본 논문에서는 1973년 프랑스 파리에 최초로 한식당을 창업하여 30여 년간 운영한 한인 이민사업가를 대상으로 유럽에서의 요식업 종사 경험 을 구술생애사적 관점에서 고찰한다. 프랑스 한인사회의 역사적 변천 과 정의 맥락에서 구술자의 한식당 창업 동기와 사업에 도움이 되었던 요 인, 한식당 경영의 의미에 대해서 조사한다. 연구 결과에 따르면 구술자 는 유럽에서의 연속적 이주 과정을 통해서 축적한 다양한 사회적 네트워 크를 주요한 민족자원의 하나로 활용하였다. 또한 창업 당시 프랑스 한 인은 200명 남짓의 소규모였고 현지인들 사이에 한국, 한국 음식에 대한 인지도가 매우 낮았기 때문에, 입지 선정에 있어서 주프랑스 한국대사관 과의 근접성이 중요하게 고려되었다. 한식당 경영을 통해서 프랑스 한인 과 한국으로부터의 방문객들이 모국의 음식을 향유하고 한국적 정서를 접할 수 있게 하였고, 또한 프랑스 현지인들에게는 한국 음식문화와 한 인 예술을 알리는데 기여하였다. 본 연구를 통해 프랑스 한인 이주사, 한 인 디아스포라의 자영업 창업, 해외 한식문화의 전파와 의의에 대한 이 해 제고에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
부산의 돼지국밥과 중국의 뉴러우탕(牛肉湯), 일본의 돈코츠라멘(豚骨ラーメン)은 고기와 부산물을 주재료로 하여 하나의 온전한 요리이자 한 끼 식사로 자리잡은 측 면에서 유사점이 많다. 이들 각각의 음식은 자국의 문화와 조리법을 통해 독특한 맛 과 풍미를 선사하고 있으며, 동시에 대표적인 가축 가운데 소와 돼지를 활용한 고기 요리의 풍부한 역사와 전통을 공유하고 있다. 여기서는 부산을 대표하는 음식인 돼 지국밥을 주제로 동아시아 3국의 국탕 문화를 음식의 의미와 먹기의 의미로 다루면 서 세부적으로 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 통해 3국이 차이를 보이면서도 유사한 결을 가지고 있는 세 음식을 통해 상징되는 문화적, 사회학적 의미를 짚어보고 이를 통해 인문학적으로 어떻게 음식을 연결 지을 수 있을지에 대한 성찰을 얻고자 한다.
Research on the birth (起源) and names (語源) of foods such as kimchi is important to understand traditional food culture. kimchi, an ‘add flavored, fermented, pickled, vegetable food’ was initially prepared with the simple purpose of increasing storage capabilities, but later, through a complex process of change, morphological diversification occurred. In addition to the basic name of ‘kimchi’, each variety has its unique name and history. This study was conducted through qualitative research using various research methods, such as oral records and interviews, as well as investigation of data from literature, including ancient literature, modern cookbooks, newspapers, magazines, papers, and videos. The study sought to investigate the context and the meaning of the name Chonggak kimchi. In addition, it is a compilation of how the name spread through the ages and evolved to its current name. The name Chonggak kimchi did not exist during the Joseon Dynasty and Japanese occupation and first appeared in the records in the late 1950s. Nevertheless, the original name of ‘Altarimu kimchi’ evolved and finally became a part of the standard Korean language (標準語) in 1988. In the process of the name spreading and becoming popular, the movie “Chonggak kimchi (1964),” starring Shin, S.I., and Eom, A.R. played a significant role. It was also confirmed that this was a meaningful and valuable case of contentization of traditional food culture, regardless of the intention behind the same.
This study investigated the trend of research on ‘Food science and Nutrition’ in previously published papers in the Journal of Korean Society of Food Culture (JKSFC) from 2000 to 2021. Total number of published papers in this category in the JKSFC was 693 which we classified into 7 main categories and 40 subcategories. Of these, 256 articles were on ‘experimental cooking’ which was the most studied field among 7 main categories. There was a total of 19 published papers under the category of ‘microbiology and fermentation’. A total of 133 articles were published on ‘functional foods’ and provided essential data for discovering new materials under the theme of various physiological active functions of food materials. Furthermore, 107 articles were included in ‘food processing and storage’, which provided integrated knowledge of economy, stability and practicality based on various technologies. A total of 144 articles was included in the category of ‘nutrition’. Under the category of ‘nutrition’, the most actively studied topic was ‘eating behaviors and dietary habits,’ and the trending topic was ‘use of healthcare big data.’ In conclusion, this review would provide trends of various categories of food science and nutrition area for recent 21 years and suggest directions for future research.
This study examines the trend of research on food and culture in papers published in the Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture from 1986 to 2020. The journals published a total of 329 papers, which we classified into 5 main categories and 13 middle categories. Of these, 204 articles were on “Korean traditional food culture.” The most studied topic in the entire period was “Perception of Koreans towards traditional food, preference, satisfaction, and usage.” A total of 76 studies related to “Korean contemporary food culture.” The most advanced topic researched concerned “Recognition and attitude”; these studies were consistently carried out throughout the research period. The main classification of “World food culture” encompassed 32 studies, with major research focused on “World's Modern Food Culture” and the most advanced being “Comparison of Food Cultures of Foreign and Korean Food Cultures.” All studies were consistently spaced out during the study period. These studies provide an integrated knowledge in the field of food and culture and can be used as a basic material for related research in the future.
For any research study, in order to achieve the researcher’s intended purpose, the depth of research is added, and the area of the subject is expanded by clearly defining the scope and objective. The study was undertaken to analyze the bibliographic data of 254 papers in the field of foodservice and restaurant published in the Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture from 2002 to 2021. The study was divided into two periods: 2002 to 2011, and 2012 to 2021. Research topics were derived and research trends according to temporal changes were confirmed through analysis of keyword networks by period. In addition, analyzing the keyword network of simultaneous appearance of “foodservice” and “restaurant”, the research topics were compared and analyzed in relation to which keywords were expanded by period. Our analysis revealed that the research topics were mostly studied for satisfaction and nutrition. Additionally, they were classified into procurement, Korean food before employee menu, marketing, restaurant industry, and quality. In the period from 2002 to 2011, it was confirmed that studies encompassed a wide range of research topics, focusing on foodservice and restaurant; in the second period from 2012 to 2021, the research topics were more classified and subdivided.
국내 유통되는 반려동물 사료의 살모넬라 분석시 증균 배양법, 효소면역기법에 의한 분석, 종 특이 primer를 활 용한 PCR 방법을 활용하여 비교 평가하였다. 시료 175점 Salmonella spp. 검출 결과 증균배양법 및 종 특이 primer를 활용한 PCR 방법에 의한 검출 방법에서 2점의 시료(육포, 옥수수 글루텐)가 양성으로 확인되었고, 효소면역기법에 의한 검출방법에서는 1점의 시료(옥수수 글루텐)가 양성 으로 확인되었다. 증균배양법 및 효소면역기법에 의한 검 출방법에 비해 종 특이 primer를 활용한 PCR 방법을 적 용 할 경우 시료에서 분리된 균주의 종(species) 판별이 가 능하였다.
The senior dog population (ages 7+) is increasing worldwide because of a larger interest in the health of companion dogs. In this study, we aimed to develop dog foods via fermentation to address the nutritional needs of senior dogs. The dog food ingredients were fermented with candidates of starter culture and then the fermentation efficiency was compared using pH and ammonia nitrogen for selection of optimum strains. The fermentation was carried out with a moisture content of 60% and starter culture of 1.0×107 cfu/g at 3 7℃ for 24 h. And there were manufactured pre- and post-senior dog foods (treatments) including fermented rice, fermented pinto bean, and fermented soybean meal and it compared with non-fermented dog foods (controls) on fermentation characteristics, in vitro dry matter and crude protein digestibility, and palatability. As results of this study, fermentation efficiency was higher when rice or wheat was inoculated with Lactobacillus brevis (ΔpH; -2.74 ~ -2.94) and meat and bone meal with Lactobacillus reuteri (ΔNH3-N conc.; 4.29 g/L). The ammonia nitrogen level, total volatile fatty acid content, in vitro dry matter and crude protein digestibility of L. brevis-fermented dog food were significantly greater than those of non-fermented dog food (p<0.05). Further, in case of palatability tests, fermented foods tended to have higher palatability compared to non-fermented foods, and no negative effect was observed in fermented foods. These results suggest that fermented food is suitable for senior dogs and could help to maintain adult dog health.
This study researched the food culture and bean economy of the Joseon dynasty during the 16th century and according to the primary lifestyle reference『Shaemirok (瑣尾錄)』. The research analyzed the textual contents of the『Shaemirok (瑣尾錄)』. It is clear that the people of the Joseon dynasty produced more beans than grain, at a ratio of 41 to 50, respectively. The soy bean sauce consumption was split into family consumption and non-family consumption. It was evident that there was more family consumption compared to that of non-family consumption at a ratio of 7 to 3, respectively. People of the Joseon dynasty annually recorded their way of making soy sauce from 1595 to 1600. The Joseon writers edited the record six times for making meju and four times for making soy sauce. The recorded ratio displays the ingredients of soy sauce, which were: 6 Du of Mal Jang and 2 Du of salt. Mal Jang and salt had a three to one ratio, respectively. The most mentioned food was Tofu during the mid-Joseon period with fifty six mentions. The Joseon people regarded making Tofu in a Buddhist temple as a family-bonding experience. Porridge was the second most prominent food next to Tofu, among the bean-related food. Porridge appears thirty five times. There were 3 types of porridge named: bean porridge, bean powder porridge and mung bean porridge.
This study examined the food culture of the Koryo Dynasty during the early 13th century based on the records of wooden tablets and marine relics from the 1st and 2nd ships of Mado wrecked at sea off Taean while sailing for Gaegyeong containing various types of grain paid as taxes and tributes. The recipients of the cargo on the 1st ship of Mado were bureaucrats living in Gaegyeong during the period of the military regime of the Koryo Dynasty, and the place of embarkation was the inlet around Haenam (Juksan Prefecture) and Naju (Hoijin Prefecture) in Jolla-do. On wooden tablets were recorded 37 items of rice, cereal, and fermented foods. The measures used in the records were seok [石-20 du (斗)] for cereal, seok [15 du, 20 du] for fermented soybean paste, and pot (缸) and volume (斗) for salted fish. The places of embarkation on the 2nd ship of Mado were Jeongeup (Gobu Prefecture), Gochang (Jangsa Prefecture, Musong Prefecture), etc. On wooden tablets were recorded 29 items of rice, cereal, fermented foods, seasame oil, and honey. The volume measure for yeast guk (麴), the fermentative organism for rice wine, was nang [囊-geun (斤)], and the measure for sesame oil and honey, which were materials of oil-and-honey pastries and confections, was joon (樽-seong, 盛). Honey and sesame oil were luxury foods for the upper-class people of the Koryo Dynasty, and they were carried in high-quality inlaid celadon vases in Meibyung style. Food names and measures written on wooden tablets and actual artifacts found in the 1st and 2nd ships of Mado are valuable materials for research into agriculture, cereal, and fermented foods of the Koryo Dynasty in the early 13th century. Besides, relics such as grains and bones of fish and animals from the Koryo Dynasty are expected to provide crucial information usable in studies on food history of the Korean Peninsula.
To contribute to the globalization of Korean food, a Korean food culture publicity event was conducted at Hayabusa Station, Tottori Province, Japan. This study investigated and analyzed recognition and preferences towards Korean food in participants at the event. The method of information acquisition was also analyzed. Most participants had prior experience eating Korean food. As for information, participants responded that they were affected by public media such as dramas, and the most effective way of getting information was participating in lectures. This study also investigated intake of 20 kinds of Korean food and found highest preferences for bibimbap, kimchi, naengmyeon, and galbigui, in that order. The main motive for participating in the Korean food culture publicity event was a desire to experience a new culture. Further, satisfaction, intention to participate, and intention to recommend Korean food were high. These attitudes had significant effects on the intention to visit Korea. In the future, Korean food culture publicity events held in foreign lands can contribute to Korean tourism.
오늘날 기업들은 환경의 동태성이 증가되면서 기업이 지속적인 경쟁우위를 유지하기 위해서는 환경특성의 변화에 적절하게 대응할 수 있는 경영혁신이 수반되어야 한다. 특히, 급변하는 시장 환경의 변화로 인하여 경영성과를 창출하기 위해서는 경영환경, 경쟁전략, 조직문화에 의한 인과관계를 분석할 필요성이 대두되었다. 식품산업도 예외는 아니어서 급변하는 경영환경에 능동적으로 대응하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 특히, 식품업계에서는 식품의 안전과 위생에 대한 관심은 생활수
This study examined the food culture of Koreans aged over 80-years-old living in the areas of Goorye and Gokseong. The research method was based on examination of individual cases through in-depth interviews. The total number of survey subjects was 38; males constituted 34 percent of the subjects while females constituted 66 percent of the subjects. Average age of male subjects was 85.3 years while average age of females was 84.8 years. The results were summarized in the following properties of the typical and traditional Korean table, which was the most common food life's property in the longevity area of was centered around rice, watery soup, vegetables, and fish. The first, as the supply step's property of food ingredients, various spices and ingredients such as piperitum, tumeric, ginger, garlic, chili pepper, and salted fish were used. Senior persons also supplied fresh vegetables at the kitchen garden, and they led a nature-friendly food life. The second, as the production of food and cooking of food step's property, there were multigrain rice and fermented foods such as soybean paste, kimchi, red pepper paste, salted fish, vegetables picked in soy sauce, etc. The recipe was cookery intermediated with water, soup, steamed vegetables, seasonings, etc., and it was characterized by a deep and rich taste due to the various spices and rich ingredients. The third, as the consumption of food step's property, senior persons regularly ate a balanced diet three times a day. They also had active personal relationships with their neighbors by sharing food, which increased their sense of belonging and improved their life satisfaction.
This study was intended to examine the continuance and transformation of food culture during the enlightenment and Japanese ruling era by analyzing the novel of "Toji". In the novel "Toji", the chaotic political and economic situation is reflected, along with the peoples' hard lives in the latter era of the Choson Dynasty. After the full-fledged invasion of China by the Japanese, the shift to a wartime posture was accompanied by an increased need for food. This led to a rationing and delivery system for rice in the late 1930s. While it was hard for people to obtain even brewer's grains and bean-curd dregs, food distribution officers were well off. Another distinctive feature of the food culture during the enlightenment and Japanese ruling era was that foreign food and recipes were introduced naturally to Korea through the influx of various foreigners. The industry of Choson was held by Japanese monopolistic capital, as a result, Choson had equal to the role as a spending site and was only gradually left destitute. In the Japanese ruling era, there were new type of business including such as patisserie of the types of civilization in the town, and those tempted Korean people. However, the Japanese and pro-Japan collaborators dominated commercial business. Being urbanization through the modernization, it was became patronized fast food in the populous downtown, and the change of industry structure and life style greatly influenced into our food culture. Acceptance the convenient Japanese style fast food such as Udong, pickled radish made was actively accepted with a longing for the advancement civilization. After the enlightenment, many Japanese exchange students went to Tokyo to get advanced civilization and provided urban mood according to their consumption of bread, coffee, Western food, which were considered a part of the elite culture.