
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,976

        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        대량의 유기물을 함유하는 가축 분뇨는 최근 대규모화된 가축 사육에 의하여 그 발생량이 늘어나고 있다. 가축 분뇨를 자원화하거나 에너지화하는 연구가 현재 활발히 진행되고 있지만, 악취문제는 쉽게 해결이 되지 않아 주변 민가와의 분쟁이 심각한 상황이다. 특히 가축분뇨의 발생량 중 40%를 차지하는 돼지의 분뇨는 수분함 유량이 90%나 되어 미부숙된 분뇨로 퇴비화할 경우 대기 중으로 휘산되기 쉬어 악취 발생에 취약하다. 돼지분뇨 악취의 대표 물질 중의 하나인 암모니아는 배출 규제 농도로 저감되어도 실제 주변 민가는 악취로 인한 고통을 호소한다. 돼지분뇨의 악취는 온도와 습도에 상당한 영향을 받기 때문에 본 연구에서는 이러한 돼지 분뇨의 악취를 효율적으로 억제하기 위하여 온도와 습도를 제어하여 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. Lab-Scale 실험을 위해 항온항습기(HB-105SG, 500×500×600(W×D×H)mm)를 제작하여 돈분뇨 슬러리 시료 25ml를 이용하여 1시간 동안 악취를 발생시켰다. 샘플링은 다양한 온도와 다양한 습도에서 발생되는 가스시료를 진공감압박스와 흡인펌프를 이용하여 1분에 3L의 유량으로 1L Tedlar bag에 포집하였고, 포집된 가스는 현장에서 암모니아 검지관(Kitagawa/Japan)을 이용하여 즉석에서 악취를 측정하였다. 검지관의 측정농도 범위는 0.2-20ppm과 1-200ppm으로 100ml의 가스시료를 채취하여 암모니아의 농도를 측정하였다. 사육 시설 내 겨울철의 평균 기온으로 가정하여 온도는 10℃-20℃, 습도는 50%-80%의 온·습도로 설정하였다. 실험 결과, 10℃의 온도에서 습도가 50%일 때 암모니아 농도가 4.8ppm이였는데 습도 80%로 증가 시 7.5ppm으로 56.3% 증가하였고, 20℃의 온도에서는 습도가 50%일 때 11.15ppm에서 80%일 때 13.7ppm으로 22.9% 증가하였다. 습도를 기준으로 보았을 때에, 습도 50%에서 온도가 10℃에서 20℃로 상승할 때 4.8ppm에서 11.15ppm으로 132% 증가하였다. 10℃에서 20℃영역에서는 습도의 증가가 암모니아 발생에 미치는 영향이 동일한 습도조건에서 온도의 상승에 의한 발생보다 더 큰 발생요인으로 보여 진다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 초저온 액체 침지식 급속 냉동으로 동결된 돈육 등심에 적합한 급속 해동방법을 선정하고 과냉각 저장이 냉동-해동 돈육의 미생물학적, 이화학적 및 관능적 품질변화에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 4와 10℃ 송풍식 해동과 4와 10℃유수식 해동은 냉동 돈육 시료가 해동이 완료되는 약 290-750분 소요되었지만 27.12 MHz 라디오파 해동은 약 20분으로 가장 신속하게 돈육을 해동시켜 저장실험에 필요한 냉동 돈육의 급속 해동방법으로 선정하였다. 한편 -1.5--5℃로 24시간 냉각 처리 후 돈육 횡단면의 미세구조 분석 결과, -1.5℃에서 냉각 처리된 시료의 표면과 중심부는 동결에 의한 조직 손상이 발생하지 않았음을 확인하여 -1.5℃를 과냉각 저장 온도로 선정하였다. 저장 중 대조구인 신선육과 비교하여 냉동-해동 처리된 돈육에서 발생한 드립감량은 유의적으로(p<0.05) 높은 경향을 보였지만 -1.5℃ 과냉각 저장이 돈육의 드립감량 증가를 억제하였다. 또한 4와 15℃ 저장과 비교하여 -1.5℃ 과냉각 저장은 대조구와 냉동-해동 처리구의 TVBN과 TBARS 함량 증가, Hunter a* 값 감소와 b* 값 증가를 억제하는 효과를 보였다. 15℃ 저장 4일 후 대조구와 냉동-해동 처리구의 총 호기성 세균수는 9 log CFU/g 이상으로 급격히 증가하였다. 반면 -1.5℃ 저장 10일 후 대조구와 냉동-해동 처리구의 총 호기성 세균수는 각각 5.62와 4.43 log CFU/g으로 관찰되었다. -1.5℃ 저장 10일 동안 대조구와 냉동-해동 처리구의 대장균군과 효모 및 곰팡이 수는 저장 초기 수준으로 유지하거나 다소 감소하였다. 관능평가 결과에 있어서 4와 15℃ 저장에 비해 -1.5℃ 저장한 대조구와 냉동-해동 처리구는 모든 관능평가 항목에서 저장 중 유의적으로 높은 값을 유지하였다(p<0.05). 따라서 라디오파 유전가열 해동은 냉동 돈육 등심의 해동 과정 중 상전이 구간을 빠르게 통과함으로써 급속해동이 가능하였으며 -1.5℃ 과냉각 저장이 냉동-해동 처리 된 돈육에 얼음결정 형성 없이 품질 유지 및 미생물 생장지연에 효과적인 것을 확인하였다.
        2017.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The spaces under bridge have been used as business zone and yard. The facilities and piles of goods under bridges are considered at high risk for fire danger. In this paper, CFD simulations were conducted to predict the temperature change beneath steel and concrete bridges due to fire in clothing boxes, frequently placed in the space under bridge. Based on these results, the relationship between the piled height of clothing boxes and the clearance of bridge, and temperatures beneath the bridge was derived using a Lagrange interpolation.
        2017.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research aim to investigate the qualitative and quantitative performance of concrete deteriorations using Pulse Square Thermography (PST) technique. An experimental test of ten cases was conducted on a concrete slab specimen under different meteorological conditions. The results showed that the absolute contrast between defective area and sound area decreases with the falling of ambient temperature. Besides, the delamination with identical size but placed at a deeper position indicates lower absolute contrast than the shallow delamination.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Potato greening determines the shelf life and affects the marketability of this tuber. Various stresses during handling and storage interact to affect the tuber’s physiological status and can affect the rate of greening. This study investigated the effects of storage temperature on tuber greening and shelf life in unwashed and washed potatoes of the cultivar Superior. Physiological and biochemical changes were examined during 15 days at room temperature (23±2°C) under cool-white fluorescent light after storage for 1 month at different temperatures (4°C, 20°C). Hunter a values were negative (-) for washed potatoes after 3 days (-0.8) and 15 days (-2.5) at room temperature following 1 month of storage at 4°C while positive (+) values were observed for unwashed potatoes after 15 days at room temperature. The Hunter ΔE values of washed potatoes previously stored at 4°C for 1 month increased after 3 days at room temperature compared with those of unwashed potatoes. The total chlorophyll content of washed potatoes was higher than that of unwashed potatoes. The highest correlation was observed between the Hunter ΔE value and Hunter a value (-0.93506), while a positive correlation coefficient (0.89806) was observed between greening criteria and Hunter ΔE value by using colorimetry. We conclude, therefore, that there is a biosynthetic link between temperature-induced chlorophyll accumulation and tuber greening in storage.
        2017.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The spaces under bridge have been used as business zone and yard. The facilities and piles of goods under bridges are considered at high risk for fire danger. In this paper, CFD simulations were conducted to predict the temperature change beneath steel and concrete bridges due to fire in clothing boxes, frequently placed in the space under bridge. Based on these results, the relationship between the piled height of clothing boxes and the clearance of bridge, and temperatures beneath the bridge was derived using a Lagrange interpolation.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Planting vigorous cuttings that quickly develop shoots and roots is essential to the biological and economic success of producing medicinal flowers. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of storage temperature and duration on seedling capacity in the propagation of Chrysanthemum indicum L. and to investigate the effect of rooting media on the growth of C. indicum L. after cutting.Methods and Results:Returning cuttings to supplemental cold storage (2.0 ± 1.0°C) may extend duration of cutting viability 6 weeks, returning cuttings to supplemental warm storage (25.0 ± 1.0°C) is not recommended. The treatment of the growing media experiments, which were conducted in the 2014 planting seasons, included sawdust, river sand, topsoil + sawdust, topsoil + poultry manure, sawdust + river sand, river sand + poultry manure, topsoil + river sand + poultry manure, topsoil + poultry manure + river sand + sawdust. Result indicated that the topsoil + poultry manure media performed best and supported the highest number of branches (3.47), branch length (26.39), and number of leaves (88.63).Conclusions:The results of the present study suggest that cold storage and the topsoil + poultry manure growth media was superior in supporting the early establishment of C. indicum cutting, this result will have a tremendous influence on propagation of this species.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of storage conditions on the growth of Saururus chinensis (Lour.) Baill. rootstock.Methods and Results:Rootstocks of S. chinensis were stored in either soil or vermiculite that had been treated with a control treatment, diluted wood vinegar (50 or 100-fold), DF-100 (50-fold), or 1-naphthylacetamide and at 5°C or 15°C. After 8 weeks, the stored roots were planted in the field, and both plant height and leaf number were observed after transplantation. The greatest number of leaves (5.60 ± 0.80) was produced by roots that had been stored in soil treated with 100 fold dilution of wood vinegar and at 5°C. Meanwhile the maximum plant height (6.92 ± 0.78 ㎝) at 30 d after transplanting was observed for rootstocks that had been stored in soil treated with the 100 fold dilution of wood vinegar and at 15°C, whereas the maximum plant height at 60 d after transplanting (26.46 ± 0.71㎝) was observed for rootstocks that had been stored in soil treated with the 100-fold dilution of wood vinegar and at 5°C. Therefore, the storage of rootstocks in soil treated with the 100-fold dilution of wood vinegar and at temperatures at or below 5°C was most effective, and it can be used to prevent the decay of roots during the postharvest management of S. chinensis rootstocks.Conclusions:The results of the present study indicate that, among the parameters examined, the storage of roots in soil that had been treated with the 100-foil dilution of wood vinegar is the most effective method for improving the growth of S. chinensis.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 동일한 농도의 유동파라핀/ Span 80-Tween 80/ 정제수로 구성되는 조성물을 혼합 경 로와 온도에 따라 형성되는 에멀젼 상태를 비교하였다. 3성분계도상에서 최종 조성에 이르는 혼합경로는 세 가 지로 구성하였다. 혼합 경로에 따라서 제조된 에멀젼의 평균 입자크기는 큰 차이를 보였으며 제조 온도가 증가함 에 따라서도 에멀젼의 입자크기가 감소하였다. 그러나 혼합 온도보다는 혼합 경로에 따른 영향이 더욱 컸다.
        2016.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        혐기성소화는 환경에 민감하기 때문에, 이에 항상 일정한 환경을 유지해 주는 것이 혐기성소화의 열쇠라고 할 수 있다. 이번 연구에서는 혐기성소화조의 온도를 중온소화영역(30~37℃)을 유지할 수 있도록 해주는 장치를 개발, 설치하여 이의 효용성에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 설치대상 혐기성소화조는 1m³의 부피를 가진다. 여기에 가온은 총 2가지의 방식으로 진행하였다. 첫 번째는 호기소화열을 이용하였고, 두 번째는 태양열을 이용하여 생산된 온수를 이용하였다. 온수를 이용하여 혐기성소화조를 가온키 위해 태양열을 집열하는 진공관과 온수탱크를 설치하였다. 그리고 온수탱크와 혐기성소화조의 하단부를 자켓으로 연결하여 가온할 수 있도록 하였다. 호기소화열의 제어는 무리가 있어, 온수를 제어하여 혐기성소화조의 온도를 제어하였다. 온도를 제어하기 위해 온수탱크와 혐기성소화조, 진공관에 온도센서를 중앙제어장치와 연결하여 설치하였다. 중앙제어장치에서는 온도센서로부터 측정한 온도를 이용하여 연산을 진행하였다. 진공관의 온도가 온수탱크보다 10℃가 높을 때 온수를 순환시켰고, 온수탱크의 온도가 45℃를 넘고 혐기성소화조가 35℃ 미만이 되었을 때 온수를 순환시켰다. 실험결과 태양열온수장치를 이용하기 전 혐기성소화조, 호기성소화조, 실내의 평균 온도는 각각 33, 49.8, 34.1℃였고, 태양열온수장치를 이용했을 때 혐기성소화조, 호기성소화조, 실내의 평균온도는 각각 33.1, 44, 22.1℃로 측정되었다. 태양열온수장치를 이용했을 때의 호기성소화조의 온도와 실내의 평균온도가 장치를 이용하지 않을때의 호기성소화조와 실내의 평균온도보다 훨씬 낮음에도 불구하고 혐기성소화조의 온도가 더 높게 측정된 것은 태양열온수장치의 가온효과가 고무적으로 보인다고 사료된다.
        2016.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        신재생에너지의 보급 확대로 인해 2001년 발전차액제도(FIT)에서 2012년 신재생에너지공급의무화제도(RPS)로 국내 신재생에너지 정책이 변화하였으며 이에 다양한 바이오매스 에너지원에 대한 활용방안이 검토 및 도입되고 있다. 바이오매스를 이용한 연료생산에는 선진기술개발이 요구되고 있으며, 최근 폐목재를 기반으로 한 Torrefaction 기술에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 수분함량이 높고 발열량이 낮은 단독 폐바이오매스를 사용한 고형연료 생산 시, 투입되는 에너지 소비량이 높아 경제성이 낮으므로 발열량이 높은 폐바이오매스와 발열량이 낮은 폐바이오매스를 함께 사용한 혼합 폐바이오매스를 고형연료화함으로써 소요되는 에너지 소비량을 낮출 수 있다. 혼합 폐바이오매스를 이용한 Torrefaction을 통하여 고형연료 생산품질 기준에 적합한 적정 운전조건을 도출하는 것이 Scale-up 설계에서 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 Bench급 간접가열 로타리킬른 방식 Torrefaction reactor에서 폐목재 및 하수슬러지 혼합 폐바이오매스를 이용하여 반응온도 및 체류시간에 따른 고형연료 생산 특성을 조사하였다. 폐목재 단일 시료를 반탄화하여 고형연료 생산 시 발생되는 경제성 및 시료공급의 문제를 개선코자 하수슬러지를 혼합 후 공급하여 혼합 폐바이오매스를 제조하였으며 이를 활용하여 반탄화 고형연료를 생산하였다. Bench급 반탄화 시스템의 반응온도(230~270℃) 및 반응기 내 체류시간(20~40분) 변화에 따라 고체수율은 51~70wt%, 발열량은 5,420~6,070Kcal/kg (HHV 기준)로 고형연료가 생산되었다. 고형연료 수율은 반응온도가 증가할수록 고체수율이 감소하였으나 발열량 등 고형연료의 품질은 증가하여 기존 선행연구 된 실험실 규모의 연구 결과와 동일함을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통한 운전조건에 따른 Torrefaction 결과를 포함하여 Pilot 급 Scale-up 설계인자로 활용하였다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of low temperature-adapted Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y297 and fermentation temperatures on the quality of Yakju brewed. Physicochemical properties of Yakju brewed were compared pH, total acidity, ethanol, free amino acid, organic acid contents, and volatile flavor compounds in S. cerevisiae Y297 with control treatment. Cooked non-glutinous rice and saccharogenic amylase in koji were mixed with ethanol-producing yeasts and then fermented at 15℃, 20℃, and 25℃ for 20 days. Yakju brewed using the Y297 treatment showed the highest ethanol yield (17.9%) at 20℃. Expression of heat shock protein (HSP) 104 was evaluated by immunoblotting as an indication of adaptation to low temperatures (15℃); levels of the HSP104 protein were higher in the Y297 treatment than in the control. Organic acid analysis showed that the lactic acid content of Yakju brewed using the control was the highest at 25℃. Finally, free amino acid analysis showed that the Y297 treatment had a higher proportion of essential amino acids than the control. Overall, these results indicate that S. cerevisiae Y297 could be used as a suitable yeast for Yakju brewed under low temperature (15℃) condition.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Inappropriate storage of fresh-cut onions may result in losses of good quality. To understand storage conditions for shelf-life and quality of fresh-cut onions, The effect of packing type and storage temperature on the quality of fresh-cut onions was evaluated. Onions stored at 0℃ for 2 months were peeled off after removing root and shoot parts. Each three peeled onions were packed in a polyethylene film (PE, 50 μm) or in a polyethylene/polypropylene film (PE/PP, 100 μm) with vacuum treatment (70 cmHg) and stored at different temperatures (4, and 10℃) for 21 days. The following analyses were examined to evaluate the quality of fresh-cut onions: microbial population, surface color, titratable acidity and pH, respiration rate, and sensory quality. Fresh-cut onions stored at 4℃ showed less aerobic and coliform bacterial population than those stored at 10℃ during observation periods. Fungal populations of fresh-cut onions packed in PE film stored at 10℃ increased significantly after 13 days. E. coli was not detected in all treatments during whole storage periods. Surface colors of fresh-cut onions were not affected by packing type and storage temperature, however, color difference (ΔE) of fresh-cut onions in PE/PP film stored at 10℃ was significantly higher than those of other treatments. Titratable acidity of fresh-cut onions was not affected by packing type and storage temperature. However, pH of fresh-cut onions packed in PE film stored at 10℃ increased gradually over the whole storage period. Fresh-cut onions packed in PE film showed higher CO2 and less O2 concentrations at 10℃ than those at 4℃. The sensory quality of fresh-cut onions was significantly affected by packing type and storage temperature after 13 days. Particularly, vacuum treatment in PE/PP film showed better sensory quality than that of PE film package at the same storage temperature. It was concluded that vacuum treatment and storage at 4℃ could be effective to prolong the quality of fresh-cut onions up to 21 days.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to problems concerned with environment pollution in urban areas, the city dwellers’ social demand for urban green space is ever more increasing. The purpose of this investigation is to define the relationship between the Ornamental Linum usitatissimum L. seed germination and temperature for effective use of the seed. The petri-dish (90 mm in diameter) was covered with two sheets of filter papers and 50 Ornamental Linum usitatissimum L. was layered for four times. After then, 10ml of distilled water was supplied. Then, the sprouting test was conducted in chamber where the temperature was controlled at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C. The light was adjusted to 12 hours. The source of light was 1341㎛ol・m -2 s -1 by using fluorescent light and halogen. The germination growth was investigated on two day term after the radicle projected by 3 mm. The investigation stopped when there was no further germination growth for seven days. The finding was that the final sprout growth rate was 80% at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C, while it was 70% at 35°C. In the optimal temperature investigation that leveraged normal distribution function standardized at the reciprocal of T50, the temperature was found to be 12~13°C, and the sprout growth rate was 80% within the range of 5~30°C.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: We investigated the optimal aqueous extraction conditions for recovery of high yields of total phenolic compounds from roots of Arctium lappa L. (burdock, Asteraceae), and we compared their antioxidant capacity.Methods and Results: The antioxidant activity of the extracts was tested using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)-diammonium salt, and oxygen radical absorbance capacity assays. In addition, the major phenolic compounds present in the extracts were determined by high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Our results suggest that the roasted burdock 100°C, 15 min extract exhibited the strongest radical scavenging activity and possessed the highest concentration of phenolic compounds. The polyphenol content of both dried burdock and roasted burdock significantly increased with increase in the extraction temperature and time.Conclusions: These results indicated a relationship between phenolic compound levels in burdock and their free radical scavenging activities. This suggests that phenolic compounds significantly increase the antioxidant potential of burdock extracts.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The roots of Codonopsis lanceolata have been used as a tonic crude drug and an edible plant in Korea. The plant mainly contains triterpenoid saponins, including codonolaside, codonolasideⅠ-Ⅴ, lancemaside A-G. Their saponins have shown anti-inflammatory effects such as bronchitis and cough, insomnia and hypomnesia. C. lanceolata is well known to affect various pharmacological effects for human health, and its consumption is increasing. Recently, plant and plant-derived products were treated a part of the healthcare system by applying the bioactive phytochemicals. Antioxidant and immune activity substances in food play an important role as a health-protecting factor. This study was designed to investigate the in vitro immune cell growth and xanthine oxidase Inhibitory activity of different storage period and storage temperature of C. lanceolata. Methods and Results : The plant materials were used the roots of C. lanceolata cultivated in Jeju area, Korea. Immune enhancing effect was conducted using T cell and B cell of human immune cells. Each cell incubated for 8 days with the sample extracts compared to the control group, and the immune activation was measured according to the growth of immune cells. The xanthine oxidase Inhibitory activity was measured by modifying the method of Noro(1983). In different storage period and storage temperature conditions, the immune cell growth of C. lanceolata extract promoted a concentration-dependent manner in both human T cell and B cell, and did not show a significant difference. The xanthine oxidase Inhibitory activity of C. lanceolata extract tended to decrease more, depending on the longer the storage period or the higher the storage temperature. Conclusion : These results of this study suggested that the root of C. lanceolata may assist in the potential biological activities, and can be used as a source of human health products.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Upon harvest in the summer, seeds of Panax ginseng are unmatured and need further maturation, dehiscence and cold-stratification, for germination. For the cold-stratification, the seeds should be stored in the cold temperature for 90-100 days, however no further description about the storage condition have been described even though there have been many problems in emergence rate and quality of ginseng in the spring-sowed filed. Methods and Results : Thus here we tested 3 different storage temperature(2℃, -2℃, and – 20℃) in combination of 4 different seed water content(59%, 54%, 31%, and 7%) as cold-stratification condition. After 100 days of storage, seeds were placed on the filter paper after watering with distilled water in the petri dish and incubated at 10℃. Fifty percent of seeds stored at 2℃ with 59% water content had already germinated even in the storage room before germination test. Seeds with 59% and 54% water content stored at 2℃ and –2℃ germinated in a similar rate, but emergence of above ground part was higher in the seeds with 54% water content. Seeds with 31% and 7% water content stored at 2℃ and –2℃ showed low germination rate, because of fail in stratification or death. Seeds stored at –20℃ scored even lower germination rate and fail in emergence of above ground part. Conclusion : Seed water content and temperature during the cold-stratification period of ginseng seeds affected on the seed viability and germination rate, thus control of seed water content and storage temperature might improve the emergence rate of spring-sowed ginseng filed.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The thermal properties of high temperature cementitious thermal storage material were investigated in this paper. Ordinary portland cement was used as basic binder and the effect of the replacement of slag was investigated.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, it is intended to find out clearly whether there are any initial damages by frost by analyzing the temperature characteristics of the reinforcing bars of each area depending on the changes of surface curing methods for the exposed areas of some reinforcing bars by modelling the wall reinforcing bar areas of a wall-type apartment.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, to evaluate the performance of fire resistance of the mortar with magnesium hydroxide(MH) and aluminium hydroxide(AH) which has a RCC (Radiant Control Capability) as repair material to the steel structure, temperature evaluation of mortar was conducted by increasing 500°C in the furnace. The performance of RCC can decrease a temperature to external and internal mortar. As a result, it is confirmed that temperatures of mortar with magnesium hydroxide(MH) and aluminium hydroxide(AH) were more decreased than general mortar due to the RCC effect of MH and AH. Therefore, it can be possible to apply to a repair material at the steel structure.