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        검색결과 318

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Park Jae-hyun & Kim Han-sham. 2015. “Study on Development of Broadcasting Language Assessment Scales using Analytic Hierarchy Process”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(3). 91~112. Existing discussions about assessment scales of broadcasting language had different assessment items according to the point of view and there were many restrictions to actually use them because no consideration was made to importance of assessment items. This study aims to develop assessment scales with high validity and effectiveness for broadcasting language. For this, logical structure of evaluation category and assessment items of broadcasting language were drawn on the basis of advanced researches on requirements for broadcasting language. With respect to evaluation category and assessment items of broadcasting language, weight rating was conducted on 14 Korean language experts and 14 broadcasting experts using the analytic hierarchy process. As for the evaluation category based on assessment result, relative importance was calculated in the order of fairness(31.5%), publicness(26.15%), accuracy(24.75%), and soundness(17.60%). As for the evaluation items, ranking was determined in the order of ‘Do you use expressions with low dignity?’, ‘Do you use discriminatory expressions?’, ‘Do you use biased expressions?’, and ‘Was incorrect transcription exposed on the subtitles?’ In addition to this, discussion was made about differences in evaluation outcome of Korean language experts and broadcasting experts.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국어와 일본어는 중국어와는 달리 어순이 거의 같으며 조 사가 있고, 어간에 접미사를 결합시켜 변화시키는 膠着語로서 의 공통점이 있기 때문에 표기법의 발달 과정이 매우 유사하였 다. 본 고찰에서는 고대 한·일 양국의 문장 표기법에 한하여 그 발달과정을 검토하면서, 이두문에 쓰인 이두와 간략문자(略體 字)가 일본에서도 사용된 사례를 파악하는 데에 역점을 두었 는데, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻게 되었다. 먼저, 고구려의 생략문자 “卩“가 백제에 전래되어 쓰여진 사 례가 『增補韓國金石遺文』에서 발견되었다. 한국어는 다음절 이기에 한자로서 표기하기에는 한계가 있어 결국은 한글이라는 문자를 창제하게 되지만, 일본은 단음절이기에 한자로서의 표 기가 가능하여, 한자를 초서체로 쓰는 과정에서 하라가나와 가 다카나가 만들어져 국자로서 정착하게 된다. 일본의 경우, 훈전 용표기법 내지는 경어표기 등의 표기체에 있어서 도래인의 영 향이 있었던 것은 法隆寺의 금석문에서 확인할 수 있다. 그리 고 고대한국의 이두문에서 쓰여진 ‘叱’,’支’,’之’,’賜’,’者’,’在’등의 용법은 고대 일본문에서도 쓰여지고 있었다는 것을 알게 되었 다. “仁王經”의 구결체는 일본의 히라가나·가다카나와의 유사한 문자가 보이지만, 현재로서는 서로의 영향관계는 없을 것으로 추정된다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 식품안전보건지표의 개발과정을 정립하기위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 국내 식품안전보건지표의 개발과정을 제안하고, 제안된 과정에 대해 시뮬레이션을 함으로서 타당성 검사를 실시하고, 개발된 지표의 활용방안을 제시하였다. 국내 식품안전보건지표 개발과정은 국내환경보건지표 개발과정을 주로 참고하여 설계되었으며, DPSEEA 모형을 적용하였다. 제안된 식품안전보건지표를 개발과정은 크게 개발단계와 운용단계로 나뉜다. 개발단계는 초기지표 제안, 후보지표 선정, 자료 현황 조사, 실행가능성 평가, 파일럿 스터디, 최종 지표 선정의 6단계로 구성되며, 운용단계는 주기적인 지표의 산출과 공표로 구성된다. 개발의 6개 단계는 전반적인 식품안전보건지표 개발을 총괄하는 Task Force팀과 각 개발 단계에서 제안된 지표를 검토 및 평가하는 자문위원회(최소 학계 4명, 연구계 2명, 식약처 관련부서 전문가 4명)의 단계적 역할분배를 통해 운영되도록 하였다. 제안된 과정의 타당성검토를 위해 시뮬레이션을 시행한 결과 제안된 45개의 초기지표중 최종적으로 4개의 지표(세부지표 17개)가 선정되었다: ‘국산 과일·채소류 내 잔류농약/제초제 잔류랑 적합판정비율’, ‘식품매개질환사고(outbreak) 발생 수’, ‘식품매개(food-borne) 법정전염병의 발생률’, ‘살모넬라 식중독(Salmonellosis) 발생률’. 선정된 지표는 지수화를 통해 효과적으로 활용될 수 있다. 2010~2012년의 지표를 토대로 비율차를 적용한 통합식품안전보건지수를 산출한 결과 2010년 대비 2011년, 2011년 대비 2012년의 통합식품안전 보건지수로 10.37과 9.87이 산출되었다. 이는 식품안전보건상태가 2010년에 비하여 2011년에 10.37%, 2011년에 비해 2012년에 9.87% 호전되었음을 의미한다. 또한, 개별지표의 변화를 살펴봄으로서 변화율에 기여도가 큰 지표를 파악할 수 있으며, 통합식품안전보건지수를 도식화함으로서 대중과 정책입안자의 이해를 높일 수 있다. 이와 같이 식품안전보건지표는 다방면으로 효율적으로 활용될 수 있기 때문에 앞으로 더욱 큰 관심과 함께 법안의 제정과 활발한 연구가 필요하다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        차량산업의 기술 패러다임이 소비자의 편의 및 안전기능의 증가와 기술융합 (Convergence)과 더불어 소프트웨어가 핵심적 역할을 하는 시스템기반의 융합 아키텍처 형 태로 진화하고 있다. 이처럼 소프트웨어가 핵심 혁신요소로 대두되는 환경에 따라 R&D 개 발 프로세스를 기계, 품질, 소프트웨어 등 이질적 프로세스를 통합하려는 시도가 있어왔지만, 실제 산업현장에서는 각각의 개발 프로세스가 개별적으로 운영되고 있어 이러한 혼란을 방 지하기 위한 실용적 통합 R&D 프로세스의 개발이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 프로세스 통합관련 기존 연구를 토대로 주요한 프로세스 통합 요건들을 분 석하고, 실제 차량 산업현장의 문제점 조사 및 분석을 통해 차량 전장품에 적합한 R&D 프로세스의 통합 모형 및 통합 프로세스를 제시하였다. 특히, 부품 단계에서부터 완성차 단계까 지 연결된 통합 프로세스를 개발하기 위하여 실제 산업계의 완성차와 전장품 업체에서 적용 하고 있는 개별 프로세스의 장단점을 비교 분석하였고, 전장품의 구성요소인 시스템, 소프트 웨어, 하드웨어 등 분야별 프로세스의 상관관계 연구를 통해 수행하였다. 마지막으로 본 연 구에서 제시한 통합 프로세스 모델은 현재 일부 전장품 업체에 적용되고 있으며, 모델 개선 을 위한 모니터링을 진행하고 있다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The EMI shield material with narrow width has some deficiencies in shielding capability and this deficiencies are caused by the inconsistent relationship between the inductance and temperature after heat treatment. This study is performed to develop a nano crystal magnetization heat treatment process technology and design a EMI shielding material with wide width up to 350mm. As a result, the performance of the developed wide EMI shield material satisfies all the objects of this study such as the inductance, thickness, permeability, ribbon productivity, lamination productivity. Also, we find that this wide EMI shield material can be used effectively for the EMI shield room, large medical equipment and so on.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Greece wine production has shown swinging trends: in 2013 it grew by 17,9% reaching 3.7 Million Hectoliters (USDA), but it 2014 it decreased by 15% (Greek Wine Federation), whilst grape prices went up. Greece has a huge potential, but it is still a small producer in Europe. The Greek wine industry got through several phases: before the 80s the product was quite “poor”, but with the entrance in the market of some educated winemakers who have introduced a new business philosophy and approach to wine, production has changed (GaiaWines.gr). The population of firms consist of a few larger producers, and most of the companies are relatively small. Although the quality has been improved, most of the production is addressed to the domestic market, since only few producers have established export networks (Vlachvei et al., 2012). Thus, the economic crisis that affected Greece has created difficulties also for domestic sales. Background research has outlines some of the limits of the Greek wine industry: according to Vlachvei et al. (2012),the new competitive challenges require owner and managers to achieve a better understanding of operational and marketing process that can contribute to the development of their brand in order to develop an integrated marketing communication approach. The Greek wine sector is extremely fragmented with a high predominance of small size firms; as size increases, the degree of professional organization grows, as well as the relative presence of foreign markets (Papalexiou, 2009). Thus, it has been recognized that Greek wine export is disorganized (Baiocchi, 2011; Papalexiou, 2009). The limits imposed by UE to plantings have affected Greece growth strategy: Greece is still a small producer and although it shows similarities with the south of Italy, it is impossible to think to follow the “Italian Style” (Baiocchi, 2011). Thus the urgency of undertaking a propter model for the development of the industry is seen as a priority for the Greek wine system. Wineries have seen in related businesses an effective tool for improving the competitiveness of the wine industry (Papalexiou, 2009); a lot has been done for achieving an integration between wine tourism and the wine business. Background research describes the experiments undertaken around wine routes, conceived as a useful tool for improving the wine sector (Hall & Mitchell, 2000) and for the development of rural areas (Karafolas, 2007). In 2014 the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission has undertaken a Smart Specialization pilot project that involves rural areas in Northern Greece, in order to foster local economic development by adopting an entrepreneurial discovery approach (EDP). JRC can be considered as a source of technology generation and a service that provides expert advice to the institutions of the European Union and more specifically to the European Commission and the European Parliament (Moncada-Paterno`-Castello, 2003). It can be guessed how JRC outcomes could impact citizens’ lives. From September 2014 for 15 months JRC has been involved in the European Parliament Preparatory Action; the aims of this project are: to facilitate the refinement and implementation of the RIS3 strategy in a region heavily hit by the crisis; and to serve as a model for other convergence regions in Greece and Europe (from JRC website). The project has seen the collaboration of JRC – IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies) with DG Regio and the Managing Authority of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The wine sector has been selected, together with few others for the preparatory action. The approach that has been adopted was the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP), in order to allocate resources under the guide of entrepreneurial actors, from the public and private sector. EDP is “a process in which the entrepreneurial actors are discovering and producing information about new business and innovation activities and the government is collecting, assessing and transforming this knowledge into policy action” (http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/s3-governance).EDP plays a leading role in the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3): EDP suggests that the allocation of resources is the result of a process undertaken by entrepreneurial actors. It emerges how innovative this process is, if compared to past industrial policies. EDP contributed to minimise failures of market innovation. The Smart Specialisation perspective let entrepreneurs discovering the right domains of future specializations (Foray, 2012). A newer approach to regional competitiveness (Ketels, 2013) has been followed by European Commission, that, in order to promote an efficient and effective public funding policy in regional economic development (Mempel-Śnieżyk, 2013), has actively supported Smart Specialisation Initiatives. On the other side, S3 has a prior role in the EU Regional and Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 (Martínez-López & Palazuelos-Martínez, 2014). This paper examines the role that EDP and S3 have had in the definition of a strategy for the development of the local wine industry. The paper aims to answering to the following research questions: What are the elements seen as priorities from entrepreneurs for developing the local wine industry in Greece? Is there an overlapping between the findings emerging from JRC workshops and those that have been pointed out by relevant opinion makers and experts in the Greek wine industry? What about the effectiveness of EDP in wine? The paper is structured as follows: In the first part a description of the Greek wine industry will be carried out; in a second section authors will point out JRC’s EDP approach; thirdly an analysis of data collected from JRC sessions and from interviews with international experts in Greece will be performed. 9 experts that took part to the workshop will be interviewed. Data will be collected through telephone interviews and web based survey; once collected data will be analyzed through a text analysis. A literature review on EDP and theoretical issues that have inspired the organization of JRC sessions will be presented in order to support Research Questions. The papers ends up with a discussion and conclusions in order to provide inputs for professionals, and policy makers.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Developing two process models to simulate wastewater treatment process is needed to draw a comparison between measured BOD data and estimated process model data: a mathematical model based on the process mass-balance and an ANN (artificial neural network) model. Those two types of simulator can fit well in terms of effluent BOD data, which models are formulated based on the distinctive five parameters: influent flow rate, effluent flow rate, influent BOD concentration, biomass concentration, and returned sludge percentage. The structuralized mass-balance model and ANN modeI with seasonal periods can estimate data set more precisely, and changing optimization algorithm for the penalty could be a useful option to tune up the process behavior estimations. An complex model such as ANN model coupled with mass-balance equation will be required to simulate process dynamics more accurately.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        System is the organization of hardware, software, personnel and facilities needed to perform a designated function within a stated environment with specified results. The trend of modern systems is getting more complex and larger. The system is necessary for modern society but the minor malfunction of the system can result the enormous human and material losses. Recently it is being heightened the concern for system safety and required to be built and applied Safety Engineering standard Guideline for safety of complex and large-sized system. This paper describes the System Engineering Process model integrated with Safety Engineering and the establishment of standard safety guidelines for safety of product development using DMADOV Methodology of the Lean 6 Sigma.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The weapon systems development has some distinct characteristics in that a big size of government budget (derived from national tax) has been expended frequently and the completion of the development projects seems to take long. Thus, the impact of the potential changes in the required operational capability on the development activities can induce some type of project risks. As such, proper management of project risk has been one of crucial subjects in the weapon systems development. Although a variety of methods can be considered, an approach based on the test and evaluation (T&E) process has been selected in this paper in order to appropriately handle those potential risks. In the study of the underlying T&E process, the safety consideration (for instance, explosiveness) of weapon systems is also included. To achieve the objective of the paper, a step-by-step procedure is first presented in the analysis of the T&E process. Then, to pursue some enhancement on the process, a set of necessary and useful activities are added in terms of risk and safety management. The resultant process is further analyzed and tailored based on a design structure matrix method. The case study of a tank development is also discusse
        2015.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 방류수 수질 강화에 따라 총인 처리시설의 설치와 응집제 사용량이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구는 유입하수에 포함된 응집제 성분(Al3+, Fe3+ 등)을 활용하여 PO43-와 응집시킴으로써 하수처리공정에 별도의 응집제 주입 없이 총인 농도를 0.2mg/L 이하로 제거할 수 있는 MBR 하수처리공정을 개발하는 것이다. 활성슬러지와 차아염소산나트륨으로 제조한 알칼리슬러지를 MBR 공법의 생물반응조에 주입하여 적정 pH를 유지시킴으로써 유입하수 중의 용존성 이온을 상호 응집시켜 고형화 하였고 분리막으로 고액 분리하여 하수처리수의 총인 농도를 0.2mg/L이하로 달성하였다. 이 연구를 통해 개발한 공법은 응집제 주입 없이 하수처리수의 총인 농도를 0.2mg/L이하로 제거하여 약품비용을 절감에 기여할 것으로 예상된다.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해외 농촌개발의 계획수립부터 사업완료까지 과정은 의사결정의 연속이며 수혜국에서 사업지역이 선정 되면, 농촌개발 프로젝트 우선순위 결정을 위한 과정이 필요하다. 본 연구는 우선순위 의사결정방법인 AHP를 네팔 극서부 지역의 다델두라 주민을 대상으로 적용하여 준비·실행·분석 과정에서 나타나는 문제점 발견 및 개선방안을 제시하여 AHP 적용 효율성을 증대시키고자 수행하였다. AHP 계층구조는 우선순위 결정을 위한 3가지 평가기준과 8가지 대체요소(프로젝트)로 구성되었다. 평가기준는 쌍대비교를 통해 우선순위를 결정하였고 대체요소(프로젝트)는 요소간의 쌍대비교 경우의 수가 많아지고 일관성이 떨어지는 문제점을 극복하기 위해 절대평가법을 적용하였다. 분석결과, 우선순위 결정 평가기준으로 프로젝트를 통한 수혜자 명수(주민수)를 가장 중요시하는 것으로 나타났으며 교육, 공중보건/위생, 소득증대를 순서적으로 가장 선호하는 프로젝트로 꼽았다. 문제점으로는 여러 번의 사전 설문조사, 절대평가법의 적용, 최소한의 평가기준 설정을 통한 설문지보완이 이루어졌으나 주민들의 쌍대비교 설문에 대한 이해 부족으로 응답의 비일관성 비율이 높아 분석에서 제외되는 설문지 비율이 높았다. 연구 지역과 같은 저개발국가의 농촌지역에서 해외농촌개발 우선순위 결정을 위한 AHP을 적용시 비슷한 현상이 발생할 것으로 예상된다. AHP 적용 효율증대를 위한 세가지 방안을 제안한다. 첫째, 설문 전에 응답대상자에게 평가기준과 대체요소에 대한 충분한 설명을 제공해 준다. 둘째, 영어가 가능한 대상자를 위해 영어와 현지어 설문지를 동시활용하여 응답대상자의 이해도를 높인다. 셋째, 설문지 구성 전에 지역단위 또는 마을단위의 지도자를 소집하여 포커스 그룹 토의에 의한 질적 연구방법을 적용하여 현지의 실제적인 요구를 반영하는 설문지를 구성한다. 이 방법을 통해 도출된 주민요구는 대체요소(프로젝트)를 구성할 수 있는 현실적인 정보를 제공하고 있어 AHP분석의 사전 단계로 활용하는 혼합방법은 분석의 신뢰성을 높여줄 것으로 기대된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Super air heater devices have some advantages such as compact structure, energy-saving, long service life and convenient installation. In this paper, an automatic production process for air heaters is proposed to compensate some disadvantages of the manual process. The enhancement of production efficiency and productivity is confirmed through the heat treatment performance test decreasing defectiveness rate of 0.23% compared with the previous device.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modern weapon systems are getting more complex in terms of the functionality and also the conditions on the environment and range in which they are deployed and used. Therefore, many development programs can easily be exposed to a variety of risks, resulting in delayed schedules and cost overrun. As such, effective means are necessary to keep the defence budget at an affordable level while competitive edges on technological aspects are retained. As one way to meet those need, modeling and simulation (M&S) methods have widely been used, particularly in the test and evaluation (T&E) process for weapon systems development. The result of M&S-based systems development should be evaluated by the verification, validation & accreditation (VV&A) process to assure keeping reliability at a desired level. On the other hand, due to the explosiveness, the weapons systems development naturally requires to consider safety issues in both the T&E and operational periods. The purpose of this paper is to improve the VV&A process by reflecting the safety requirements therein. To do so, the VV&A process has been analyzed and graphically modeled first and then safety elements have been incorporated effectively. The use of the improved process in the war ships development has also been discussed. Based on the process proposed and the consequent database constructed, the target system can be expected to benefit from reducing development risks while assuring systems safety.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        신제품 또는 신기술의 개발은 기업의 생존과 직결한 문제로써 급변하는 경영환 경과 심화하는 경쟁 속에서 성과 창출과 향상에 대한 관심이 증대하고 있다. 그러나 중소기 업은 국가 경제에서 차지하는 위상에 비해 규모와 보유자원 등의 한계를 가지므로 국가에서 는 다양한 정책적 지원을 제공한다. 조직수명주기에 관한 연구에 따르면 성장단계별로 기업 의 한계와 애로사항이 다르므로 차별적 지원이 이루어져야 할 필요가 있음을 알 수 있다. ‘2011년 중소기업기술통계’에 응답한 2,575개 기업 자료를 대상으로 기술개발공정의 기술 능력 수준과 편차가 R&D 매출성과에 어떤 영향을 끼치는지 검증하였다. 분석 결과, 기술능 력 수준은 R&D 매출성과에 정(+)의 영향을 끼쳤다. 또한, 기술능력의 편차와 R&D 매출성과 간에 관계를 정부지원이 조절하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 하지만, 정부지원이 기술수준이 R&D 매출성과에 미치는 영향을 성장단계별로 다르게 조절할 것이라는 가설에 대한 실증 분석 결 과 성장단계별로 조절효과가 유의적으로 각각 다르게 나타났다. 연구의 이론적인 시사점은 성장단계를 고려하지 않은 단순한 역학관계를 떠나 좀 더 실제 로 복잡한 중소기업 환경을 직시할 수 있는 현실적인 인과 모형을 제시하였고, 따라서 다양 성을 다각적인 방법으로 측정하여 연구변수로 활용해야하는 당위성을 마련하였다. 또한 실 무적 시사점은 성장단계별 정부지원에 대한 정책을 차별적으로 수립할 수 있고, 각자 다른 성장단계에 있는 중소기업으로 하여금 맞춤식의 정책을 순응하도록 하여 정부지원금의 효과 적으로 사용할 수 있는 가이드라인을 제시하였다는 것이다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 장기간 타문화권에서 살다가 다시 한국사회에 돌아온 기독교 선교사들이 한국사회에 재정착하는 과정과 그들의 타문화 경험이 어떻게 평생학습을 통해 한국사회에서 개인의 경력으로 개발할 수 있는지에 대한 탐구를 목적으로 한 질적 연구이다. 본 연구에서 차용한 근거이론 방법론에 따라 분석된 정착과정은 다음과 같다. 타문화권에서 돌아온 이들은 한국사회에 정착하는 과정으로서 변화인식기(평생학습 필요단계), 불안정함 표출기(경력개발 추구단계), 문제상황 인식과 돌파기(평생학습 시작과 경력개발 초기단계), 구체적 행동실행기(평생학습을 통한 경력개발 단계)를 거쳐 자신과 타인, 사회 속에서 편안함을 느끼는 환경 속 적응과 정착기에 도달하는 과정을 보여주었다. 본 연구는 선교사 개인의 관점에서 선교지와 한국에서의 삶을 연결하며 스스로 정체성을 분명히 하는 무경계 경력과 프로티언 경력 개발을 위한 적극적 행동과 방법을 제시하였다. 또 이들을 파송했던 교회와 선교단체에게는 돌아온 이들의 심리적 적응을 도울 수 있는 프로그램과 사역의 플랫홈 제공이 필요함을, 사회적으로는 다문화 사회의 사회통합 및 인적자원관리 측면에서 이들의 정착을 도울 것을 제시하였다.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It developed 836 units on the classification of KECO. But. Actual companies do not take advantage of improvements in job competency and production processes. This study is improved manufacturing industry production process use to developed the national competency standards(NCS). After we finds process problems, develop production process improvement method.
        2014.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 에너지절약 및 자원절약 차원으로 전 세계적으로 가전제품 및 자동차 부품 등에 대하여 재사용, 재활용, 재제조 등에 대한 법적 규제 및 의무화를 추진하고 있으나 아직 우리나라는 재제조에 대한 판심과 정부의 지원 정책이 이루어지고 있으나 아직 활발하게 산업 발전이 이루어지지 못하고 있는 실정 이다. 득히 자원순환법이 고시되면서부터 재제조에 대한 인식과 이에 판련된 부품의 재제조 기초연구를 버롯한 기반기술 개발이 진행되고 있으며 디양한 부품에 대하여 재제조 기술 개발 및 품질인증이 추진되고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 자동차 부품의 승차감올 향상시키는 쇽업쇼버에 대하여 재제조와 관련된 재제조 공정을 비롯하여 재제조 검사기준 등에 대하여 연구하여 관련 산업체에서 활용 가능하게 연구하였다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        How to manage these marketing and R&D functions is very important in the new product development (NPD) process. Which function should have more power to make more decisions? Previous study seldom touched this question. Further, according to strategic contingent theory, perceived uncertainty is very important determinant for power structure in the NPD process (Hickson, Hinings, Schneck, & Pennings, 1971). However, Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) argued that there is indeterminacy between environment and power structure. Thus, is external environmental uncertainty related to power structure in the NPD process? Resource dependence theory gives us a hint to solve this puzzle, that is, the concept of institutionalization (Pfeffer, 1981; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978). The current study tends to adopt NPD duration reflected institutionalization (Pfeffer, 1981) to examine the moderating effect of NPD duration on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and marketing-R&D power structure in the NPD process. In general, power is defined as that the relation among social actors in which a specific social actor can potentially influence the decision to achieve his or her desire outcomes (Dahl, 1957; Emerson, 1962; Pfeffer, 1981; Salancik & Pfeffer, 1977). This definition also suggested that power is the structure in human aggregates like complex organization (Pfeffer, 1981). Thus, the power structure in the NPD process is defined as the proportion of decision making by marketing and R&D functions in the NPD process. When a NPD team faces the high market uncertainty, marketing function can gather more resources because of its special ability. A new product team has the limited resources, so another important function like R&D will have fewer resources than marketing function. Thus, our first hypothesis is that the higher market uncertainty, the more power marketing function has. R&D members have background knowledge to overcome the difficult of processing technological language and decide the main resolutions. The team will tend to allot more resources to deal with the problems of technological change as such the R&D members can buy the license of new technologies to apply it on their new products and to create the disruptive innovation like smartphones or tablets successfully. Therefore, the second hypothesis is that the higher technology uncertainty, the more power R&D function has. According to resource dependence theory, however, the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure does not always exist (Pfeffer, 1981; Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) indicated that the perceived environmental uncertainty of a subunit is weakly related to subunit’s power structure when an organization is highly institutionalized. When one subunit has more power than others, it tends to maintain the current power structure. So, the subunit makes rules or norm to formalize its power legally. This process is so called institutionalization (Pfeffer, 1981; Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). In general, as time goes by, organizations will form their own social norms, and some of these norms will become the principles or rules in organizations (Pfeffer, 1981). As a result, when NPD time is long, marketing and R&D functions form norms or official rules. Then, the relationship between their perceived environmental uncertainty and power structure in the NPD process is weaker than the relation in the shorter duration of NPD. Therefore, our hypothesis is that the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure in the long-run project time is weaker than the relationship in the short-run project time. The current study used questionnaire survey and purposive sampling method to collect data. In order to eliminate the bias of common method variance (CMV), this study conducted multiple sources including project managers, the member charging marketing, and the member charging R&D to administrate questionnaires differently. In order to avoid selection bias, this study, moreover, asked the informants select the most recent new products developed and launched for minimum of twelve months. We sent three types of questionnaires to project managers, the member charging marketing, and the member charging R&D respectively. The current study sent questionnaires to 112 firms, and 69 firms are returned. The response rate is 61.61%. At new product level, there are 207 new product projects, and 100 firms are returned. The response rate is 48.31%. We also do tests of bias due to nonresponse which were conducted by using a comparison of early to late respondents’ all variable means (Armstrong & Overton, 1977). No evidence of a bias was found. Our variables are included market and technology uncertainty, and power structure which the left side is totally decided by marketing and the right side is totally decided by R&D. Moreover, NPD time is from star-up projects to launch it. In order to rule out other effects, we controlled industrial category, firm age, the number of marketing and R&D members involved in the NPD process, environmental hostility, and NPD process formalization. Every overall fit index in our measurement model is shown that χ(55)^2=71.5259,p-vaule=.066,χ^2/df=1.30<2, goodness of fit index=.90,adjusted goodness of fit index=.84,comparative fit index=.97,normed fit index=.87,non-normed fit index=.95, and root mean square error of approximation=.06. In general, all fit indexes in our measurement model are acceptable, and the average variance extracted (AVE), composite reliability (CR), and Cronbach’s α of all constructs are acceptable. Their ranges are .45-.70, .70-.93, and .75-.93 respectively. The overall model showed that the higher market uncertainty, the more power marketing has (β=-.279, t-value=-3.11, p-value<.050) but technology uncertainty is not significantly related to power structure. We used the mean of the NPD time as the cutting point to split short-run and long-run project time, and the mean is about one year and half in our sample. The result showed that in the short-run group the higher market and technology uncertainty, the more power marketing and R&D function have (β=-.355, t-value=-2.53, p-value<.050; β=.296, t-value=2.23, p-value<.050) . However, in the long-run group the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure is statistically insignificant. Additionally, in the long-run group the more NPD process formalization, the more power R&D function has (β=.277, t-value=2.33, p-value<.050). Back to the original puzzle, that is, does external environmental uncertainty determine power structure in the new product development process? The empirical evidence is shown that it is dependent on how long an organization develops new products to the market. Because the dominant subunit involved in the NPD process tends to maintain it power, it institutionalizes rules or norms to have legitimacy in the organization, and this argument is consistent with resource dependence theory (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). We also found that in short-run perceived environmental uncertainty are positively related to power structure in the NPD process. Consistent with strategic contingent theory’s proposition, the one subunit enable to reduce or respond external environment pressure, and it can have more power in the organization (Hickson, et al., 1971; Hinings, et al., 1974). We additionally found that in long-run group process formalization is positively related to R&D power. R&D function plays a main role in the NPD process as especially in the manufacturing industry; therefore, R&D function has much motive to maintain its power (Workamn, 1993). So R&D function can use formal rule to maintain its power when R&D function formalize the NPD process. As a consequence, formalizing the NPD process helps R&D function to gain more power in the long run. The contribution of our study is that we tested the proposition in strategic contingent theory, and the empirical evidences supported our hypotheses. Furthermore, our study also is the first study to test and find the support evidence with the institutionalization proposition in resource dependence theory. We not only explored the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure in the NPD process, but also extended strategic contingent theory and resource dependence theory to the NPD research. The further study can follow our definition of power structure to find what strategy marketing and R&D function will used to take back or maintain their power (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 1988; Li & Atuahene-Gima, 2001; Pfeffer, 1981).