
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 26

        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ammonium (NH4 +-N) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) fertilizers were spread 30 kg/10a and 60 kg/10a, respectively, as additional fertilizers in nitrogen fertilization to investigate their effects on spring kimchi cabbage's physiological disorders during cold storage. The initial weight of spring kimchi cabbage after harvesting was 3.80 kg with two-fold NO3-N, whereas it was 3.22 kg with one-fold NO3-N. After 90 days of cold storage, the total loss ratio became lower as the nitrogen fertilizer ratio increased. The pH increased, reducing sugar content decrease during the storage. Black speck occurrence became higher as the nitrogen fertilizer increased. Mid-rib brown stain and soft rot were observed slightly in kimchi cabbage regardless of the nitrogen fertilizer ratio. Two-fold NO3-N fertilization showed a positive effect on increasing weight and reducing kimchi cabbage loss, but it exhibited a negative effect on the black speck. The method and content of nitrogen fertilization of spring kimchi cabbage may be adjusted according to the usage and storage periods.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to compare the effect of salicylic acid (SA), an ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor, and the 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) fumigation, to prevent fruit quality deterioration and physiological disorders during the shelf-life of Korea’s leading export grape variety ‘Campbell Early’. The berries treated with SA after 1- MCP fumigation (1-MCP+SA) showed a higher firmness value and titratable acidity than single treatment of SA or 1-MCP. The rate of shattered berry was high as 41.7% for 100ppm ethephon spray, 40.8% for 25μM SA, and 38.2% for 1,000ppb 1-MCP, but showing only 18.7% when the SA was applied after 1-MCP fumigation. The ratio of short brushes less than 1mm was largest at 74.3% for ethephon treatment, while 1-MCP+SA treatment was found to have the longest brush length among all treatments, with a 2-4mm ratio of 22.8% and a 4-6mm ratio of 27.9%. The weight of rachis was found to be the lowest at 2.3g in the ethephon treatment, and the reduction of rachis weight loss per cluster by 1-MCP+SA treatment was evident. In addition, 1-MCP+SA treatment were effective in mitigating stem browning and berry decay during the 16-day storage period at 19oC in this cultivar, so it is believed that they can be used as a practical post-harvest treatment in grape exportation.
        2018.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 온도와 토양수분에 따른 마늘의 생육, 생리장해 및 수량에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시 하였다. 실험은 온도가 6℃ 차이가 나는 온실에서 수행 되었는데, 정식부터 수확까지 외기(A)보다 3℃(A+3℃), 6℃(A+6℃) 고온조건, 토양수분은 적습(OI) 대비 수확기 무렵의 다습(EI) 처리를 하였다. 그 결과, 마늘 생육특성은 온도와 토양수분 조건(0.34m3/m3)에 따라 고도의 유의성을 보여 고온일수록 그리고 적습 처리구일수록 컸다. 초장은 외기보다 A+6℃-OI 처리구에서 47.4cm로 가장 컸으며, 엽장과 엽폭 역시 외기보다 A+6℃-OI 처리구가 각각 16.1cm, 2.4cm로 가장 컸다. 마늘재배 기간 중 외기보다 3℃, 6℃ 고온조건이 되면 스펀지마늘 발생율이 높아져 A+6℃-OI 처리구는 12.9% 발생하였고, A-EI 처리구에서는 전혀 발생하지 않았으며, 인편무게와 1쪽당 무게는 A+6℃ 고온구에서 크게 감소하여 수량이 외기 대비 A+6℃ 처리구는 평균 51%, A+3℃ 처리구는 평균 22% 감소하였다. 따라서, 마늘재배시 외기보다 6℃ 고온조건과 다습조건이 되면 상품수량 감소하고, 생리장해 발생이 많아지는 것으로 나타났다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene(1-MCP), an inhibitor of ethylene action, on fruit quality and incidence of physiological disorders during simulated marketing period in early-season Asian pear(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) ‘Noksu’. Flesh firmness was decreased abruptly at 15 days after shelf-life in control fruits. which showed less than 10.7N, although those of 1-MCP-treated fruits were kept high value(>30.4N) during 20 days of shelf-life. ‘Noksu’ pears did not show any considerable differences in quality indices such as soluble solids content, titratable acidity during the shelf-life regardless of 1-MCP treatment. The reduction of ethylene production level by 1-MCP treatment did not appeared in ‘Noksu’ pear. Meanwhile, 1-MCP treated ‘Noksu’ pears showed significantly low respiration rate during shelf-life. Also, 1-MCP treatment blocked the incidence of physiological disorders including core browning, internal browning, water soaking and mealiness symptom during shelf-life. Consequently, we concluded that the 1-MCP treatment effectively inhibited the incidence of physiological disorders and extended the shelf-life for 10 days in early-season Asian pear ‘Noksu’.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 여름철에 착색단고추재배가 평지에서 가능한 지를 검토하고 시설 내 야간의 공중습도와 배지 함수량이 생육과 과실의 병무름증과 배꼽썩음과의 발생에 미치는 영향을 조사코자 하였다. 제습 처리구는 야간의 습도가 85% 내외를 유지하였으나 제습을 하지 않은 관행구는 90% 내외로 유지되었다. 초장, 주경장 등 초기생육은 공중습도처리에서는 차이가 없었으나 배지함수량에서 유의차를 보여 배지함수량이 많은 80% 처리구가 길었다. 과실의 무게는 공중습도가 낮고 배지 수분함량이 많은 처리구에서 무거웠으며 스페셜 품종이 쿠프라 품종보다 무거웠다. 주당 착과수는 과실중과 달리 공중습도가 낮고 배지함수량이 낮은 처리구에서 많았으며 그 결과 10a당 상품수량이 증가하였다. 과병 무름증은 스페셜 및 쿠프라 두 품종 모두 실내습도가 낮은 처리구 및 배지함수량이 적은 처리구에서 발생율이 감소하였다. 반면 스페셜 및 쿠퍼라 두 품종 모두 배꼽썩음과 발생율은 공중습도과 높고 배지내 수분함량이 많은 처리구에서 낮게 나타나 과병무름증 발생과 상반되는 양상을 보였다. 스페셜과 쿠프라 두 품종 모두 정상과에 비해 과병무름증 발생과의 과병에서 질소의 함량은 많고 칼슘의 함량이 적었다. 이러한 결과에서 여름철 착색단고추 여름철재배시 생산성을 더 높이기 위해서는 제습기 등을 이용해서 야간의 공중습도를 낮추고, 배지 수분함량을 적게 관리하는 것이 유리한 것으로 나타났다.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        여름철 강원도 고랭지 재배되는 착색단고추는 비상품과로 분류되는 생리장해과가 발생이 많은데, 본 실험은 이들 생리장해과의 신선편이 이용 가능성을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 착색단고추의 정상과와 배꼽썩음과 그리고 납작과를 수확하여 신선편이로 제조하여 수확 후 생리현상과 몇 가지 MAP 조건에서 저장성을 비교하였다. 저장전 이들 신선편이의 호흡률과 에틸렌 발생 률은 정상과와 생리장해과의 차이에 일정한 경향이 었으며 통계적 유의성도 나타나지 않았다. 이들 3가지의 형태의 과실의 신선편이를 두께 25μm와 50μm의 세라믹 필름으로 포장하여 4℃와 9℃ 그리고 상온에서 저장하였다. 저장중 생체중 감소는 모두 1.1% 이하로 과실형태로는 그 차이에 유의성이 없었으며 필름 두께가 얇을수록 저장 온도가 높을수록 컸다. 이들 포장재내 이산화탄소와 산소농도의 경우 품종과 과실형태별 차이에 유의성은 없었으며 저장온도별로 저온이었던 4℃ 처리와 필름종류에서는 두께가 얇았던 25μm 세라믹 필름포장처리에서 낮은 이산화탄소와 높은 산소 농도를 보였다. 저장기간 중 변화를 보면 4℃ 저장은 9일 이후, 9℃ 저장은 6일 이후 포장재내 급격한 이산화탄소 농도 증가와 이와 동반된 산소 농도 감소나 나타났는데, 이 시점은 외관상 품질이 급격히 감소한 때와 일치하였다. 에틸렌 농도는 상온을 제 외한 모든 처리구에서 7μL·L-1 이하를 보였는데 포장재 두께가 얇은 25μm 세라믹 필름포장과 4℃ 저장 처리구에서 낮게 유지되었으며 과실형태별로 유의성 있는 차이나 일정한 경향은 없었다. 저장 최종일에 외관상 품질은 3일간 저장하였던 상온에서 가장 크게 감소하였으며 처리간 차이에 유의성은 없었다, 9℃와 4℃ 저장에서는 정상과에서 외관상 품질이 높게 유지되었으나 생리장해과와의 차이에 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 저장온도별로 9일간 저장한 9℃에 비해 12일간 저장한 4℃에서 높게 유지되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면, 착색단고추 과실의 형태 및 품질이 신선편이의 저장성에 큰 영향을 주지 않았으며 저온 장해가 있는 착색단고추 과실이지만 신선편이의 경우 4℃의 저온이 보다 효과적인 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 질소의 시비농도를 인위적으로 조절하여 잎들깨를 관비재배 하면서 질소의 시비수준이 생장과 결핍증상 발현에 미치는 영향을 구명하고, 생육을 우수하게 유지할 수 있는 식물체 및 토양의 한계농도를 밝히기 위하여 수행하였다. 질소 무시비구에서 지상부 식물생육의 심한 억제 현상과 노엽의 엽신 전체가 황화된 후 점차 괴사하는 결핍증상이 나타났다. 질소 시비농도가 높아질수록 정식 75일 후의 생체중과 건물중이 무거워졌고, 엽병 추출액의 NO3-N 농도와 토양 NO3-N 농도가 높아졌으나, 20mM 시비구에서는 질소과잉증상이 나타났다. 10~15mM 시비구에서 가장 바람직한 생장을 보였으며, 이때의 질소 함량은 건물중 기준으로 0.9~1.25%, 엽병추출액 및 1:2 추출법으로 분석한 토양의 NO3-N 농도가 각각 800~3,300mg·kg-1 및 28.7~47.3mg·L-1 범위에 포함되었다.
        1987.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        벼상자육묘(箱子育苗)에서 살균제(殺菌齊)와 생장조절제처리(生長調節劑處理)가 묘생육(苗生育) 및 생리장해(生理障害)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 구명(究明)코자 삼강(三綱)벼와 낙동(洛東)벼를 공시(供試)하여 시험(試驗)하였던 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 살균제처리(殺菌齊處理)에서 삼강(三綱)벼는 Metalaxyl과 SF8002 처리구(處理區)가, 낙동(洛東)벼는 SF8002와 Metalaxyl처리구(處理區)가 초장(草長)과 3엽(葉) 및 4엽(葉)이 뚜렷한 신장교과(伸長效果)를 보였다. 건물중(乾物重)은 Metalaxyl구(區)가 가장 무거웠고 엽수(葉數)와 묘충실도(苗充實度)는 Dachigaren청리구(廳理區)가 양호(良好)하였으며, 살균제처리구(殺菌齊處理區)가 무처리(無處理)에 비(比)해 입고병발생(立枯病發生)이 적었다. 생장조절제처리구(生長調節劑處理區)에서 삼강(三綱)벼에서는 BA처리구(處理區)가, 낙동(洛東)벼에서는 GA,처리구(處理區)가 초장(草長)이 가장 길었으며, ABA(處理區)가 초장(草長)이 가장 작았고, ABA와 CCC처리구(處理區)가 신근발근력(新根發根力)이 왕성(旺盛)했다. 살균제(殺菌齊)+생장조절제처리구(生長調節劑處理區)에서 살균제(殺菌齊)+GA, 구(區)와 Metalaxyl+생장조절제처리구(生長調節劑處理區)가 초장(草長)이 가장 길었으며, Isoprothiolane+생장조절제처리구(生長調節劑處理區)가 초장(草長)이 가장 짧았다. Dachigaren+IAA 처리구(處理區)가 건물중(乾物重)과 묘충실도(苗充實度)가 양호(良好)하여 묘소질(苗素質)이 좋았으며, 살균제(殺菌齊)+생장조절제처리구(生長調節劑處理區)가 무처리(無處理)보다 입고병발생(立枯病發生)이 적었다. 또한 삼강(三綱)벼에서는 Metalaxyl+IAA 처리구(處理區)가 낙동(洛東)벼에서는 Dachigaren+IAA 처리구(處理區)가 지상부재생력(地上部再生力)이 양호(良好)했다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Saline soil has negative effects on the growth of most crops. Sodium is the main element that causes salt accumulation in soil. Organic materials such as cow and poultry manure, are frequently used during the preparation stage, which causes an increase in the rate of salt accumulation in the soil. Methods and Results: To investigate the influences of sodium on ginseng, NaH2PO4, Na2SO4, and NaCl were used to adjust the sodium concentrations at 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mM in nutrient solution. In a 2-year-old ginseng, toxic symptoms appeared when the sodium treatment exceeded 50 mM. The sodium concentration in the leaves was 3.33%, which is more than twice as high as that of the control treated at 50 mM. As the sodium concentration increased, the root weight significantly decreased. In the 100 mM treatment, the weight decreased by 28% when compared to that of the control. The Amount of ginsenoside significantly increased with an increase in sodium concentrations. Conclusions: These results suggest that the growth of 2-year-old ginseng is negatively affected when sodium exceeds 50 mM. This result can be used for a as basis in diagnosing the physiological disorders of ginseng.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Ginseng is a perennial crop grown for more than four years in the same place. Therefore, it is highly affected by the soil environment, especially nutrients in the soil. The present study was carried out to investigate to the influence of boron and iron concentrations on the physiological status, growth, and mineral uptake of ginseng to obtain the basic information for diagnosing a physiological disorder in ginseng plants. Methods and Results: The boron and iron concentrations were controlled at 3, 30, 150, 300 and 2, 20, 100, 200㎎/ℓ, respectively. When treated with 150㎎/ℓ of boron, the ginseng plants showed yellowing or necrosis symptoms at the edge or end of their leaves. Compared with the 3㎎/ℓ treatment, the root weight decreased by 13 and 24% in the 150 and 300㎎/ℓ treatments, respectively. When treated with 20㎎/ℓ of iron, the ginseng plants showed yellowing between the veins of the leaves followed by the formation of brown spots. The root weight gradually decreased with increasing iron concentration. Approximately 55% decrease in root weight was observed upon treatment with 200㎎/ℓ of iron. Conclusions: The boron toxicity occurs in the leaves of ginseng at the boron concentration of approximately 1,900㎎/㎏ or more. The iron toxicity occurs at the iron concentration of approximately 120㎎/㎏ for leaves and 270㎎/㎏ for roots.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Boron (B) is an essential element required for the growth of plant. It has a narrow range of optimal concentration from minimum to maximum thresholds than other micro-elements. The study was carried out to investigate to the influence of B excess concentrations on physiological disorder of leaf, growth and mineral concentration of ginseng to obtain basic information for physiological disorder diagnose. Methods and Results : The ginseng cultivar ‘Gumpoong’ was cultivated by hydroponic system for 2 months. The toxicity symptoms which ginseng leaves were curved downwardly and induced to chlorosis after beginning to dry the edge appeared on leaves more than 30 ppm compared to the control(3 ppm). The growth of ginseng was more decreased with higher B concentration. Mn uptake was also decreased as B concentration increased. It was found that B excess hindered the growth of ginseng and was reversely related to Mn uptake. Conclusions : More than B 30 ppm can negatively affect growth and mineral uptake. Consequently, B excess can occur physiological disorder of ginseng.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Excessively high concentration of sodium ion causednutrient deficiency and significantly decrease growth. This study was carried out to determine the limiting concentration range of sodium ion in the soil of ginseng field. Methods and Results : The growth of the ginseng cultivar Chunpoong reduced with increase in salinity, and the rate of growth reduction was higher in shoots than that of roots. Particularly, ginseng plants cultivated at high level of nitrate nitrogen or sodium may suffer delayed development and stunted growth. Chlorophyll damage occurred on the leaves of ginseng planted in relatively high levels (> 0.2 c㏖+/㎏) of sodium ion, as determined by the fluorescence reaction. The incidence of physiological disorder in ginseng cultivated at 249 sites was correlated with the concentration of sodium ion in the soils. About 74% of ginseng fields in which physiological disorders occurred had concentrations of sodium ion in soil greater than 0.2 c㏖+/㎏. In contrast, the concentration of sodium ions at 51 of 85 sites where no damage occurred was relatively (0.05 c㏖+/㎏- 0.15 c +/㎏). Conclusions : The concentration of sodium ion in soil of ginseng fields can be classified into three levels optimum (≤ 0.15), permissible allowance (0.15 - 0.2) and excessive (> 0.2).
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the difference of the content of soil chemical components and growthcharacteristics in six years old ginseng affected by application of decomposing plant residues in paddy-converted field. Theresults show that aerial parts of ginseng are no difference between press cake (PC) 200㎏/10a and control but subterraneanparts of ginseng PC 200㎏/10a, especially quantity related root fresh weight and tap root diameter, are statically about 1.6times heavier and about 1.2 times thicker than the ginseng control. Furthermore, the survival rate of PC 200㎏/10a is67.1% rise significantly compare with the control 50.7%. But compared with the PC 200㎏/10a and the PC 400㎏/10a,ginseng root growth and survival rate of PC 400㎏/10a get worse and that increase physiological disorder occurrence ratethan PC 200㎏/10a. Even though there are no significant differences between the ginseng of decomposing plant residuesexcept press cake treatment and the ginseng of control in growth characteristics, it does tend to increase the survival rateand decrease the physiological disorder occurrence rate in most fertilizer treatment except for RSC 2ton/10a, RSC 4ton/10a and RH 4kL/10a. Noted that EC is highly increased and exceeded 1.7ds/m in RSC 2ton/10a, RSC 4ton/10a and RH4kL/10a. It would be caused physiological disorder in many ways and affected ginseng growth characteristics, survival rate.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the difference of the content of soil chemical components and growth characteristics in five years old ginseng affected by application of manure in paddy-converted field. As all livestock manure regardless of kinds increased along with the whole soil chemical component, including the pH and EC in 2008. Change in the EC of control plot was slightly increased but not exceeded 1 ds/m over the years. However, the changes in the EC of livestock manure regardless of kinds and amounts were highly increased and irregularly exceeded 1.5 ds/m in 2012. The 5 years old ginseng root fresh weight, treatment of fertilizing pig manure compost 4 ton per 10 areas (PMC 4t on/10a) and fowl manure compost 4 ton per 10 areas (FMC 4 ton/10a), were superior to the others. But there were no difference between PMC 4 ton/10a, FMC 4 ton/10a and control. The standing crop rate 39.6%, treatment of fertilizing cattle manure compost 4 ton per 10 areas (CMC 4 ton/10a), was best in all livestock manure. However that was relatively lower than control. Physiological disorder occurrence rates of livestock manure related with leaf and root of ginseng were also higher than that of control. If excessively using non-decomposed livestock manure, It would be caused physiological disorder in many ways. It is a big problem to be producing the quality ginseng. More research is needed to find out the economic and effective fertilizer.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was to set the guidelines of soil chemical components in order to assure the safety and quality ofthe panax ginseng from physiological disorder. The disorder symptoms appeared on the leaf with yellow spot, atrophy, yel-low-brown spot, also showed red skin and rough skin of the root. Occurrence type of physiological disorder in cultivatedfield divided into two types:type I ‘such as, yellow spot’ consist of single disorder symptom; type II ‘such as, yellow spotand yellow-brown spot’ consist of two or more different disorder symptoms. The individual contribution of soil properties tothe occurrence type was as follows ; The yellow spot was affected by Na>NO3-N>salinity (EC) in soil. The same results wasobserved in red skin. Atrophy was affected by NO3-N>salinity (EC)>Ca>Mg. Rough skin was affected by P2O5>pH>Organic material > K. It showed positive associated to P2O5, pH and K, but negative associated to organic matter. Simulta-neous occurrence of two different disorder, including cases which yellow spot and yellow-brown spot, those were affected byNO3-N > salinity (EC) > Na > Mg. In the case of atrophy plus yellow-brown spot, those also were affected by in the order :NO3-N > salinity (EC) > Ca > Mg > Na. Red-rough skin was affected in the order : salinity (EC) > NO3-N > K > Na. Soilchemical components appear to be related to occurrence of physiological disorder, particularly in salinity (EC) and NO3-N.The salinity (EC) and NO3-N were negative related to plant growth. In addition, exchangeable cation capacity play criticalroles in attributing to complex occurrence of physiological disorder.
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