
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,432

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : For autonomous vehicles, abnormal situations, such as sudden changes in driving speed and sudden stops, may occur when they leave the operational design domain. This may adversely affect the overall traffic flow by affecting not only autonomous vehicles but also the driving environment of manual vehicles. Therefore, to minimize the traffic problems and adverse effects that may occur in mixed traffic situations involving manual and autonomous vehicles, an autonomous vehicle driving support system based on traffic operation optimization is required. The main purpose of this study was to build a big-data-classification system by specifying data classification to support the self-driving of Lv.4 autonomous vehicles and matching it with spatio-temporal data. METHODS : The research methodology is explained through a review of related literature, and a traffic management index and big-dataclassification system were built. After collecting and mapping the ITS history traffic information data of an actual Living Lab city, the data were classified using the traffic management indexing method. An AI-based model was used to automatically classify traffic management indices for real-time driving support of Lv.4 autonomous vehicles. RESULTS : By evaluating the AI-based model performance using the test data from the Living Lab city, it was confirmed that the data indexing accuracy was more than 98% for the KNN, Random Forest, LightGBM, and CatBoost algorithms, but not for Logistics Regression. The data were severely unbalanced, and it was necessary to classify very low probability nonconformities; therefore, precision is also important. All four algorithms showed similarly good performances in terms of accuracy. CONCLUSIONS : This paper presents a method for efficient data classification by developing a traffic management index to easily fuse and analyze traffic data collected from various institutions and big data collected from autonomous vehicles. Additionally, EdgeRSU is presented to support the driving of Lv.4 autonomous vehicles in mixed autonomous and manual vehicles traffic situations. Finally, a database was established by classifying data automatically indexed through AI-based models to quickly collect and use data in real-time in large quantities.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we explored the potential of the Maillard reaction-based time-temperature indicators (TTI) as a tool for predicting and visualizing moisture variations during high-temperature drying. Using activation energy analysis, we found that the Maillard reaction-based TTI could not only visualize but also predict changes in moisture contents during high-temperature drying of 60-80oC. The color changes of the Maillard reaction solutions were distinct enough to be discerned with the naked eye, transitioning from colorless to black via the shift of yellow, light brown, brown, and dark brown. The dynamic characteristics for the color change in the Maillard reaction solutions and the moisture changes in the drying of thin-layer apples could be expressed with high suitability using a logistic model. This suggests that the Maillard reaction-based TTI can potentially be a practical and reliable tool for predicting the moisture changes for the high-temperature drying of thin-layer apples, offering a promising avenue for future research and applications.
        2024.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 위기 청소년의 심리상담 연구로 위기 청소년의 사회적 문제 해결능력과 사회적 지지가 정신적 웰빙에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 하는 데 있다. 연구의 대상은 S시 S구 소재의 G연 구소의 위기 청소년을 대상으로 2023년 7월 1일부터 2023년 12월 10일까지 약 3개월간 설문 조사를 하였다. 표본 추출은 205부를 최종적으로 분석에 활용하였다. 측정 도구로는 위기 청소년의 사회적 문제해결 능력의 사회적 지지, 정신적 웰빙을 측정하였다. 사회적 지지의 하위 요인은 친구지지, 가족 지지, 교사지지이고 사회적 문제해결 능력은 인지, 정서, 행동이며 정신적 웰빙은 정서적, 심리적, 사 회적 웰빙이다. SPSS 23.0 프로그램으로 빈도분석, 신뢰도의 요인분석, 기술 통계분석, 상관 관계분석, 다중 회귀분석을 하였으며 통계적 유의 수준은 0.5로 하였다. 분석 결과를 살펴보면, 첫째 위기 청소 년의 심리상담 연구에서 사회적 지지의 하위 요인인 가족지지, 교사지지, 친구지지는 위기 청소년의 사회적 문제해결 능력에 부분적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인됐다. 둘째, 위기 청소년의 심리상담 연구에서 사회적 지지의 하위 요인인 가족지지, 교사지지, 친구지지는 위기 청소년의 정신적 웰빙에 부분적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 셋째, 위기 청소년의 심리상담 연구에 서 정서적 웰빙, 심리적 웰빙, 사회적 웰빙인 정신적 웰빙의 하위 요인이 위기 청소년의 사회적 문제 해결 능력을 부분적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 넷째, 사회적 문제해결 능력에 영 향을 주는 사회적 지지에서 정신적 웰빙의 매개 효과가 확인되었다. 이러한 결과는 위기 청소년의 사 회적 문제해결 능력을 위해서는 정신적 웰빙과 사회적 지지의 중요성을 시사하고 있으며 향후 위기 청소년의 연구와 교육 및 상담의 성장과 관련 단체의 기여도에 기초가 될 것으로 여겨진다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 불갑산도립공원의 식생 특성을 밝히고자 시행되었다. 불갑산도립공원 내 64개의 조사구(단위면적 100㎡) 를 설치하여 조사를 실시하였다. TWINSPAN과 DCA를 사용하여 군락분리를 실시한 결과, 소나무-굴참나무군락, 소나무-리기다소나무-졸참나무군락, 굴참나무-개서어나무군락, 갈참나무-굴참나무-층층나무군락, 갈참나무-굴피나무 군락, 활엽수혼효군락, 굴참나무군락으로 분리되었다. 식생군락구조 분석결과, 소나무와 낙엽성참나무류가 경쟁관계에 있는 군락은 소나무의 세력이 축소되고 있어 낙엽성참나무류로의 천이가 예상되며, 기타 활엽수림의 경우 현재의 상태가 유지될 것으로 보이나 난온대림 및 온대 남부 식생대에서 출현하는 참식나무와 비자나무가 함께 출현하고 있어 모니터링 등의 지속적인 관찰이 필요해 보인다. 군락별 종다양도는 경쟁이 활발한 소나무-리기다소나무-졸참나무 군락이 2.6654로 가장 높게 확인되었고, 계곡부의 우수 식생들로 이루어진 활엽수혼효군락이 1.2548로 가장 낮게 확인되었다. 교목층의 우점종 및 특징적인 수목을 대상으로 연령을 분석한 결과, 불갑산도립공원 식생군락의 수령은 대략 37~87년으로 확인되었으며, 이 중 천연기념물로 지정된 참식나무군락은 48~56년의 수령을 보였다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 명리학적 질병 이론 고찰을 통해 자살 충동 조현병의 특성을 유 추하고, 통상 자살 직전 본의의 의지로 이루어지는 자살 상담의 방향성을 제 안하려는 것이다. 첫째, 명리학 원전에서는 오행의 조화 즉 중화의 상태를 건 강의 조건으로 중시하고, 오행이 조화롭지 못한 태과나 불급의 상태를 질병 발생의 요인으로 본다. 또한 오행의 剋과 刑뿐만 아니라 休囚의 상태를 질병 발생의 요인으로 본다. 둘째, 명리학 원전에서는 사주 원국에 辰辰, 午午, 酉 酉, 亥亥의 自刑이 있거나, 대운이나 세운, 월운 등에서 自刑이 거듭 보이면 스스로 죽는다고 본다. 셋째, 명리학 원전에서는 사주 원국이나 대운이나 세 운, 월운 등에서 火가 水에게 극을 당하거나 死絶또는 休囚되면 정신 질환 에 걸린다고 본다. 넷째 사주 원국이나 대운이나 세운, 월운 등에서 슬픔을 주관하는 辛이 불급하거나 丁에게 극하면 마음이 울적한 정신질환이 생긴다 고 본다. 명리학적으로 자살 충동을 줄일 수 있는 상담 방향을 제안하면 다 음과 같다. 첫째, 사주 원국이나 운에서 自刑이 이루어진 사람이 상담 요청할 경우 운에서 自刑이 해소되는 시기를 알려주면서 상담하면 자살 충동을 줄일 가능성이 있을 것이다. 둘째, 원국이나 운에서 水剋火가 이루어진 사람이 상담 요청할 경우 운에서 水剋火가 해소될 수 있는 시기를 알려주면서 상담 하면 자살 충동을 줄일 가능성이 있을 것이다. 셋째, 사주 원국이나 운에서 辛이 불급하거나 丁에게 극을 당한 사람이 상담 요청할 경우 운에서 辛이 채 워지거나 丁剋辛이 될 수 있는 시기를 알려주면서 상담하면 자살 충동을 줄 일 가능성이 있을 것이다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, in order to develop an foaming tablet product using yuzu powder, yuzu powder was manufactured using different drying methods such as freeze-drying, 60℃ drying, and 40℃ drying, and then quality characteristics and functionality were analyzed. The naringin content per g of yuzu powder was 8.9 mg for freeze-drying and 8.8 mg for 60℃ drying, and the hesperidin content per g of yuzu powder was highest at 53.6 mg for freeze-drying and 46.2 mg for 60℃ drying. followed by 40℃ drying (41.7 mg). The tyrosinase inhibitory activity of 60℃ dried powder was found to be twice as high as that of freeze dried powder. Accordingly, in order to develop an inner beauty product, foaming tablets were manufactured using hot air dried powder, and the quality characteristics and functional ingredients of the final foaming tablets were investigated. The foaming tablet prepared with yuzu powder content of 10 and 15% showed an inhibitory activity of tyrosinase of 73.7 %, which was 1.6 times higher than that of ascorbic acid (1 mM), which was a positive control, confirming its melanin production inhibition effect.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Even when autonomous vehicles are commercialized, a situation in which autonomous vehicles and regular drivers are mixed will persist for a considerable period of time until the percentage of autonomous vehicles on the road reaches 100%. To prepare for various situations that may occur in mixed traffic, this study aimed to understand the changes in traffic flow according to the percentage of autonomous vehicles in unsignalized intersections. METHODS : We collected road information and constructed a network using the VISSIM traffic simulation program. We then configured various scenarios according to the percentage of autonomous vehicles and traffic volume to understand the changes in the traffic flow in the mixed traffic by scenario. RESULTS : The results of the analysis showed that in all scenarios, the traffic flow on major roads changed negatively with the mix of autonomous vehicles; however, the increase or decrease was small. By contrast, the traffic flow on minor roads changed positively with a mix of autonomous vehicles. CONCLUSIONS : This study is significant because it proactively examines and designs traffic flow changes in congested traffic that may occur when autonomous vehicles are introduced.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the overall trends and characteristics of emergency response training programs for newly graduated nurses, with a focus on identifying the educational directions necessary to enhance their capabilities in managing emergencies. Methods: We conducted a scoping review using Arksey and O’Malley’s 5-step framework, with a total of six databases searched from April 1—10, 2024. Results: This study identified nine articles published from 2010–2023. The articles’ educational content focuses on various emergencies, prominently featuring cardiopulmonary resuscitation and responses to patients’ conditions. Simulations served as the primary instructional method. The outcomes indicated notable improvements in participants’ performance capabilities and knowledge levels. Conclusion: Emergency response training programs for newly graduated nurses can be designed to provide staged interventions suitable for various patient conditions, with an emphasis on effectively utilizing simulation education. Furthermore, it is essential to diversify program evaluation metrics beyond knowledge and performance skills to include behavioral and outcome evaluations.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of ‘individual coaching’ and ‘L2 learning experiences’ on TOEIC learning among low proficiency learners. Among the 194 college students who received classroom coaching, the 23 students who scored 2 to 6 (out of 25) on Simple TOEIC 1 were given three individual coaching sessions. The effect of coaching was quantitatively proven through the independent samples t-test conducted on the scores of Simple TOEIC 1 and Simple TOEIC 2 between the individual coaching mixed group and the classroom coaching only group. The more individual coaching participants had different types of L2 learning experiences, the more their English achievement improved. In contrast, students who participated in classroom coaching only saw their academic performance decline. During individual coaching, participants who improved their English language achievement had positive learning experiences and feelings (confidence), while those who did not improve their grades experienced negative learning experiences and feelings. The clearer each participant’s learning goals (ideal L2 self) were, the more specific and continuous learning was possible, which was linked to improved English language achievement. Qualitative data from individual coaching sessions revealed the reasons for some participants’ academic success or failure.
        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 숙련기능인력(E-7-4) 점수제로 체류자격을 변경한 비전문 취업(E-9) 외국인근로자를 대상으로 심층 면담을 통해 외국인력정책에서 숙련기능인력 제도가 지닌 의미와 쟁점을 탐색하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 첫째 숙련기능인력의 혁신적 확대 방안으로 인해 점수제 조건이 완화되 고 신청이 쉬워지며 진입 문턱이 낮아져서 비전문 취업(E-9) 외국인근로 자들의 관심이 증폭되고 한국에서의 장기체류의 꿈을 실현할 수 있다는 것이다. 둘째, 숙련기능인력 자격 취득으로 직무기술의 습득과 역량 향상 을 희망하지만, 오히려 고용허가제로 체류할 때 받던 다양한 교육지원에 서 외면당하는 것을 걱정하고, 무엇보다 모든 것을 스스로 해결해야 하 는 현실에 두려워하였다. 그럼에도 한국 사회에서 자신의 존재가 향상된 자부심을 느끼고, 반복 갱신, 가족 초청 및 거주 비자(F-2)로의 변경까지 꿈꾸는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 사회통합 정책으로 연계되는 체류자 격 확대는 양적인 부분만큼 질적인 부분을 함께 고민해야 함을 알 수 있 으며, 우리나라의 외국인력정책과 이민정책 수립을 위한 시사점을 제시 하였다.
        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on analyzing the energy-saving effects of the recirculation aquaculture system using seawater source heat pumps and solar power generation. Based on the thermal load analysis conducted using the transient system simulation tool, the annual energy consumption of the recirculation aquaculture system was analyzed and the energy-saving effects of utilizing the photovoltaic system was evaluated. When analyzing the heat load, the sea areas where the fish farms are located, the type of breeding tank, and the circulation rate of breeding water were taken into consideration. In addition, a method for determining the appropriate capacity for each operation time was examined when applying the energy storage system instead of the existing diesel generator as an emergency power, which is required to maintain the water temperature of breeding water during power outage. The results suggest that, among the four seas considered, Jeju should be estimated to achieve the highest energy-saving performance using the solar power generation, with approximately 45% energy savings.
        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A variation of fish assemblage in the coastal waters of Sagye-ri, southern Jeju Island was determined using samples collected by trammel net from 2012 to 2022. The total fish species caught by trammel net were identified 88 species, 46 families, 12 orders, and the number of appearance and biomass were 3,479 individuals and 883.6 kg. The annual variation of species was the highest in 2013 at 46 species and the lowest in 2021 at 30 species. The seasonal variation of species was higher in summer at 67 species and lower in winter, autumn at 47 species. The annual diversity index, evenness index, and richness index were appeared 2.42-3.00, 0.69-0.78 and 5.18-7.24 at each years. The dominance index appeared highest in 2013 and the lowest in 2018. Cluster analysis based on the number of individuals of fish was classified into two groups at the dissimilarity level of 57%, and results of SIMPROF analysis revealed significant differences in community structure among the two groups. The subtropical fishes were identified a total of 42 species (47.7%) and the number of species was higher in 2013 at 25 (54.3%) species and lower in 2018 and 2021 at each 17 (54.8~56.7%) species. The dominant species of subtropical fishes were appeared rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens), scarbreast tuskfish (Choerodon azurio), bluestriped angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis), balloon fish (Diodon holocanthus), and flag fish (Goniistius zonatus) at study sites.
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