
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 178

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The domestic swine industry is currently facing a threat due to the recent increase in pork imports. This study aims to determine what factors influence consumers' intention to consume imported pork and suggest measures to support the domestic pork industry. To achieve this, we analyzed data from the Korea Rural Economic Institute's Food Consumption Behavior Survey using a binary logistic regression model. The results revealed that a higher intention to consume imported pork is linked to a higher intention to consume imported rice, purchasing meat online, frequent purchases of HMR, and procuring U.S. beef, especially among urban residents. On the other hand, a lower intention to consume imported pork is associated with a higher awareness of animal welfare certification, frequently dining out, and older age. Based on these findings, we propose the following response measures for the domestic swine industry: implementing educational programs, marketing, and advertising specifically targeting urban residents to improve their perception of domestic agricultural products; enhancing price competitiveness through distribution optimization; and developing policies to promote the use of domestic pork as an ingredient in processed foods.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유통 중인 생분해성 합성수지로 만들어진 식품용 기구 및 위생용품 50건을 대상으로 ‘식품용 기구 및 용기·포장 공전’의 기준·규격을 검사하였다. PLA 재질의 유아식기 1 건에서 ‘과망간산칼륨소비량’이 20mg/L으로 기준치(10 mg/ L 이하)를 초과하였고, 그 외 모든 시료에서는 포름알데히 드, 납, 비소 등이 기준·규격 이하로 안전한 수준이었다. 또한 가정에서 유아식기를 소독하는 방법의 안전성을 조 사하기 위해, PLA 재질의 유아식기(n=21)에서 반복적인 열탕소독과 자외선 조사에 따른 이행량의 변화를 조사하였다. 반복적인 열탕소독이 자외선 조사에 비해 포름알데 히드와 비소의 이행량이 많았으나, 이행량은 매우 낮은 수 준이었다. 그리고 유아(만 1-3세) 기준으로 계산한 포름알 데히드와 비소의 일일추정섭취량(EDI)은 최대 6.0×10-4mg/ kg b.w./day 및 1.3×10-1 μg/kg b.w./day였으며, 이는 일일섭 취한계량(TDI, 0.15 mg/kg b.w./day) 및 잠정주간섭취허용 량(PTWI, 9.0 μg/kg b.w./week)의 0.40% 및 10.42%로 낮 은 수준임을 확인하였다. 따라서 현 국내에서 유통되고 있 는 식품용 생분해성 합성수지제는 안전한 수준임을 확인 하였다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate whether there were differences in eco-friendly food, home meal replacement (HMR) purchases, and eating-out behavior according to the level of agri-food consumer competence. The data for the study were extracted from main food consumers (n=3,321) in the 2022 Food Consumption Behavior Survey. The competence index was divided into awareness-attitude-practice items, and three groups were classified by competence level. The results showed an agri-food consumer competency score of 70.62, with the highest score for awareness (73.96), followed by practice (69.28) and attitude (66.18). The frequency of purchasing eco-friendly food was higher in the excellent group compared to other groups, and quality and price satisfaction was higher with higher competency (p<0.001). Regarding HMR, the results showed that the shortage group had the lowest HMR consumption rate, and satisfaction decreased as competence decreased (p<0.001). The main reason for eating-out was to enjoy food in all groups (59.0%), followed by a lack of cooking time in the excellent group (15.7%) and hassle with food preparation in the moderate and shortage groups (17.3%, 16.6%) (p<0.001). In short, agri-food consumption competency showed differences by contents and components, and differences in food purchases and eating-out behavior by competency level were found.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the acrylamide content in frozen food products after cooking. Twenty samples of bread (Group 1) and 30 samples of processed tuberous and corn vegetable products (Group 2) were selected. Acrylamide levels were quantified using liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The frozen food samples were heated using the air fryer cooking method according to the product packaging and were compared to ready-to-eat French fries (Group 3). The results showed that the acrylamide content was the highest in group 3, followed by that in group 2 and group 1. The acrylamide content of all the samples was found to be within the domestic recommended standard of 1 mg/kg. However, when the samples that exceeded EU benchmark level (0.5 mg/kg) were selected and cooked using the deep-fat frying method according to the product packaging, one of them showed the acrylamide content of 1.83 mg/kg, which exceeded the domestic recommended standard. The present study highlights the need for continued evaluation and management to reduce acrylamide contents in frozen foods, as increasing domestic exposure to acrylamide is concerning.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 기존 식품첨가물 분석법에서 합으로써 분 석되는 락색소를 laccaic acid A, B, C, E 4가지 성분으로 분류하고 개별적으로 정량 할 수 있는 분석법을 확립하였 다. Natural red 25를 사용하여 구조적으로 비슷한 laccaic acid A와 B를 1차적으로 분취한 후 2차로 A와 B를 분리 했다. 같은 방식으로 C와 D를 1차, 2차에 걸쳐 각각의 개 별 표준품으로 사용하였다. 락색소 불검출 시료 3가지 시료 (햄, 토마토 주스, 고추장)를 확보하여 0.05-107.2 μg/mL 범 위에서 결정계수(r2) 0.995 이상의 직선성을 확인하였다. 3 가지 시료에서 정밀도와 정확성을 측정한 결과, 일내 정 밀도는 0.2-12.3%, 정확도는 90.6-112.7% 범위 내에서 확인 되었으며 일간 정밀도는 0.3-13.3%, 정확도는 90.3-113.0% 범위내로 확인 되었다. 락색소를 사용하는 식품과 사용 금 지 식품에 대해 회수율을 측정한 결과, 사용 가능 식품에서 는 91.6-114.9% 범위의 회수율을 보였으며, 사용 불가 식품 의 경우 92.5-113.5% 범위의 회수율을 보였다. 락색소의 검 출 한계는 3가지 시료에서 검출한계 0.01-0.15 μg/mL, 정량 한계 0.02-0.47 μg/mL로 확인되었다. 락색소의 4가지 성분중 laccaic acid A와 C에 대한 측정 불확도를 산출한 결과, laccaic acid A의 측정 불확도는 13.65±0.39 mg/kg(신뢰수준 95%, K=2), laccaic acid C의 측정 불확도는 4.19±0.39 mg/kg(신뢰 수준 95%, K=2)로 비교적 낮은 측정불확도 값을 산출하 였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 식품 중 락색소의 개별 분석 과 정성 및 정량분석을 위해 유효성이 검증된 분석법을 확립으로 식품 중 잔류물질 기준규격 설정 및 관리에 참 고 자료가 될 수 있고, 향후 매트릭스 효과에 따른 laccaic acid 개별 분석과 개별 활성 및 독성시험 연구의 근거 지 표가 될 수 있다고 판단된다.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 가정에서 사용하고 있는 냉장고 및 냉 동고의 온도 분포에 대한 현황을 파악하기 위하여 냉장고 대상 25가구, 냉동고 대상 25가구를 선정하고 온도 측정 을 시행하였다. 가정용 냉장 및 냉동고의 실제 공간상의 온도 분포 조사 결과, 냉장고 대상 가구에서 측정된 온도 는 최저 -8.2oC, 최고 15.8oC, 평균 3.73oC로 조사되었으며, 공간 위치별 온도 분포는 문 보관 칸 5.06±1.69oC, 내부 벽면 4.18±1.19oC, 내부 보관함 3.41±1.36oC로 내부 보관함 의 온도가 가장 낮았고, 각 위치에서 상단 및 하단의 유의 적인 온도 차이는 문 보관 칸에서만 확인되었다(P<0.01). 냉 동고 대상 가구에서 측정된 온도는 최저 -30.3oC, 최고 0.7oC, 평균 -17.95oC로 조사되었으며, 공간 위치별 온도 분포는 문 보관 칸 -17.19±1.68oC, 내부 벽면 -17.81±1.07oC, 내부 보관함 -18.78±1.72oC로 냉장고 결과와 동일하게 내부 보 관함의 온도가 가장 낮고, 문 보관 칸에서만 상·하단의 유 의적인 온도 차가 확인되었다(P<0.01). 냉장·냉동고 내에 서 위치별 최대 온도 차이는 각각 2.18oC, 2.02oC로 확인 되었으며, 결론적으로 냉장·냉동고 전체의 온도가 일정하 게 유지되는 것이 아니며, 보관되는 위치별로 유의적인 편 차가 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 냉장·냉동고 제조사와 공공기관에서 식품별 권장 보관 위치를 고객들 에게 적극적으로 권고하고, 각 가정에서는 온도 변화에 민 감한 식품을 보관할 경우 문쪽 보관을 지양하는 등 보관 관리 의식을 가져야 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the determinants of healthy food purchases before and after COVID-19 in Korea. Binomial and multinomial logistic regression models were applied to Korea Rural Economic Institute's Food Consumer Behavior Survey data from 2019 to 2021. The analysis revealed a significant decrease in the non-intake of healthy food in 2021 compared to 2019, suggesting the impact of COVID-19 on healthy food consumption. Consumption patterns also changed, with a decrease in direct purchases and an increase in gift-based purchases. Several variables showed significant effects on healthy food intake. Single-person households exhibited a higher probability of eating healthy food after COVID-19. The group perceiving themselves as healthy had a lower likelihood of consuming healthy food pre-COVID-19, but this changed after the pandemic. Online food purchases, eco-friendly food purchases, and nut consumption showed a gradual decrease in the probability of non-intake over time. Gender and age also influenced healthy food intake. The probability of eating healthy food increased in the older age group compared to the younger group, and the probability increased significantly after COVID-19. The probability of buying gifts was significantly higher in those in their 60s, indicating that the path to obtaining healthy food differed by age.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, we examined the shifts in determinants influencing the frequency of eco-friendly food purchases pre- and post-COVID-19. Our analysis utilized filtered 2019-2021 Consumption Behavior Survey data from the Korea Rural Economic Institute Food, excluding any irrational responses. Given the nature of the dependent variable, a multinomial logistic regression model was employed with demographic factors, variables pertaining to food consumption behavior, and variables concerning food consumption awareness as predictors. Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, an individual's level of education was observed to positively influence the frequency of eco-friendly food purchases. In contrast, income level and fluctuations in food consumption expenditure did not appear to have a discernible impact on the purchasing frequency of such eco-friendly products. Irrespective of the advent of COVID-19, variables such as the frequency of online food purchases, the utilization of early morning delivery services, dining out frequency, and the intake of health-functional foods consistently demonstrated a positive correlation with the propensity to purchase eco-friendly foods. Overall, consumers prioritizing safety, quality, and nutrition over price, taste, and convenience in their procurement decisions for rice, vegetables, meat, and processed foods exhibit an increased inclination toward the acquisition of eco-friendly food products.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the demand for ready-to-eat foods continues to grow, concerns about the sodium in processed foods are also growing. In this study, a survey was conducted on the perception of low-sodium products and diffusion plans according to the type of employee (manufacturer, retailer, distributor). Of the 191 responses collected, 189 valid responses (98.9%) were analyzed. The results showed that the employees were aware of the health contribution of a low-sodium diet, labeling for low-sodium, and the promotion of low-sodium food to increase its consumption. Furthermore, retailers recognized the positive contribution of low-sodium products in terms of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management. The use of sodium substitutes was preferred as the best way to reduce sodium in ready-to-eat foods. With regard to sodium reduction in readyto- eat foods, we found that the technical factors involved were clustered by the type of business. Specifically, distributors showed a similar performance but had a lower perception of importance than retailers. Manufacturers had a lower perception of both importance and performance. In this study, we collected perceptions from employees who were working at food companies, which differed from previous research. We sought to examine the differences in the perception of sodium reduction and consumption of ready-to-eat foods across various types of employment. Furthermore, we provided specific approaches to reduce perception gaps and enhance understanding among employees.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 식품접객업소에서 시중 판매되는 더치커 피의 미생물 오염도를 조사하여 유형에 따른 차이를 살펴 보고자 하였다. 경기도 내 커피전문점에서 유통되는 더치 커피 70건을 대상으로 위생지표균, 식중독균, 진균류 오염도를 조사하였으며 추출방법에 따른 일반세균과 진균류의 오 염도를 비교하였다. 일반세균수는 0.74-6.21 log CFU/mL 범 위로 검출되었으며 식품 유형에 따른 평균 검출량은 식품 접객업소 조리식품(3.04 log CFU/mL)이 액상커피(2.08 log CFU/mL)보다 높게 나타났다. 액상커피는 검출된 6건 중 3건이 세균수 기준을 초과하여 부적합이었다. 식중독 원 인균은 70건 모두 불검출이었다. 진균수는 0.70-4.00 log CFU/mL 범위로 검출되었으며 식품유형에 따른 차이는 없 었다. 추출방법에 따른 미생물 오염도는 원두 혼합 여부 와 추출 시간에 따라 비교하였으며, 일반세균수와 진균수 모두 유의적인 차이는 없었다(P>0.05). 시중 유통되는 더 치커피는 일반세균과 진균류에 대한 오염도가 높으므로 위생적인 관리와 적절한 온도 유지를 통해 미생물 오염을 줄이는 것이 중요하며 안전성 확보를 위해 지속적인 모니 터링이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Unhealthy dietary behavior such as insufficient calcium intake can be one of risk factors of osteoporosis and chronic diseases in older people. This study evaluated the recent trends in dietary calcium intake and the food source in Korean adults aged 50 years or older using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES, 2015-2019) data. This study used 24-hour recall survey data to investigate the calcium intake, the major food groups and main dishes contributing to the calcium intake. The mean calcium intake was 479.55-506.81 mg/day. The major food groups that contribute to calcium intake were vegetables, milks and fishes. Dairy and frozen desserts and kimchi were the major dish groups that contributed to the calcium intake. Calcium intake from milk in dairy and frozen dessert group has been high in last 5 years (50-64 years old: 34.71-47.68 mg, 65-74 years old: 29.72-43.65 mg, over 75 years old: 22.91-42.93 mg). In addition, baechu-kimchi is the most contributed to the calcium intake in kimchi group (50-64 years old: 35.10-41.47 mg, 65-74 years old: 29.62-34.96 mg, over 75 years old: 23.79-29.13 mg). In conclusion, various source of calcium needs to be recommended to increase intake calcium in over 50 years, which may reduce chronic diseases and improve quality of life.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The intake of processed foods containing high levels of sugar increases the incidence of chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Limiting sugar intake is important for a healthy life at all ages. Therefore, this study analyzed food sources and sugar intake by the different age groups based on the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). We used 24-hour recall survey data to investigate the daily sugar intake and the major food groups and main dishes contributing to sugar intake. The mean sugar intake was 58.9-66.8 g/day. The three major food groups contributing to sugar intake were fruits (15.2-19.9 g/day), beverages (10.7-12.4 g/day), and milk and milk products (7.6-7.8 g/day). Teas and other non-alcoholic beverages (14.7-17.3 g/day), fruits (12.5-16.2 g/day), and dairy products (7.0-7.6 g/day) were the major food groups that contributed to the sugar intake. Carbonated drinks, apples, and milk were the top sources of sugar intake in each group. In conclusion, the sugar intake of Koreans is mainly from carbonated drinks, fruits, and milk. These results provided the basic data for nutrition education and nutrition program development according to the different age groups of the Korean population.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although fine dust pollution in Korea is increasing, there is no information regarding nutritional standards for fine dustrelated disease patients. This study analyzed the food and nutrient intake status in adult men with disease associated with fine dust in the area with the increased level of fine dust pollution using the sixth and seventh Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2017). The daily intakes, and average nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR) values of energy were significantly increased in the control group compared with patient groups. Compared with the control group, protein, fat and cholesterol intakes were significantly increased in the patient groups. Daily intakes of cereals and grain products in the control group were increased, whereas seasoning intake was decreased in the control group compared with patient groups. The patient groups had low daily water and vitamin B1 intakes, and the niacin intake of patient groups was significantly lower than that of the control group. Nutrition density and nutritional quality of vitamin C were significantly reduced in patient groups. This study can be used as basic data for nutrition education that emphasizes sufficient calorie, water and antioxidant vitamin intakes for patients related to fine dust pollution.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the status of food consumption and nutrition intake of young adults according to food security using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) (2008~2018). A total of 10,655 young adults aged 19~34 years participated in the study. The subjects in the moderately/severely food insecure group consumed less fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts and seeds than those in food secure/mildly food insecure group after adjusting for confounding factors. The moderately/severely food insecure group significantly decreased mean adequacy ratio (MAR) and nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) for protein, vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron compared to the food secure/ mildly food insecure group. The percentages of the participants consuming a daily diet with carbohydrate, protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, phosphorus and iron less than the estimated average requirement (EAR) increased in the moderately/severely food insecure group compared with the food secure group. This study suggested that the nutrition intake of young adults was related to food security status. These findings can be used as basic data for developing nutritional policies for young adults.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건조 수산가공식품의 안전성 확보를 위해 2020년 경기도 내 유통 중인 건조 수산가공식품 12품목 120건을 수거하여 방사능(131I, 134Cs, 137Cs) 및 중금속(납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은) 함량을 분석하였다. 모든 시료에서 자연 방사성 핵종 중 하나인 40K만 검출되었으며, 인공 방사성 물질인 131I, 134Cs, 137Cs는 최소검출가능농도(MDA) 이하의 값을 나타내었다. 중금속의 평균 함량[평균±표준편차(최소값-최대값)]은 생물로 환산하였을 때 납 0.066±0.065(N.D.-0.332) mg/kg, 카드뮴 0.200±0.406(N.D.-2.941) mg/kg, 비소 3.630 ±3.170(0.371-15.007) mg/kg, 수은 0.009±0.011(0.0005-0.0621) mg/kg 이었으며, 수산물에서 중금속 기준이 있는 제품의 경우 모두 기준 규격 이내로 나타났다. 국내산 제품과 수입산 제품의 중금속 함량은, 조개의 카드뮴과 새우의 수은 함량에서만 유의적인 차이를 나타내었다(P<0.05). 본 연구 결과, 유통 중인 건조 수산가공식품에서 방사능 및 중금속은 안전한 수준인 것으로 판단되나, 식품 중 특히 수산물에서 방사능 오염에 대한 국민의 우려가 크기 때문에 국민들의 불안감 해소를 위해 방사능 검사는 지속적으로 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 또 향후 건조 수산가공식품 중에서도 건조된 형태로 직접 섭취 가능한 제품의 중금속 관리 기준 설정을 위한 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the regular selling price and nutrient contents of foods used for special medical purposes in Korea. This study investigated the regular selling price and nutritional composition of 114 enteral nutrition (EN) foods on the manufacturer’s internet homepage. The average price of the total products was 1,156.0 won/100 mL. The price of foods used for calorie and nutrient supplementation (CNS) was significantly higher compared to that of the other EN food types (p<0.01). With respect to the nutritional content per 100 mL of the product, EN foods for CNS had significantly higher contents of energy, protein, 5 minerals, and 7 vitamins than the other EN food types. On comparing the nutritional contents of foods according to the price, the balanced nutrition foods showed significantly higher contents of energy, carbohydrate, protein, 3 minerals, and 7 vitamins in high-priced products than in low-priced foods. Summarizing these results, foods for CNS were approximately twice as expensive as the other EN foods, and the energy, protein, mineral, and vitamin contents were also high. Balanced nutrition foods had higher nutrient contents in high-priced products, which showed the relationship between the product price and nutrient content.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 현재 유통 중인 다이어트 제품 62건에 대한 부정유해물질의 실태조사를 위하여 비만치료제 및 그 유사물질 6종(오르리스타트, 시부트라민, 데스메틸시부트라민, 디데스메틸시부트라민, 클로로시부트라민, 클로로시펜트라민)과 중금속(납, 카드뮴, 비소) 함량을 조사하였다. 연구결과, 다이어트 제품 62건에 대하여 비만치료제 및 그 유사물질 6종은 검출되지 않았다. 중금속은 납, 카드뮴, 비소 각각 다류의 경우 ND-0.177 mg/kg, 0.002-0.233 mg/kg, 0.001-0.188 mg/kg, 캔디류의 경우 ND-0.370 mg/kg, 0.003- 0.057 mg/kg, 0.007-0.120 mg/kg, 체중조절용조제식품의 경우 ND-0.055 mg/kg, 0.012-0.045 mg/kg, 0.010-0.163 mg/ kg의 함량을 나타냈다. 기준 규격이 설정되어있지 않은 기타가공식품의 경우 납, 카드뮴, 비소 각각 ND-2.324 mg/ kg, 0.004-0.936 mg/kg, 0.003-21.247 mg/kg의 함량을 보였으며, 비소의 경우 2건이 PTWI 기준치 이상의 수치를 보였다. 결과적으로 식품군의 안전관리를 위하여 향후 기준 규격이 없는 기타가공식품 유형에 대한 적절한 기준 설정이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study assessed yearly trends of food and nutrient intake among high school students aged 16 to 18 years (n=2,377) using the 2007~2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Yearly trends of food or nutrient intake were analyzed via logistic regression analysis. The results showed that consumption of sugars & sweets, and beverages & alcohols was increased rapidly during this period (p<0.0001). Intake of meat & meat products, and fish & shellfish also was increased (p=0.0008). Intake of grains and grain products was increased until year 2011 but declined after 2012 (p=0.0025). Consumption of vegetables, and milk & milk products was decreased (p=0.0395). Intake of protein, fat, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and iron was increased (p=0.0445). Carbohydrate energy ratio was decreased, whereas fat energy ratio was increased (p=0.0235). Most nutrient intakes satisfied the dietary reference intakes for Koreans except dietary fiber (19.6~26.2%), calcium (46.9~55.2%) and sodium (more than 221.4%) during this period. There was a significant positive correlation between most food group intakes and most nutrient intakes (p=0.0468). Therefore, it is crucial to increase dietary fiber and calcium intake and decrease consumption of sugars, fats and sodium through diverse eating of food groups to ensure balanced nutrition of subjects.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2016 examined the nutrient and food intake of women in their 20s and 30s according to the number of meals a day, and the results were as follows: The study included 256 women in their 20s and 474 women in their 30s. Women in their 20s and 30s ate two meals a day, indicating that the notion of three meals a day was gradually changing to two to three meals a day. Those in their 20s and 30s who eat one, two or three meals a day were consuming less than the estimated energy requirement of the DRI for Koreans 2015. The vitamin A and C were eating less than the recommended intake in all meals. In the case of minerals, calcium was taken less than the recommended intake in all meals, but sodium was taken above the goal intake in all groups. Women in their 20s and 30s must reduce their intake of saturated fatty acids and sodium, and increase their intake of vitamins A, C, calcium, and potassium. Women in their 20s and 30s drank a lot of coffee, ate baechu-kimchi and rice frequently per week.
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