
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 28

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to design a new sizing system for hygienic masks to protect against COVID-19-related respiratory disorders. The product sizes were collected from 70 commercially available hygienic masks, and 18 head measurements were obtained from the three-dimensional (3D) scan data of 2,048 men and women aged 20 to 69 years from the 6th Size Korea Survey. The statistical analysis was performed using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 28.0 program. The “bitragion-subnasale arc” and “menton-sellion length” were chosen as the key body dimensions for the hygienic mask sizing system. The linear regressions with 18 3D head measurements were analyzed, and it was determined that the key body dimensions were useful for statistically predicting other 3D head measurements related to hygienic masks. A new sizing system was proposed for two types of masks, “masks with a tight fit” and “masks with a loose fit,” taking into account the existing Korean Industrial Standards (KS) and the shortcomings of the sizes of hygienic masks on the market. The sizing system for tight-fitting masks consisted of the key body dimensions, with their sizes indicated by a pair of numbers. The sizing system for loose-fitting masks consisted solely of the bitragion-subnasale arc, with their sizes denoted by letters such as S, M, and L (denoting small, medium, and large, respectively). Future studies should consider this mask sizing system for different age groups, such as children and adolescents.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화분매개곤충으로 중요한 산업적 가치를 지닌 꿀벌은 전 세계적으로 병해충에 의한 개체수 감소 현상이 심각한 문제로 제기 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이를 타개하기 위하여 질병저항성 꿀벌 계통을 선발하고자 하였으며, 이를 위해 꿀벌 육성 계통별 청소력(hygienic behavior) 평가를 수행하였다. 이는 질병 저항성 계통 선발에 관한 연구로 본 연구에서는 5종의 꿀벌 계통과 2종의 교배종 계통에 대한 청소력 평가를 Pin killed brood assay 법에 의해 수행하였다. 그 결과 처리 24 시간 후 죽은 번데기를 제거하거나 개봉하는 능력이 60% 이상으로 청 소능력이 낮은 계통(non-hygienic)은 확인되지 않았으며, 반대로 죽은 번데기를 제거하거나 개봉하는 능력이 90%이상인 hygienic 계통은 C, D, E, F, ♀CX♂D 그리고 ♀FX♂D 계통인 것으로 드러났으며, 그 외 A 계통은 보통(intermediate)의 청소능력을 가진 것으로 확인 되었다. 이를 통해 본 연구에서는 육성 계통 대부분이 높은 질병저항성 특성을 지니는 것으로 평가되고 있으며, 이러한 결과는 지속적인 질병저항성 꿀벌 계통 선발에 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대되고 있다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The honey bee, Apis mellifera ligustica (Hymenoptera: Apidae), strain with a high hygienic behavior (HHB) has been bred for several years in Korea, and a diagnosis system to distinguish it from low hygienic behavior (LHB) strain has been necessitated. Thus, complete mitogenome of the two strains were sequenced through Next-Generation Sequencing technique to detect SNPs. Comparison of the mitogenome sequences from the two strains of A. m. ligustica have detected 23 SNPs in 11 PCGs and these were further confirmed the presence of SNPs using each 10 individuals selected randomly from each strain, indicating that these SNP markers might be useful to diagnose the honeybee strains with the HHB. Therefore, mitogenome sequences are promising genome source to detect SNP markers, particularly for inbred female iso-lines.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An investigation was conducted to evaluate the hygienic status of 53 high school foodservice systems in Gyeonggi province by using hygiene management guide checklist, ATP bioluminescence assay of food utensils were conducted during process. The 5 hygiene management guide checklist groups about personal hygiene, cooking facilities control, cross contamination control, cook and storage control, management control were checked by experts and had good grades but there were some inadequate behaviors on observation. Total cleaning levels were inadequate, including hand, rubber gloves, aprons, knives, food tray, machine and instruments. The possibility of cross contamination is also noted in handles for refrigerators, ovens, food dryers, hand washing. It was also noted that there were too much work on the nutritionist and cook, additional personnel need to be added. lack of space, deterioration of facilities were identified in some high school foodservice systems. ATP bioluminescence assay was conducted on surface of food facilities, ATP ranged 1,393±5,041.2 RLU on yellow gloves, 244±258.7 RLU on pink gloves, 3,780±11,418.6 RLU on apron, 49,056±62,831.4 RLU on refrigerator grip, 41,422±61,259.8 RLU in oven, 31,407±41,344.9 RLU on hand cleaning board.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to evaluate changes of microbiological and hygienic quality characteristics of dry-cured ham during manufacturing process. The water activity(Aw) of dry-cured ham decreased significantly during the period(P<0.05). The salt contents increased from at 0 day to 60 days and decreased slightly at 60 days of post-curing(P<0.05). The contents increased after 120 days again. As the curing, drying and aging progressed, the VBN and TBA of dry-cured ham increased(P<0.05). The dry-cured ham samples showed significantly higher VBN at 120 and 180 days and higher TBA at 180 days. Regarding microbiological analysis, the total aerobic counts and lactic acid bacteria counts increased significantly during the stage(P<0.05). The total aerobic counts closely paralleled the lactic acid bacteria counts. In general, this research can be used as fundamental information for the mass production of a hygienic dry-cured ham.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전국의 식품접객업소에서 사용되는 얼음 500 품목의 미생물학적 오염도 평가 (지표세균 및 식중독미생물)를 실시하였다. 지역별 수거한 얼음의 일반세균 평균값은 서울지역이 2.31 log10CFU/g으로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 전라도지역이 1.83 log10 CFU/g으로 가장 낮게 검출되었다. 식중독 관련미생물(S. aureus, L. monocytogenes)은 검출되지 않았으며, 제빙기얼음과 포장판매얼음을 비교한 결과 포장판매얼음의 일반세균 평균값이 0.45 log10CFU/g 더 낮게 검출되었다. 접객업소는 베이커리 매장, 디저트 매장, 음료 매장 세 가지로 분류하여 분석하였는데, 디저트를 판매하는 접객업소 얼음의 일반세균 평균값이 2.37 log10 CFU/g로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 이는 접객업소에서 사용하는 얼음의 형태와 관련이 있는 것으로 사료된다. 따라서 본연구의 결과를 기초로 제빙기 및 포장판매얼음의 안전한 위생관리를 위해서는 개인위생과 함께 주기적인 얼음제조설비의 세척관리가 이루어져야 한다고 제시하였다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An investigation was conducted to evaluate the hygienic status of 33 high school foodservice systems in Yongin city by using hygiene management guide checklist, ATP bioluminescence assay and microbe inspection petrifilm (APC, coliform group, Staphylococcus aureus) of food utensils during use. The 22 hygiene management guide checklist items about facilities, personal hygiene, food control, distribution, washing and disinfection had good grade but there were some inadequate behaviors on observation. The inspection results showed their sanitary condition met the level B of the recommendation of Korea method, it means sanitary management system get settled but more practical CCP system was needed. ATP bioluminescence assay was conducted on surface of food facilities, ATP ranged 425~2,552 RLU on gloves, 541~70,251 RLU on apron, 1,596~88,490 RLU on working desk, 1,177~263,813 RLU on sterilizer grip, 715~32,814 RLU on sterilizer shelf, 114~619,725 RLU on refrigerator grip, 677~319,007 RLU on refrigerator shelf, 71~196,725 RLU on freezer grip, 1,535~233,375 RLU on freezer shelf. APC ranged 66.7±29.0 CFU on freezer grip, 102.1±35.9 CFU on refrigerator grip, 45.4±28.2 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 58.8±40.4 CFU on sterilizer grip, the number of coliform group ranged 5.6±4.9 CFU on freezer grip, 9.1±8.7 CFU on refrigerator grip, 1.2±1.1 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 4.5±4.4 CFU on sterilizer grip. S. aureus ranged 8.0±5.6, CFU on freezer grip, 12.2±9.6 CFU on refrigerator grip, 2.1±1.6 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 11.6±6.4 CFU on sterilizer grip.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The levels of migration of 1-hexene and 1-octene residues in PE (polyethylene) products were analyzed by Headspace gaschromatography (HSGC). A total of 21 samples were including lap, polyglove, zipper bag and ect. The samples were eluted with distilled water, 4% acetic acid, 20% ethanol and n-heptan. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.06 mg/L ~ 0.30 mg/L and limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.21 mg/L ~ 1.01 mg/L, respectively. But beacause of the high volatile, n-heptan elution was not detected 1-hexene and 1-octene standard. 1- hexene and 1-octene were not detected in the sample which eluted with simulant at 60℃, 30min. Microwave for 1 minute also treated sample and direct heated at 100℃ wthiout simulant were not detected.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently food-borne disease is being increased at outdoor food services including hotels and restaurants. Speedy and convenient practical monitoring techniques to determine hygienic conditions are needed. This study was designed to verify correlation of direct ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) examination method using ATP bioluminescence and surveillance with check-list by inspector. Hygienic status of personal hygiene (hands), kitchen utensils (knives, chopping boards, kitchen towels, cap openers, food storage containers, and blade of slice machines), facilities and equipments (refrigerator handles, worktables, and sinks) in five major hotels in Seoul were examined. The result of personal hygiene of hotels was relatively better than other inspection items (46.6 points in personal hygiene, 40.2 points in kitchen utensils, 40.3 points in facilities & equipments). In ATP inspection, kitchen utensils and facilities & equipments were relatively clean comparing with personal hands data (40.8 ± 6.77 RLU/cm²). After correlation analysis of surveillance in hygienic status points and ATP value, all results showed negative and high correlation. The surveillance data and ATP results investigating personal hygiene, kitchen utensils and facilities & equipments were highly correlated. The ATP examination method which shows real-time identification could be considered as an appropriate method to alternate current check-list dependent safety management in food services including hotels.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to develop a protective carrier scaffolder for the external usage of medical and hygienic materials, three essential protective elements existing in nature, i.e., algin, cellulose, and calcium phosphate apatite, were investigated. The algin is a main skeletal component of sea weeds, the cellulose is of vegetables, and the calcium phosphate apatite is of vertebral animals. In the present study we select the agarose which is a derivative from algin, the cellulose fiber obtained from skin of sea squirt, calcium oxide purified from shell powder, and tricalcium phosphate apatite purchased commercially. Consequently, the agarose-cellulose hybrid was made by the hydrogen bonds intermediating the calcium phosphate apatite between agarose and cellulose molecules. As the calcium phosphate apatite is formed by the addition of calcium hydroxide into tricalcium phosphate solution, we used calcium oxide to accelerate the hybridization between the agarose and calcium phosphate apatite and also between the cellulose and calcium phosphate apatite. In the phase contrast microscopic observation the agarose-cellulose hybrid showed more compact matrix structure than the mixture of agarose and cellulose. The agarose-cellulose hybrid showed increased storage modulus but decreased loss modulus in Rheometer test compared to those of the other materials tested in this study, representing that the agarose-cellulose hybrid has the highest elasticity among them and similar water capacity to agarose. The agarose-cellulose hybrid showed the strongest antimicrobial effect in bacteria killing assay than the other materials, and also it showed a potent blood clotting effect but no immunological hypersensitivity on the human skin. From the above results we presumed that the nobel material, agarose-cellulose hybrid, is a compact scaffolding matrix which has proper elasticity, high capacity to hold substrates, and antimicrobial and blood clotting property potent enough to carry the bio-medical and hygienic materials for external treatment safely.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kimchi is a representative traditional food in Korea and a type of vegetable product that is the unique complex lactic acid fermentation in the world. It can be considered as a unique fermented food generated by various flavors, which are not included in raw materials, that can be generated by mixing and fermenting various spices and seasonings, such as red pepper powder, garlic, ginger, and salted fish, added to Chinese cabbages. Functionalities in Kimchi have been approved through several studies and the probiotic function that is mainly based on lactic acid bacteria including their physical functions in its contents has also verified. Studies on the verification of the safety of Kimchi including its physiological functions have been conducted. In particular, the function of lactic acid bacteria, which is a caused of the fermentation of Kimchi. Although the lactic acid bacteria contributed to the fermentation of Kimchi is generated from raw and sub-materials, the lactic acid bacteria attached on Chinese cabbages has a major role in the process in which the fermentation temperature and dominant bacteria are also related to the process. The salt used in a salt pickling process inhibits the growth of the putrefactive and food poisoning bacteria included in the fermentation process of Kimchi and of other bacteria except for such lactic acid bacteria due to the lactic acid and several antimicrobial substances generated in the fermentation process, such as bacteriocin and hydrogen peroxide. In addition, the carbon dioxide gas caused by heterolactic acid bacteria contributes to the inhibition of aerobic bacteria. Furthermore, special ingredients included in sub-materials, such as garlic, ginger, and red pepper powder, contribute to the inhibition of putrefactive and food poisoning bacteria. The induction of the change in the intestinal bacteria as taking Kimchi have already verified. In conclusion, Kimchi has been approved as a safety food due to the fact that the inhibition of food poisoning bacteria occurs in the fermentation process of Kimchi and the extinction of such bacteria.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 조사는 계란 유통실태 및 위생상태를 파악하여 품질향상과 위생관리에 도움이 되는 자료를 제공하고자, 2001년 3-4월에 인천광역시 5개 백화점 식품매장에서 총 57종의 계란을 구입하여 조사하였다. 계란의포장은 10개 이하의 소량 단위포장 비율이 높았고, 전 품목을 실온에서 보관하였다. 유통기한은 40종(70.2%)이 28일 이상으로 표기하였다. 유통되는 특수란은 31종(54.4%)이었다. 유통기한과 산란일자는 모든 품목에서 표시되었으며 주로 상표나 난좌에 표기되었다. 내용량에 대한 표시는 38종(66.6%)만이 실시하였다. 난각에 분변이나 털이 있는 경우 27건(9.5%), 난각이 기형이거나 깨진 경우 11건(3.9%), 난 내용물에 혈반이나 육반등의 이물이 있는 경우는 42건(14.7%), 상한 계란은 5건(1.8%)이 유통되었다. Haugh Unit(HU) 검사결과 평균은 56.1이었으며, HU 31 미만의 품질저하 계란은 18개(6.3%)이었고, 총 57종 중 12종(21.1%)에서 1개 이상의 품질저하 계란이 조사되었다. 난각의 일반세균 오염수준은 <10∼8.2×10^3 cfu/ml으로 고르게 분포하였고, 대장균은 8건(4.7%)이 검출되었다. 총 285개의 계란(난황)에서 Salmonella enteritidis는 검출되지 않았고, 계란에 잔류하는 항생물질은 1종에서 테트라사이클린 계열이 검출되었다. 그 동안 위생관리의 사각지대에 있었던 계란에 대한 품질관리와 유통개선을 위한 법적, 제도적 근거가 마련되면, 계란의 표시 및 품질기준 등 사양관리에서부터 유통단계에 이르는 전반적인 안전성 관리방안이 검토되고 보완되어야 할 것이다.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bacteriological quality of beef carcass and distributions of pathogens in beef processing environments were investigated to improve the hygienic quality of fresh beef. Total bacterial contamination of carcass surface in slaughtering process and cutting board in cut-meat process showed 10^5-10^6CFU/㎠ and l0^5CFU/㎠ in summer, respectively. The viable bacterial count of cotton glove was similar to that of cutting board during and entire period of year. Microbial contamination of carcass surface, cutting board, cotton glove and deboned meat showed the highest in summer and the lowest in winter during the year. Escherichia coli O157, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella. ornithinolytica, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Tatumella. ptyseos, Serratia odorifera, Aeromonas sobria, Enterobacter cloacae and Flavimonas oryzihabitans were isolated from carcass surface during slaughter treatments. S. aureus, Listeria grayi and L. monocytogenes were isolated from cutting board and L. grayi, Erwinia spp. Salmonella spp. and S. aureus were isolated from cotton glove in cut-meat process environments. Citrobacter freundii, L. monocytogenes, and S. aureus were isolated from deboned meat.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the purpose of improving hygienic quality of dried-Angelica Keiskei Koidz powder, the effects of ozone treatment and gamma irradiation on the microbial decontamination and physicochemical properties were investigated. Gamma irradiation at 5 to 7.5 kGy resulted in sterilizing total aerobic bacteria, molds and coliforms below detective levels, while ozone treatment for 8 hours up to 18 ppm did not sufficiently eliminate the total aerobic bacteria of the sample. The physicochemical properties of the sample were not changed by gamma irradiation up to 7.5 kGy, whereas, ozone treatment caused remarkable changes in pH, TBA value, chlorophyll, carotenoid and fatty acid compositions. Therefore, this investigation demonstrated conclusively that gamma irradiation was more effective than ozone treatment for decontaminating and sterilizing the dried-Angelica Keiskei Koidz powder, with minimal effect on the physicochemical properties analyzed.
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