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        검색결과 57

        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        대왕'은 대립이며 종자 특성이 우수한 GWS91을 모본으로 하고 '석량풋콩'을 부본으로 1996년도에 인공교배를 하고 1997년부터 1998년까지 F1 - F2 양성하였다. 1999년부터 2001년도에 F3 - F5 세대를 계통육종법으로 선발한 GSL96202-2B-1-3-7계통으로 계통명은 '강원106호'이다. 주요 특성은 다음과 같다. 1. 유한신육형이며 꽃색은 자색이고 엽형은 난형이다. 입형은 구형이고 종피색은 황색, 제색은 황색이며 100립중은
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘대흑’은 밥밑용 특성이 우수한 단경 내재해 다수성 신품종 육성을 목표로 대립 장류용 품종인 대황콩과 단경 내도복 내재해 다수성 계통인 밀양 79호를 1997년 인공교배하여 계통 육종법으로 선발한 YS1298-2B-20-5-1-1-1 계통이다. 계통명은 ‘밀양158호’이고 품종등록번호는 No. 3009이며 주요특성은 다음과 같다. 1. ‘대흑’의 신육형은 유한신육형이며 화색은 자색이고 엽형은 환형이다. 모용 및 성숙기의 협은 갈색이며 종피색과 제색은 흑
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "소황"은 양질 내재해 다수성 나물콩 신품종 육성을 목표로 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 육성한 나물콩 품종으로 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. "소황"의 신육형은 유한형, 꽂색은 자색, 엽형은 피침형이며 모용색은 회색이며, 성숙기 꼬투리색은 담갈색이고, 종피색 및 배꼽색은 황색이며, 립형은 구형으로, 꼬투리는 성숙 후에도 잘 터지지 않는다. 2. "소황"의 성숙기는 9월 29일로 대비품종인 풍산나물콩 보다 10일 빠른 중생종이며, 100립중은 8
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수박에서 종자크기의 유전분석을 위해 종자크기가 다른 6계통을 양친으로 한 교배집단을 조사하였다. 전체 6계통 중 3계통은 수집 계통으로 giant seed(GS)인 'PI525088' big size(BS)인 'Charleston Gray' 그리고 medium seed(NS)인 'NT'를 사용하였으며, 다른 3계통은 보통 크기와 가장 작은 크기 계통간('NT'× 수식 이미지'TDR') 교잡 및 여교잡으로부터 육성되어 종자크기만 상이한 nea
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수박에서 종자크기가 다른 각 계통들간의 종자특성과 종자 크기의 변화에 따른 과특성을 살펴보기 위해 수박 유전자원 353 점을 대상으로 종자의 크기를 조사하고 6가지 대표적인 종자크기 형으로 분류하였으며 종자크기가 큰 순서부터 giant seed(GS), big seed(BS), medium size(NS), small size(SS), micro seed(MS), tomato seed(TS)라고 명명하였다. 종자크기가 작아질수록 종장, 종경이 작아졌고,
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "갈채"는 유색 고수율 나물콩 신품종 육성을 목표로 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 육성한 나물콩 품종으로 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. "갈채"의 신육형은 유한형, 꽂색은 자색, 엽형은 타원형이며, 모용색 및 성숙기 꼬투리색은 갈색이고, 종피색 및 배꼽색은 갈색으로 립형은 구형이다. 2. "갈채"의 성숙기는 10월 2일로 다원콩보다 6일 늦은 중생종이며, 100립중이 8.4 g으로 소립종이다. 3. "갈채"는 콩 모자이크병 중 괴저병에 강하며,
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
         A new sprout-soybean cultivar, “oseo”was developed at the Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI) in 2007. Hoseo was selected from a cross between Camp and Nattosan. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials to evaluate the performance of Iksan 57 were carried out from 2003 to 2007. This cultivar has a determinate growth habit with purple flower, grayish brown pubescence, yellow seed coat, grayish brown hilum, rhomboid leaflet shape and small seed size (7.4 g/100 seeds). The maturity date of “oseo”is 12 days earlier than the check variety, “ungsan” It has good seed quality for soybean-sprout and resistance to lodging. This cultivar has resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and necrotic symptom (SMV-N). The average yield of “oseo”was 2.51 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials (RYT) for double cropping carried out for three years from 2005 to 2007.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lipoxygenase is responsible for the beany flavor and soybean kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein is responsible for the inferior nutritional quality of unheated or incompletely heated soybean meal. Anthocyanins from black soybean seed coat are known to have many pharmaceutical effect. The object of this study is to select black soybean genotype with absence of lipoxygenase-2,3 (Lx1Lx1lx2lx2lx3lx3) and small seed size. Two cultivars (“Seomoktae” and "Gaechuck#1") were used. "Seomoktae" cultivar has the traits of small seed size, black seed coat, green cotyledon and lipoxygenase protein. "Gaechuck#1" has the traits of big seed size, black seed coat, green cotyledon and lipoxygenase free protein. In the F2 population, the several plants with small seed size and lipoxygenase free protein were selected. In F3 and F4 generation, seed size and lipoxygenase protein was comfirmed from the bulked seed harvested at field. The F5 seeds with small seed size and Lx1Lx1lx2llx2lx3lx3 genotype were planted in the field. Several agronomic traits were evaluated. The lines with appropriate agronomic traits were selected.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Isoflavone concentration(daidzein, glycitein, and genistein) of soybean(Taekwangkong and Sowonkong) were analyzed for studying the relationship between seed size and isoflavone concentration and seed coat color and isoflavone concentration. The isoflavone concentration was the greatest in daidzein then followed by genistein, however glycitein was the smallist of all. The isoflavone concentration was increased with the increasing of the ripening degree and seed size.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new sprout-soybean cultivar, "Jonam" was developed at the Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI) in 2006. Jonam was selected from a cross between Eunhakong and Jeonju-I1. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection of this line (Iksan 48) were carried out from 2002 to 2006. This cultivar has a determinate growth habit with purple flower, grayish brown pubescence, grayish brown hilum, lanceolate leaflet shape and small seed size (9.6 grams per 100 seeds). The maturity date of "Jonam" is 18 days earlier than that of the check variety, "Pungsan". It has good seed quality for soybean-sprout and resistance to lodging. This cultivar has resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and necrotic symptom(SMV-N). The average yield of "Jonam" was 2.57 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials for double cropping carried out for three years from 2004 to 2006.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new garden pea cultivar, Daehyup 2, was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2006. It was selected from the cross between Olwandu and Sachulwandu in 1996. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection of this cultivar were carried out from 2003 to 2006. It has white flower, yellow cotyledon, absent or very weakly curved pod shape and yellow seed color. It was resistant to virus and powdery mildew disease. The 100 green seed weight of Daehyup 2 was 65.5 g, which was 8.9 g heavier than check cultivar. The sucrose and total sugar contents of fresh pod of Daehyup 2 were 11.1% and 12.5%, respectively, which were 3.2% and 4.3% higher than those of Sachulwandu. The fresh pod yield of Daehyup 2 was similar to that of Sachulwandu with 12.16 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials carried out in three locations of Korea from 2005 to 2006.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new black seed coat soybean variety, “Socheong” was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2006. The goal to breed the black seed coat soybean is to develop the cultivar with high yield, lodging tolerance, resistant to disease such as soybean mosaic virus (SMV), and bacterial pustule and seed size. Socheong was selected from the cross between Milyang 78, which was late maturing, susceptible to lodging and SMV and with large seed size and green cotyledon, and Peking which was tolerant to lodging and with small seed size. The preliminary, advanced and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection of this variety were carried out from 2002 to 2006. It has determinate growth habit, white flower, brown pubescence, brown pod color, black seed coat, green cotyledon, elongated flattened seed shape, oval leaf shape and small seed size (15.7 grams per 100 seeds), and it was 3 days later in maturity than the check cultivar Cheongjakong. Socheong was higher, in the seed quality of sucrose and total sugar contents (6.8 and 8.2%) and isoflavone contents (1,754 ㎍/g) than the check cultivar. Futhermore, it has good characteristics for mechanical harvest, such as lodging tolerance, pod shattering and stem diameter. It also has been identified to have resistance to soybean mosaic virus symptom which was the troublesome soybean diseases. The average yield of Socheong was 2.21 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials carried out in four locations of Korea among seven locations from 2004 to 2006, which was 5 percent lower than the check cultivar Cheongjakong.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new sprout-soybean cultivar, “Wonhwang” was developed at the Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI) in 2005. Wonhwang was selected from a cross between Camp and Myeongjunamulkong. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection of Iksan45 were carried out from 2001 to 2005. This cultivar has a determinate growth habit with purple flower, grayish brown pubescence, grayish brow hilum, lanceolate leaflet shape and small seed size (10.0 grams per 100 seeds). The maturity date of Wonhwang is 7 days earlier than that of the check variety, Pungsan. It has good seed quality for soybean-sprout, and resistance to lodging. It has also been identified to have resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and necrotic symptom(SMV-N). The average yield of “Wonhwang” was 2.80MT/ha, which was higher by 4% than “Pungsannamulkong” at the regional yield trials.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soyasaponins A1 , DDMP-conjugated group B soyasaponins αg~;and~;βg , non-DDMP counterpart soyasaponin I, II+III, and DDMP moiety were quantified in the large-, midium-, and small-seed soybean varieties. Protein contents were ranged from 38.1% to 41.8%, and oil contents were ranged from 15.5% to 18.9%, respectively. Oil contents in the large-seed varieties were significantly higher than those of medium- and small-seed varieties. Among detected soyasaponin peaks, βg was a major soyasaponin in DDMP-conjugated group B soyasaponins followed by soyasaponin I, DDMP moiety and A1 . Soyasaponin concentration among different seed size soybean varieties. The soyasaponin concentration of mediumseed (4014.5~mug/g ) was slightly higher than those of largeseed (3755.0~mug/g ) and small-seed varieties (3620.3~mug/g ), however, the differences was statistically not significant. The composition rates of soyasaponins in the large-size seeds were 9.4% of soyasaponin A1 , 26.5% of DDMP-conjugated soyasaponins, 49.9% of non-DDMP counterpart soyasaponins, and 14.2% of DDMP moiety, respectively. Similar results were observed in the composition ratios of middle- and small-size seeds. Oil content and C:N ratio showed the significant positive correlations with total soyasaponin concentration, while the 100-seed weight, fiber, and ash contents showed the negative correlations with total soyasaponin but statistically not significant. It was noted that protein contents didn't have any relationship with group A, group B, DDMP moiety, and total soyasaponin. This fact suggested that protein contents are not affects the variation of soyasaponin concentration.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new light green seed coat Azuki bean cultivar, "Yeonkeum" was developed at the National Institute of Crop Science(NICS) and the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2005. Yeonkeum was selected from the cross between Jaja-sodun and "IT12099
        2006.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new sprout-soybean cultivar, Sokang was developed from the cross between Namhaekong and Camp by the soy-i-als for evaluation and selection were carried out from 2000 to 2004. Sokang had a determinate growth habit with white flower,grayish brown pubescen
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new vegetable soybean cultivar, “Dajin” (Milyang 125) was selected from a cross Keunolkong / Josaengbaekjo(Introduction) // Keunolkong, and was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2003 on the basis of its yield performanc
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