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        검색결과 251

        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Beauveria bassiana isolates have been used in integrated pest management, but little consideration has been given to the studies on fungal gene expressions and their functions. In this work, to determine the functions of genes, B. bassiana ERL1170 was transformed by restriction enzyme-mediated integration method, where pABeG with bar gene was used as a transformation vector. Among seven hundred of transformants, morphologically different ERL1170-pABeG-#160 transformant, particularly dysfunctional in conidiogenesis. The transformant had yellow hyphal growth on fourth strength Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA/4) and produced very small amount of conidia (<1.0×105 conidia/cm2 agar) in 7 days, whereas wild type had white mycelial growth and significantly greater conidia (3.6×106 conidia/cm2 agar). Additionally under microscopic observation, hyphae of #160 seemed like indian club, compared to the straight forms of wild type hyphae. The next work is figure out possible genes contributing the conidiogenesis of B. bassiana.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana can be used in integrated crop management and pharmaceutical applications. Recently some efforts have been given to the fungus to improve its biological performances, but low fungal transformation efficiency is one of the limitations. In this work, B. bassiana ERL1170 isolate was used for fungal transformation by restriction enzyme-mediated integration, where pBARKS1-Bbs-cecropinA was linearied using HindIII. The fungal transformation comprised two steps, preparation of competent blastospores and integration of the plasmid into the cells. To prepare competent blastospores, 2-d cultured blastospores were individually treated with 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 M lithium acetate (LiAc). Secondly in the integration step, concentration of LiAc and calcium chloride (CaCl2), and time period of heat shock were investigated as follows: LiAc, 1, 2 and 4 M; CaCl2, 50, 100 and 200 mM; and heat shock at 42℃, 20, 40 and 60 min. Consequently, combination of 0.2 M LiAc in preparing competent blastospores and 2 M LiAc and 200 mM CaCl2 in the second step showed the highest transformation efficiency. This work would be helpful in the fungal transformation of B. bassiana.
        2013.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the effects of cryogenic treatment cycles on the residual stress and mechanical properties of 7075 aluminum alloy (Al7075) samples, in the form of a tube-shaped product with a diameter of 500 nm, were investigated. Samples were first subjected to solution treatment at 470˚C, followed by cryogenic treatment and aging treatment. The residual stress and mechanical properties of the samples were systematically characterized. Residual stress was measured with a cutting method using strain gauges attached on the surface of the samples; in addition, tensile strength and Vickers hardness tests were performed. The detailed microstructure of the samples was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Results showed that samples with 85 % relief in residual stress and 8% increase in tensile strength were achieved after undergoing three cycles of cryogenic treatments; this is in contrast to the samples processed by conventional solution treatment and natural aging (T4). The major reasons for the smaller residual stress and relatively high tensile strength for the samples fabricated by cryogenic treatment are the formation of very small-sized precipitates and the relaxation of residual stress during the low temperature process in uphill quenching. In addition, samples subjected to three cycles of cryogenic treatment demonstrated much lower residual stress than, and similar tensile strength compared to, those samples subjected to one cycle of cryogenic treatment or artificial aging treatment.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구글 어스를 비롯한 인터넷 지도와 세계적인 지명관련 데이터베이스인 미국의 NGA의 GEONet지명 서버 같은 경우 정작 지명 사용자인 현지의 한국인이 이해하지 못하는 서양식 지명이 많이 발견된다. 특히 이러한 서양식 지명은 해안지명과 해저지명에 가장 흔하게 발견되고 있다. 그 지명들의 역사적인 유래를 정확히 파악할 수 있다면, 지명표준화라는 측면에서 오류 지명을 시정하고 정확한 지명이 사용될 수 있도록 할 수 있다는 점에서 매우 중요하다. 실제 18세기부터 한국해역에 자주 출몰한 서양 선박들은 통상을 요구하거나 선교의 자유를 요구하거나 아니면 단순히 포경을 비롯한 어업활동을 위해 한반도 해역을 통과하면서 언어의 장벽과 정부의 쇄금정책에 의해 현지지명을 알 수 없었고, 이러한 이유로 그들의 해도에 자신들의 명명방식에 따라 서양 명칭을 부여한 것으로 보인다. 본 연구에서 깊이 다루지 못한 러시아, 네덜란드 및 미국의 역할에 대한 연구가 더 이루어질 필요가 있다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Under the huge seismic loads, there are too many risks about which high-rise buildings lost their lateral stiffness caused by plasticity on frame members. Because of earthquake is important cause to bring the collapes countinue to human’s life, many reports examined these phenomenons in various angles. And some of them reported the high possibility about building collapse by deformation concentrations under huge earthquakes. For preventing these phenomenons, researchers suggest some items-such as adding damping devices or strengthen their ductility or stifness. This report suggests choose the method of strengthen building stiffness and suggests the alternative designs using high strength steel-SM570TMC, and provides the results of time-history analysis about the alternative designs for investigation
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고추에 큰 피해를 일으키는 탄저병에 대한 강한 길항력이 있는 세균을 선발하기 위해 선행연구에서 식물뿌리 시료로부터 분리하여 보관중인 세균들을 대상으로 검정에 사용하였다. 총 457균주로부터 IA70-5균주를 최종 선발하였고, 16S rDNA 염기서열 분석을 통해 Streptomyces padanus로 동정하였다. S. padanus IA70-5는 색소를 분비하지 않고 운동성이 없으며 전형적인 Streptomyces속에 속하는 세균들처럼 나선형의 형태를 이루고 있었다. S. padanus IA70-5 균주는 in vitro에서 Colletotrichum acutaum의 균사생장, 포자발아, 그리고 부착기 형성을 효과적으로 억제하였다. 실내 고추 과실에 대하여 병원균 접종 전 IA70-5 배양액 처리 시 약 90%의 탄저병 억제효과를 나타내었다. 본 연구결과를 통하여 길항방선균 S. padanus IA70-5는 고추 탄저병을 억제하는 효과가 있음을 확인하였다.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        표고 톱밥재배용 중온성 우량 품종을 육성하기 위해 생산성 높고 형태적 특성이 우수한 산조701호와 FMRI0857을 모균주로 선발하였다. 이들 모균주들로부터 채집된 담자포자를 발아시켜 모균주별로 20개씩 일핵균주를 선발하여 mono-mono mating을 실시하였다. 이들 중 58개 교배균주를 선발하고, 2작기의 톱밥재배 자실체 특성검정을 통해 생산성 및 형태적 특성이 우수한 균주를 최종 선발하여 산조707호라 명명하였다. 산조707호의 균사생장적온은 25℃이었고, 버섯 발생온도 범위는 10~20℃로 중온성이며, 버섯발생 및 생육은 13~18℃내외에서 가장 좋았다. 갓형태는 반구형이며 버섯의 육질이 단단하고 모균주에 비해 갓두께가 두꺼우며 갓직경과 대길이를 비교한 대길이 비율은 1.6으로 갓에 비해 대가 짧고 굵은 형태적으로 매우 우수한 특성을 보였다.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Black porgy and fat greenling are commercially important fish species due to the continuously increasing demand in Korea. When estimating acoustically the fish length by a fish sizing echo sounder, it is of crucial importance to know the target strength (TS) to length dependence. In relation to these needs, the target strength experiments for live fishes were conducted in an acrylic salt water tank using two split-beam echo sounders operating at 70 and 120kHz. The target strength under well-controlled laboratory conditions was simultaneously measured with the swimming movement by digital video recording (DVR) system and analyzed as a function of fish length (L) and frequency (or wavelength λ). Equations of the form TS-alog (L)+blog (1)+c were derived for their TS-length dependence. The best fit regression of TS on fork length for black porgy was TS=20.62 log (L, m)-0.62 log (λ, m)-30.68 (r2=0.77). The best fit regression of TS on fork length for fat greenling was TS=12.06 log (L, m)-5.85 log (λ, m)-22.15 (r2=0.44).
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북서항로의 가능성을 긍정적으로 그려 놓은 메르카토로의 1569년 세계지도와 오르텔리우스 1570년 세계지도의 등장, 로버트 더들리를 필두로 한 활동가 그룹의 새로운 권력층 부상, 1560년대 후반과 1570년대 초반 멕시코-필리핀 간 스페인의 태평양 무역항로 정착, 네덜란드를 사이에 두고 스페인과 잉글랜드의 갈등 증폭 등을 배경으로 잉글랜드로서는 스페인과의 마찰을 무릅쓰고라도 동방무역에 참가하지 않을 수 없게 된다. 그 결과 프로비셔의 북서항로 탐험, 드레이크의 세계 일주, 펫과 잭먼의 북동항로 탐험 등 일련의 북방항로 탐험이 1570년대 후반 집중된다. 한편 1550년대 잉글랜드 북방탐험에서 디의 역할은 항해에 대한 기술 자문역에 그쳤지만, 1570년대 후반에 들어서면서 대영제국이라는 자신의 아이디어에 의거해 잉글랜드의 해외 탐험이 갖는 특별한 정치적 의미를 선전하기 시작했다. 이 시기에 메르카토르, 디, 오르텔리우스, 해클루트 사이에 북극지방의 지리 지식을 놓고 활발한 서신교환이 이루어진다. 잉글랜드 지식인과 탐험가들은 북방영토에 대한 관심 때문에 메르카토르의 지식이 필요했고, 마찬가지로 메르카토르의 입장에서는 계속된 탐험으로 축척된 북방영토에 관한 잉글랜드의 정보가 필요했던 것이다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to demonstrate the sociocultural significance of architectural journals produced in the 1970s during which a fundamental reconsideration of architectural discipline has been made. To this end, we established a method of analysis adapted to the characteristics of architectural journals of that period. In this formulation, the relative autonomy of architectural journal with regard to various actors and institutions involved in its production emerged as a major criterion for the analysis of a journal. From this methodological reflection, we analyzed two French architectural journals, AMC published between 1973 and 1981 and l’Architecture d'Aujourd'hui between 1974 and 1977, which were produced both in close relation with parisian architectural schools (UPA) in the context of reestablishment of architectural education and beginning of architectural research in France after the events of May 1968. If these journals reflected and strengthened the architectural reality and especially the social network of their protagonists, it is equally important to note that they have transformed it into cultural network, and this by the mechanism proper to their preparation and their textual organization.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper was to research the history of Korean restaurants in Manhattan, NY in the 1960's-1970's. These Korean restaurants were the pioneers in the globalization of Korean food. It is assumed that 'Mi Cin' was the first Korean restaurant in Manhattan and opened on March 1st, 1960. In the 1960's, it is estimated that there were four Korean restaurants in Manhattan. In the 1970's, the number of Korean restaurants increased to more than 18, and their main menu items were divided into three types: Korean fusion menu such as 'Lunch Special' for American customers, beef barbecue menu for American and Korean customers, and Korean traditional menu for increasing Korean immigrants.
        2011.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the suppressive activity of 70% ethanol extract and its dichloromethane fraction from Auricularia auricula-judae against adipogenesis and lipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. The ethanol extract and its dichloromethane fraction suppressed the differentiation and decreased lipid droplets in vitro. The dose-dependent increasing concentration of glycerol and lower triglycerides accumulation were found significantly (P < 0.05) with the treatment of both fractions from 70% ethanolic Auricularia auricula-judae extract and the glycerol-3-3phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) activity was also inhibited by both extracts. Further, the expression of adipogenic mRNAs were investigated by RT-PCR amplification. The key transcriptional factors, PPARγ and C/EBPα were decreased significantly at dose-dependent manner by both extracts of Auricularia auricula-judae. The expressions of LPL and FAS were also decreased by presence of these extracts. The decreased expressions of C/EBPβ, C/EBPγ and ACC1 were observed only by ethanol extract at 300 μg/ml concentration, while the expression of SREBP-1c, GLUT4 and aP2 were not altered in the 3T3-L1 adipocytes. These changes were occurred without the cytotoxic effect of both extracts against 3T3-L1 adipocytes in vitro. A positive control, fenofibrate inhibited the differentiation, triglycerides accumulation through PPARγ signaling by 2/3 reduction of PPARγ expression. Thus, these findings suggest that both extracts of Auricularia auricula-judae might be used to inhibit the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and reduction of triglycerides accumulation.
        2011.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the antitumor activity of solvent fractions from Auricularia auricula-judae 70% ethanol extract and confirmed the active components of dichloromethane fraction showing a potent antitumor activity than other fractions in the broncheoalveolar and gastric cancer cells. The solvent fractions of Auricularia auricula-judae extract, inhibited the growth proliferation of tumor cells in dose-dependent manner. The principle components of dichloromethane fraction were 5,11,17,23-tetrakis (1,1-dimethyl)-28-methoxypentacyclo [ (3,7).1 (… (65.85%) and diazane (6.17%). The antitumor active components, diazane and gibberellic acid (GA3) were identified in this fraction by GC-MS analysis and lower antitumor activities than dichloromethane fraction. The unknown components of dichloromethane fraction were responsible for its cytotoxic effects on tumor cells. Based on IC50 value, gibberellic acid was little cytotoxic itself. According to PCR amplification, the apoptosis of tumor cells were induced by the down-regulation of Bcl-2 and over-expression of P53 on the presence of solvent fractions, diazane and gibberellic acid. Thus, these findings suggest that the dichloromethane might be used as functional feed additive that suppress the tumor growth in the body than other solvent fractions of Auricularia auricula-judae extracts.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was attempted to seek for a positive approach within the framework of physical therapy instead of the drug treatment in the past, with regard to the ischemic brain injury in the early stage. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to observe the change of HSP27 and HSP70, the genes that are expressed in the early stage of brain injury and to investigate the effects of needle electrode electrical stimulation(NEES), upon applying NEES after ischemia. The experimental method is to give rise to global ischemia and apply NEES to 27 SD-Pat rats with the particulars of being eight-week-old, male, around 300g, and adapted to laboratory environment for more than a week, and divide them into three groups, that is, GV20 NEES group(n=9), L14 NEES group(n=9), no applied NEES global ischemia(GI) group(n=9), and then observe their changes of HSP27 and HSP70 at the time lapse of 6, 9 hr and 12 hr after ischemia, using immunohistochemistry methods. Upon observing through the immunohistochemistry method, it was noticed that there was a significant difference between the GV20 NEES group and the L14 NEES group as for HSP27 and there were significant differences among all groups as for HSP70(p<.05). Accordingly, it is supposed that the application of NEES after the outbreak of cerebral ischemia delay the apoptosis in the early ischemic part of forebrain or protect neurons against apoptosis.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 sheep fescue 70%와 야생화 30%의 파종비율로 조성한 야생화초지의 생육특성, 계절분포 및 식생비율을 구명하고자 충남대학교 내 초지시험포장에서 2007년 10월부터 2009년 12월까지 수행하였다. 공시초종은 기본초종인 잔디형 목초로 sheep fescue (Azure)와 국내산 야생화 4종과 외국산 야생화 29종 등 총 33종을 공시하였다. 1년차(2008) 야생화의 개화당시의 평균초장은 1년차 29.9 cm, 2년차 38.4 c
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Real-time PCR could help to provide answers to urgent questions about the incidence, prevalence, and epidemiology of currently emerging food-borne bacteria and diseases as identification and detection tools. The objective of this study was carried out to examine several critical parameters that must be optimized when converting from the ABI Prism 7000 SDS platform to the Cepheid SmartCycler Ⅱ so as to directly use the same primer and probe sequences. A lyophilized master mix-OmniMix HS bead, MgCl2 concentration, and PCR cycling conditions were evaluated so as to convert to a new platform, Smartcycler Ⅱ. The best optimal cycling conditions to detect Cronobacter sakazakii on SmartCycler Ⅱ were as follow: initial denaturation at 95℃ for 2 min followed by 45 cycles of 95℃ for 15 s, and 60℃ for 60 s using OmniMix HS bead contained 6 mM MgCl2 concentration. And the Ct value was 16.97 compared to 23.84 of Ct value in ABI Prism 7000 SDS. This result showed that when the several analytical parameters were taken the consideration for optimization, it could be performed assays between real-time PCR platforms. Also it is need of further study to develop the new single multiplex real-time PCR method for determining various Cronobacter spp. including three subspecies, too.