To investigate Oiji (traditional Korean cucumber pickles) with reduced sodium content based on the use of saline foods as a salt substitute, Oiji was prepared using glasswort powder (Salicornia herbacea L.), and its physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation were examined. The moisture content of Oiji was shown to be higher in those to which glasswort powder had been added compared to the control without addition of glasswort powder, and Oiji with 40% glasswort powder substitute showed the highest pH and lowest acidity, resulting in slow progression of fermentation. The salinity of Oiji among those containing glasswort powder substitute was significantly higher with increasing level of glasswort powder. The sodium content of Oiji was significantly reduced as addition of glasswort powder increased. The L value of Oiji decreased with increased addition of glasswort powder, whereas the a value was highest in the control. The hardness of Oiji was higher in the control than in Oiji containing glasswort powder. Taste acceptance was highest for Oiji with 20% glasswort powder substitute, whereas acceptance of appearance was higher for Oiji with 10% glasswort powder substitute. Flavor and texture acceptance was higher for the control. In the attribute difference test, significant differences were found in brownness, off-flavor, salty taste, and sourness. Based on the findings, 10-20% substitution of salt with glasswort powder did not significantly lower overall acceptance compared to the control while salinity of Oiji was maintained. Therefore, the potential production of low-sodium Oiji has been verified.
In order to study low salinity Oiji (cucumber pickled in salt) with a reduced content of sodium, which was accomplished by replacing the salt in this saliferous food, we produced Oiji using sea tangle and, then performed physicochemical and sensory evaluations. It was found that the moisture content of Oiji was decreased with increasing the amount of added sea tangle. The pH and acidity were significantly different between the samples made with sea tangle, and the pH and acidity showed no consistent tendency according to the amount of sea tangle powder added. The salinity of Oiji was the highest in the control Oiji (2.92%), and the higher the amount of sea tangle added, the lower was the salinity in the Oiji with the salt replaced by sea tangle (2.78 to 2.89%). The sodium content of Oiji was also the highest in the control Oiji (591.65 mg/ 100 g) and significantly decreased with the increasing addition of sea tangle (560.43~366.71 mg/100 g). The color value of Oiji showed a significant difference between the samples, with no consistent tendency according to the amount of added sea tangle powder. The hardness of Oiji was significantly greater in the Oiji with the salt replaced by 40% of sea tangle, with greater hardness noted as the amount of added sea tangle powder increased (217.70 g). As a result of the acceptance test of Oiji, there were significant differences between the samples in overall acceptance, appearance, and taste, showing that the Oiji with salt replaced by 30% of sea tangle was significantly highest in overall acceptance and taste. The attribute difference test showed a significant difference only for the brown color, while no significant differences were found between the samples for off-flavor, bitter taste, fermented taste, salty taste, sour taste, hardness and crispness. The above results demonstrated that when sea tangle was substituted for 30 to 40% of the salt content, the Oiji with a low content of sodium and low salinity can be produced with a high level of taste and overall preference. Therefore, this study firmly demonstrated that 30 to 40% of the salt can be replaced by sea tangle as a substitute in order to produce Oiji that has low salinity, a low sodium content.
To optimize the fermentation period of lightly salted Oiji, 3% salt was added to cucumbers that were fermented at 27±1°C for 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 days, after which their physical properties (moisture content, salinity, pH, acidity, hardness) and sensory characteristics (acceptance test, difference test) were evaluated. The moisture content was highest at day 6. Hardness slowly increased as fermentation time increased, but not significantly. The pH was highest after 3 days of fermentation, and tended to decrease as fermentation time increased, with the largest drop occurring between 4 and 5 days, and the lowest pH occurring between 6 and 7 days. Acidity was lowest after day 3 of fermentation and highest after day 7. Acidity tended to increase as fermentation period lengthened. The L-value tended to decrease as salt concentration increased. The a-value declined from day 3 to day 5, then increased significantly by day 7. The b-value was highest after 7 days, with a tendency to increase as the fermentation progressed. Acceptance test results were highest for taste and overall acceptance after 5 days of fermentation. The difference test showed that the optimal lightly salted Oiji fermentation period was approximately 5 days. These results indicate that lightly salted Oiji fermented for 5 days produced the highest acceptance.
The rate of salt and sugar into pickled cabbages was determined, and physicochemical characteristics, such as sensory, texture, and pH, of vinegar pickled cabbages during storage were examined at different storage temperatures and vinegar concentrations. The rate of salt and sugar penetration was faster in smaller size and on leaves rather than the stem of cabbage. Also, higher salt and sugar concentration and higher storage temperatures led to increase in salt and sugar permeation rate. As a result of sensory test, lower storage temperature is the most suitable, and 6% vinegar concentration was the mostly appropriate. Hardness and cohesiveness were decreased significantly at the initial 1st week storage time, but storage temperature did not show any significant effect. Addition of vinegar contents enhanced the hardness, but decreased cohesiveness. The pH was lowered with increasing vinegar content, indicated most significant factor on pickled cabbage. In general, salt and sugar contents rather than storage temperature have greater influence on permeation rate, and especially, addition of vinegar affects the texture of pickled cabbage.
수분함량이 높아 상온에서 쉽게 변질되는 죽순은 유익한 효능 때문에 다양한 조리방법으로 소비되고 있으나 식품산업에서 가공식품으로의 활용은 대단히 미흡하다. 본 연구는 맹종죽순의 활용도를 높이기 위하여 죽순 장아찌를 검토하였다. 장아찌 제조를 위한 죽순의 전처리 조건과 고추장과 간장을 절임원으로 사용한 장아찌의 숙성과정 중 품질 특성의 변화를 조사하였으며, 이를 토대로 죽순 장아찌의 전체적인 제조공정을 제안하였다. 죽순의 전처리는 죽순을 100oC 열수로 30분간 처리하여 연화시킨 후 10% NaCl 용액에 1시간 침지시켜 아린 맛 성분을 제거하고 50oC로 8시간 건조시키는 것이 장아찌 제조에 적합하였다. 전처리 된 죽순을 간장과 고추장을 이용하여 장아찌를 제조한 후 25oC에서 숙성시키며 이화학적 특성과 관능특성의 변화를 조사하였다. 숙성과정에서 간장장아찌외 고추장장아찌의 pH는 큰 변화 없이 pH 4.0~5.5 범위에서 유지되었으며, 고추장장아찌는 염도가 다소 증가하였다. 두 장아찌의 색은 숙성되면서 명도와 황색도가 낮아졌으며 고추장장아찌는 적색도가 증가하였다. 두 장아찌의 관능적인 특성 중 색, 맛, 아삭한 조직감, 전체적인 기호도은 숙성기간에 비례하여 향상되었으며, 관능적으로 숙성기간은 6일이 적합하였다.
Eggplant pickles were classified into three groups based on salt concentration (1, 3, 5%) and three groups based on drying time (30, 60 and 120 minutes), followed by storage at 5℃ for 28 days. Raw eggplant contains 94.82% water content. The increase in salt concentration and drying time caused a decrease in the moisture content. Compared to the 0.27% ash content of raw eggplant, the ash content of eggplant pickles increased noticeably with increasing salt concentration due to penetration into the eggplant pickles. pH values decreased significantly as the levels of salt concentration and dying time increased (p〈0.05). In terms of storage time, pH values decreased from 21 days. The variation in salinity increased significantly as the concentration of salt increased. Compared to normal pickles salted at 5.39% salinity, eggplant pickles constituted 0.27~0.77% (1%), 0.40~1.14% (3%), and 0.47~11.20% (5%) 'low-salinity' eggplant pickles. Reducing-sugar content differed on the dates of 7, 14 and 21 in drying time and at 3% salinity. Hardness differed at 30, 60, and 120M on the 28th and 1, 5% salt concentration. Resilience differed according to drying time and from dates of 0 to 14th. The number of total microbes decreased at low salinity. In terms of storage time, the number of microbes tended to decrease after the 21st. In the consumer preference test, lightness of 5%-30M was the highest value.
This study was carried out to optimize the production of immature green cherry tomato pickles and to produce green cherry tomato pickles of good sensory quality. The composition of immature green cherry tomato pickles was optimized using a central composition design with 3 variables and 3 levels. The overall acceptability score, based on sensory evaluation, was best, when the immature green cherry tomato pickles contained 231 g of vinegar, 52.6 g of salt, 168.3 g of sugar, 204 g of tomatoes, and 231 ㎖ of water. The statically predicted optimal formulation of immature green cherry tomato pickles on overall acceptability value was 33.54%(w/w) of vinegar, 7.64%(w/w) of salt, 25.28%(w/w) of sucrose, 33.54%(w/w) of water. The optimal conditions for producing immature green cherry tomato pickles should consider the factors of time and temperature of storage.
The principal objective of this study was to develop and standardize a preparation method for low-sodium tomato jangachi (traditional Korean pickle) via short-term fermentation with immature green cherry tomatoes. In order to determine the preferred concentrations of soy sauce and soaking temperatures of immature cherry tomato pickles in different stages of storage, we conducted an analysis of physico-chemical characteristics and microbiological properties, and also performed a preference test on samples of immature green cherry tomato pickles. Immature cherry tomatoes were prepared in three different soy sauce concentrations --20, 40, and 60%-- and three different soaking temperatures --60, 80, and 100℃-- and then stored for 28 days at 5℃. As a result, the pH increased significantly with increases in the amount of soy in the dipping solution (p〈0.05). The saltiness was maintained at levels of approximately 0.17~0.28% (20% group), 0.32~0.67%% (40%group), 0.48~1.00% (60% group) during storage periods. These results show that the saltiness of immature cherry tomato pickles was substantially lower than that of commercial pickles. The contents of reducing sugar and lightness decreased significantly with increasing concentrations of soy dipping solution. The redness and yellowness values of the tomatoes decreased significantly with increasing concentrations of soy sauce. Additionally, the lower the concentration of soy sauce used, the more rapidly the hardness of the immature cherry tomato pickles was reduced at 100℃. PME activity moved within a narrow range, and then stabilized during the storage period. With regard to the results of the consumer preference test, 20%-100℃ was the most preferred condition overall, 40%-80℃ was the condition in which the texture was most preferred, and 40%-80℃ was the condition that yielded the highest color scores.
The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic charateristics of cauliflower pickles made in various compounding ratio according to central conposite design for optimum organoleptic characteristics of the cauliflower pickles. The optimum mixing condition of cauliflower pickles were optimized, using central composite design with 3 variables and 3 levels, by response surface methodology. The various kinds of cauliflower pickle were made in various compounding ratio of vinegar, salt and sucrose - critical ingredients of pickle recipe - and were presented to reliable panels, who graded the subjects in 7 degrees for 4 items : color, flavor, hardness and overall quality. The optimum mixing conditions of cauliflower pickle were 603.50g of vinegar, 80.13g of salt and 251.07g of sucrose in the maximum point of overall quality.
우리나라의 남부지방의 대부분 농가에서 대량 생산되고 있으나 농가소득에는 기여하지 못하고 있는 떫은 감의 손쉬운 가공에 의한 대량 소비를 촉진시키기 위하여 감장아찌의 화학적 품질 특성을 규명하고 감장아찌 제조 및 유통과정에서의 품질과 관련된 미생물을 순수분리하여 동정함으로써 감장아찌의 품질관리에 기여코자 하였다. 제조된 감장아찌 완제품의 수분함량은 80.04%, 당질함량은 13.72%로 원료감과 큰 차이가 없었으나 조회분함량은 염액에 침지한 감장아찌의 특성때문에 원료감보다 훨씬 높은 4.26%였다. 수용성 탄닌함량은 81.04mg%로 635.45mg%인 원료감보다 크게 감소되었고 총 비타민 C는 23.76mg%로 약간 감소되었으며 유리당은 포도당, 과당, 자당의 순으로 함유되었다. 유리아미노산은 총 17종이 함유된 것으로 분석되었고 그 함량은 glutamic acid(24.97mg%), aspartic acid(24.02mg%), leucine(22.33mg%)의 순으로 높았으며 methionine이 2.42mg로 가장 낮았다. 감장아찌 제조와 관련된 미생물로는 세균 4균주와 효모 3균주가 각각 동정되었는데 동정된 Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, B. pumilus, B. thuringiensis였고 효모는 Candida glabrata, C. guilliermondi and Hansenula였으며 진공포장하여 상품화한 감장아찌 완제품의 유통과정에서 포장의 부풀림과 감장아찌 맛의 변화를 일으키는 원인균은 효모인 Candida glabrata인 것으로 확인되었다.
한국의 김치와 일본의 지물(漬物), 그리고 한일양국의 젓갈류는 공통(共通)의 전통식품이다. 이들 식품을 식품학적 관점에서 비교, 검토하는 것은 한일양국간의 식문화의 공통성과 상위성 그리고 독자성을 파악하는데 중요하다고 보아 금번 이들 전통식품의 무기질을 분석, 비교 검토했다. 1. 한국의 김치 중의 식염농도는 1.8%이고 일본지물(日本漬物)는 1.8~5.3%(저농도 조미지물(漬物) : 2.8%, 일본산김치 : 1.8%, 간장지물(漬物) : 5.3%)이다. 2. 김치의 Na/K치는 1.7이고 지물(漬物)의 Na/K치는 2.6~27.3(저조미농도지물(漬物) : 4.6, 일본산김치 : 2.6, 간장지물(漬物) : 27.3)이다. 3. 김치는 지물(漬物)보다 식염이 적고 Na/K치가 낮으므로 고혈압의 원인이 되는 식품으로 볼 수 없는 것으로 사려된다. 4. 김치 중의 K, Ca, Mg는 지물(漬物)보다 현저하게 높다. 5. 김치 중에는 어개류를 통해 들어온 Ca량(量)이 높고 지물(漬物)에는 식물성식품에 의한 Ca이 들어 있다. 6. 한국의 젓갈은 일본에 비해 식염과 Na양이 많고 Na/K치도 높다. 이상의 결과에서 양국간에 유사성이 보이는 김치와 지물(漬物)에서 그 재료와 식습관상의 차이점이 나타났고 김치는 다양한 식품이 혼합되어 복합적인 맛을 내나 일본은 단순, 단백한 맛을 기호하는 각각(各各)의 특징이 보이고 있다.
본 연구에서는 7% 소금 용액을 이용하여 예비 열처리(60℃, 1시간), pH8.5로의 예비 열처리, 염화칼슘 첨가 및 microwave를 이용한 후열처리가 오이지 침지 용액의 pH, 산도, AIS내의 총 펙틴 함량, HWSP 함량, 견고도에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 제조 0, 5, 10, 15, 25일째의 분석을 통해 pH는 감소, 산도는 높아지는 경향을 보였으며 최종 분석일의 pH는 예비 열처리, 염화칼슘 첨가 및 microwave 후열처리군이 가장 높은 3.1, 산도는 1.93%로 가장 낮은 수치를 보였다. AIS에 존재하는 총 펙틴 함량은 시간이 지남에 따라 감소하는 경향을 보였으며 대조군에 비해 처리군들의 감소율은 적었으며 예비 열처리, 염화칼슘 첨가 및 microwave 후열처리군의 최종 함량은 가장 높은 17.93%로 나타났다. HWSP의 함량은 제조 후 5일째부터 15일째까지는 증가하다가 그 이후에는 급격히 감소했다. Texturometer에 의한 견고도 측정결과 제조 후 15일째부터는 실험군들간에 차이가 많이 나기 시작했으며 최종 견고도는 대조군이 가장 낮은 4.77kg, 예비 열처리, 염화칼슘 첨가 및 microwave 후열처리군이 가장 높은 6.88kg로 나타났다. 연구결과로 보아 총 펙틴 함량과 견고도와는 서로 연관이 깊은 것으로 보이며 microwave 후열처리는 펙틴물질의 분해를 저지시켜 견고도가 감소되는 정도를 낮게 해 줄 수 있는 방법이 될 수 있다고 생각한다.