상업적으로 이용되는 국내 국화재배는 대부분 절화용으로 ‘07년 재배면적은 736ha, 생산량은 433백만본에 달하여 우리나라 전체 절화생산액의 24.4%를 차지하고 있다. 이에 따라서 국화에 발생하는 해충은 매우 다양하다. 점박이응애, 아메리카잎굴파리, 목화진딧물, 국화꼬마수염진딧물, 꽃노랑총채벌레, 담배거세미나방, 파밤나방, 애긴노린재, 국화하늘소, 민달팽이 등이 있다. 이중 시설재배농가에서 문제되는 해충은 점박이응애, 아메리카잎굴파리, 목화진딧물, 꽃노랑총채벌레였으며 노지에서는 주로 목화진딧물, 점박이응애, 애긴노린재, 파밤나방이었다. 국화 품종별로 아메리카잎굴파리에 대한 피해를 100평정도 되는 하우스내에서 45품종에서 대하여 7월 상순부터 10월 하순까지 조사하였다. 품종은 노아, 문라이트, 예스모닝, 투마코, 포드, 휘파람, 위니아, 델리아크림 등을 이용하였다. 아메리카잎굴파리에 대한 품종별 피해는 10월 중순에 예스모닝은 아메리카잎굴파리 피해엽율이 62.9%, 위니아에서는 31.5% 나타났으며 노아는 18.8% 였으며 예스모닝, 위니아, 노아를 선호하였다. 아메리카잎굴파리에 대해서 피해엽율이 가장 낮은 품종은 휘파람, 일월, 보라미였다. 또한 친환경자재를 포함한 11가지 약제를 이용하여 아메리카잎굴파리에 대한 번데기 살충율을 조사하였다. 그 결과 파단수용제가 아메리카잎굴파리 번데기에 대해서 방제가 97.3% 였으며 코니도수화제 74.3%, 모스피란수화제 55.3%, 친환경자재인 잎실드가 54%였다.
Grey field slug, Deroceras reticulatum Muller, is one of the major pests of chinese cabbage, Brassica campestris. To determine the economic thresholds of grey field slug on chinese cabbage, the slugs were inoculated after planting 1 week into chinese cabbages with a density of 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 slugs per 16 chinese cabbages(1㎡) at the plastic house in the spring and autumn of 2008. The rates of damaged cabbages by slug inoculation were 10.7% at 2 slugs and 42.7% at 16 slugs in the spring, and 20.3% at 2 slugs and 59.2% at 16 slugs in the autumn. The linear relationships between the initial slugs density and yield reduction of chinese cabbage were as following ; Y = 286.07x + 548.62, R2=0.9524(in the spring cultivation), Y = 318.91x + 998.05, R2=0.9323(in the autumn cultivation). Based on these results, the economic threshold of grey field slug per 16 chinese cabbages(1㎡) was 2.52 slugs in the spring and 0.86 slugs in the autumn.
전세계적으로 문제가 되는 해충 점박이응애(Tetranychusurticae)를 제거할 목적으로 호주산 식물정유 19가지의 훈증 및 살비 효과를 검토하였다. 점박이응애를 접종한 강낭콩 leaf disc와 식물정유 10 μl/l air 농도로 점적한 filter paper를 밀폐용기 안에 넣고 훈증실험을 하였다. 살비효과는 점박이응애를 접종한 강낭콩 leaf disc를 1,000배 희석한 식물정유 용액에 dipping하여 실험하였다. 훈증 실험 결과 Eucalyptus dives, E. approximans, E. condonocarpa (2ndextract)가 90% 이상의 훈증효과가 있었다. 특히 E. condonocarpa는 100%의 훈증효과를 보였다. 살비 실험의 결과 E. bicostata, E. maidenii, E. sideroxylm, E. approximans, Callistemon viminalis 등 5종의 정유가 67% 이상의 살비효과를 보였다. 이 5종의 식물정유를 100배와 500배로 농도를 높여 실험한 결과, E. maidenii 100배 용액이 100%의 살비효과와 산란 기피효과를 나타냈다. 특히, 91.5%의 훈증 효과가 있던 E. approximans는 100배 희석액에서 83.1%의 살비효과도 나타내었다.
This study was conducted for establishment of Economic injury levels(EILs) of the tea red spider mite, Tetranychus kanzawai on Rubus coreanus. T. kanzawai was innoculated on May 7 in differently 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 adults per plant. And pesticide was treated in late April, early May, middle May and late May, respectively.
After inoculated of T. kanzawai, the density was increased until the mid-June and decreased gradually in all plots. And higher inoculation density were increased higher than lower inoculation density. Growth variables were not different among experimental plots except number of fruit set, but the number of fruit set and yields were decreased with increasing initial mite density.
Densities of T. kanzawai on treated time of pesticide was lower in later treatment time than early treatment time. The late April treatments were not effective of pesticide in harvesting season.
The rates of yield loss increased with increasing initial mite density. The relationship between initial T. kanzawai densities and yield losses was well described by a linear regression, Y = 0.6545X + 3.0425, R2=0.9313. Based on the relationship, the number of adults per plant which can cause 5% loss of yield was estimated to be approximately 3.0. And EILs was estimated to be approximately 8.3 adults/leaf in mid-May.
해마다 사과와 배에 발생하여 피해를 주는 조팝나무진딧물은 대부분 살충제를 이용해 방제를 하고 있다. 그러나 최근 유기농, 무농약, 친환경 사과 및 배 재배농가가 늘어나면서 살충제의 사용이 제약을 받게 되어 살충제를 대신할 수 있는 효과가 빠르게 나타나고, 방제효과가 높은 친환경 방제수단이 절실히 필요하게 되었다. 본 연구는 1% Pyrethrin+0.6% Matrine (PM), 1.5% Natural Pyrethrins (NP), 10% Nicotine (NI) 3종류의 식물추출조성물을 이용한 조팝나무진딧물의 방제효과를 조사하였다. 페트리디쉬 검정에서 조팝나무진딧물에 각 식물추출조성물을 500배, 1,000배, 2,000배 농도로 처리한 후 24시간째 살충력을 조사한 결과 PM, NP 및 NI는 500배 농도에서 각각 97.9%, 97.2%, 100%, 1,000배 농도에서 99.3%, 99.3%, 100%, 2,000배 농도에서 78.3%%, 97.9%, 89.5%로 PM의 2,000배 농도를 제외한 모든 농도에서 유의적인 차이없이 90% 이상을 나타내었다. 삼각플라스크를 이용한 실내 시험에서도 페트리디쉬 검정과 유사한 결과를 나타내었다. 포장에서 조팝나무진딧물이 붙어있는 사과와 배 잎에 각각의 식물추출조성물을 농도별로 처리한 후 클립케이지를 집은 다음 24시간 후 살충력을 조사한 결과 PM, NP 및 NI 모두 500배, 1,000배 농도에서 1회 살포에도 85% 이상의 효과를 나타내었다. 따라서 식물추출조성물 3종류는 사과나 배에 발생하여 피해를 주는 조팝나무진딧물에 대하여 우수한 살충효과를 보였다.
본 연구는 유용물질인 수박, 토마토, 참외 등의 각종 경제작물에 피해를 주고 있는 고구마뿌리혹선충(Meloidogyne incognita)의 환경친화적 방제 가능성을 알아보기 위하여 국내 자생식물인 된장풀(Desmodium caudatum)을 이용하여 살선충 효과를 검정하였다.
X-plate에서 H2O, BuOH, Hexane, EtoAC로 추출한 된장풀을 고구마뿌리혹선충 2령충에 500 ppm으로 처리한 결과, Hexane과 H2O 추출물에서 48시간 후 100%의 치사율을 보였다. 그리고 BuOH와 EtoAC 추출물에서도 72시간 후 각각 92.5%와 89.4%의 높은 치사율을 보였다. Hexane과 H2O 추출물의 농도별 효과 실험 결과, Hexane 추출물은 5,000 ppm에서 24h 후 100%의 치사율을 보였지만 1,000 ppm보다 낮은 농도에서는 살선충 효과가 미미하였다. 그러나 H2O 추출물은 1,000 ppm과 5,000 ppm에서 24시간 후 100%의 높은 치사율을 보였으며 50 ppm의 농도에서도 72시간 후 100%의 높은 치사율을 나타내었다.
Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) belonging to genus Lepidoptera is a notorious pest of cruciferous crops worldwide. We evaluated the bioinsecticidal activity of the liquid cultures (LB and NB) of a bacterial strain, Serratia sp. EML-SE1, isolated from a diseased diamondback moth. The pathogenicity of a bacterial strain to diamondback moth was confirmed by the following procedures: treatment of liquid culture on cabbage leaves, ingestion of inoculated cabbage and mortality response. For the test, twenty 3rd instar larvae of diamondback moth were placed on the Chinese cabbage leaf in a round plastic cage (Ø 10 × 6 cm) and sprayed with the liquid cultures. After 72 hours, insecticidal activity of LB and NB cultures of Serratia sp. against P. xylostella larvae showed 91.7% and 88.3%, respectively. In addition, the bioinsecticidal activity on potted cabbage with 14 leaves in a growth cage (165 × 83 × 124 cm) also was similar to that of plastic cage experiment. Summarized, the Serratia sp. EML-SE1 may be a potent candidate as a bioinsecticidal agent to control diamondbac kmoth.
1990년대 후반부터 배 과수원에서 문제가 된 꼬마배나무이는 농가에 따라 9월 수확기부터 월동기를 제외한 배 생육기 전반에 집중적인 방제로 약제저항성 발달이 우려되고 있고, 농가에서 약제효과에 대한 의문을 제기하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 시험은 나주시 금천면 농가포장에서 채집한 꼬마배나무이 5령 약충에 대해 5가지 살충제로 살충효과를 Leaf disc 분무법으로 실내 검정하여 약제효과를 검토하고자 수행하였다. 처리 24시간 후 Acetamiprid 8WP의 살충율이 14.8%로 가장 높았고, Dinotefuran 10WP와 Thiametoxam 10WG가 5.7%로 낮은 살충율을 보였으나 처리 3일후에는 Dinotefuran 10WP, Thiametoxam 10WG 살충율이 각각 78.2, 74.4%, Acetamiprid 8WP, Chlorpyrifos 25WP에 대해 각각 51.3, 42.3%, Fenitrothion 40WP에 대해 29.5%를 보였다. 처리 7일후에는 Chlorpyrifos 25WP가 90.8%로 가장 높았고, Fenitrothion 40WP가 82.9%로 가장 낮아 약제간 살충율 변화가 다른 양상을 보였다. 성충직전의 5령충으로 시험하였기 때문에 95% 이하의 살충율을 보였지만 공시약제 모두 80% 이상의 살충율을 보여 약제저항성 발달로 판단하기는 어려웠다.
파밤나방은 파, 배추, 수박 등에 다 발생하여 큰 피해를 주는 대표적인 농업 해충이며 화학농약에 대한 저항성이 강한 대표적인 해충으로, 본 연구에서는 생물적 방제인자로 방제하고자 Bacillus thuringiensis(이하 Bt) 균주를 선발하여 살충효과를 검정 하였다.
파밤나방의 살충효과검정에서 내성이 강한 해충과 비슷한 양상으로, 나비목 해충과 다르게 Bt에 대한 살충활성이 늦게 나타나는 지효성을 나타냈다. 이러한 원인으로 유충 중장 프로테아제에 의해 Bt의 cry 독소가 과분해 되는 것으로 가정하고 protein inhibitor로 알려져 있는 tannic acid를 선발하여 실내 실험과 야외 포장 실험을 수행하였다. 그 결과 Bt 단독처리보다 Bt와 tannic acid를 혼합처리 했을 때 더 높은 사충율을 나타냈다. 이 같은 결과에 대해 원인을 규명하고자, 가설을 세워 실험을 수행 하였다. 중장 프로테아제가 130kDa의 불활성 독소를 60kDa의 활성 독소로 분해한 후, 더 과분해 하는 것을 tannic acid가 억제할 것이다 라고 가설을 세운 후 실험을 수행 하였다. SDS-PAGE를 하여 tannic acid의 억제정도를 확인했고, 이 결과를 토대로 40mM tannic acid를 전 처리 한 후 Bt처리를 한 결과 동시처리보다 약 5% 더 높은 사충율을 나타냈다. Bt와 중장 프로테아제, tannic acid의 반응에 있어서 형태적인 면을 확인하기 위해 전자현미경을 관찰 하였다. 중장 프로테아제의 증명을 위해 자이모그램 실험을 수행 하였다.
국내에서는 허브식물이라 하면 주로 향기를 가진 식물을 지칭하는 경향이 강하다. 그러나, 향기 외에도 생활속에서 다양한 용도로 활용이 가능한 기능성식물로, 최근에는 항균, 방충 등에 관련된 기능성에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있다.
전라북도 남원지역은 농가소득에 주안점을 두고 다양한 허브식물을 경관이 아닌 재배를 통한 소득작물로 다루고 있으며, 남원시 운봉읍 일대의 30.5ha 부지에 허브가공공장, 자생식물환경공원, 경관지구로 형성된 지리산 허브특구단지가가 구성되어 있다. 이에 우리 연구소에서는 해발 500m인 남원 운봉지역에서 재배가 가능한 허브식물 중 방충성이 보고된 식물을 중심으로 허브식물 생육 및 해충발생 특성과 허브식물 추출물에 대한 복숭아혹진딧물의 살충특성을 조사하였다.
조사된 8종의 허브식물에 대하여 해충발생정도를 조사한 결과, 노지재배에서는 라벤더, 탄지, 할미꽃, 숍워트에서 해충발생이 관찰되지 않았다. 로즈마리는 들깨잎말이나방, 허하운드, 웜우드는 매미충류 2종, 루에서는 온실가루이의 피해를 확인할 수 있었다.
고추를 흡즙하는 복숭아혹진딧물에 대하여 에탄올 감압농축후 500배로 희석한 추출물을 살포하였을때, 처리후 1일째와 3일째에 있어 로즈마리에서 47.6%, 40.5%, 할미꽃에서 55.4%, 49.4%의 살충율을 보였으며, 다른 허브식물추출물에서는 보다 낮은 살충율을 나타내었다. 우리는 이러한 자료를 기반으로 허브식물의 살충 및 방충특성을 지속적으로 검정하고자 한다.
The toxicity of Kaempferia galanga rhizome materials and constituents against Meloidogyne incognita second‐stage juveniles (J2) and eggs were examined. The active principles of K. galanga rhizome were identified as the phenylpropanoids ethyl (E)‐cinnamate (EC, 1) and ethyl (E)‐p‐methoxycinnamate (EMC, 2) by spectroscopic analysis. Results were compared with those of carbofuran, fosthiazate, and metam‐sodium. In direct‐contact mortality bioassay, EC (LC50, 0.037 mg/ml) was the most toxic constituent, followed by EMC (0.041 mg/ml). EC was more effective than carbofuran (LC50, 0.092 mg/ml) but less active than fosthiazate (0.002 mg/ml). EC, egg hatch was inhibited 100, 93, and 87% at 125, 62.5, and 31.25 μg/ml, respectively. EMC caused 100, 81, and 75% inhibition of egg hatch at 125, 62.5, and 31.25 μg/ml, respectively. The inhibition of two phenylpropanoids were similar or more inhibition to that of either carbofuran or metam‐sodium but was lower than that of fosthiazate. In contact + fumigant mortality bioassay, EC and EMC treatments resulted in 86 and c 73% mortality at 0.5 and 0.125 mg/g soil, respectively. The lethality of these phenylpropanoids was almost similar to that of either carbofuran or metam‐sodium but was lower than that of fosthiazate. In vapor‐phase mortality bioassay, EC and EMC were more effective in closed container than open containers, indicating that the mode of delivery of these compounds was, in part, a result of vapor action. K. galanga rhizome‐derived materials, merit further study as potential nematicides and hatching inhibitors for the control of M. incognita populations.
The toxicity of materials derived from dried fruit of Cnidium monnieri against early third instar larvae of Culex pipiens pallens was examined using direct contact mortality bioassay. Results were compared with those of currently used mosquito larvicide, temephos. The bioactive principle was identified as xanthotoxol by spectroscopic analysis. As judged by 24 h LD50 value, xanthotoxol was highly effective (4.40 ppm), although this compound was less toxic than temephos (0.16 ppm). C. monnieri fruit-derived materials, particularly xanthotoxol, merit further study as potential mosquito larvicides for protection from humans and domestic animals from vector-borne diseases and nuisance caused by mosquitoes.
The toxicity of melissa and savory essential oil constituents against adult Bemisia tabaci was examined using vapor-phase toxicity bioassay. Results were compared with those following the treatment with currently used insecticide dichlorvos. As judged by 24 h LC50 values, thymol (0.59×10-3 mg/cm3) was the most toxic constituent, followed by cavacrol (0.60×10-3 mg/cm3). These compounds were slightly less toxic than dichlorvos (LC50, 0.20×10-3 mg/cm3). Strong activity was also obtained from borneol (LC50, 1.06×10-3 mg/cm3), α-terpineol (1.22×10-3 mg/cm3), geraniol (1.23×10-3 mg/cm3), linalool (1.33×10-3 mg/cm3), lavendulol (1.44×10-3 mg/cm3), nerol (1.52×10-3 mg/cm3), β-citronellol (1.81×10-3 mg/cm3), terpinene-4-ol (1.87×10-3 mg/cm3), 1-octen-3-ol (2.06×10-3 mg/cm3), and citral (2.34×10-3 mg/cm3). The melissa and savory essential oil-derived compounds, particularly thymol and carvacrol, merit further study as potential insecticides for the control of B. tabaci.
The toxicity of materials derived from root of Asiasarum heterotropoides against early third instar larvae from susceptible Culex pipiens pallens, Aedes aegypti, and Ochlerotatus togoi was examined using direct contact mortality bioassays. Results were compared with those following the treatment with two currently used mosquito larvicides, temephos and fenthion. The bioactive principles of A. heterotropoides root were identified as asarinin, asarone, methyleugenol, pellitorine, and pentadecane by spectroscopic analysis. As judged by 24 h LC50 values, pellitorine (2.08-2.38 ppm) was the most toxic compound, followed by asarinin (10.49-16.49 ppm) and asarone (22.38-26.99 ppm). These compounds were less toxic than either temephos (0.16-0.20) or fenthion (LC50, 0.23-0.29). Weak activity was produced by methyleugenol (53.30-58.52 ppm) and pentadecane (96.71-99.19 ppm). A. heterotropoides root-derived materials, particularly pellitorine, merit further study as potential mosquito larvicides for protection from humans and domestic animals from vector-borne diseases and nuisance caused by mosquitoes.
The toxicity of 10 plant essential oils to adults of acaricide-susceptible, chlorfenapyr-resistant (CRT-53), fenpropathrin-resistant (FRT-53), pyridaben-resistant (PRT-53), and abamectin-resistant (ART-53) strains of Tetranychus urticae Koch and to female Neoseiulus californicus McGregor was examined using spray or vapor-phase mortality bioassays. In bioassay with the susceptible adults, strong toxicity was produced by lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, citronella Java, thyme red, caraway seed, pennyroyal, and clove leaf essential oils (LC50, 0.0193-0.0327 mg/cm3). The toxicity of these essential oils was almost identical against adults from either of the susceptible and resistant strains, even though CRT-53, FRT-53, PRT-53, and ART-53 adults exhibited high levels of resistance to chlorfenapyr [resistanc ratio (RR), >9140], fenpropathrin (RR, 94), pyridaben (RR, >390), and abamectin (RR,85), respectively. Against female N. californicus was 1.0 to 1.9 times more tolerant than T. urticae to the test essential oils. Thus, these essential oils merit further study as potential acaricides for the control of acaricide-resistant T. urticae populations as fumigants because of their lower toxicity to N. californicus.
The toxicity of Cyperus rotundus rhizome steam distillate constituents and their related compounds to adult females and males of the susceptible KS-BG strain and field-collected SR-BG and DR-BG colonies of Blattella germanica (L.) was examined using residual contact + fumigant and vapor-phase mortality bioassays. Results were compared with those of three organophosphorus (chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, and fenitrothion), three carbamate (bendiocarb, dioxacarb, and propoxur), and three pyrethroid insecticides (bifenthrin, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin). In contact + fumigant mortality bioassay, p-cymene (LC50, 0.33 mg/cm2) was the most toxic terpenoid, followed by o-cymene, m-cymene, β-pinene, 1,8-cineole, and α-pinene, (LC50, 0.44–0.92 mg/cm2) against female B. germanica. These terpenoids were less toxic than the insecticides tested. Females were 3.1–3.6 times more tolerant than males to three cymene compounds. The toxicity of these monoterpenoids were almost identical against females from either of the three strains, even though the SR-BG and DR-BG females exhibited resistance to bifenthrin [resistance ratio (RR), 96 and 17], cypermethrin (RR, 67), deltamethrin (97 and 66), dioxacarb (19 and 22), and propoxur (24 and 32). In vapor-phase mortality bioassay, these monoterpenoids were effective in closed but not in open containers, indicating that the effect of these compounds was largely a result of vapor action. C. rotundus rhizome steam distillate and its constituents merit further study as potential insecticides for the control of insecticide-resistant B. germanica populations as fumigants with contact action.
To search for hyper-variable genetic markers that can distinguish regional populations of head lice, we screened the inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) based on the genome database of body louse, which is closely related conspecific species. An ISSR mining software, SciRoKo 3.4, was employed to excavate ISSR markers from the genome database under the MISA mode (≥ 60 bp repeats). Entire body louse genome (ca.100 Mb) was loaded to SciRoKo for ISSRs mining. A total of 5,336 ISSRs were obtained, and primers specific to individual ISSRs were designed by the Primer 3 and DesignPrimer 1.0 softwares. In order to prove the compatibility of body louse ISSRs to head lice, 31 PCR primers were randomly chosen out of a total of 613 pairs, and their appropriateness was tested by comparing the amplified PCR band patterns between body and head lice. Eleven primer pairs that resulted in poor or little amplification were excluded, and 20 primer pairs were further tested for three head louse populations (California, Panama and Chung-ju, Korea). Finally, nine primer pairs ensuring robust amplification of highly variable band patterns were selected to use for population genetic study of head lice.
The hemipteran whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is one of the most destructive pests damaging more than 600 agricultural crop species worldwide. The B and Q biotypes are most widely spread in Korea but they are not distinguishable based on morphological characters. In order to search for protein markers that can be employed for rapid and accurate diagnosis of biotypes, two-dimensional PAGE (2DE) in conjunction with mass spectroscopic analysis were conducted. Eleven biotype-specific spots were repeatedly identified during three repetitions of 2DE and analyzed by Q-TOF. One of the B type-specific protein spots was identified as carboxylesterase 2 (Coe2). The transcript level of coe2 was determined to be 6 times higher in B type than in Q type by quantitative real-time PCR. In addition, comparison of genomic DNA sequence of coe2 between B and Q types identified a biotype-specific intron, from which specific primer sets were designed. One-step PCR using these biotype-specific primers successfully distinguished the two biotypes in a high accuracy. Availability of the biotype-specific protein and DNA markers will greatly improve the detection of B. tabaci biotype in the field.
We investigated the effects of cadmium exposure and various stress on the transcription of heat shock protein 70 and 82 (HSP70 and HSP82) from Pardosa astrigera wolf spider. To do this, P. astrigera HSP70 and HSP82 genes were cloned and its full-length sequence determined. Female spiders were long-term exposed to cadmium or to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) for 2, 4 and 6 weeks and short-term exposed to endosulfan by dietary uptake. Female spiders were also exposed to various temperatures. HSP82 did not show a clear tendency of transcription induction following exposure to cadmium. On the contrary, HSP70 transcription gradually increased during the exposure to 2, 20 and 40 mM of cadmium for 2, 4 and 6 weeks. Transcript level of HSP70 was not significantly changed by endosulfan and PCB exposure. In the short-term (3 hr) temperature exposure, an increased expression of HSP70 was observed under the heat shock to 30°C and then slightly decreased at 35°C. However, induction of HSP70 transcription was not observed during the long-term (7 days) temperature exposure. Taken together, HSP70 gene appears to be up-regulated by cadmium in a time-dependent manner but little affected by other potential contaminants. Analysis of HSP70 transcript levels in P. astrigera collected from various fields revealed that levels of cadmium concentration were well correlated with HSP70 transcript levels (r2 = 0.76). Taken together, it was suggested that transcript level of HSP70 could be useful as a biomarker for the long-term cadmium exposure of P. astrigera.
Aujeszky’s disease (AD), also called pseudorabies, is an infectious viral disease, caused by an alpha herpes virus and has domestic and wild pigs, as well as a wide range of domestic and wild animals, as the natural host. AD affects many countries and regions in the world, causing important economic losses, mainly due to international trade restrictions. In this study, to determine the characteristics of the Aujeszky’s disease virus (ADV), NYJ strain, which was isolated from the serum of an infected pig in 1987, we investigated the nucleotide sequence and expression of the glycoproteins gB, gC, and gD using the bBpGOZA system. We found that the glycoproteins gB, gC, and gD of NYJ consisted of 2751 bp, 1443 bp, and 1203 bp, respectively. Comparison of the NYJ with the other strains revealed nucleotide sequence identity ranging from 91.tito 99.0%. To better understand the genetic relationships between other strains, phylogenetic analyses were performed. The NYJ strain was formed a distinct branch with high bootstrap support. The expression of glycoprotein gD in insect cells was characterized by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with an anti-ADV polyclonal antibody. Glycoprotein gD of approximately 45 kDa was detected. The results of this study have implications for both the taxonomy of ADV and vaccine development.