
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 142

        2000.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the purpose of developing Korean Herbalogy with the plants of Polygonaceae which grow wild and is planted in Korea, the these and writings on herbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been thoroughly investigative and the results obtained were as follows: 1. According to nature and flavour of medicinal plants, they were classified into cold, cool; 23 each, warmth, heat; 11 each, balance 11 and unidentified 5. Thus it was noticed that cold, cool is the main in nature and flavour of medicinal plants. 2. According to the Properties and Principal curative action, they were classified into drugs for clearing up heat and toxin 18, drugs for regulating the fellow of Gi to alleviate pain 14, drugs for removing heat from the blood to stop bleeding 13, drugs for expelling wind and removing dempness 11, drugs for parasiticide 11, drugs for promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis 10, drugs for strengthening the spleen and stomach 10, drugs for inducing diuresis to alleviate edema 9, drugs for improving acuity of vision 5 and drugs for tonifying and nourishing 4. Thus it was noticed that durgs for clearing up heat and toxin was the main kind. 3. Comparing to whole medicinal plants 47 kinds, toxic durgs include minor toxin were 12 kinds, 25% of the whole. Thus toxic durgs were slightly poisonous. From this result, it was revealed that the plants for medical purpose in Polygonaceae was 30% of the whole, in which drugs for clearong up heat and toxin was mostly abundunt and toxic plants was slightly poisonous. It is considered that many experiements and clinical approaches must be continued widely about slightly poisonous drugs.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 Allium속의 중금속 흡착력을 구명하고자 식물체의 식용부위별, 시료의 입자별, 중금속의 농도별, 용액의 온도별, pH별 실험 결과이다. Allium속에 의한 중금속의 흡착 량은 Allium속의 종류에 관계없이 Cd이 Zn보다 훨씬 많았다. 대파, 쪽파는 입자가 클 수록 Cd 흡착이 잘 되었으나 Zn은 입자별 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 농도별 중금속 흡착력은 용액중의 농도가 높을수록 증가하였으나 증가율은 일정하지 않았다. 온도에 따른 중금속의 흡착력은 온도 증가에 따라 증가하였으나, 예외적으로 달래는 Cd 흡착량이 감소하였다. pH에 따른 중금속의 흡착량은 두 금속 모두 큰 영향을 받지 않았다. 중금속의 흡착에 미치는 Allium속 성분함량간의 관계는 함황 아미노산과 비타민 B_2에서 유의성이 인정되었다.
        1991.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was surveyed the Preference for the Korean Traditional Food. 500 wives residing in Seoul, Kyngkee, Kangwon region, and 150 cookers of Korean Restaurants in Kyugin region were sampled randomly. The results were as follows; 1. The concept of the traditional food was 53.5% in more 「excellent than that of overseas」, 59.8% in 「excellent and delicious」, 78% in 「the need for the partial development of fastfood」. 2. The present viewpoint of traditional food was 78.7% in preference for korean food, 81.3% in preference for boiled rice and podrridge at breakfast, Soy-Sauce and Kimchi of home-making was highly marked in 65.9, 96.1% respectively. The kinds of traditional food descended to home were rice cake (dduk), shikke, kimchi, stuffed bun (mandu), fruit punch in the order named. Korean kookies and beverage were preferred, but they were very difficult in making at home. Therefore 50.8% of the answered bought them at market. The preferred korean kookies and beverage were shikke, yakgwa, sujunggwa, gangjung, fruit Punch in the order named. 3. When dined out, 65.6% of the people made much of 「preference」. In the case of few side dishes, 34.1% answered using fast food. 4. 「Preferrence」 for boild rice and podrridge was generally high, but 「frequency」 was low. Both 「preference」 and 「frequency」 of sauce and stew were high. 「Preference」 for traditional beverage was low on the whole. Therefore we must activate the unknown kinds of traditional beverage earnestly. 5. The need of education about the traditional food at home & school was very high. 6. The answers of the cookers in Korean Restaurants could be summarized as; 1) The Korean traditional food was relatively excellent (54.3%). 2) The taste of food ought to be shown food stuffs property (65.8%). 3) In order to cultivate the professionals, the systematic education should be enforced.
        2021.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        교과서를 통해 쓰기가 실제적인 맥락에서 이루어지도록 돕는 것은 학생들의 쓰기 능력과 동기 향상에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이 연구는 교과서의 쓰기 활동이 실제적인 맥락에서 실현되는지 살펴보고 보다 효과적인 활동을 구성할 수 있는 방향을 제시하는 것에 목적을 둔다. 이를 위해 2015 고등학교 국어 교과서 12종에 나타난 설득하는 글쓰기 단원의 학습활동을 분석하였다. 이 연구를 통해 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대부분의 국어교과서가 읽기와 연계해서 설득하는 글 쓰기를 지도하고 있어 쓰기ㅌ와 읽기의 소통성을 강화하고 있음을 보여 준다. 특히 연계하여 제시 하는 읽기 자료의 유형이 다양하여 설득하는 글 쓰기 활동이 다양한 측면으로 강화될 수 있는 가능성이 존재함을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 학생들의 쓰기 동기를 높이기 위하여 실제적 맥락에서의 쓰기 가 중요하지만, 쓰기 맥락 요소 중 예상독자와 매체 분석 및 실제화는 다소 미흡한 양상을 보인다. 셋째, 쓰기 평가 단계를 제시하지 않는 국어교과서가 전체의 절반이었으며, 평가의 유형은 자기 평가와 동료 평가가 전부이다. 결국 교과서가 충족하지 못하는 부분에 대한 국어 교사의 보완이 발생할 것이며, 이는 국어 수업에서의 불필요한 편차를 불러올 수 있다. 그러므로 이 연구에서 얻은 분석 결과를 바탕으로 할 때 추후 개발할 국어 교과서에는 설득하는 글 쓰기 단원의 학습 활동 이 실제적인 맥락을 반영하고 구체적 평가 과정을 지원하는 부분이 필요하다고 판단된다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to provide the demand information about services (S/W) and infrastructure (H/W) for rural welfare and culture. The survey was conducted on the overall satisfaction level, the condition change, the importance-satisfaction level of each field and the top priority items for administrative agencies and rural residents. In the overall satisfaction level, administrative agencies responded more than 'normal' to all fields, but the overall satisfaction level was lower than 'normal' in the fields excluding the healthcare field in the case of rural residents. In terms of condition changes compared to the past five years, both administrative institutions and local residents evaluated the improvement. IPA analysis was conducted to identify the priority ranking of each field and it was found that emergency medical facilities in the healthcare field, infant day care facilities in the social welfare field, movie theaters in the culture field, lifelong education institutions and academy facilities in the education field and private sports facilities in the leisure and sports field were most needed, respectively. The results of this study are expected to be helpful in increasing the efficiency and presenting the improvement direction about the development policy of the rural culture and welfare.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        During the past few decades, significant increase in the consumption of coffee has led to rapid increase in the production of coffee waste in South Korea. Spent coffee waste is often treated as a general waste and is directly disposed without the necessary treatment. Spent Coffee Grounds (SCGs) can release several organic contaminants, including caffeine. In this study, leaching tests were conducted for SCGs and oxidative degradation of caffeine were also conducted. The tested SCGs contained approximately 4.4 mg caffeine per gram of coffee waste. Results from the leaching tests show that approximately 90% of the caffeine can be extracted at each step during sequential extraction. Advanced oxidation methods for the degradation of caffeine, such as UV/H2O2, photo-Fenton reaction, and UV/O3, were tested. UV radiation has a limited effect on the degradation of caffeine. In particular, UV-A and UV-B radiations present in sunlight cause marginal degradation, thereby indicating that natural degradation of caffeine is minimal. However, O3 can cause rapid degradation of caffeine, and the values of pseudo-first order rate constants were found to be ranging from 0.817min-1 to 1.506 min-1 when the ozone generation rate was 37.1 g/m3. Additionally, the degradation rate of caffeine is dependent on the wavelength of irradiation.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A Visual landscape planning and management system has been introduced and implemented by each ministry so as to solve the problems of visual landscape destruction due to recognition on the value of natural landscape of beautiful territory and various development projects. At present, this system emphasizes the importance of the visual and perceptual aspect of the landscape however, there is a lack of techniques required for comprehensively predicting, evaluating, and managing it. Furthermore, sustainable landscape management after the completion of development projects has been inadequately carried out, as the focus has been only on consultation in the planning process of the development project in institutional performance. To this end, we presented objective and standardized criteria to predict and judge the effects of development projects on landscapes before project implementation. During the implementation of the development project, the influence of the visual landscape becomes accumulated in the construction progress stage. There is a need to identify the main viewpoints and to examine the continuous changes in the landscape-influencing factors, owing to the remarkable influences on the landscape, such as the change in the topography and the change caused by the artificial structure. During the stage of managing the influence on the visual landscape after the completion of the project, the influence on landscape should be monitored by measuring the change in the continuous landscape-influencing factors and determining the extent to which the actual reduction plan has been implemented. These processes should be performed continuously to maintain the quality of the visual landscape. The change in the landscape caused by the development project is shown to cause relatively greater visual damage than other factors composing the landscape owing to the influence of the artificial factors including the structure or the building. This shows that not only detailed examination of the visual impact before the development project but also continuous management is required during and after the development project. For this purpose, we derived eight landscape-influencing factors including form/shape, line, color, texture, scale/volume, height, skyline, and landscape control point. The proposed considering to be of high utilization in that it has a clear target of the landscape influencing factors.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As high-rise buildings came in, the landscape of rural areas and natural landscapes often got damaged. Therefore, this study aims to prevent this, grasp the extent of the influence of the surrounding landscape, to grasp the range of height that can be permitted and present the direction of landscape management of agriculture and natural landscape. This study tried to grasp the range of height by using price sensitivity analysis method for two apartment and apartment complex which entered DangJin city and SeoSan city. First, in the case of a two apartment, the range of the height allowable section was from the 6th floor to the 11th floor in close range view, and it was a section from the 7th floor to the 12th floor in medium range view. In the case of the apartment complex, the range of the height allowable range was from the 10th floor to the 17th floor in close range view, the 9th floor to the 16th floor in medium range view. The stress index was found to be positive in a two apartment in close range view, and in the apartment complex case. therefore it was better to set it to a lower in the Range of Acceptable Height(RAH). Second, it showed no difference in the sensitivity of landscape to gender. Thirdly, the results of the landscape sensitivity analysis of major and non-major showed the difference in the medium range view picture of the apartment complex. Majors are lower than the point of minimum height(PMinH) than non-Majors. In the case of major, the stress index was 1.4. it turned out that it was better to make a decision closer to point of minimum height (PMinH). In the case of non-major, the stress index was –1.3. it was also able to accept decision close to the point of maximum height (PMaxH). Since the results of the above research gave changes only in the variable of the height of the landscape, we can not grasp the point of interaction with other variables, and future research is considered necessary.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Humans are provided with a wide range of public benefits from ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems. But the establishment of the horticulture complex is a space that hampers the public ecosystem. Therefore, we have evaluated the creating landscape function of the horticulture complex and found improvement. A total of 20 landscape slides were used for the study. Korea-paddy field, Korea-vinyl greenhouse, Korea-glass greenhouse, Japan-vinyl greenhouse and Netherlands-glass greenhouse were selected as 4 slides. The evaluation used the AHP method and 10 adjectives Likert which compares 20 landscape slides. Four Korea-paddy fields were rated highly positive images. All 10 adjectives can be selected as representative images of production scenes. In most adjectives, four scenes of KVG1, KVG2, KVG3 and KVG4, which are the Korea-greenhouse scenes, were evaluated as negative images. Netherlands and Korea-glass greenhouse scenes and Japan-vinyl greenhouse scenes were generally positive images. In conclusion, it is confirmed that glass greenhouse scenery is higher than vinyl greenhouse scenery. And Japan and Netherlands scenery are higher and better than Korea. Therefore, JVG1 in Japan and NGG3 in the Netherlands were proposed to be set as landscape improvement targets.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 서리태 발효추출물의 모발보호효과를 확인하기 위한 연구를 수행하였다. 화학적 산화를 통해 손상된 모발을 준비한 뒤 서리태 발효추출물을 처리하였을 때 모발의 형태학적 특성, 인장강도, 구성성분의 변화를 분석하여 비교하였다. 그 결과 모발에 산화제를 처리하였을 때, 표피의 큐티클 층이 손상되고 모발의 인 장강도가 14.32 ± 0.83 g/cm2에서 12.32 ± 0.79 g/cm2로 감소되었음을 확인하였다. FT-IR 분석결과 산화 제를 처리한 모발은 버진 헤어에 비하여 1,077, 1,041, 801 cm-1에 해당하는 피크가 증가하였으며, 이를 통해 케라틴 단백질 간의 이황화 결합에 필수적인 시스테인이 산화되는 것을 확인하였다. 반면, 손상된 모발에 서리태 발효추출물을 처리한 경우에는 표피의 큐티클 층의 틈이 메워지고, 인장강도가 14.27 ± 0.96 g/cm2로 회복되 었으며, 모발의 성분 중 시스테인의 산화물 비율이 감소하는 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과들을 통해 발효 서 리태 추출물은 산화제에 의해 손상된 모발의 보호 소재로 연구될 가치가 있는 것으로 기대된다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Improve the rural views of the Government and the municipalities with the intention of rural landscape planning. However, rural scenery evaluation of landscape types and element categories, landscape scenes, such as the valuation of resources selected, form a coherent system and ecological point of view is not only a Visual perspective of evaluation, or evaluation is made. This study evaluates the rural landscape through the rural landscape for rurality is implemented can explain the image. Rural amenity 100 represented the rural landscape in rurality with photos of photos, and scenes, photos, location-based rural Vista rurality landscapes drawn components. Selected landscape photography scenic landscapes in the u.s. survey and image vocabularies through surveys is representative of the landscape in rurality of each Vista location-specific photos and images began extracted factors. As a result, the Distant view is a town and village in the rolling hills of the surrounding environment is an image behind the Vista Skyline, Farmland Rural village forests, Behind the hills, Individual housing roof, Housing arrangement, The number of household includes landscape components. Factor analysis ‘openness’, ‘intimacy’, ‘activity’, ‘complexity’, ‘safety’ was down to five factors, such as a description of the overall factors that force was 66.45 percent. Middle distance view is close to being out of town houses and village environment, an image in the skyline hills Vista, farmlands, village forests, rolling hills, behind the scenes of the housing component of the neck, the sperm will honor an individual factor analysis results are ‘intimacy’, ‘safety’, ‘openness’, ‘specificity’, ‘complexity’ five factors the whole description of the capacity factors compared to 67.24 percent. Close-range view is mainly in Vista village embraced the individual elements and an image of a harmonious location in the surroundings of the sperm, individual houses, fences, gates, courtyard, Garden, garage, agricultural facilities, including, but not limited to, factors assay but an ‘intimacy’, ‘complexity’, ‘safety’, ‘activity’, ‘openness’ five factors, such as a description of the overall factors that force was 65.29%. This research seeks to determine the extent to which rurality of rural landscape Vista by location attributes and elements and representative officer in photo selection and rurality to extract the image. To date, followed by a comprehensive study, which was presented through the readjustment could not overlook the Visual elements. The future rural development officer for the evaluation of rural landscape classification and quantitative and objective assessment will have to come up with ways to do.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research aims to identify regional inequitable development through the analysis of facilities distribution pattern. This study describes the concepts underlying the application of the Gini's coefficient and decomposition method to measure the regional inequitable development in Sun-chang County, Jeonbuk Province, Korea. We used the facility data surveyed for three years, from 2010 to 2012 for facility distribution pattern that RDA surveyed. These data have been serviced on the web. The Lorenz Curve presents a graphical view of the inequitable facility distribution and the Gini's Coefficients quantifies the distribution pattern. And furthermore, Gini Decomposition represents intra regional inequalities. These applied techniques can describe how the local development affects other district and change regional inequalities.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국외 철도의 경우, 선로의 노반과 사면·법면 등의 내하력을 넘어서는 대형 강우에 대하여 열차의 운전중지와 속도제한 등의 운전규제를 실시하고 있으나, 우리나라에서는 기준으로 설정되어 열차통제에 활용하지 못하고 있는 현실이다. 다만, 한국철도공사의 강우자동경보시스템을 통하여 강우정보를 실시간으로 확인할 수 있으며, 열차운행을 위한 판단의 보조지표로써 활용되고 있다.따라서 본 논문에서는 먼저 강우시 취약개소로 선정된 영동선과 경전선 구간 사면의 현장시험, 불포화함수측성 시험 등의 결과 및 문헌자료를 활용하여 강우침투해석 및 시간강우량에 따른 콘크리트블록 설치 현장사면의 안정해석으로 내강우성을 평가하였다. 또한 해석결과를 바탕으로 안전율 1.3에 따른 시간 강우정보를 역산하여 한국철도공사의 강우경보시스템에 활용되고 있는 열차운전규제 기준과 비교분석하였다. 이는 추가적인 검증 및 확장연구를 통해 현장적용이 가능한 불포화 개념의 열차안전규제 기준 마련에 활용될 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This article purposes to make a GIS database of South Korea rural village forest. So we first tried to collect data of their geographic coordinates or location from the many references on the rural village forest. As the result, we collected locations of the 634 forests. Boundaries of the 462 forests could be made by using their satellite imagery. Finally we implemented GIS database of the 462 traditional rural village forest in South Korea. Furthermore we surveyed 100 forests out of them. They were analyzed in the view of location, area, wood species, cultural assets and activities of inhabitants. These data can be used in the rural village planning and I look forward this database is helpful to preserve existing traditional rural village groves as a lasting legacy.
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