
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 154

        2014.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        그동안 우리나라에서도 하급심 판례를 포함하 여 판결문을 공개하여야 한다는 요구가 꾸준히 제 기되어 왔고, 그와 같은 요구에 부응하여 민사소송 법과 형사소송법의 개정으로 확정된 사건의 판결 문 등은 전자적 방법을 포함하여 판결문 등을 자유 롭게 열람 및 복사할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 현재 인터넷을 통하여 형사소송 판결문 등을 열람 및 복사하기 위해서는 법원명과 사건번 호, 그리고 당사자를 입력하여야 하는데 이는 유사 판결을 검색하여 국민들에게 도움을 주기 위한 취 지를 무색하게 하므로 핵심단어를 입력하여 판례 를검색할수있도록하는것이타당하다고생각한다 그리고판결문을공개하는경우개인을식별할수있는개인정보는 기술적방법등으로삭제, 변경하는 것이 타당하다고 할 것이다
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On July 30, 2012, Kakao Talk of Kakao Co., Ltd has pioneered a mobile platform SNG market for the first time in the country along with the launch of ‘Kakao Game Center’. While Kakao Talk has released a puzzle game called ‘Anipang’ at the time of launching the Kakao Game Center, it has recorded a DAU value exceeding 8 million at the most by dominating the domestic mobile game market for smart phones right after being released. However, a sudden decrease of DAU was shown starting September 4th which is not even two month after being released and the defection of DAU continues to occur. This is a condition which is different from the Facebook SNG which is a computer platform based SNG where the DAU is steadily maintained until now. This study attempts to analyze the cause of such conditions through the comparison between Facebook SNG and Kakao Talk SNG representing each of computer platform based SNG and mobile platform based SNG to present an important reference point for the game creators who are preparing for the participation of mobile platform based SNG industry in the future through this analysis.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to improve production efficiency of vitrified-thawed transgenic bovine embryos. Transgenic bovine embryos were produced by injection of FIV-GFP lentiviral vector into perivitelline space of in vitro matured MІІ stage oocytes, and then in vitro fertilization. EGFP-expressing transgenic bovine blastocysts were cultured in serum-containing and serum–free medium. These blsatocysts were vitrified by pull and cut (PNC) container made with 0.25 cm plastic straw. Results indicate that total developmental rates of normal IVF embryo cultured in serumcontaining and–free medium into blastocyst were not significantly different (22.3 vs 21.5%) and those of GFPexpressing transgenic bovine embryo into blastocyst showed no significant difference between serum-containing (13.9%) and–free medium (13.1%). However, developmental rate of GFP transgenic embryo was significantly (P<0.05) lower than its of normal IVF embryos. In additional study, we vitrified GFP transgenic normal bovine blastocysts using PNC vitrification method. Survival rate of vitrified-thawed GFP transgenic blastocyst (23.1%) was significantly (P<0.05) lower than its of normal blastocysts (68.9%). Although, survival rate of vitrified-thawed GFP transgenic blastocyst was lower than its of normal blastocyst, our result may suggested that PNC vitrification method is feasible to cryopreserve transgenic embryos. Our next plan will be the production of GFP express transgenic bovine derived from vitrified-thawed embryos using PNC method.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The hollow slab has advantages that its self-weight does not greatly increase notwithstanding the increase of its thickness and its flexural performance does not significantly degrade in comparison with general reinforced concrete slab. However, the utilization of the hollow slab is currently being underestimated in spite of structural system that enables economic design of building and construction of eco-friendly structure. the significant reasons for this situation is that the method of structural analysis and design for hollow slab is not generalized. In this study, to consider practical compressive zone of hollow slab, the equation for its flexural strength is proposed by the volume of compressive stress block according to neutral axis location in hollow section assumed. Existing estimation method of flexural strength of hollow slab considering only compressive zone above hollow part is evaluated as the most conservative method and the method estimating flexural strength by two alternative cross-section of hollow slab is evaluated as more practical method.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중공슬래브 시스템은 슬래브 두께가 증가해도 자중은 크게 증가하지 않으면서 일반슬래브에 비해서 휨강성이 크게 저하 되지 않는 장점이 있다. 그러나 이러한 장스팬 구조의 경우 바닥판 진동의 증가에 의한 사용성 문제가 발생할 수 있고, 특 히 중공슬래브의 경우 기존의 구조시스템과 동적특성이 상이하다. 따라서 진동에 대한 중공슬래브의 안전성 및 사용성 검 토가 요구되고 있으며, 이를 위한 실용적인 정밀해석이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 효율적인 고유치 해석을 위하여 일방향 중공슬래브의 동적특성을 비교적 정확하게 나타낼 수 있는 등가의 플레이트 모델을 사용하였다. 결론적으로 등가플레이트 모델이 일방향 중공슬래브의 동적특정을 비교적 정확하게 나타나는 것으로 나타났다.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The causes of traffic accidents can be classified into the factors of highway users, vehicles, and driving environments. Traffic accidents result from the deficiency in single or combination of these three factors. The objective of this study is to define the "potentially hazardous sections of highway" in terms of traffic safety considering these three factors. METHODS : The test drivers performed repeated driving on these highway sections. The drivers and passengers recorded the sections on which the driving was uncomfortable, and the speeds on the sections excluding the uncomfortable sections were used for the development of the model. RESULTS : The model is composed of three sub-models for each of the horizontal curve, tangent, and the section where the curve starts/ends. The safe driving behavior coefficients by the horizontal curvature were derived by comparing the maximum operating speeds at which the vehicle may slide or deviate and the speeds at which the drivers feel comfort. The safety speeds on tangent were derived by the length of tangent section considering the driver's desired speeds under the traffic condition on which the drivers hardly influenced by the other vehicles. For the sections where the curve starts/ends, the driving behaviors were classified by the distances between the curves, and the safe acceleration/deceleration speeds were derived on which the drivers enter/exit the curve sections safely. CONCLUSIONS : Safety speed could then be regarded that the model suggested in this study may be useful to define the potentially hazardous highway section and contribute the improvement of highway safety.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 서울시는 대중교통 활성화 정책에 따라 버스전용차로제도를 실시하고 있다. 과거 가로변버스전용차로 설치를 시작으로 현재에는 중앙버스전용차로 설치구간도 증가하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 이 중앙버스전용차로와 가로변버스전용차로에서 버스사고에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하는데 있다. 분석방법으로 교통사고가 확률적으로 극히 드물게 일어난다는 점을 생각하여 포아송 회귀모형과 음이항 회귀모형을 선택하였으며, 과산포 존재여부에 따라 음이항 회귀모형으로 최종모형을 정립하였다. 중앙버스전용차로구간은 버스노선수, 중앙차로 진출입 유형수, 중앙차로 정지선 후퇴유무, 중앙차로 정지선과 횡단보도 이격거리, 교통량, 가변차로 정류장 정차노선수 6개의 변수에서 버스사고에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 가로변버스전용 차로구간은 우회전 버스노선수, 상습 불법주정차 유무, 보행신호시간, 토지이용형태 4개의 변수에서 버스사고에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 지진하중을 받는 대공간구조물의 동적응답을 저감시키기 위하여 스마트 면전시스템을 제안하였다. MR 감쇠기와 저감쇠 탄성베어링을 사용하여 스마트 면진시스템을 구성하였으며 최적설계된 LRB 면진시스템과 비교하여 진동 제어성능을 검토하였다. 스마트 면진시스템은 제어알고리즘에 따라서 제어성능이 크게 좌우된다. 본 연구에서는 스마트 면진시스템이 설치된 대공간 구조물을 효과적으로 제어하기 위하여 퍼지제어기를 사용하였다. 면전시스템이 적용된 대공간 구조물의 동적응답과 면진층 변위는 서로 상충관계가 있으므로 퍼지제어기를 최적화하기 위하여 두 응답을 목적함수로 하는 다목적 유전자알고리즘을 사용하여하였다. 수치해석결과 본 연구에서 제안한 스마트 면진시스템을 적용하면 최적설계된 LRB 시스템에 비하여 면진층 변위 및 대공간 구조물의 동적응답을 대폭 줄일 수 있는 것을 확인하였다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, the number of complaints about indoor air pollution caused by volatile organic compounds(VOCs) has increased. It is important that evaluating and understanding emission of indoor air pollutant from building materials. The aim of this study was to evaluate emission test methods for liquid phase building materials such as paint, adhesive and sealant, and to determine the emission of total volatile organic compounds(TVOC) from liquid phase building material. The quantity of TVOC emission was measured by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MSD). It was found that liquid phase building materials were classified according to their use and ingredient. The TVOC concentration from oil-based paint was the highest among 8 groups of test materials. The unidentified volatile organic compounds occupied 83.0% of TVOC emission from test materials. The aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons occupied 7.2%, 6.9% of TVOC, respectively. The concentration of TVOC decreased by an increase during emission test period. After 3 days, the concentration of TVOC from paint, adhesive and sealant were about half of the concentration at the first day. The ratio of concentration between 7 days and 1 day was 0.11~0.15 from water-based paint and 0.46~0.48 from epoxy adhesive.
        2006.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to optimize an emission test method for building materials and to understand the characteristics of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and carbonyl compounds emission from building materials, especially solid-phase building materials, using a small chamber test method. As a result of the evaluation for small chamber system, temperature and humidity was maintained constantly at 24.5℃, 50.2%. The background concentration of total volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde were also controlled below 20 ㎍/㎥ and 0.5 ㎍/㎥, respectively. Air leakage of emission test chamber and the duplicate precision between two emission test chambers were satisfied. As a result of evaluation for sampling and analysis system (such as the breakthrough test), repeatability of response factor, and retention time in GC/MS and HPLC, desorption efficiency, method detection limits were excellent. The concentration of total volatile organic compounds emitted from wallpapers (made of PVC) was higher at 25℃ than at 23℃. Also, the concentration of formaldehyde emitted from floorings made from non-PVC (wood-based) was higher at 25℃ than at 23℃. On the other hand, there was not a significant difference between the concentrations of total volatile organic compounds emission from wallpaper (made of PVC) which was stored for 2 weeks at 25℃ and 4℃ with tight sealing. In conclusion, emission characteristics of TVOC and formaldehyde from solid-phase building materials would be expected to apply to the plan for the management of indoor air quality.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        RFID is a technique that plays an important role in identifying and tracking the movement of objects by inserting small chips in objects. It is somewhat similar to bar codes from the various points of applications, but is hopefully considered to lead to t
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to survey and evaluate the contents of caffeine in commercial palatability foods by HPLC. The contents of caffeine in commercial palatability foods were 9.0-49.2 mg in black tea, 35.9-141.4 mg in coffee, 12.4-48.0 mg in green tea, 7.1-16.5 mg in brown rice green tea, 22.8 mg in cocoa tea, 10.3-25.0 mg in cola and 10.0-48.2 mg in ice bar(coffee) respectively. The contents of caffeine extracted from black tea, coffee(roasted beans) and green tea were rapidly increased for five minutes from the extraction initiation, and were not nearly changed after ten minutes. Moreover, the caffeine contents were increased until 100℃ of extraction temperature.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본연구는 시설내 다양한 환경조건하에서 오이의 호흡속도에 관한 수리적 모형을 개발하고자 실시하였다. 개개 오이 식물에 대한 총광합성속도의 8.55%가 호흡에 사용되었다. 생장호흡계수는 0.0935로 추정되었고 유지호흡속도는 24℃ 온도에서 0.00158g CH2O.g-1.h-1로 추정되었다. 그리고 그것은 온도상승에 따라 지수적으로 증가하였다. 호흡속도는 저장 탄수화물량이 낮아짐에 따라 비례적으로 감소했고 뿌리의 이온흡수호흡속도는 0.6648g CH2O.(gN)-1로 추정되었다.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시설 오이재배에서 조절가능한 환경요인들, 즉 광도, CO2 농도, 온도 그리고 엽중 질소 농도의 변화에 따른 양액재배 오이 엽의 총광합성 속도를 측정하였다. 광보상점은 10~20μmol.m-2 .s-1 정도로 낮았고 광포화점은 1000μmol.m-2 .s-1 이상이었으며, 오이의 총광합성 속도는 온도가 상승할수록 증가속도는 감소하지만 지속적인 증가를 보였으나 24~32℃ 사이에서 광합성 속도는 큰 차이를 보이지 않아 이 범위가 오이 생육에 대한 적정온도인 것으로 나타났다. CO2 보상점은 20-40μmol.mol-1 사이에 위치하였고 CO2포화점은 1200μmol.mol-1이상으로 나타났으며 엽중은 질소함량의 증가에 따른 잎의 총광합성 속도의 변화는 sigmoid형의 증가추세를 보였다. 요인들간의 상호작용 효과에서는 모든 경우 상승적으로 나타나, 한 요인의 수준이 증가함에 따라 타 요인의 수준의 증가에 따른 총광합성 속도도 상승적을 증가하였다. 각환경요인의 변화와 요인들간의 상호작용에 따른 총광합성 속도의 변화에 대한 수리적 모형을 개발하였다. 이들 모형은 시설 내 환경변이에 따른 오이의 생육 내지는 수량에서의 차이를 밝히는데 이용될 수 있으며 오이의 식물생장 모형이나 더 나아가 경영합리화를 위한 오이 생산 전문가 시스템의 개발에 필요한 기초 자료로 이용될 수 있을 것이다.
        1996.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is well known that the metallo- phthalocyanine (MPcs) are sensitive to toxic gaseous molecules such as NO2 and also chemically and thermally stable, Therefore, lots of MPcs have been studied for the potential chemical sensor for NO2 gas using quartz crystal microbalance(QCM) or electrical conductivity. In this study, ultra-thin films of octa(2-ethylhexyloxy)copper-phthalocyanine were prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett method and characterized by using UV-VIS absortion spectroscopy and ellipsometry. Transfer condition, and characterization of LB films were investigated and preliminary results of current-voltage(I-V) characteristics of these films exposed to NO2 gas as a function of film thickness and temperature were discussed.
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to select the best cryoprotectant and to establish optimal concentration of the cryoprotectant in ultrarapid freezing of mouse 4-cell embryos and morulae, respectively. We investigated survival of ultrarapid frozen embryos according to various cryoprotectants such as glycerol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Suvival of the embryos frozen at different concentrations (3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 M) of indivisual cryoprotectant was also tested. Preimplantation developmental rate (96.3%, 83/86) of 4-cell mouse embryos treated with 4.0 M ethylene glycol after ultrarapid freezing and thawing was higher than those of other cryoprotectants (glycerol, propylene glycol and DMSO). In the ultrarapid freezing of mouse morulae, the highest developmental rate (98.8%, 89 /90) of the embryos to blastocysts was shown in the group of 5.0 M glycerol. Thus, these results demonstrate that 4.0 M ethylene glycol and 5.0 M glycerol are optimal for ultrarapid freezing of 4-cell mouse embryos and morulae, respectively.
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