
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 29

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문의 목적은 한국 조선산업의 경쟁력에 영향을 주는 정부의 산업 정책이 어떻게 변화해 왔으며, 그 변화의 원인을 담론제도주의 시각에서 분석하는 것이다. 이 연구는 1970년대부터 2000년대 각 시기별 주요 조 선산업정책과 관련된 이슈들을 살펴봄으로써 한국에서 조선산업이 위기 에 직면했을 때 주요 정책 행위자들 간에 산업정책의 방향을 두고 산업 논리 담론과 시장논리 담론이 첨예하게 대립하였으며, 이러한 담론경쟁 의 결과가 한국 조선산업정책의 변화에 중요한 영향을 미쳤음을 강조한 다. 즉, 이 논문은 담론정치를 통해 1970년대 이후 한국의 조선산업정책 이 크게 “발전주의적 육성정책→발전주의적 조정정책→자유주의적 육성 정책→자유주의적 조정정책”의 4단계로 변화하였음을 보여준다는 점에서 의의를 가진다.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 서평의 대상은 조선시대 한국 한자음을 다룬 난정 남광우 선생의 󰡔조선(이 조) 한자음 연구󰡕이다. 이 책은 총 6장으로 구성되어 있으며, 다양한 방법론을 활용하여 한국 한자음을 다루었다. 이 책의 가장 큰 특징은 현재 일반화된 성운학의 분석 틀에 의 지하지 않았다는 점에 있다. 이로 인해 책의 구성이나 설명 방법 등이 다른 한자음 연구 와는 차별화된 모습을 보인다. 한국 한자음 연구의 초창기에 나온 이 책은 한자음 연구사 에 있어서 중요한 의미를 가진다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국가혁신체계가 구성되지 않은 1970년대 한국에서 성공적으로 육성 된 조선산업의 성공요인에 대하여 분석하였다. 저자들이 주장하는 한국 조선산업 초기 발전 과정의 성공요인으로 한국과학기술연구소(KIST)의 연구원들이 역할을 강조한다. 고급인력 유치 정책으로 귀국한 연구원들은 산업 육성 과정에서 산업의 구축자로서 모습을 보여주었 으며, 김훈철 박사는 조선산업 육성을 위해 기술도입을 통한 혁신을 시도하였고, 그 과정에서 게획 및 조사, 그리고 공급자와 교섭 단계에서 산업이 성공할 수 있는 환경을 조성하기위해 다양한 역할을 수행하였다. 연구의 결과를 통해 제시되는 한국과학기술연구소 연구원들의 기여는 개발도상국이 새로운 사업의 육성을 시도하는 과정에서 산업 육성 인력이 수행해 야 하는 역할을 미시적인 관점으로 제시하고 있다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        메리 F. 스크랜턴 선교사는 조선 말엽 개화와 개혁을 추구하는 시대의 요구를 이해하고 이를 선교에 접목시킨 선교사였다. 특히 그녀는 교육과 의료선교를 통해 사회 변혁을 꾀하고 가난하고 소외된 여성들에게 기독교교육을 통해 인권을 회복하고 여성의 가치를 고양시킨 여성교육의 선구자적 삶을 살았다. 스크랜턴은 기울어가는 조선의 운명을 바라보면서 조선의 여성들에게 조선인으로의 긍지와 자부심을 갖도록 했으며 조선의 미래를 당당하게 세워갈 수 있도록 교육을 통해 계몽시켰다. 그녀의 선교적 열정과 헌신, 그리고 용기는 어둠에 쌓여 있던 조선에 한줄기 빛이고 희망이었다. 또한 복음의 불모지 조선 땅에 개신교의 여명이 밝아오게 만드는 장본인이었다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to explore how Korean-Chinese bilingual speakers process Korean final ending -ko. Korean-Chinese bilingual speakers from Yanbian participated in the masked priming experiments through a word judgment task. The masked priming experiments were designed to compare the subjects’ response under three different prime-target conditions: Identical Condition, Unrelated Condition, and Test Condition. The participants’ response time in the experiments was statistically analyzed in two different ways: i.e., subject (F1) analyses and item (F2) analyses. The results of both the subject analyses and the item analyses revealed full priming effects, as is usually found in native speakers’ morphological processing. These findings indicate that Chinese-Korean bilingual speakers are sensitive to each combining morpheme of morphologically complex words including Korean final ending -ko and their processing of the words are not dependent upon the lexical storage of the full form.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates Korean-Chinese bilingual speakers’ processing of Korean plural marker -tul. It employed masked priming experiments with a word judgment task for Korean-Chinese speakers from Yanbian, China. The masked priming experiments compared the subjects’ response time in three different prime-target pairs: identical condition, unrelated condition, and test condition. The data of the experiments was analyzed in two different ways: subject analyses and item analyses. The subject analyses of the study showed partial priming effects and the item analyses full priming effects. These findings indicate that Chinese-Korean bilinguals seem to be sensitive to morphological structure of a morphologically complex words in Korean and less dependent on the lexical storage of the full form, as is usually found in L2 learners’ morphological processing.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee, Jae Ho. 2016. “The Use of Korean Sentence-Final Endings by the Students of Chosun Hakkyo, Korean School in Japan”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 317~343. The purpose of this paper is to present the findings which were found throughout a series of investigations performed to clarify what kind of Korean sentence-final endings the students of Korean School in Japan who are the descents of Korean immigrants use. Since the observed endings of the 1st investigation, Participant Observation, were different from the results of the 2nd investigation, Speech Task, the author interviewed the students to verify the results of the 2 investigations. Consequently, the results of Participant Observation and the interviews were generally consistent. There is, however, the possibility of students choosing and using different endings in different situations, affected by factors such as education in school and so on. The results show that the use of Korean sentence-final endings by the students is not simple.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        다수의 이론적, 실증적 연구에도 불구하고 지식재산권 제도와 기업의 기술혁신 및 경영성과간의 일반적 인과관계는 명확하지 않다. 본 연구는 산업별 기업 경영성과의 핵심요인이 상이하다는 점에 주목한다. 이를 바탕으로 ①지식재산권 강화→연구개발의 투입/산출 증가→매출증가로 이어지는 기본 성과창출경로가 작용하는 제약 산업, ②지식재산권 강화와 연구개발 투입/산출간 관계가 약한 반도체산업, ③연구개발과 매출 간 관계가 약한 조선산업까지 세 산업을 대상으로 지식재산권 제도가 기술혁신과 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 분석했다. 한국의 특허제도가 선진국 수준에 이른 TRIPs 이후 15년간의 대기업 패널 데이터를 사용했으며, 고정효과모형을 차분 GMM으로 추정해 동태적 인과관계를 분석했다. 결과적으로, 지식재산권 강화가 제약 산업에서는 연구개발의 투입/산출 및 경영성과를 모두 증가시켰지만, 반도체-조선 산업에서는 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 지식재산권 강화를 위한 제도 구축과 정책은 산업별로 맞춤화될 필요가 있으며, 획일적인 강화/약화는 특정산업의 경영성과 제고에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 못한다.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 ‘바치-’의 공기 관계를 통시적으로 검토하고 그 의미 변화 과정을 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 동사 ‘바치-’의 의미를 통시적으로 살펴본 결과 15세기 한국어사 자료에서부터 지속적으로 여러 가지 의미로 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 특히 19세기부터 의미 영역이 확대되어 6가지의 의미로 사용된 용례가 많았다. 즉 ‘바치-’는 15세기부터 20세기에 이르기까지 ‘바티-, 밧티-, 밧치-, 바치-’등 여러 가지 형태로 사용되면서 대체로 다음과 같은 의미로 쓰이고 있었다. (1) (신이나 받들어야 할 분에게) 어떤 물건을 가지도록 정중하게 내어 놓다. (2) 무엇을 위하여 몸과 마음 등 모든 것을 아낌없이 내놓거나 쓰다. (3) 재물이나 세금 및 공납금 같은 것을 내다. (4) 공문이나 문서를 제출하다. (5) 어떤 물건을 도로 주거나 돌려보내다 (6) 다른 동사의 ‘-아(-어, -여)’아래에 붙어 윗사람에게 드린다. 하지만 그것이 21세기에 이르러서는 중국의 조선족들은 그 잔재형으로 다의적 용법으로 쓰이고 있지만 한국에는 ‘바치-’의 의미가 축소되어 지금은 ‘바치-’대신에 ‘내-, 제출하-’로 사용하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        汉语语音的序列由声、韵、调三个方面的序列来构成。把声、韵、 调按一定的顺序依次排列起来,就形成了语音的序列。由于汉语语音的 序列由三方面构成,因而决定了汉语古典音序法序列原则的多重性;或 以韵部的顺序为第一序列,再按声、调的序列编排;或以声母的顺序为 第一序列,再按韵、调的次序来编排。因此,古典音序编排法具有多样 性的特点。 朝鲜1443年创造了《训民正音》,由此可以用音位字母来注汉字 音,开始编纂以《训民正音》注音的韵书。因为《训民正音》是音位文 字,初声(声母),中声(韵头、韵腹、元音的韵尾)、终声(-m, -n, -ŋ, -p, -t, -k)都具有音位单位的序列性,因此朝鲜韵书依这些音位 的次序来做汉字的序列,结果大幅度增加其多样性。
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we choose the geographical vocabularies from Xunmeng Zihui which is the earliest educational dictionary in Korea, finding out the corresponding vocabularies in the Original Yupian, and compare those vocabularies from their characters and meanings and some other aspects. We point out that the vocabularies in Xunmeng Zihui have a close relationship with the corresponding vocabularies in Original Yupian, as well as the other Ancient Chinese Dictionaries. At the same time, we discuss the characteristics of the educational vocabularies in the 16th century in Korea, such as most of them are basic vocabularies, the characters are mainly simplified ones and the meaning are popular at the time.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptional patterns of Korean traditional food for China-Korean housewives in Yanbian area and to compare the preference for traditional food of Korean national holidays between the perceptional patterns. Data were collected from 261 China-Korean housewives in the Yanbian area and cluster analysis was used. The results revealed two different patterns, i.e., tradition-oriented vs. modem-oriented. Descriptive statistics showed that perceptional patterns were likely to vary depending on socio-demographic background. Also, perceptional patterns were significantly related with the preference of traditional food of national holidays i.e., new years day, first full moon of January, thanksgiving day, han-shik (the 105th day after the winter solstice), and dong-gi (the coldest winter solstice). Similarities and differences in perceptional patterns as well as preference of traditional food of national holidays were discussed, and future implications for food nutritionists and Asia marketers were provided.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptional dimensions and patterns of Korean traditional food and to find the determinants of the patterns. Data were collected from 305 Korean housewives living in Mongol, and were factor and cluster analyzed. The results revealed two different dimensions and patterns i.e., high involved vs. low involved groups. Descriptive statistics showed that perceptional pattern types are likely to vary depending on socio-demographic and cultural background of Korean traditional food. Similarities and differences in perceptional patterns between high and low involved groups of Korean Mongolian are discussed, and future implications for globalization of Korean traditional food culture are provided.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This present study suggests a wider view of our ancestors' food culture by examining the generality and peculiarity of the food culture of the Chosun Period by associating the culture with genre paintings made in the 18th~19th century in Korea. People in the Chosun Period outwardly advocated the Confucian idea reflecting the life philosophy of Chinese. However, the vitality of common people's frank and simple lifestyles saturate genre paintings and display Korean food culture and sentiments of the age. Initially this paper examines the history of food sociology through Namjong literary artists' paintings. The meaning and philosophy of drinks are considered in relation to the trend of declining tea culture among scholars in the mid-Chosun Period with the policy of promoting Confucianism and oppressing Buddhism. Secondly, this paper investigates the background of genre paintings in the late Chosun Period, and examines the unique food culture of Koreans appearing in paintings, particularly with regard to the abundance and variety of seasoned vegetables appearing in genre paintings, our ancestors' sentiment appearing in milk-gathering painting, humanity in guest reception, food culture and view of nature in farm villages, fishing life history, food distribution culture, soybean-curd culture, etc.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions and patterns of the perception of Korean traditional food and to find the determinants of the patterns between Korean and Yanbian housewives, taking food culture into account. Data were factor and cluster analyzed, and the results revealed two and three different dimensions and patterns for Yanbian and Korean housewives respectively. Descriptive statistics showed that perceptional patterns are likely to vary depending on cultural background of Korean traditional food. Similarities and differences in perceptional patterns between Yanbian and Korean housewives are discussed, and future implications for food as well as nutrition specialists and food marketers are provided.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate dietary patterns and assimilation of dietary culture of Korean descendants in Yanbian, China compared to Korean. A dietary survey was conducted using one 24-hour recall method from 730 adults over 30 years of age in Yanbian, China and 695 adults over 25 years of age in Kuri, Korea. The average number of food items consumed per day was 14 in Yanbian and 20 in Kuri and there was a significant difference between the two regions(p<0.001). The foods consumed most frequently were rice, salt, the M.S.G. in Yanbian and rice, green onion and garlic in Kuri. The foods consumed most by amount were rice, cucumber, Soju in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi and grape in Kuri. The average number of dishes consumed per day was 6.4 in Yanbian, 9.4 in Kuri and the difference between the two regions was significant(p<0.001). Total number of dishes appeared in the survey was 253 in Yanbian and 494 in Kuri. The dishes consumed most frequently were cooked-rice, beverages, Kimchi, stir-fried eggplant in Yanbian and cooked-rice, Kimchi, coffee, soybean paste stew, in Kuri. The dish groups appeared most frequently were rice, stir-fried foods, vegetables and Kimchi in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi, beverages and fruits in Kuri. Male subjects in Yanbian Consumed alcohol frequently while adults in Kuri consumed coffee more frequently than Yanbian. The major meal patterns were rice+side dish, rice+soup, rice+side dish+Kimchi in Yanbian and rice+soup+side dish+Kimchi, rice+side dish+Kimchi, rice+soup+Kimchi in Kuri. Stir-fried foods, which were consumed 46.6% of all the meals, were dominant side dish in Yanbian, but stir-fried food, seasoned vegetables and grilled food appeared aver 10% in Kuri. There results show that variety of diet of Korean-Chinese in Yanbian was lower than Kuri. Korean-Chinese tend to keep traditional Korean dietary patterns of consuming rice as staple but were adapted to Chinese dietary patterns of consuming stir-fried side dishes. Efforts should be directed toward preserving Korean traditional patterns of dietary culture among Korean-Chinese population.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to assess dietary intake and quality obtained by 24-hour recall method between Korean-Chinese in Yanbian, China(Korean-Chinese) and Koreans in Kuri, Korea(Koreans). The subjects consisted of 730 Korean-Chinese and 696 Koreans. Mean daily energy intake of Korean-Chinese was 1,788kcal and that of Korean was 1,844kcal. Proportions of energy intake from carbohydrate, fat, and protein were 62.6: 16.9: 14.2 for Korean-Chinese and 65.4: 16.3: 14.4 for Koreans. Nutrient intake levels of Koreans were higher than those of Korean-chinese in most nutrients. Calcium and vitamin B2 intakes as percent of Korean RDA were less than 60% in Korean-Chinese. Koreans consumed calcium and vitamin A in the level less than 80% of Korean RDA. Iron intake level of Korean females was less than 75% of Korean RDA. Korean-Chinese consumed 90.4% of food from plant origin, and Koreans consumed 82.5% of food from plant origin. Mean dietary diversity score(DDS) of Korean-Chinese, 3.00±0.39, was significantly lower than that of Koreans, 3.73±0.76(p<0.05). Mean dietary variety score(DVS) of Korean-Chinese, 13.6, was significantly lower than that of Koreans, 20.1(p〈0.001). According to these results, some adults in the both Korean-Chinese and Koreans did not consume enough nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin B2 intake for Korean-Chinese and calcium and vitamin A intake for Koreans. Dietary qualities of Korean-Chinese subjects and Korean females were not adequate. In the future, further research to promote dietary quality of Koreans including Korean-Chinese must consider the results of this study.
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