본 연구에서는 공정 간소화, 균일한 나노 입자 형성, 백금 저감 및 활용도를 높이기 위하여 원자층 증착법 (Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD)을 통하여 양이온 교환막 연료전지용 촉매를 제조하고 증착 온도에 따른 백금 입자 형성 거동 을 확인하였다. 증착 온도는 250 °C, 300 °C, 350 °C로 조절하여 백금 촉매를 형성하였으며 각 각의 촉매의 증착 양 상을 확인하기 위하여 Thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction 및 Transmission electron microscopy를 도입하여 담지량, 백금 입자 분포, 크기 및 결정구조 등을 확인하였다. 합성된 백금 촉매를 연료전지에 적용하기 위해서 Cyclic Voltammetry 기법을 통해서 전기화학적 활성 표면적를 구하고, Membrane Electrode Assembly 셀을 제작하여 전지 특성을 확보하였다. 최종적으로, 백금 촉매 제조 시 ALD 증착 온도는 300 °C 이하에서 합성해야 됨을 밝혀냈으며, ALD으로 제작된 백금 촉매가 기존 습식 촉매보다 더 우수한 특성을 보임을 확인하였다. 해당 연구는 ALD을 통하여 다양한 접근법으로 촉매를 제조할 시, 기본적인 ALD 공정 정보 및 ALD 촉매 합성 방향성을 제공할 수 있다.
In this study, crystallization was effectively suppressed in Al-based metallic glasses (Al-MGs) during pulverization by cryo-milling by applying an extremely low processing temperature and using a surfactant. Before Al-MGs can be used as an additive in Ag paste for solar cells, the particle sizes of the Al-MGs must be reduced by milling. However, during the ball milling process crystallization of the Al-MG is a problem. Once the Al-MG is crystallized, they no longer exhibit glass-like behavior, such as thermoplastic deformation, which is critical to decrease the electrical resistance of the Ag electrode. The main reason for crystallization during the ball milling process is the heat generated by collisions between the particles and the balls, or between the particles. Once the heat reaches the crystallization temperature of the Al-MGs, they start crystallization. Another reason for the crystallization is agglomeration of the particles. If the initially fed particles become severely agglomerated, they coalesce instead of being pulverized during the milling. The coalesced particles experience more collisions and finally crystallize. In this study, the heat generated during milling was suppressed by using cryo-milling with liquid-nitrogen, which was regularly fed into the milling jar. Also, the MG powders were dispersed using a surfactant before milling, so that the problem of agglomeration was resolved. Cryo-milling with the surfactant led to D50 = 10 um after 6 h milling, and we finally achieved a specific contact resistance of 0.22 mΩcm2 and electrical resistivity of 2.81 μΩcm using the milled MG particles.
This study was conducted to evaluate the filtration performance according to the feed temperature composed of NaCl and the operating pressure of the brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) process. The temperature is known that decides the filtration performance of reverse osmosis (RO). It is noted that temperature increase activates the permeate of salts due to augment of diffusivity and mass transfer. Filtration of the lab-scale RO system was performed with constant pressure and the constant flow was simulated. The salt rejection measured by the concentration of the feed and permeate was compared with water permeability and salt permeability in the conditions containing various temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30℃) and pressures (10, 12, 15, and 18 bar). An increase in feed temperature from 5 °C to 30 °C caused a 4.65% decrease in salt rejection in CSM, due to an increase in salt permeability (4.06 times) rather than an increase in water permeability (2.62 times). Specific energy consumption (SEC) was calculated by using an electricity meter set in the RO system. It was expected that the SEC by the increases in temperature and pressure decreased due to the viscosity decline of the feed and the permeate flux augment, respectively. The SEC decreased by 63.4% in CSM and by 54.3% in Nittodenko when the feed temperature increased from 5 °C to 30 °C. It discussed how to operate the optimal RO process through the effect of temperature and operating pressure and the comparison of SEC.
Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZTSSe) based thin-film solar cells have attracted growing attention because of their earthabundant and non-toxic elements. However, because of their large open-circuit voltage (Voc)-deficit, CZTSSe solar cells exhibit poor device performance compared to well-established Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 (CIGS) and CdTe based solar cells. One of the main causes of this large Voc-deficit is poor absorber properties for example, high band tailing properties, defects, secondary phases, carrier recombination, etc. In particular, the fabrication of absorbers using physical methods results in poor surface morphology, such as pin-holes and voids. To overcome this problem and form large and homogeneous CZTSSe grains, CZTSSe based absorber layers are prepared by a sputtering technique with different RTA conditions. The temperature is varied from 510 oC to 540 oC during the rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process. Further, CZTSSe thin films are examined with X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy, IPCE, Energy dispersive spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy techniques. The present work shows that Cu-based secondary phase formation can be suppressed in the CZTSSe absorber layer at an optimum RTA condition.
In this study, ultrasonic spray pyrolysis combined with salt-assisted decomposition, a process that adds sodium nitrate (NaNO3) into a titanium precursor solution, is used to synthesize nanosized titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles. The added NaNO3 prevents the agglomeration of the primary nanoparticles in the pyrolysis process. The nanoparticles are obtained after a washing process, removing NaNO3 and NaF from the secondary particles, which consist of the salts and TiO2 nanoparticles. The effects of pyrolysis temperature on the size, crystallographic characteristics, and bandgap energy of the synthesized nanoparticles are systematically investigated. The synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles have a size of approximately 2–10 nm a bandgap energy of 3.1–3.25 eV, depending on the synthetic temperature. These differences in properties affect the photocatalytic activities of the synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles.
Temperature distribution studies were performed in steam-air retort to investigate the influence of various processing conditions (come-up time, sterilization temperature, and internal pressure throughout the steam-air retort). Retort temperature data were analyzed for temperature deviations during holding phase, maximum temperature difference between test locations at the beginning and after 1, 3, and 5 min of the holding phase, and box-and-whiskers plots for each location during the holding phase. The results showed that high sterilization temperature led to a more uniform temperature distribution than low sterilization temperature (pasteurization). In pasteurization condition, the temperature stability was slightly increased by increasing pressure during the holding phase. On the other hand, the temperature stability was slightly decreased in high sterilization temperature condition. Programming of the comeup phase did not affect the temperature uniformity. In addition, the slowest cold spot was found at the bottom floor during the holding phase in all conditions. This study determined that the temperature distribution is affected by retort processing conditions, but the steam-air retort needs more validation tests for temperature stability.
We synthesized the poly(4-vinylbenzyltributylammonium hexanesulfonate) P[VBTBA][HS] which was obtained via anion exchange with hexanesulfonate after acquiring monomer [VBTBA][Cl] by Menshutkin reaction to investigate its feasibility as draw solute for forward osmosis process. P[VBTBA][HS] shows lower critical solution temperature (LCST) property at about 21℃, while LCST property of [VBTBA][Cl] and P[VBTBA][Cl] was not confirmed. This result suggests that P[VBTBA][HS] can be recovered from solution by heating them to above LCST. In AL-FS mode with solution of 20 wt% P[VBTBA][HS] at 15℃, water flux and reverse solute flux were found to be about 6.43 LMH and 0.59 gMH. This study can provide an understanding of new way of proceeding draw solute and information for the potential design and synthesis of thermo-responsive organic material.
Recently, among the water treatment technologies, the forward osmosis (FO) system has been received much attention due to the advantages in energy consumption. However, the practical application of the FO system has been limited because of the remaining obstacles such as the absence of both adequate draw solute and efficient membrane. In this study, polymers having lower critical solution temperature (LCST) and upper critical solution temperature (UCST), one of the temperature-responsive characteristics, are used as the draw solutes. These materials could be recovered easily by heating them to above their LCST and to below their UCST, respectively. Finally, we believe that our results will provide insight into the synthesis of temperature-responsive draw solutes for water treatment applications.
콩(Glycine max)은 예로부터 장류, 두부, 콩나물, 혼반용 등 다양한 용도로 이용되어 양질의 식물성 단백질 공급원으로써 중요한 역할을 해왔다. 수확 직후의 콩은 20~25% 의 높은 수분함량으로 인해 저장ㆍ운송이 어렵다. 따라서 수확량의 대부분은 열풍건조 후 건조된 콩으로 유통된다. 이러한 건조 콩은 다시 장류 및 두부 제조 시 수화하여 가열 및 분쇄 등의 이후 공정이 이루어질 수 있도록 처리 된다. 하지만 수화시간이 길어질 경우, 비타민, 아미노산, 이소플라본 등의 수용성 영양소가 용출이 되게 되며, 높은 수분함량에 의해 미생물 안정성 또한 감소하게 된다. 현재 콩의 소비 증가에도 불구하고 콩의 수화 특성을 연구하고 입경과 수화 온도에 따른 콩의 수화 특성에 초점을 맞춘 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 수화 온도와 입경에 따른 콩의 수화 kinetics와 수화 모델의 적용으로 콩의 가공을 위한 수화공정 최적화가 이루어 질 수 있다. 따라서 입경을 달리한 (6.0, 7.5 그리고 9.0 mm (± 0.2)) 13.0 % (± 0.8)수분함량의 콩을 목표수분함량 (40 %)까지 건조를 진행하였으며 25, 35 그리고 45 °C 의 수화온도에서 60분간 수화를 진행하여, 매 10분마다 수화 시간에 따른 콩의 무게 변화를 측정하여 수화 특성을 확인하였다. 수화 온도가 증가하고 콩의 입경이 작아질수록 수분 흡수량이 증가하였으며, 45 ºC에서 20분간 건조한 경우, S 군의 수분함량은 40.20 %로 목표수분함량을 초과하여 건조되었으나, L 군의 경우 37.40 %로 목표수분함량에 도달하지 못하였다. 실험적으로 얻은 수화 데이터는, Peleg 모델을 이용하여 수화 특성을 설명하였다. 평형수분함량에 반비례하는 계수인 K2는 25, 35 그리고 45 °C에서 각각 0.0206, 0.008366, 그리고 0.004653 을 나타내어 수화 온도가 증가함에 따라 평형수분함량이 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. Peleg model의 매개 변수를 통해 최종 목표 수분함량까지 도달하는 데 걸리는 수화시간을 예측할 수 있었으며, 이는25, 35 그리고 45 °C에서 각각 59분, 24분, 그리고 22분이 소요되어 목표 수분함량을 위한 최적 수화시간을 도출할 수 있었다.
In order to develop a new commercial Al-12%Si casting alloy with improved physical properties, we investigated the effect of adding Sr and TiB to the alloy. Al-12%Si alloys were prepared by die casting at 660 oC. The eutectic temperature of the Sr-modified Al-12%Si alloy decreased to 9 oC and the mushy zone region increased. The shape of the Si phase changed from coarse acicula to fine fiber with the addition of Sr. The addition of TiB in the Al-12%Si alloy reduced the size of the primary α-Al and eutectic Si phases. When Sr and TiB were added together, it worked more effectively in refinement and modification. The density of twins in the Si phase-doped Sr increased and the width of the twins was refined to 5 nm. These results are related to the impurity induced twinning(IIT) growth.
The Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) is the next generation desalination technique and is considered as a eco-friendly energy. This was conducted to evaluate the effect of the temperature and pressure on the PRO performance. The flux of the permeation was measured under different operating conditions and estimated the power density. An improvement of PRO performance is depend on increasing solution temperature and optimum pressure. The effect of increasing feed solution temperature has stronger impact on the PRO performance comparing to the draw solution temperature. The reason of the results was due to the change of osmotic power, viscosity, water permeability and structure parameter(s).
Temperature correction trans-membrane pressure (TC-TMP) is frequently used as a fouling index in membrane water treatment plants. TC-TMP equation is derived based on an assumption that the total membrane resistance (i.e. the sum of the intrinsic membrane resistance and fouling resistance) is not affected by temperature. This work verified the validity of this assumption using microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membranes with and without fouling. The foulants used in the work were kaolin (inorganic) and humic acid (organic). The intrinsic resistances of MF and UF membranes remains at constant values regardless of temperature change. When the same amount of foulants were accumulated on the membrane, inorganic fouling resistance with kaolin was constant regardless of temperature change while organic fouling resistance with humic acid decreased at higher temperatures, which means that TC-TMP cannot be used as a fouling index when organic fouling occurs in a real field application. Since TC-TMP underestimates the amount of fouling at higher temperatures, more attention should be necessary in the operation of membrane water treatment plant in a hotter season like summer.
A number of plating companies have been exposed to the risk of fire due to unexpected temperature increasing of water in a plating bath. Since the companies are not able to forecast the unexpected temperature increasing of water and most of raw materials in the plating process have low ignition temperature, it is easy to be exposed to the risk of fire. Thus, the companies have to notice the changes immediately to prevent the risk of fire from plating process. Due to this reason, an agile and systematic temperature monitoring system is required for the plating companies. Unfortunately, in case of small size companies, it is hard to purchase a systematic solution and be offered consulting from one of the risk management consulting companies due to an expensive cost. In addition, most of the companies have insufficient research and development (R&D) experts to autonomously develop the risk management solution. In this article, we developed a real time remote temperature monitoring system which is easy to operate with a lower cost. The system is constructed by using Raspberry Pi single board computer and Android application to release an economic issue for the small sized plating manufacturing companies. The derived system is able to monitor the temperature continuously with tracking the temperature in the batch in a short time and transmit a push-alarm to a target-device located in a remoted area when the temperature exceeds a certain hazardous-temperature level. Therefore, the target small plating company achieves a risk management system with a small cost.
In this study, modified catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) method was applied to control the CNTs (carbon nanotubes) growth. Since titanium (Ti) substrate and iron (Fe) catalysts react one another and form a new phase (Fe2TiO5) above 700℃, the decrease of CNT yield above 800℃ where methane gas decomposes is inevitable under common CCVD method. Therefore, we synthesized CNTs on the Ti substrate by dividing the tube furnace into two sections (left and right) and heating them to different temperatures each. The reactant gas flew through from the end of the right tube furnace while the Ti substrate was placed in the center of the left tube furnace. When the CNT growth temperature was set 700/950℃ (left/right), CNTs with high yield were observed. Also, by examining the micro-structure of CNTs of 700/950℃, it was confirmed that CNTs show the bamboo-like structure.
In this paper, we investigate the statistical correlation of the time series for temperature measured at the heat box in the automobile drying process. We show, in terms of the sample variance, that a significant non-linear correlation exists in the time series that consist of absolute temperature changes. To investigate further the non-linear correlation, we utilize the volatility, an important concept in the financial market, and induce volatility time series from absolute temperature changes. We analyze the time series of volatilities in terms of the de-trended fluctuation analysis (DFA), a method especially suitable for testing the long-range correlation of non-stationary data, from the correlation perspective. We uncover that the volatility exhibits a long-range correlation regardless of the window size. We also analyze the cross correlation between two (inlet and outlet) volatility time series to characterize any correlation between the two, and disclose the dependence of the correlation strength on the time lag. These results can contribute as important factors to the modeling of forecasting and management of the heat box’s temperature.
알로에의 최소공정개발 연구의 일환으로 DIS(dewatering & impregnation soaking) 공정에 미치는 온도의 효과를 조사하였다. 삼투탈수는 분자량 4000의 PEG을 삼투제로 하여 이의 40%(w/v) 용액에 두께 0.5 cm의 알로에 잎 슬라이스를 넣고 간헐적으로 교반하면서 2시간 동안 수행하였다. 서로 다른 침지온도(25-55oC)가 DIS의 성능(수분소실 및 고형분 획득)에 미치는 영향을 현미경관찰에 의한 세포조직 구조의 경시변화를 모니터링하면서 조사, 비교되었고, 동역학적으로 분석하였다. 고온(55oC) 처리에서는 저온(25 and 35oC)에서보다 더 높은 수분소실을 보였으나 세포조직의 파괴를 동반하였다. 또, 품질지표값으로서의 glucomannan 함량은 세포조직구조를 잘 유지하였던 침지온도 35oC에서 얻어졌다. 얻어진 시료의 실온건조제품을 재수화시켜 조사하고 동역학적으로 해석한 결과, 재수화 동역학은 Peleg 및 Weibull 모델로 잘 설명할 수 있었다. DIS 제품은 DIS 처리하지 않은 제품에 비해 세포구조 및 재수화성질의 향상을 주어 적정온도하에서 DIS 처리함으로써 최소공정의 알로에 제품을 얻을 수 있음을 확인하였다.
본 연구에서는 멸균처리공정이 없는 돈육 포장공정을 대상으로 작업장에서 직접 분리한 야생균주인 Salmonellaspp. KSC101를 작업장의 온도와 시간을 주요 변수로 하여, 이들 현장에서의 Salmonella spp. KSC101의 성장 특성을 파악하고, 이를 수학적으로 예측할 수 있는 모델을 개발하였다. 돈육포장공장 현장을 반영하여 온도는 0, 5, 10,15, 20oC로, 시간은 0, 1, 2, 3시간으로 하였으며, 0oC와5oC에서는 성장이 발생하지 않았으며, 10oC, 15oC, 20oC에서는 약간의 성장이 있었으나 증가수준은 평균 0.34 logCFU/g정도였고, 20oC에서 성장율이 더 높았으나 15oC와는 통계적으로는 유의하지 않았다(p < 0.05). 하지만 PMP와 비교시 야생균주인 Salmonella spp. KSC101의 성장이더 빠른 것으로 나타났다. 이들 실험결과를 바탕으로 1차모델은 Gompertz 4 parameter식을, 2차 모델은 Exponentialdecay식을 이용하여 성장예측모델을 개발하였으며, R2값은0.99이상으로 나타났다. 개발된 모델에 대한 검증으로RMSE를 이용하였으며, 값이 0.103으로 양(+)의 방향으로약간 초과 예측하는 것으로 나타났으나, 최종적으로 실험값과 예측값이 ± 0.5 log cfu/g 내에서 일치하고 있어, 본연구에서 개발된 모델은 추후 냉장돈육 포장공정에서 위생관리기준 설정에 대한 과학적 근거자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.
두 개의 간헐반응조, 막분리조, 탈기조로 구성된 생물학적 MBR고도처리 공정에 동일한 유입수량과 수질의 하수가 유입되는 경우 운전 온도 및 SRT (Sludge Retention Time)변화에 따른 질소제거 특성을 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통해 파악하였다. SRT가 25일이고 운전온도가 25℃인 경우 간헐반응조를 간헐폭기 시키는 경우에 운전온도 13℃의 59%에서 31%로 질소제거효율이 급격히 떨어지는데, 이는 운전온도 13℃에 비해서 간헐반응조의 RBO (Readily Biodegradable Organic) 농도가 낮아져서 발생한 현상으로 파악되었다. 운전온도 25℃에서 SRT를 12.6일로 운전하는 경우 간헐반응조 RBO농도는 증가하고 질소제거 효율은 회복되었다. 간헐반응조를 갖는 MBR시스템에서 SRT와 운전온도가 간헐반응조 RBO농도에 미치는 영향은 좀더 깊게 연구되어야 한다.