With changing dietary trends, active research is underway to substitute rice flour for wheat flour, commonly added to various processed foods. This study aimed to explore whether Baromi2, a floury rice incorporated in the production of Sujebi, can effectively replace wheat flour at appropriate levels based on its physicochemical and cooking characteristics. Baromi2 was categorized based on particle size (100, 140, and 200 mesh) and added in proportions of 10% and 20% relative to the weight of wheat flour. As the amount of Baromi2 increased, the protein and lipid content of the mixed flour also increased. Simultaneously, the dough strength decreased as the noodles became thinner, reducing hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. Additionally, a decrease in particle size increased peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity, whereas setback viscosity decreased. When Baromi2 was added at a 10% ratio, it displayed a low cooking loss, demonstrating desirable characteristics for Sujebi and was considered the most suitable proportion for production. These results provide foundational data for developing various rice-processed products using Baromi2, contributing to expanding consumption and enhancing utility.
This study investigated the nutritional characteristics of before and after fermentation of domestic soybean (Glycine max L.) by Rhizopus oligosporus. The soybean storage proteins, β-conglycinin (11S globulin) and glycinin (7S globulin), were the most abundant in Seonyu (SY) and Danbaegkong (DBK), with concentrations of 253.4 mg/g and 193.0 mg/g, respectively. For 11S/7S related to sulfur-containing amino acid, DBK had a value of 0.95, making it the most excellent nutritionally among all the cultivars. The free amino acid content significantly increased from 0.04~10.45 mg/g before fermentation to 1.37~16.95 mg/g after fermentation, and the essential amino acid composition increased, confirming an improvement in protein quality after fermentation. Phytic acid, known as a nutritional inhibitor of soybeans, decreased from 1.66~2.13 g/100 g before fermentation to 0.90~1.58 g/100 g after fermentation, suggesting that mineral absorption inhibition was alleviated. In addition, the trypsin inhibitor content is suppressed by 76.20% to 81.25% after fermentation, which is expected to improve protein utilization in the body. This study confirmed some properties of fermented products by Rhizopus oligosporus using domestic soybeans, and these results are presented to serve as the basic data for establishing new uses of Korean soybean cultivars.
This study was conducted to compare the quality characteristics of commercial tofu products from the market in Korea. Seventeen types of commercial tofu samples were taken and their physicochemical properties, including soluble solid contents, salinity, pH, total acidity and moisture (total solid contents), were analyzed. The hardness of tofu was negatively correlated with the moisture contents of tofu (r=-0.667**). The commercial tofu showed pH 5.80~6.24, total acidity of 0.016~0.034%, soluble solids of 1.50~3.45 °Brix, salinity of 1.20~2.30%, and moisture content of 79.91~87.57%, respectively. All 17 tofu samples sold in the Korean market were prepared using crude MgCl2 and sea water as a coagulant. The quality characteristics vary depending on the constituent’s of soybeans, and the ratio and amount of coagulants of tofu used. The origin of soybean seeds affected the yellowness of tofu; tofu made from imported soybean showed a higher b value than domestic soybean. These results are expected to be useful for understanding trends in the domestic tofu industry.
Consumer demand for imported and craft beer is increasing. Almost all the malt used by craft beer companies is imported. This study sought to develop a malting technology to expand the use of domestic barley, the main raw material for beer, and to examine its influence on the quality of domestic malt. The Hopum cultivar of beer barley was purchased and used at the Jeollanam-do Seed Management Center. A pilot-scale malting facility built by the National Institute of Crop Science was used. One sack (40 kg) of barley was sieved through screening sieves, and the barley was classified according to size (3.1, 2.8, 2.5, 2.2, and 2.2 mm), with the size-related composition being 18.1, 48.9, 23.3, 6.4, and 1.0%, respectively. The malt yields were 89.0, 87.6, 86.6, 82.2, and 76.1%, respectively. The coleoptiles elongation decreased as the barley size decreased. The protein content of malt tended to be high at small particle sizes of 2.2 mm. The soluble solid content of wort prepared from malt revealed good values of 17.4-17.5oBx, except for 15.3oBx for particles <2.2 mm in size. According to barley size in the malting process, these findings should be valuable quality indicators of malt.
This study was conducted to compare the quality characteristics of firm tofu (coagulant calcium chloride, CaCl2 used) made from eight imported and four domestic soybeans selling in Korean markets. The 100-seed weight of soybeans imported from China and Seonpung cultivated in Korea was the highest at 33.23 g and 32.51 g, respectively. Soybeans imported from the USA (bulk type) showed the lowest at 16.12 g, followed by Ukraine at 16.94 g, and Brazil at 18.51 g. The range of protein and fat in the 12 soybeans was 37.08~41.36% and 18.35~22.17%, respectively. The isoflavone contents were the highest in Daepung2 cultivated in Korea at 3,764.10 μg/g and the lowest in soybeans imported from Brazil at 1,439.85 μg/g. Tofu yield among the samples was in the following order: Seonpung (235.2%), China (232.0%) Daepung2 (228.7%), Daechan (225.7%), and Brazil (208%). Tofu made with soybeans cultivated in Korea (including from China) showed a higher yield compared to that made from soybeans from seven other countries. In the analysis of the correlation of quality factors of tofu, the hardness of the tofu was correlated with 100-seed weight (r=0.676*) and protein content of the soybeans (r=0.837**). Tofu yield was correlated with 100-seed weight (r=0.748**) and protein content of the soybeans (r=0.583*).
This study analyzed the nutritional composition properties of soybeans and the antioxidants, isoflavones, organic acids, and volatile flavor compounds of fermented black soybean products (FBSP). After 24 hours of fermentation, the range of water uptake ratio was 129.00-131.30%, respectively. Total polyphenols content and DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity were higher in Cheongja-3 FBSP, flavonoids in Socheongja, while DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities were similar in Cheongja-3 FBSP. Isoflavone contents of aglycones (daidzein, genistein, and glycitein) in Cheongja-4 FBSP increased up to 41.97 μg/g. The rank order of primary organic acids was citric acid > fumaric acid > acetic acid > lactic acid, with Cheongja-3 FBSP being the highest. This study identified a total of 34 volatile aroma-compounds, including seven alcohols, seven acids, seven ketones, five phenols, two esters, one furan, four pyrazines, and one miscellaneous. The result could be applied to determine the suitability of cultivars and the quality of the process used for fermented soybean products.
The purpose of this study was to compare the quality characteristics of silken tofu products from the commercial market in Korea. Seven types of commercial silken tofu were sampled and their physicochemical properties, including soluble solid contents, salinity, pH, total acidity, moisture contents (total solid contents), crude protein and fat contents were evaluated. The TPA results suggest that the texture of silken tofu was very different from one another according to the type of and the amount of coagulant. The commercial silken tofu showed a range of pH 5.53~6.48, total acidity of 0.12~0.32%, soluble solid contents of 2.62~5.07 °Brix, salinity of 2.28~4.30%, and moisture contents of 87.10~92.24%, respectively. In terms of the coagulant of tofu, besides the GDL (glucono-δ- lactone), other coagulants such as MgCl2 for making ‘silken tofu’ in the Korean tofu market. The quality characteristics differed depending on the constituents of sample and the coagulants of tofu used. These results are expected to be useful in identifying new trends in the domestic silken tofu industry.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality properties of Meju prepared by inoculating two strains of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens HJ5-2, and Aspergillus oryzae PS03. The three soybean varieties that include Daewonkong, Daechan, and Saedanbaek were used in this experiment. The fermentation temperature during the Meju aging varied at 20℃, 30℃, and 40℃, respectively. The physicochemical analysis of the soybeans, showed that the cured protein and fat contents were 34.83~43.49% and 12.91~18.90%, respectively. The pH and total acidity were 6.47~6.93 and 0.11~1.22%, respectively. The change in appearance of the Meju was that the yellow-green mold was well formed on seven days at fermentation temperature of 20℃ and 30℃, but at 40℃, there was minimal mold formation and cracking of the surface. The amino nitrogen content was highest on the Daechan Meju at 621.83 mg% for seven days. The amylase increased as the fermentation period increased in all samples, and the protease increased rapidly until the first day of the fermentation, and then gradually increased thereafter. The total number of bacteria increased or decreased as the fermentation proceeded to 6.66~10.07 log CFU/g. The mold counts increased with increasing fermentation period in the range of 6.38~8.79 log CFU/g.
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between sea surface temperature as a climatic element and catch amount of offshore and coastal fisheries in Korea using annual time series data from 1970 to 2013. It also tried to predict the future changes in catch amount of fisheries by climate change. Time series data on variables were estimated to be non-stationary from unit root tests, but one long-term equilibrium relation between variables was found from a cointegration test. The result of Granger causality test indicated that the sea surface temperature would cause directly changes in catch amount of offshore and coastal fisheries. The result of regression analysis on sea surface temperature and catch amount showed that the sea surface temperature would have negative impacts on the catch amount of offshore and coastal fisheries. Therefore, if the sea surface temperature would increase, all other things including the current level of fishing effort being equal, the catch amount of offshore and coastal fisheries was predicted to decrease.
1. 터키의 연구체계 농업식품축산부(Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock) 산하에 국가농업연구기관, 교육부 산하의 고등교육위원회, 총리직속의 과학기술연구협회 등 3개로 구성되어있다. 농업연구기관은 10개 중앙연구소, 10개의 지역연구소, 21개의 작목/훈련시험장, 3개의 작물보호시험장 그리고, 3개의 축산시험장이 있다.
2. 터키의 지도기관 현황 및 지도체계는 국가지도기관과 민간지도기관이 있다. 국가지도기관은 농촌지도는 81개 지방, 803개 지역, 수천개의 마을주재 지역지도관이 있다.
3. 지방 농업부서는 지역 농업지도기관을 지도하고, 지역 농업지도기관은 지역지도관을 지도한다. 지역지도관은 전문지도사, 지도업무, 마을 단위 농업기술자들을 위한 직무연수를 실시하고 지원한다.
4. 민간지도기관은 농업인협회, 협동업체, 자선업체, 수익지향 민간 마케팅회사, 수출업자, 개인컨설턴트, 대중매체, 대학들 있다.
5. 민간 지도기관은 전문 자문가를 고용하여, 농업인은 영농 과정에 문제점이 발생하면 자문가에 비용을 지불하고 농업관련 서비스를 제공받아 영농 애로점을 해결한다.
농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 논 조건 적응 국수용 품종의 제분율 증가와 붉은곰팡이병 저항성 증진을 목적으로 1996년도에 백립계 춘파 다수성인 Bacanora88을 모본으로 하고, 현재 국내 최대 재배되고 있는 금강밀을 부본으로 인공교배하여 YW2948 조합을 육성하였다. 경기도 연천에서 집단재배 후 계통을 전개하여 초형과 수형이 양호하며 숙기가 빠르고 내한성이 강한 계통인 YW2948-B-B-1-1-1-1-1-1을 2005년과 2006년도 2년간 생산력검정을 거쳐 ‘익산320호’로 계통명을 부여하고, 2007년부터 3개년 동안 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 숙기가 빠르며 백립계이고, 붉은곰팡이병에 중도 저항성을 나타냈다. 제분율이 높으며 밀가루와 국수 색택이 밝고, 식미감이 우수하여 2009년 농작물 직무육성 신품종심의회에서 ‘중모2004’로 명명하였다. 그 후 국립종자원의 재배심사를 거쳐 2013년 종자산업법제55조에 따라 품종보호 등록 원부에 등록되었다. 중모2004의 파성은 III형으로 양절형이고, 엽색은 녹색이며 이삭은 방추형이고, 종자는 중간크기로 백색이다. 출수기와 성숙기는 밭 조건 조건에서 각각 4월 24일과 6월 4일로 금강밀보다 1~2일 빠르고, 논 조건에서는 각각 4월 21일과 6월 2일로 2일 빠르다. 내한성은 금강밀보다 약하지만 수발아 저항성은 금강밀보다 강하고, 흰가루병과 붉은곰팡이병은 감수성이다. 중모2004의 제분율은 금강밀보다 약간 낮지만, 밀가루의 품질과 국수 가공특성이 비슷한 특성을 보였다. 천립중은 42.5 g으로 금강밀보다 약간 적은 소립이며, 지역적응성 시험에서 밭 조건 수량은 517 kg/10a으로 11% 감소하였고, 논 조건 수량은 534 kg/10a로 금강밀보다 3% 증수하였다.
농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 수확시기가 빠른 국수용밀 품종 개발을 목적으로 1997년도에 조숙 계통인 SW86054 를 모본으로 하고 현재 국내 최대 재배되고 있는 금강밀을 부본으로 인공교배하여 SW97031 조합을 육성하였다. 경기도 연천에서 집단재배 후 계통을 전개하여 초형과 수형이 양호하며 숙기가 빠르고 내한성이 강한 계통인 SW97031-B-47-4-1-5-1-1을 2005년과 2006년도 2년간 생산력검정을 거쳐 ‘익산318호’로 계통명을 부여하고, 2007년부터 3개년 동안 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 숙기가 빠르며 내한성이 강하고, 백립계이면서 수발아 중도저항성으로 생산안정성이 우수하였다. 밀가루와 국수 색택이 좋고 식미감이 우수하지만 단위면적당 수량 개선이 요구되어 2009년 농작물 직무육성 신품종심의회에서 ‘중모2003’으로 명명하였다. 그 후 국립종자원의 재배심사를 거쳐 2013년 종자산업법제55조에 따라 품종보호등록 원부에 등록되었다. 중모2003의 파성은 III형으로 양절형이고, 엽색은 녹색이며 이삭은 방추형이고, 종자는 중간크기로 백색이다. 출수기와 성숙기는 밭 조건 조건에서 각각 4월 24일과 6월 4일로 금강밀보다 1~2일 빠르고, 논 조건에서는 각각 4월 21일과 6월 2일로 2일 빠르다. 추위와 수발아저항성이 강하고, 흰가루병과 붉은곰팡이병은 감수성이다. ‘중모2003’의 제분율은 금강밀보다 약간 낮지만, 밀가루의 품질과 국수 가공특성이 비슷한 특성을 보였다. 천립중은 42.5g으로 금강밀보다 약간 적은 소립이며, 지역적응성 시험에서 밭 조건 수량은 555 kg/10a, 논 조건 수량은 485 kg/10a로 금강밀보다 4%와 7% 감수하였다.
국립식량과학원에서 수발아와 붉은곰팡이병 등에 대한 내재해성이 강한 국수용 밀 품종 육성을 목적으로 1997년도에 금강밀과 은파밀을 인공교배 한 F1을 모본으로 하고 다시 금강밀을 부본으로 인공교배하여 SW97005 조합을 육성하였다. 경기도 연천에서 집단재배 후에 계통을 전개하여 초형과 수형이 양호하고 내한성이 강한 계통인 SW97005-B-26-5-4-1-1-1을 2005년과 2006년도 2년간 생산력검정을 거쳐 ‘익산319호’로 계통명을 부여하고, 2007년부터 3개년 동안 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 내한성이 강하고, 수발아 저항성이며 붉은곰팡이병에 중도저항성이고, 수량이 많을 뿐만 아니라 국수가공적성이 우수하여 2009년 농작물 직무육성 신품종심의회에서 ‘수안밀’로 명명하였다. 그 후 국립종자원의 재배심사를 거쳐 2013년 종자산업법제55조에 따라 품종보호 등록 원부에 등록되었다. 수안밀의 파성은 III형으로 양절형이고, 엽색은 녹색이며 이삭은 방추형이고, 종자는 중간크기로 적색이다. 출수기와 성숙기는 밭상태 조건에서 각각 4월 25일과 6월 4일로 금강밀보다 1일 빠르고, 논상태에서는 각각 4월 23일과 6월 4일로 동일하다. 내한성과 수발아 저항성이 강하고 붉은곰팡이병은 중도저항성이다. 수안밀의 제분율은 금강밀보다 약간 낮고, 단백질 함량과 회분함량이 낮아 밀가루 색이 밝고 단백질적 특성은 국수용에 적합하다. 천립중은 43.7 g으로 금강밀보다 약간 적은 소립이며, 지역적응성 시험에서 밭상태 수량은 594 kg/10a, 논상태 수량은 563 kg/10a로 금강밀보다 3%와 8% 증수하였다.
‘다혜’는 답리작 적응 조숙 내재해 다수성 등을 목표로 조 숙 대립 특성을 지닌 ‘수원318호’를 모본으로, 보리호위축병 에 강한 ‘수원311호’를 부본으로 인공교배 육성 선발된 ‘익산 409호이다. 파성은 Ⅲ형이며, 이삭의 밀도가 조밀한 편이며 까락이 길지만 탈망성이 좋다. 출수기와 성숙기는 각각 4일 빠른 조숙종이다. 흰가루병은 ‘올보리’와 비슷하며, 보리호위 축병에 대한 저항성을 나타냈다. 내한성과 내도복성은 ‘올보 리’보다 다소 강하였다. 간장(88 cm)과 수장은 ‘올보리’와 비 슷하였으며, m 2당 수수는 666개로 ‘올보리’보다 7개 적고, 1 수립수는 52개로 2개 많으나 통계적인 차이는 없었다. 천립 중은 ‘올보리’와 비슷한 대립종이며, 1 L중은 다소 가벼웠다. 단백질 함량, β-glucan 함량과 정맥률은 비슷하였고, 입백도 는 약간 높았다. 엿기름의 효소력가는 ‘올보리’보다 25 DP 높았다. 수량은 전작에서 4.00 MT/ha, 답리작에서 4.11 MT/ha 이었다.
“aegjoong” a white winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA. It was derived from the cross “eumkang”“lgeuru”during 1996. “aegjoong”was evaluated as “ksan307”in Advanced Yield Trial Test in 2004. It was tested in the regional yield trial test between 2005 and 2007. “aegjoong”is an awned, semi-dwarf and soft white winter wheat, similar to “eumkang”(check cultivar). The heading and maturing date of “aegjoong” were similar to “eumkang” Culm and spike length of “aegjoong”were 77 cm and 7.5 cm, similar to “eumkang” “aegjoong”had lower test weight (802 g) and lower 1,000-grain weight (39.8 g) than “eumkang”(811 g and 44.0 g, respectively). It had resistance to winter hardiness, wet-soil tolerance and lodging tolerance. “aegjoong”showed moderate to pre-harvest sprouting (23.9%) although “eumkang”is susceptible to pre-harvest sprouting (38.9%). “aegjoong”had similar flour yield (72.4%) and ash content (0.41%) to “eumkang”(72.0% and 0.41%, respectively) and similar flour color to “eumkang” It showed lower protein content (8.8%) and SDS-sedimentation volume (35.3 ml) and shorter mixograph mixing time (3.8 min) than “eumkang”(11.0%, 59.7 ml and 4.5 min, respectively). Amylose content and pasting properties of “aegjoong”were similar to “eumkang” “aegjoong”had softer and more elastic texture of cooked noodles than “eumkang” Average yield of “aegjoong”in the regional adaptation yield trial was 5.88 MT ha-1 in upland and 5.35 MT ha-1 in paddy field, which was 13% and 17% higher than those of “eumkang”(5.21 MT ha-1 and 4.58 MT ha-1, respectively). “aegjoong” would be suitable for the area above the daily minimum temperature of -10℃ in January in Korean peninsula.
The object of this study was to use genomic information obtained from wheat-rice sequence to develop genome-specific PCR primer for Agp-L gene involved in starch biosynthesis. Intron locations in wheat were inferred through alignment of wheat cDNA sequence of Agp-L with rice genomic sequence. Exon-anchored primer which amplify across introns allowed sequencing of introns from the three genomes provided the basis for genome-specific primer design. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was identified and this SNP could be converted into cleaved amplified polymorphism sequence (CAPS).