
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 256

        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to present a practical application method for measuring the setting time of concrete in the field, considering different concrete blending and curing environments. METHODS : In the experimental environment of the concrete setting experiment, a mold was made in the laboratory, and the curing temperature was performed at laboratory room temperature (20-25 ℃), heater (30 ℃), and dryer (40 ℃). In the field, the experimental method was performed in summer and autumn, setting experiments on penetration resistance, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and semi-calorimeter. RESULTS : The result of the concrete setting time experiment was that the early setting time was achieved in the combination of filash and slag when the concrete was mixed, and the setting time in the curing environment was the same as the early setting time in the field. The setting time measurement method shows the correlation of the high crystal coefficient at UPV with 0.99 based on PR and the good ratio of 92 % to 107 % on average. In addition, the semi-calorimeter shows a good crystal coefficient of 0.96 to 0.99 and a good setting time of 88 % to 101 % on average. CONCLUSIONS : The analysis of the setting time of the concrete shows that the curing temperature is more affected than the mixture, and it is considered that the UPV test, which evaluates the reliability of the degree of purification, is easy to sampie among the three methods.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 농업 분야 비산먼지의 배출계수와 활동도 자료는 국내의 환경조건(풍속, 습도 등)과 농업 의 특성을 반영하지 않고 미국의 인벤토리 체계를 그대로 적용해 왔다. 이 연구에서는, 활동 자료 중 하나 인 시간 해상도는 풍속 및 건기일수 적용을 통해 월별 배분계수를 도출하여 지역별로 시간 해상도를 향상 시켰고, 공간 해상도는 시·군·구에서 동과 리로 세분화하여 지역별로 공간 해상도를 향상시켰다. 이 연구를 통해, 지금 존재하는 농업분야의 비산먼지의 배출량, 활동도 자료의 개선에 중요한 자료로 활 용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the advancement of industrialization, modern industry had sophisticated technology, and manufacturers also demanded high-precision measurement accuracy. Improving the quality level by increasing the reliability of measurement results as well as accurate measurement is a key issue to increase the competitiveness of today's manufacturing industry. In general, measurement results depend on tolerances in the industrial field, and it may be difficult to guarantee the reliability of the data in the case of an industry that deals with precision parts. Currently, measurement uncertainty is mainly applied to the calibration and test fields of instruments. This study is aim to apply measurement uncertainty as a way to improve the accurate analysis and reliability of measurement results in the industrial field. For this, precision parts connected by shaft and hole were selected among geometric elements, and roundness and cylindricity were measured using a roundness measuring instrument and CMM. And, taking into account the environment in which these measurements were made, factors affecting the measurement results were derived, and a mathematical model was established to calculate the measurement uncertainty. Applying uncertainty in the field in this way is expected to improve the level of quality and accurate analysis of measurement results.
        2021.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 현장에서 실무를 경험하며 겪었던 어려움에서 출발되었다. 전시를 진행 하며 예술가들의 아티스트피 지급기준이 부재했으며 마련되어야 할 필요성을 느꼈다. 예산을 집행하는 입장에서 문제의식을 가지고 출발한 고민이었지만, 예술가들에게는 창작활동을 지속하기 위한 필수적인 제도였고, 수년간 많은 주체들이 치열하게 고민 해오고 있다. 미술계에서는 대체로 예술가의 창작환경 조성을 위한 제도 추진에 대해 긍정적인 시각으로 보고 있긴 하지만, 세부적인 내용에 대해서는 예술가·기관·화랑 등 주체별로 다양한 찬․반 의견이 오가고 있다. 예술가의 창작활동을 지속가능하게 하는 문화예술 지원정책은 일반 노동과 다른 ‘공공재’로서의 예술 노동의 특수성과 이를 반영할 수 있는 예술가 권리에 관한 법제 에 기반해야 한다. 그중 중요한 제도 중 하나로 ‘미술창작 대가기준’은 기본적인 창작 활동에 대한 존중의 의미, 전시 참여에 대한 보상의 개념이 포함된다. 여러 가지 사회적 이슈와 연구, 논의, 토론을 기반으로 발전되어온 ‘미술창작 대가기준’은 10여년간 작가를 포함한 기획자, 평론가까지 지급대상이 확대되면서 제도화 되어졌다. 예술가의 정체성, 사회적 지위와 예술 노동에 대한 이론적 배경을 기반으로 예술 가의 정당한 대가체계 형성을 위해 마련된 ‘미술창작 대가기준’에 대한 시기별 논의점과 구체적인 제도의 내용을 파악하고 그 성과와 한계점을 살펴보았다. 또한 현재 시점 에서 제도의 시행 사례를 통해 보완점을 제시하고자 하였다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was evaluated to compare annual productivity and feed value of Italian ryegrass and summer forage crops at paddy field in middle region of Korea. Italian ryegrass (Kowinearly) was used as winter forage crop, and forage rice (Youngwoo) and barnyard millet (Jeju) were used as summer forage crops. Each crop was cultivated using the standard forage cultivation method. The plant height, dry matter yield, crude protein content, and total digestible nutrient content of Italian ryegrass were 90.6 cm, 7,681 kg/ha, 9.2%, and 63.8%, respectively, and it was no significant difference by summer forage crops (p>0.05). The plant height of summer forage crops was the higher in barnyard millet than in forage rice (p<0.05). The dry matter, crude protein, and total digestible nutrient yields of summer forage crops were the higher in forage rice than in barnyard millet (p<0.05). Also, the feed value of summer forage crops was higher in forage rice than in barnyard millet. In conclusion, the combination of Italian ryegrass-forage rice was the most effective cropping system for annual forage production with high-yield and high-feed value, and it was considered the combination of Italian ryegrass-barnyard millet was good cropping system for annual forage production through reducing labor and cultivating stable at paddy field in middle region of Korea.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 2015 개정 교육과정에서 추구하는 창의융합형 인재 양성을 목표로 하여 진행된 연계⋅융합 수업의 한문과 수업 실천 사례이다. 평소 연계⋅융합 수업에서 배제되거나 도구적 역할에 머물렀던 한문과의 연계⋅융합 수업의 가능성을 확인하기 위하여 실험적으로 시도된 것이다. 자칫 특정 교과에 치우친 주제로 인식될 수 있는 민주시민교육이라는 영역에서 ‘민주주의와 참여’라는 주제로 한국사⋅통합사회 교과와 함께 연계⋅융합 수업을 진행하였다. 민주시민교육에서 추구하는 민주시민으로서의 자질과 역량을 한문과 인성역량과 연결하여 수업의 목표로 삼고, ‘한문과 인성’ 영역의 성취기준에 맞추어 과정형평가가 이루어질 수 있는 수업으로 설계하였다. 과정형평가의 수행과 분절된 교육활동을 하나로 연결하기 위해 ‘교육과정-수업-평가- 기록’을 일체화하여 수업을 진행하였다. 이는 수업의 중심을 교사에서 학생으로 이동시켜 학생들이 삶의 주체로 성장할 수 있게 돕기 위한 것이다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High voltage impulse (HVI) has been gained attention as an alternative technique that could control the CaCO3 scale problems encountered in water main, pipe, cooling tower and heat exchanger vessels. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of electric field (E) and contact time (t) of HVI on reduction of Ca2+ concentration at two different temperatures of 25℃ and 60℃. A kinetic model on the effect of E and t was investigated too. As the E and t increased, the Ca2+ concentration decreased more than that of the control (= no HVI). The Ca2+ concentration decreased up to 81% at 15 kV/cm at 60℃, which was nearly 2 times greater than the control. With these experimental data-set of reduction of Ca2+ concentration under different E and t, the kinetic model was developed. The relationship between E and t required to reduce the concentration of Ca2+ by 30% was modeled at each temperature. The empirical model equations were; E0.83· t = 60.3 at 25℃ and E0.08· t = 1.1 at 60℃. These equations state the products of En and t is always constant, which means that the required contact time can be reduced in accordance with the increment of E and vice versa.
        2021.02 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 물리 치료사의 업무 중 근골격계 장애를 유발하는 환경 적 요인 및 자세 요인에 대한 실태 조사 및 결과를 분석하고 산업안전공단 근골격계 질환 예방 메뉴얼에 따른 개선 방안을 제시하고 그 결과를 알아보기 위해 실시하였다. 방법: 본 연구에서는 신경계 치료 분야 종사자 30 명, 근골격 치료 분야 종사자 30명, 총 60명을 대상으로 하였다. 측정 방법은 물리 치료사의 치료 영상을 30 분 동안 촬영했다. 작업 자세는 2분 간격으로 15번 절단하여 분석하였다. 평가 도구는 OWAS 및 REBA를 사용한 자세 분석을 사용하였다. 근골격계 및 신경계 대상자들은 문제점을 파악하고 그에 맞는 산업안전공단 근골격계 질환 예방 매뉴얼을 통해 2주간 중재 후 변화를 측정하였다. 결과: 신체 부위 별 유병률과 특징적 분포는 신경계와 근골격계에서 허리 통증의 비율이 가장 높았다. OWAS 기준에 따른 작업 자세 분포는 신경계 분야에서 신체, 다리, 체중, 활동에서 유의한 감소를 보였으며(p <0.05), 근골격계 분야에서 다리와 활동에서 유의한 감소를 보였다(p <0.05). REBA 평가 기준에 따른 근무 태도 분포는 모두 유의한 감소를 보였다(p <0.05). 결론: 본 연구에서는 작업 관련 근골격계 증상 예방을 위한 부적절한 작업 자세 예방 교육의 중요한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있다. 근골격계 예방 교육을 마련하고 질병을 줄이기위한 환경 적 요인과 자세 요인을 바꾸는 것이 가능할 것으로 보인다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study primarily aims to develop and evaluate a Smart Station - a novel underground pipeline measure system - to overcome the challenges of conventional surveying methods. METHODS : This study built two prototypes of the Smart Station. By reflecting issues revealed through the field tests of the first prototype, this study produced the second Smart Station prototype. The organization of the hardware units in the second prototype was reconfigured to maximize its usability for operators in the field. Furthermore, by developing the ‘Digital Twin X’, an integrated Smart Station management software suite, the second prototype was capable of 1) producing a digital workbook for field operators, 2) managing underground pipeline information, and 3) displaying 3-dimensional maps in and around an underground pipeline. The applicability of the second prototype was examined through three field tests conducted in one open space location, where no urban valley effects were expected, and two locations in a downtown area, with urban valley effects. Given the actual field installation of underground pipelines, this study collected data via both conventional surveying methods and the Smart Station to evaluate the performance of the Smart Station. Analyzing the field data, this study examined the data collection time and position accuracy of an underground pipeline measured by the Smart Station. RESULTS : The field test results revealed that both the conventional surveying method and the Smart Station produced similar performances in data collection time and measurement accuracy in the open space test location. However, in the case of downtown locations affected by urban valley effects, the Smart Station achieved 100 % measurement accuracy while the conventional surveying method achieved 93 % accuracy. It was also observed during the field test that no data were collected due to the constraints of the work schedule and various field conditions (e.g., weather and/or traffic congestion). The data collection times at the open space locations were 10 s for both the conventional surveying method and the Smart Station. However, the data collection times at the downtown locations appeared to be 10 s and 360 s by the Smart Station and the conventional surveying methods, respectively, thereby proving that the Smart Station outperforms the conventional method in its measurement efficiency. CONCLUSIONS : It is envisioned that the Smart Station produces higher work efficiency for field operators as it enables them to collect high accuracy data in a timely and quick manner and not only build a database for the collected data but also vividly visualize it in the field. In the future, it is necessary to conduct additional field tests under various conditions for the in-depth investigation of a Smart Station. In addition, it is expected that the Smart Station will be enhanced by coupling augmented reality (AR) technologies.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        극단문화는 전통사회의 중요한 문화매체이다. 극단은 일정한 세속적 사회관계 네트워크 속에서 존재하며, 사람들의 ‘관습’ 의 영향을 받아 일정한 안정성을 가지고 있다. 극장이 의존하 는 ‘필드(field)’는 더 복잡한 요소도 망라한다. 이에 따라 ‘필드 (field)’에 따라 극장의 형태도 달라진다. 슈산 진하극단 발전 역사가 백 년을 넘고, 여기에서는 슈산 진하극단의 ‘필드(field)’ 문화에 대한 연구를 통해 극단의 문화 발전의 일반적인 규율을 탐구하는 것이다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, actual odor conditions were investigated in restaurants, livestock facilities, and major odor discharge facilities around daily life, and an odor modeling program was performed to find ways to improve odors in odor discharge facilities. The odor modeling results of restaurants around daily life showed that the complex odor concentration of large restaurants, which are close to residential areas, is higher than the acceptable complex odor standard at the receiving point. It was judged that a plan to increase the height of the restaurant odor outlets and a plan to reduce the amount of odor discharge was necessary. As a result of modeling the life odor of livestock housing facilities, when the distance from the housing facility is far away, the actual emission concentration is much lower than the acceptable emission concentration at the receiving point. It was judged that such facilities need to be reviewed for ways to reduce the emission of odorous substances, such as sealing the livestock housing facilities or improving the livestock environment. The main odor emission business sites that show complex odor concentration as 1,000 times or greater than the outlet odor emission standard were businesses associated with surfactant preparation, compounded feed manufacturing, textile dyeing processing, and waste disposal. Due to the separation distance and high exhaust gas flow rate, it was found that odor reduction measures are necessary. In this study, it was possible to present the allowable odor emission concentration at the discharge facilities such as restaurants, livestock houses, and industrial emission facilities by performing the process of verifying the discharge concentration of the actual discharge facility and the result of living odor modeling. It is believed that suitable odor management and prevention facilities can be operated.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 몸의 균형 능력 저하는 낙상과 매우 밀접한 관계에 있어, 본 연구에서는 낙상 위험이 높은 노년층을 대 상으로 시력과 균형 능력간의 상관성을 분석하고자 하였다. 방법 : 성남시 S복지관에서 본 연구에 참여 의사를 밝힌 고령자 중 시야에 문제가 없는 고령자 총 24명(남4, 여20, 평균 나이 74.79±4.85세)을 대상으로 하였다. 시야검사는 OPTOS로 측정하였고, 시력은 ETDRS(early treatment diabetic retinopath study)시표를 이용하여 저대비(low contrast)시력과 고대비(high contrast)시력을 측정하였다. 균형 검사는 Tetra-ataxiometric posturography(Tetrax) 프로그램을 사용하여 안정성 지수, 푸리에 지수, 체중분포율을 산출하였다. 이후 산출된 균형능력 데이터와 시력 간에 상관분석은 SPSS 26.0 프로그램을 사용하여 시행하였다. 결과 : 시력과 관련된 NO자세와 PO자세에서 고대비시력은 푸리에지수(F6~F8)와 유의한 상관성을 보였고, 저 대비시력은 푸리에지수(F6)과 안정성지수와 유의한 상관성을 보였으며(p<0.050), 고대비 및 저대비 시력이 감소 할수록 안정성지수와 퓨리에지수가 증가하여 균형능력이 저하되는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 시야이상이 없는 고령자에서는 시력이 낮으면 균형능력이 저하되기 때문에 낙상위험을 낮추기 위해서는 정기적인 시력검사와 굴절교정이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, quality keywords of frequent mention of failures were extracted by analyzing the field operational data of main battle tanks recorded for about 5 years. As a result of the data analysis, the leaf spring assembly of the crew hatches corrosion and failure was frequently occurred. FEA(Finite Element Analysis) and tests were performed to analyze the cause of the failure, and it was confirmed that durability of the leaf spring was insufficient. Therefore a design modification study was conducted to improve durability of the leaf spring, and FEA and durability tests demonstrated the improvement. As a result, the durability of leaf spring was improved at least 3.3 times compared to before improvement. This study will contribute to suggesting the use of data analysis in the defense area and improving the operability of the main battle tanks.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the grid field olfactory odor method was supplemented to the domestic situation in the surrounding areas of a domestic science industrial complex. The actual condition of the occurrence of odor frequency in the field was then investigated over the first period of late spring to summer and the second period of autumn in 2017. The frequency of odor occurrence in the area around the science industrial complex was increased as odor discharge facilities in the nearby area were concentrated. The odor occurrence frequency of the total period was 0.09~0.28, that of the first period was 0.08~0.32, and that of the second period was 0.05~0.25. The odor occurrence frequency in summer was higher than in autumn. The frequency by which the measurement of odor occurrence by smell type was most dominant was mainly smell of chemicals, plastics, and livestock houses during the first period, and the smell of chemicals, burning gases, and plastics during the second period. And the frequency of each smell type was judged to be different according to season. The odor occurrence frequency was measured as higher than 0.15, which is the standard of Germany's odor frequency in an industrial area, and it was judged that measures for odor management in the region were necessary. Since most of the odor discharge facilities are non-continuous systems and the odor generation frequency is more important than the concentration of the minimum detection concentration, it was judged that the German grid method can reflect the odor occurrence characteristics of the odor complaints or receptors for a certain period of time compared to the domestic measurement method. In the future, it was judged that the field olfactory odor method would be able to replace the evaluation method of odor assessment in Korea with the survey method of odor assessment under actual conditions in areas where it is difficult to access the odor discharge source or the receptor where odor complaints occur.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to evaluate the odor occurrence of offensive leather odor in a district in Gyeonggi-do, where Jeil industrial complex is located, and its residential district, by using olfactory field frequency measurement (Gird Method). In addition, we measured the composite odor. The target points were 9 spots in Jeil industrial complex and 12 spots in the residential district, and we conducted the measurements 13 times each spot. As a result, odor occurrence in descending order was investigated as follows, leather industry > drug industry > food industry. Moreover, odor exposure of the industrial complex exceeded the industrial zone standard of 0.15 (=German odor standard) in all 9 spots (average 0.78). In addition, odor exposure of the residential district exceeded the residential zone standard of 0.10 (=German odor standard) in 12 spots (average 0.78). All the composite odors were below 20 (industrial zone standard). However, as the odor intensity of the sampling site and the lab analysis data showed a large deviation, we found that much supplementation is needed of the odor analysis techniques in the equipment measurement methods.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify perceptions of South Korean activists who have been in contact with North Korean defectors, as well as to identify the characteristics of the voices in the field in comparison to the existing research results coming from academic circles. We conducted an in-depth interview with six South Korean activists who had long interacted with North Korean defectors. The research results are as follows. First, in the field, North Korean defectors’ language was viewed as one of the migrants who had been exposed to various environments rather than a sample of North Korean speech. Second, most informants hesitated to generalize the characteristics of North Korean defectors' speech. Rather, they pointed the speech variations found among North Korean defectors depending on various factors such as class, region of origin, generation, length of stay in South Korea, and age at time of entry. Third, they were wary of generalizing “straightness” as a characteristic of North Korean defectors' speech in recognition of the negative implications of the term. These suggest that there exists some gap between the results of academic circles done regarding North Korean defectors’ speech and language awareness in the field.
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