
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 23

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the quality of sow pork was compared with commercial pork to evaluate sow pork as raw meat material for processing. Texture, cooking loss, color, pH, water, lipid, fatty acid, volatile profiles, and sensory characteristics of 3 parts (tenderloin, loin, hind leg) of sow and commercial pork were analyzed. In texture analysis, sow pork had significantly higher shear force compared to commercial pork (tenderloin: sow 143.19 N, commercial 107.79 N; loin: sow 173.62 N, commercial 120.65 N; hind leg: sow 211.76 N, commercial 112.80 N) (p<0.05). There were significant differences in cooking loss, color, and pH, but they differed by part. A total of 49 volatile compounds were identified, and there were significant differences in 22 volatile compounds. In the case of hexanal (one of the warmed-over flavors), which was detected on the largest scale, the relative concentration was significantly higher in the tenderloin of commercial pork (p<0.05). On the other hand, no differences were reported by sensory analysis for hardness, off-flavor, juiciness, oiliness, appearance, taste, and acceptability between cooked sow and commercial pork. This study provides a database on the quality of sow pork by parts, which is considerable to develop proceed meat products using sow meat.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On pig farms, the highest mortality rate is observed among nursing piglets. To reduce this mortality rate, farmers need to carefully observe the piglets to prevent accidents such as being crushed and to maintain a proper body temperature. However, observing a large number of pigs individually can be challenging for farmers. Therefore, our aim was to detect the behavior of piglets and sows in real-time using deep learning models, such as YOLOv4-CSP and YOLOv7-E6E, that allow for real-time object detection. YOLOv4-CSP reduces computational cost by partitioning feature maps and utilizing Cross-stage Hierarchy to remove redundant gradient calculation. YOLOv7-E6E analyzes and controls gradient paths such that the weights of each layer learn diverse features. We detected standing, sitting, and lying behaviors in sows and lactating and starving behaviors in piglets, which indicate nursing behavior and movement to colder areas away from the group. We optimized the model parameters for the best object detection and improved reliability by acquiring data through experts. We conducted object detection for the five different behaviors. The YOLOv4-CSP model achieved an accuracy of 0.63 and mAP of 0.662, whereas the YOLOv7-E6E model showed an accuracy of 0.65 and mAP of 0.637. Therefore, based on mAP, which includes both class and localization performance, YOLOv4-CSP showed the superior performance. Such research is anticipated to be effectively utilized for the behavioral analysis of fattening pigs and in preventing piglet crushing in the future.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소비자에게 판매하기 위해 비육을 하여 길러지는 돼지가 아닌 새끼를 낳기 위해 장기간 사육되는 돼지를 모돈이라 한다. 모돈은 규격돈보다 육색이 붉은 것이 특징이며 단단한 조직감으로 인해 잘 소비되지 않는다. 본 연구는 모돈을 가공 원료육으로 활용하기 위해 품질 및 가공특성을 평가하였다. 먼저, 냉동-해동된 모돈과 규격돈의 뒷다리를 이용하여 품질특성을 비교하였으며 가공특성은 유화형소시지를 제조하여 수행하였다. 원료육의 품질특성은 일반성분, pH, 육색, 콜라겐 함량, 조직감, 보수력을 측정하였고 가공특성은 유화형소시지를 제조하여 조직감 및 유화 안정성을 측정하였다. 모돈의 육색은 규격돈보다 붉고(p<0.05), 조직감은 단단하였다(p<0.05). 그러나 pH, 보수력, 콜라겐 함량, 유화 안정성, 소시지의 조직감은 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 결론적으로 모돈의 단단한 조직감은 분쇄를 통해 해결하였으며 대부분의 품질 및 가공특성은 모돈과 규격돈에서 동일하였다. 따라서 모돈을 가공 원료육으로 활용하면 규격돈과 가공특성의 차이가 없음을 확인하였으며, 규격돈에 비해 높은 수율은 제품 원가를 절감할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ammonia (NH3) is a basic gas in the atmosphere and is known to play an important role in producing adverse health and environmental effects. Atmospheric NH3 causes stunted livestock growth, decreased visibility, and induces lung diseases when high concentrations occur. In addition, atmospheric NH3 reacts with acidic species (sulfuric acid, nitric acid, etc.) and produces secondary inorganic aerosol. In this study, the NH3 concentration and ventilation of Rooms 1 to 3 inside a sow facility were measured during the period from March 25 to May 31, 2021. It was difficult to conduct long-term field experiments at housing where pigs are raised. However, in order to improve the accuracy and reliability of the data, repeated experiments were conducted in three pig rooms in the same environment. The average concentration of NH3 in Rooms 1 to 3 was measured to be 7.6 ± 2.7 ppm, 8.2 ± 2.8 ppm, and 8.2 ± 2.7 ppm, respectively. The average internal temperatures were 21.0 oC, 21.2 °C, and 21.8 °C, and the internal humidity was 49.3%, 49.2%, and 49.2%, respectively. The ventilation per pig in Rooms 1 to 3 was measured as 60.4m3/hour∙pig, 62.5m3/hour∙pig, and 64.9m3/hour∙pig, respectively. At this time, NH3 emissions from Rooms 1 to 3 were found to be 6.9 ± 0.8 g/day∙pig, 7.9 ± 1.5 g/day∙pig, and 8.2 ± 1.3 g/day∙pig, respectively. As a result of the correlation analysis, the NH3 concentration was analyzed as producing a negative correlation between the ventilation (r=-0.73) and the internal temperature (r=-0.60) increase. Finally, as a result of calculating the national NH3 emission factor, the NH3 emission of one sow room in spring was 7.7 ± 1.4 g/day∙pig, and the NH3 emission of one year was 2.8 kg/ year∙pig.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of environmental temperature and backfat thickness (BT) on the reproductive performance of lactating sows. Sixty crossbred sows were allotted to four groups in a 2×2 factorial arrangement by environmental temperature (high temperature [HT], 27.5±1.76℃; low temperature [LT], 23.3±0.89℃) and BT (<20 mm, average 17.70 mm; ≥20 mm, average 23.20 mm) from July to August 2019. Sows in the HT group experienced a greater change in BT and a lower feed intake. Losses in body weight and BT were lower in sows with <20 mm BT than in those with ≥20 mm BT. Sows with low BT had a lower weaning-to-estrus interval than sows with high BT (5.20, 4.93 d vs. 5.87, 5.60 d, respectively). Piglet survivability was lower in the HT group (90.31%) than in the LT group (94.87%). Piglet weaning weight and average daily weight gain were greater in sows with <20 mm BT (5.75 kg and 201.46 g, respectively) than in those with ≥20 mm BT (5.49 kg and 188.41 g, respectively). Sows in the HT group had higher cortisol concentrations than those in the LT group (post-farrowing: HT 7.86 μg/mL vs. LT 6.04 μg/mL; weanling: HT 5.48 μg/mL vs. LT 4.40 μg/mL). In conclusion, environmental temperature adversely influenced sow performance and cortisol levels. Moreover, sows with low BT had a greater weaning-to-estrus interval when subjected to heat stress.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to investigate the effect of parity and lactation stage of sows on the behavior of nursing sows and their suckling piglets. In total 18 Yorkshire × Landrace F1 sows (range of parity: 1 to 6) and their litters (range of litter size: 10 to 14 piglets) were assigned according to the sow's parity (1-2, 3-4 and 5-6) and lactation stage (early, middle, and late). The sows were housed in farrowing crates (0.8 × 2.1 m) located in pens (2.1 × 1.75 m) with totally perforated flooring. The behaviors of the sows and their piglets were recorded over a 72-h period for each parity and lactation stage. The sows and piglets were conventionally managed. All nursing sows in both group showed lying behavior for more than 80% of the experimental period, regardless of parity and lactation stage. The behavioral frequency of sows was, in descending order, as follows: lateral lying, ventral lying, eating, standing, and sitting. The parity of sows did not affect their behavior, but the lactation stage did. Ventral lying showed decreased frequency in late stage compare to that in the early or middle stage. The lying, standing, sitting, and eating behavior of sows were not affected by their parity. Sow parity did not affect the behavior of suckling piglets, but the lactation stage did. The behavioral frequency of piglets for the whole lactation period was, in descending order, as follows: lying, suckling, and walking. The lying frequency of piglets was higher in the sow's middle lactation stage than in the early or late lactation stage. It is concluded that the sow parity did not affect the behavior of nursing sows and suckling piglets, but the lactation stage did.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 Canada에서 수입한 동결정액으로 인공수정된 모돈의 번식성적을 조사하여 동결정액을 이용한 인공수정(동결정액 인공수정)의 효율을 개선할 수 있는 통찰력을 얻기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 A(GGP) 농장에서 2016년 5월과 9월 사이 총 626회의 동결정액 인공수정과 B(GGP) 농장에서 2015년부터 2017년 기간 동안 수행한 총 2,429 동결정액 인공수정의 결과 기록을 분석하였다. A종 돈장에서 동결정액을 썼을 때 총산자수 및 실산자수는 9월 보다 5월에 높았다(p<0.05). B종돈장의 분만율, 총산자수 및 실산자수는 조사연도 간에 차이가 없었다. A종돈장 결과와 B종돈장 결과를 통합하여 분석했을 때, 분만율은 A종돈장이 높았으나(p<0.01) 총산자수와 실산자수는 두 종돈장간에 차이가 없었고, 동결정액 인공수정을 했을 때가 액상정액 인공수정을 했을 때보다 낮았다(동결정액:액상정액 인공수정에 대한 총산자수와 실산자수는 각각 10.9±0.3:13.4±0.1두 및 10.0±0.3:12.0±0.1두 이었음; p<0.01). 결론적으로, 이상의 결과는 동결정액 인공수정이 액상정액 인공수정보다 번식 효율이 낮긴 하지만 연중 적절한 시기에 동결정액 인공수정을 실시하면 번식 효율이 증가될 수도 있음을 시사한다.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        이 조사는 국내 양돈전산프로그램인 피그플랜를 2017 년에 사용하는 양돈농장의 번식관련 모돈의 생산성 자료를 수집하여 상시 모돈의 사육규모별 돼지 생산성을 비교 분석하였다. 전체 사용자중에서 모돈 관련 데이터를 모두 입력한 554 농가를 선발하였고, 모돈 사육 규모는 100 두 미만 A 그룹, 100~199 두 B 그룹, 200~299 두 C 그룹, 300~399 두 D 그룹, 400~499 두 E 그룹, 500~999 두 F 그룹, 1,000 두 이상 G 그룹으로 7 개 구간으로 구분하였다. 모돈은 후보모돈을 제외한 276,104 두의 자료를 분석하였다. 전체 농장의 평균 상시 모돈두수는 498 두이며, A 그룹 78 두, B 그룹 150 두, C 그룹 247 두, D 그룹 343 두, E 그룹 448 두, F 그룹 711 두, G 그룹 1556 두 이다. 모돈의 분만율은 전체 농장의 평균이 79.5%이며, G 그룹은 83.5%로 가장 높았고, A 그룹은 74.3%로 가장 낮았다. 상위 그룹과 하위 그룹의 분만율 차이는 9.2%이며 상시 모돈의 규모가 클수록 분만율은 높게 나타났다. 모돈당 총산자수는 전체 농장의 평균이 12.2 두이며, D 그룹이 12.5 두로 가장 높았고, A 그룹이 11.7 두로 가장 낮았다. 모돈당 실산자수는 전체 농장 평균이 11.2 두이며, D 그룹과 F 그룹이 11.4 두로 가장 높았고, A 그룹이 10.8 두로 가장 낮았다. 모돈당 이유두수는 전체 농장의 평균이 10.0 두이며, D 그룹과 F 그룹이 10.3 두로 높았고, A 그룹이 9.5두로 낮게 나타났다. 모돈의 연간비생산일수는 평균이 48.6 일이며, G 그룹이 42.3 일로 가장 낮앗고, A 그룹이 65.7 일로 가장 높았다. 연간 모돈 회전율은 전체 평균이 2.27 이며, F 그룹과 G 그룹이 2.33 으로 가장 높았고, A 그룹이 2.15 로 가장 낮았다. 모돈당 연간이유두수는 전체 평균이 22.9 두 이며, F 그룹이 23.9 두로 가장 높았고, A 그룹이 20.6 두로 가장 낮았다. 상시모돈의 규모가 높은 농가들은 번식관리에 전문인력이 집중적으로 관리하기 때문에 모돈의 번식성적이 높은 반면, 상시 모돈의 규모가 적은 농가들은 상대적으로 적은 인력으로 인해 번식관리에 집중관리가 되지 않아서 번식성적이 낮게 나타나는 것으로 추정된다. 국내 생산성을 높이기 위해서는 상시모돈 200 두 미만인 양돈농가 대상의 번식관련 재교육이 체계적으로 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze the vocalizations of farrowing sows and their piglets in a welfare certified farm and a conventional farm as they are useful parameters for animal welfare assessment. The conventional farm using the gestation stall, farrowing crate and nursery, grower‐finisher pigs were accommodated in small pens. On the other hand, in the welfare certified farm using the group feeding gestation sows, which allows them to turn around in the furrowing pens, unlike in the crates and nursery, grower‐finisher pigs were accommodated in large pens. Vocalization of farrowing sows and their piglets were recoded and acoustic parameters were analyzed. Eight vocalizations―screaming, fighting, playing, suckling competition, suckling, piglet call, frightened, and space competition―were recoded in the farrowing crate and classified; 4 ordinary and 4 non‐ordinary vocalizations were identified. However, frightened and space competition vocalizations were not detected in the farrowing pen. Screaming, fighting, playing, suckling competition, and suckling vocalizations were significantly (p<0.01) different in pitch, intensity and duration between the farrowing pen and the farrowing crate. Piglet call vocalization did not differ between the farrowing facilities. These findings will aid us in using the differences in vocalizations, under different conditions, as parameters of animal welfare assessment.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to find out the environmental, service sire and genetic effects for reproductive trait in certain purebred of pigs on Landrace and Yorkshire, and to suggest selection indicator which is to improve genetic capability on reproductive traits. There are five traits used on this analysis which are total number of born (NBT), number of born alive (NBA), piglets weight within litter (LW), average of birth weight on piglets within litter (ABW) and variation of birth weight on piglets within litter (VBW). With these data, the mixed model was established using 10,342 records collected from 2,527 sows of Landrace and 13,817 records collected from sows of 3,056 Yorkshire breeds and the variation of random effects and the genetic parameter were estimated by the REML method including service sire effects, permanent environmental effects and sow genetic effects. Due to characteristics of closed nucleus herd for using data on this study, given that it has been isolated breeding for about 19 years that progressed over 16 generations, genetic analysis was performed on all of these data and partial data of the current genetic group in which animals were born after 2011. The effects of service sire were estimated to be less than about 8% of total variation in all traits considered in the analysis. Permanent environmental effects were estimated about 2~14% of total variation in all traits considered. The heritability, which is the ratio of genetic variance among the total variance, was estimated to be 20~35% for LW and ABW in Landrace and Yorkshire, while it was about 10~14% for NBT. The genetic correlations between NBT and LW were 62~74% and between NBT and ABW were –28~-7%. Therefore, indirect selection for improving litter size could be possible with considering LW. Whereas, the genetic effect of the service sire effects for litter traits would be trivial.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인공수정 횟수가 모돈의 번식성적에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 수행되었다. 총 48두 의 F1 모돈(Yorkshire×Landrace)을 공시하였으며, 완전임의화배치법(CRD)에 의하여 4개의 처리구에 배치되었다. 처리구는 인공수정 횟수(1회, 2회, 3회, 4회)이며, 발정확인 후 12시간 뒤부터 인공수정을 진행하였다. 모돈의 발정확인은 9시와 21시에 웅돈을 접촉시켜서 확인하였으며, 재귀발정일은 5-6일 인 모돈들을 대상으로 구배치 하였다. 모돈의 승가허용 확인 후 12시간 간격에 따라 9시와 21시에 처 리구에 따른 인공수정을 실시하였다. 인공수정 횟수가 모돈의 임신율, 수태율에는 유의적인 영향을 미 치지 않으며, 분만율에서는 3회 인공수정한 처리구가 다른 처리구들에 비해 낮은 수치를 보였다. 총산 자수, 생시자돈수, 복당체중과 같은 분만성적에서도 인공수정 횟수에 따른 통계적 차이는 나타나지 않 았다. 인공수정 횟수의 1회 감소는 7,000원의 정액비용을 절감할 수 있다. 따라서 발정확인 후 인공수 정을 1회하여도 다른 처리구들과 비교해 동일한 번식성적을 가지며, 1회 인공수정을 통한 정액비용의 감소는 농가의 생산비를 절감할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 포유기 사료 급여 기간의 변화가 포유 모돈의 생리적 변화와 번식 능력에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 평균체중 256.15 ± 4.39kg의 F1 모돈(Yorkshire × Landrace) 30두를 공 시하였으며, 완전임의배치법에 따라 3처리구에 배치하였다. 각 처리구는 1) L0-5: 임신기 110일령부터 이유시까지 포유모돈 사료를 급여, 2) L0: 분만일부터 이유시까지 포유모돈 사료를 급여, 3) L0+5: 분 만 5일 후부터 이유시까지 포유모돈 사료를 급여 하였다. 포유기에는 모돈들에게 사료를 무제한 급여 하였으며, 실험결과 사료의 변화 시기는 모돈의 체중 및 등지방 두께에 유의적인 영향을 미치지 못하였 다. 사료섭취량에 있어서 분만일부터 이유시까지 포유돈 사료를 섭취한 모돈이 수치적으로 가장 높았지 만 처리구간 유의적인 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 산자수, 자돈의 체중 및 유성분에 있어서도 처리구간 차이는 발견되지 않았다. 결론적으로 분만 5일전부터 5일후 사이에 포유돈 사료로 교체하는 것은 모돈 의 번식능력 및 포유능력에는 긍정적인 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigated the effects of fermented potato protein (FPP, Lianol® ferity) during gestation and lactation on productivity of sows. A total of 50 crossbred sows (Landrace×Yorkshire) in their 3 to 5 parities were allotted to one of two treatments (n=25) including control and FPP groups. FPP tablets applied in sows in two stages. Stage one involved applying FPP daily from 3 days before farrowing to 2 days after for 5 consecutive days. The second stage also involved a 5 day period around weaning time from 3 days before to 2 days after. After farrowing, the amount of feed offered 3 times per day gradually increased from about 3.6 kg at farrowing to 8.4 kg at late lactation. During the first lactation FPP tended to increase backfat thickness (BFT) at weaning at the first (p=0.069) whereas FPP increased BFT (p<0.05) at weaning in the second lactation. There was no significant effect of FPP on body weight changes and daily feed intake of sows. Decreased weaning to estrus interval was associated with applying lianol tablet at the second lactation (p<0.05). Weight of born alive piglets, weaned piglets and total weight gain were greater in FPP group at the second lactation (p<0.05). Applying FPP tended (p=0.062) to increase insulin like growth factor-Ⅰ(IGF-I) at the weaning time in the first lactation. The effect of FPP on IGF-I was significant at the second lactation, revealing a higher concentration in blood at post farrowing and weaning time (p<0.05). This study shows the benefit of using FPP tablets in sows to increase blood IGF-I and both initial and final litter size to improve piglet weaning weights.
        2015.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the reproductive and growing performances in sow farms located in Chungnam. Data collected from a total of 15 sow farms divided into 3 farm groups for 1 year were analyzed. The results obtained were as follows; The average of sow at small and large farms were 114.25 and 487.88 heads, respectively. And then, the difference among 3 groups in sow farm was not found significantly in farrowing rate. The significant difference among 3 farm groups was significantly found(p<0.05) in total litter size. The litter size born alive at sucking in small sow farm and middle farms were 9.93, and 10.48 pigs. The difference between small and large farms in number of pigs at weaning were significantly shown 8.89, and 9.35 pigs(p<0.05), respectively. The difference among 3 sow farms for ages at weaning showed significantly (p<0.05). The cycles of farrowing rate per year in small, large and middle farms were 2.17, 2.23 and 2.32, respectively. The significant difference among 3 sow groups was found in farrowing rate(p<0.05). The growing rate up to weaning for middle farms was significantly the higher level(94.70%) than that for other farms(p<0.05). The differences among 3 farm groups for marketing weight were not significantly shown.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 종부한 다음에 개별 스톨에서 사육하고 3주 후 임신진단을 하여 임신을 한 경산돈을 개별 스톨 시설과 Shoulder length barrier 시설에서 각각 계절별 30두씩 12주 동안 사육한 후 분만 1주일 전에 분만사의 분만틀 시설로 옮겨 4주 동안 사육하고 산자수, 생시체중, 이유두수, 이유체중 및 체평점 등을 평가함으로써, 임신돈사의 개별 스톨 시설과 Shoulder length barrier 시설이 분만모돈의 분만성적에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 수행되었다. 그 결과 동일 계절에서 시설 간의 분만모돈의 생산성은 차이가 없었으나(p>0.05), 봄, 가을 및 겨울에 비하여 여름에 더위 스트레스로 인하여 산자수와 이 유두수가 낮은 경향이 나타났다. 결론적으로 임신기간 동안 임신돈을 사육하는 개별 스톨 시설과 Shoulder length barrier 시설이 분만모돈의 분만성적에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of pelleted-Italian Ryegrass (IRG) as a source of fiber on reproduction performance in pregnant sows. A total of 24 pregnant sows were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments, which was given a corn-soybean diet with 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% pelleted-IRG from 105 days prepartum to 7 days postpartum. During experimental period, the sows fed the IRG supplemented diet showed the lower feed intake than the sows fed the control diet (p<0.05). The changes of body weight in sows from initial to pre- and/or post-partum was significantly smaller in sows fed the IRG supplemented diet than control group. It is thought that the lower weight gain in IRG supplemented groups is caused by low feed intake. Although there was no significant difference, sows fed the IRG supplemented diet tended to increase the litter size and birth weight in piglets compared with sows fed the control diet. This result suggests that the dietary supplementation of IRG has the positive effects to improve the reproductive performance in sows. But, the excessive feeding of IRG to sows might cause to retard the days of return to estrus, and decrease the contents of solid, milk protein, and milk fat in colostrum. Thus, the addition of about 10% IRG is desirable to increase the reproductive performance. Meanwhile, the feeding energy diet is better effective than feeding the fiber diets to improve overall productivity in sows after postpartum.
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