 0.4% in men, 13.0%, 11.7%, 0% in women). The length of residence was positively associated with health consciousness, receiving regular health care, taking supplements regularly, and exercising, while inversely related to smoking. The majority favored American foods for breakfast and Korean foods for dinner. Foods frequently consumed included cooked rice (w/other grains). kimchi, coffee (w/cream and sugar),bread (white and dark), citrus juice, milk (low fat and skim), lettuce and cucumber, apple, seaweed, and soda. Intake frequency of the Korean starch food group was inversely associated with the length of residence for both men and women (p<0.001), but not with the American starch food group. Fat intake did not differ by the length of residence in the U.S. The dietary changes were associated with the length of residence and chronic disease patterns for the first generation of KA, which should be further examined 'for the subsequent generation of KA.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate dietary patterns and assimilation of dietary culture of Korean descendants in Yanbian, China compared to Korean. A dietary survey was conducted using one 24-hour recall method from 730 adults over 30 years of age in Yanbian, China and 695 adults over 25 years of age in Kuri, Korea. The average number of food items consumed per day was 14 in Yanbian and 20 in Kuri and there was a significant difference between the two regions(p<0.001). The foods consumed most frequently were rice, salt, the M.S.G. in Yanbian and rice, green onion and garlic in Kuri. The foods consumed most by amount were rice, cucumber, Soju in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi and grape in Kuri. The average number of dishes consumed per day was 6.4 in Yanbian, 9.4 in Kuri and the difference between the two regions was significant(p<0.001). Total number of dishes appeared in the survey was 253 in Yanbian and 494 in Kuri. The dishes consumed most frequently were cooked-rice, beverages, Kimchi, stir-fried eggplant in Yanbian and cooked-rice, Kimchi, coffee, soybean paste stew, in Kuri. The dish groups appeared most frequently were rice, stir-fried foods, vegetables and Kimchi in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi, beverages and fruits in Kuri. Male subjects in Yanbian Consumed alcohol frequently while adults in Kuri consumed coffee more frequently than Yanbian. The major meal patterns were rice+side dish, rice+soup, rice+side dish+Kimchi in Yanbian and rice+soup+side dish+Kimchi, rice+side dish+Kimchi, rice+soup+Kimchi in Kuri. Stir-fried foods, which were consumed 46.6% of all the meals, were dominant side dish in Yanbian, but stir-fried food, seasoned vegetables and grilled food appeared aver 10% in Kuri. There results show that variety of diet of Korean-Chinese in Yanbian was lower than Kuri. Korean-Chinese tend to keep traditional Korean dietary patterns of consuming rice as staple but were adapted to Chinese dietary patterns of consuming stir-fried side dishes. Efforts should be directed toward preserving Korean traditional patterns of dietary culture among Korean-Chinese population.