
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 24

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        시설 고추 주요 해충인 꽃노랑총채벌레(Frankliniella occidentalis)의 방제를 위해 유기농업자재들의 단독 처리 및 종합 투입시 방제 효과를 검정 하였다. 황색끈끈이롤트랩은 지제부에 설치하고, 포식성 천적(Hypoaspis miles)은 지제부에 접종하며, 식물추출물(커스터드애플시드 오일 50% + 계 피 추출물 10%)은 경엽살포하는 방식으로써 각각의 단독 처리시 방제 효과는 45.3, 36.6, 50.2%였다. 한편, 3종의 유기농업자재들을 종합 투입했을 경우 고추 수확기 방제 효과가 무처리 대비 62.4~80.9%로 유지되어, 시설 고추 꽃노랑총채벌레 친환경 방제용으로 활용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The insecticidal activities of 27 different commercial products with environmentally friendly organic material (EFOM) against Scotinophara lurida, a major rice pest, were evaluated in the laboratory using spraying methods on plants and insects. Seven plant-derived organic farming materials (EFOM-8, -10, -12, -13, -19, -20, and -26) with high insecticidal effects when sprayed directly on the insect’s body rather than on the plant were selected. In the indoor rice pot test, all 7 EFOMs showed an insecticidal rate of over 73.3% under irrigated conditions. Notably, EFOM-13 and EFOM-20 demonstrated much higher insecticidal rates, ranging from 1.5 to 1.8 times, in irrigated conditions compared to drained conditions. In the semi-paddy field test, EFOM-10 (80% garlic extract), EFOM- 13 (62% neem extract), and EFOM-26 (70% sophora extract+28% ethyl alcohol+2% pyrethrum extract) exhibited a higher control value of 88.9% in the irrigated paddy on the 7th day, surpassing the control values in the drained paddy by 1.4 to 1.9 times. The control value in the irrigated rice paddy field sprayed with EFOM-10 reached 86.2% on the 7th day, which was 1.4 times higher than 61.9% in the drained paddy. Taken together, the findings suggest that direct contact of the insect’s body with sufficient amounts of spray solution and the maintenance of paddy irrigation can enhance the controlling effect of EFOMs. These findings will be valuable in developing an optimal S. luridacontrol strategy for application in rice paddy fields in the near future.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        돌발성 해충인 매미나방의 방제체계 수립을 위해 시판 유기농업자재 21종에 대한 살충 활성을 실내 검정하였다. 90% 이상의 살충 활성을 보인 유기농업자재 11종을 선발하였으며, 유효성분들을 분석하였다. PLS 제도의 대응하여 본 연구 결과는 돌발성 매미나방의 친환경 방제 및 향후 유기농업자재의 개발에도 활용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고려엉겅퀴(Cirsium setidens Nakai)는 여러해살이 초본식물로서 식용이 가능하며 곤드레라고 부르기도 한다. 최근 고려엉겅퀴에 여뀌못 털진딧물(Capitophorus elaeagni, Del Guercio)의 발생이 확인되어 재배농가의 피해가 예상되고 있다. 이에 대한 친환경적인 방제방법 구명을 위 해 시판 유기농업자재를 이용하여 고려엉겅퀴 식물체에 발생한 여뀌못털진딧물에 대한 방제효과를 검정한 결과 pyrethrins+paraffinic oils 이 98% 수준의 방제가를 보여주었으며 pyrethrins+matrine+pyroligneous 가 약 95%의 방제가를, azadirachtin+rotenone 성분이 75% 이상의 방제효과를 보여주었다. 이중 pyrethrins 성분이 가장 좋은 효과를 주는 것으로 여겨지며 유기농업자재 살포로 인한 약해는 발생하지 않았다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        천적 사용을 희망하는 농업인은 대부분 천적만으로 해충밀도가 조절되기를 기대한다. 그러나, 해충의 밀도조절을실패할 경우, 해충방제제를 선택도 고려되어야 한다. 이에 우리는 천적으로 활용 가능한 담배장님노린재와 미끌애꽃노린재에 대하여 타워스프레이를 이용하여 현미식초 등 10종의 유기농업자재별 독성평가를 실시하였다. 직접독성평가결과, 두 곤충 모두 제충국과 데리스에서 100%의 살충율을 보였다. 니코틴 처리구에서는 담배장님노린재는 85.7%의생존율을 보였고, 미끌애꽃노린재는 무처리구와 차이가 없었다. 흰가루병방제제로 활용되는 황토유황 1,000배 처리구에서 담배장님노린재는 71.4%, 미끌애꽃노린재는 66.7%의 생존율을 보였다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        무가온 시설토마토 재배지내에서 토마토녹응애 발생양상은 4월 중하순경 최초로 발생하기 시작하여 6월 중하순경 최대 발생을 나타냈다. 하지만 야간기온이 낮을 경우 번식력이 증가하게 되고 주간기온이 높을 경우에는 분산이 활발해져 고온기인 7월에도 지속적으로 증가하는 것으 로 조사되었다. 유기농업자재 11종에 대한 토마토녹응애의 살충독성 실내검정 결과, EOIMa (Matrin 0.6%), EOICo (Clove oil 10%)가 500 배에서 각각 92.1%와 95.1%로 90% 이상의 살충효과를 보였다. 특히 EOIMa 1,000배에서는 90.4%로 90%, EOIMa 2,000배에서는 88.2%의 높은 살충효과를 보였다. 포장검정에서도 EOIMa 1,000배와 EOICo 500배는 각각 91.5%와 93.9%의 살충효과를 보여 두 약제 모두 농약을 대 체하기에 충분하였고 EOIMa의 경우 2,000배에서도 살충효과가 90%에 가까웠기 때문에 예방적 활용도 가능할 것으로 판단되었다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        다래(Actinidia arguta)는 국내에 4종 2변종이 자생하고 있고, 약 30ha 정도가 상업적으로 재배되고 있는데, 재배 초기단계여서 병해충과 관련된 연구는 전무하다. 주로 껍질 채 생과 위주로 소비되기 때문에 친환경 방제법 개발이 시급한 실정이다. 전남지역 다래에 발생하는 해충으로는 19종이 조사되었는데, 당근뿌리혹선충, 녹응애류 1종, 차응애, 볼록총채벌레, 톱다리개미허리노린재, 썩덩나무노린재, 알락수염노린재, 갈색날개노린재, 뽕나무깍지벌레, 식나무깍지벌레, 솜깍지벌레, 목화진딧물, 거품벌레류 1종, 끝검은말매미충, 갈색날개매미충, 애매미충류 1종, 대마도줄풍뎅이, 담배거세미나방, 잎벌류 1종이 확인되었다. 이 중 녹응애, 볼록총채벌레, 썩덩나무노린재, 뽕나무깍지벌레, 애매미충, 담배거세미나방, 갈색날개매미 충 등은 방제가 필요하였으며, 갈색날개매미충의 경우 일찍 산란된 난괴가 상처유합조직 발달이 빠른 다래 가지 조직내에 묻혀 알이 죽는 경우가 49% 정도였고, 추가적인 조사가 필요하였다. 다래 해충에 대한 유기농업자재 처리결과 담배거세미나방의 경우 고삼+ 차추출물, 마늘유+시트로넬라유가 효과적이었으 며, 녹응애는 고삼+계피추출물, 님추출물 등 4종이 우수하였다. 뽕나무깍지벌레 부화 유충에 대한 유기 농업자재 처리효과는 고삼+계피추출물 등 2종에서 방제효과가 높았으며, 월동기 기계유유제를 이용한 방제효과는 주간부 처리시 껍질을 제거하고 살포해야 효과적이었다. 한편, 과일 외관과 품질에 큰 영향을 미치는 애매미충과 볼록총채벌레에 대한 유기농업자재 선발은 추가적으로 수행할 계획이다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        매실에서 복숭아씨살이좀벌(Eurytoma maslovskii)은 최근 피해가 심한 해충으로 2013년 12월부터 이듬해 2월까지와 2015년 1~2월까지 미이라가 되어 있는 매실 열매를 채집하여 실내에서 우화한 성충을 대상으로 2014년에 7개, 2015년은 5개의 유기농업자재에 대해 성충 침지법으로 성충에 대한 살충률을 조사하였다. 순천과 광양 각 1개의 매실 유기재배 과원에서 매실 개화 후부터 방제하였다. 그 결과, 2014년에 님 추출물(B사) 등 5개 유기농업자재에 대해 100%의 성충 살충율을 보였고, 2015년에는 식물추출물 Matrine 0.5+파라핀유 8% 함유 자재가 100% 성충살충효과를 보였다. 포장에서 방제 효과는 2014년에 시기별, 자재별로 1회만 살포시 대체로 4월 하순~5월 상순에 방제한 나무들에서 피해과율이 적었고, 2015년에도 비슷한 결과를 보였는데, 자재에 따라 방제효과가 상이해 판단하기 어렵지만, 4월 중순 이후 최소 2회 이상 필요하고, 개화 등 매실의 발육이 늦는 지역 등은 5월에도 추가적으로 방제하여야 할 것으로 보인다.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        포도원에서 발생하는 응애류인 포도녹응애(Calepitrimerus vitis), 점박이응애(Tetranychus urticae), 긴꼬리이리응애(Amblyseius eharai), 긴털이리응애(Neoseiulus womersleyi)를 대상으로 상용화된 유기농업자재 3종, 식물추출물 12종의 살비효과를 검정하였다. 식식성응애류인 포도녹응애, 점박이응애의 경우 엽침지법을, 포식성응애류인 긴꼬리이리응애와 긴털이리응애는 엽침지법 및 도포법을 이용하였다. 각 실험결과는 arcsine 값으로 변환 후 SAS 9.4 통계프로그램을 이용하여 분산분석(ANOVA)과 튜키 검정(Tukey test)을 실시하였다. 생물검정 결과, 포도녹응애는 카놀라유, 님 추출물 성분의 제품에서 80% 이상의 높은 사충률을 보였으며 식물추출물인 은행, 약모밀, 애기똥풀, 칡 추출물에서 또한 약 90% 이상의 높은 사충률이 나타났다. 이에 반해 점박이응애는 님 추출물, 카놀라유 제품에서는 90% 이상의 높은 사충률을 나타내었으나 식물추출물에서는 살충효과가 미비하였다. 긴꼬리이리응애는 칡추출물에서만 감수성이 높게 나타난 반면, 긴털이리응애는 님, 카놀라유 제품 및 고삼, 애기똥풀, 담배 추출물에서 상대적으로 높은 감수성을 보였다.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Insect pests damages are increasing on the field of Lycium chinense under organic farming management and especially, pest damage of Gelechiidae (Ilseopsis parki Povolny) is serious. Currently, various organic farming materials are registered, but insecticidal activity against Gelechiidae was not verified. Therefore, this experiment was carried out to screening for effective organic farming materials showing insecticidal activity in Gelechiidae. Methods and Results : Screening for effective organic farming materials (OFM) showing insecticidal activity in Gelechiidae, we screening OFMs through in vitro testing Among them, OFMs showing insecticidal activity were first selected through field test. In the field test method, OFMs was sprayed at the time of moth occurrence, after 5 days of treatment, insecticidal activity was investigated as a result, a total of five OFMs were selected through the in vitro test and the Sophora japonica and three plant extracts showed the best control effect at 81.7%. in 2017. In 2018, the 2017 selected OFM and 4 kinds of new OFMs were field tested. The field test was performed in the same method as before. As a result, 2 kinds of OFMs made of Sophora japonica and three plant extracts extract and Sophora flavescens extract showed high control value of 87.3% and 88.3%, respectively. In contrast one organic agricultural material showed a chemical injury. To determine the timing of control, the extract was treated before and after topping and pretreatment of topping showed better control value by 80%. Conclusion : Insecticidal activity against Gelechiidae was not effective in all tested OFMs, but the 2 OFMs showed a high control value of over 80%. In this study, we selected 2 materials out of 9 OFMs against Gelechiidae, and It was effective to treat OFM before topping.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the damage patterns, the occurrence and migration time of Pseudococcus comstocki and in order to improve the control effect of organic agricultural materials (OAMs). The experiment was carried out at Okcheon’s organic vineyard (2,500 ㎡, sandy loam, manure) where planted 8~9 year old ‘Muscat of Alexandria’ vines. The comstock mealybug’s migration to grape clusters occurred from the middle of July, and produced eggs in the grape clusters from the end of July, and the density of the comstock mealybug was highest at 0.6/㎠ in late August. The number and fruit damage of comstock mealybug in eco-friendly vineyards were higher than in conventional culture vineyard. And the marketability of green variety grape was more damaged from comstock mealybug than the black variety grape. Toxicities of 8 OAMs were evaluated to comstock mealybug at the recommended concentration. As a results, Lightyellow sophora and Derris extracts exhibited strong insecticidal activity with 100% mortality. When the Lightyellow sophora extract was uniformly distributed on the vine from early-July to mid-July, fruit damage reduction rate was 96.2% and 84.6%, respectively. So commercial grapes could be harvested. Therefore, it was considered to be effective to reduce fruit damage by controlling in early - late July (the green stage) when the comstock mealybug migrated to grape clusters in the vine greenhouse. In the future, it will be necessary to study the effect of external exposure time and momentum on the control of OAMs.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 소과종 수박의 병해충 발생 양상을 조사하고 이중 가장 문제가 되는 병 들 중 의 하나인 흰가루병을 방제하기 위한 유기농업자재를 선발하기 위하여 수행되었다. 2015년 충북 음성에서 소과종 수박에 발생하는 병해충 조사 결과 덩굴마름병, 흰가루병, 목화진딧 물, 점박이응애, 총채벌레류, 파밤나방, 담배거세미나방 등 일반수박에 발생하여 피해를 주 는 대부분의 병해충이 발생하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이중 흰가루병은 6월 중순에 품종 별로 27~99.3%의 발생률을 나타냈으며 점박이응애는 6월 중순에 품종별로 엽당 마릿수가 79.9~111마리로 높은 발생을 보였다. 또한, 총채벌레류는 6월 중순과 상순에 황색과 청색 평판점착트랩 각각에 트랩당 407마리와 774마리로 높은 유살수를 나타냈다. 포장에서 마 요네즈와 올레산 그리고 현재 시판 중인 유기농업자재 3종에 대한 흰가루병 방제 효과를 조사하였다. 조사 결과 sodium bicarbonate 80%가 함유된 자재, 마요네즈 그리고 대황추출 물 1%가 함유된 자재가 60% 이상까지 효과적으로 병 발생을 감소시켰으며, 이중 sodium bicarbonate 80%가 함유된 자재가 83%로 가장 높은 방제가를 나타냈다. 본 연구를 통해 소 과종에 발생하는 병해충에 대한 정보와 sodium bicarbonate 80% 함유 자재가 흰가루병 방제 에 효과적이라는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Insect pests damages are increasing on the field of Lycium chinense under eco-friendly organic management and especially, pest damage of Gelechiidae (Ilseopsis parki Povolny) is serious. Currently, various eco-friendly organic materials are registered, but insecticidal activity against Gelechiidae was not verified. Therefore, this experiment was carried out to select eco-friendly organic materials showing insecticidal activity in Gelechiidae. Methods and Results : To test insecticidal activity, the Gelechiidae lavas were collected from the field and Nine eco-friendly organic materials were collected from the market. method. The insecticidal activity assay method was, putting Gelechiidae lavas on the 90mm petridish then water-diluted eco-friendly organic materials were sprayed onto the laver. Result of insecticidal activity was observed with a microscope 10 minutes, 2 hours and 18 hours after the treatment. Microscopic observation results, insecticidal activity was shown only in 5 out of 9 materials. Conclusion : As a result, Insecticidal activity against Gelechiidae was not effective in all tested materials, but the 5 eco-friendly organic materials showed the same effect in repeated experiments. In this study, we selected 5 materials out of 9 eco-friendly organic materials against Gelechiidae, then future studies are planned to select the most suitable materials by field testing the 5 eco-friendly organic materials.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the effect of organic materials (Bordeaux, Loess-sulfur) and the removal of apical shoot against downy mildew disease on cucumber cultivated in greenhouse. Five kinds of Bordeaux were made by adjusting mixing ratio of lime and copper sulfate in order to elucidate the optimal combination. The 4-6type Bordeaux was selected as the most effective combination for controlling cucumber downy mildew. Loess-sulfur showed inhibitory activity against cucumber downey mildew, but it was less effective than Bordeaux. It was confirmed that apical shoot cutting could reduce the incidence of cucumber downy mildew disease by 56.3%. When apical shoots of susceptible cucumber variety were cut at different leaf stages, disease incidence by early apical shoot cutting treatment was lower than that of late apical shoot cutting treatment. However in a resistant variety, ‘Heukryungsamcheok’, disease incidences of all cucumber apical shoot cutting treatments were lower than that of non-cutting treatment, but there was no differences between apical shoot cutting treatments due to low disease incidences. In addition, when organic materials and apical shoot cutting treatment were carried out in parallel, the combined treatments of organic materials and apical shoot cutting showed low disease incidence of cucumber downy mildew compared to untreated control. The lowest disease incidence of cucumber downy mildew was recorded in the combined treatment of 4-6type Bordeaux and apical shoot cutting. This study confirmed that apical shoot cutting can reduce the disease incidence of cucumber downy mildew and the combined treatment of apical shoot cutting and organic materials showed higher suppressive effect against cucumber downy mildew
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The mortality was tested to organic control materials to the E. maslovskii adults by the dipping method in laboratory. As the result, in 2014, the extracts of Neem Ⅰ was not shown control effect by 10.2% control efficacy to E. maslovskii adults in laboratory. The extract of Sophora flavescens roots was shown 84.7% mortality. And other 5 materials were shown 100% insecticidal activity to the adults in laboratory. I n 2015, Plant extract+pyrolignous acid Matrine 0.45% and Plant extract Matrine 0.5+paraffin oil 8% were shown 100% and 94.6% control efficacy, respectively. In the Japanese apricot orchards, the fruit damage rate was low on spray at 21th April in Daap, Gwangyang city, and 8th May Hwangjeon, Suncheon city in Jeonnam province in 2014. The fruit damage rate differed from spray timing and materials, but it was considered that the control of E. maslovskii should be in late April to early May. Otherwise, in 2015, the fruit damage was significantly low in late April spray in Daap, but no significant was in between one spray at 21th, 27th April and 2 spray that days. Meanwhile, the control effect was better 2 times spray of the days in Hwangjeon, Suncheon city in Jeonnam province. Therefore, in organic Japanese apricot, the use of insecticidal materials recommended to control over twice spay in from meddle to late April.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to suggest ideal management system for organic materials. As the performing method of the study, surveyed results on understanding of related persons (organic farmer 846, organic materials manufacture 70 and Organic materials Auditors 7) with eco-friendly farming were used. And the opinion on unintentional pollution source contained in organic materials was surveyed additionally. The issues pointed out by organic farmers on product of organic materials were high price (60% to total), poor efficacy (16%), disorder on distribution system (13%) and containing chemicals as a pesticide (10%). And notification system for organic materials was accepted in general (positive and so so 76%) while most interviewees preferred (89%) unification of certification system dominantly. As unintentional contamination source, pollution on imported row material was indicated as major reason, and other causes were confirmed as insertion during manufacturing process, agricultural by-products using as product additive et al. Based on these surveyed results, authors suggest bellows as considerable methods for effective improvement of management system on organic material. First, establish new integrated certification system which contains standard of quality certification and notification system on organic material. Second, for evaluation ofefficacy, apply relative evaluation system of significance such as Duncan’s multiple test instead of existing absolute evaluation system. Third, constitute and operate selection of standard comparison subcommittee in organic Agro-materials committee in RDA.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : To control ginseng gray mold, farmers have mainly used inorganic chemical based fungicides. The recent emergence of fungicide resistance has reduced the effectiveness of such control methods. Such pesticides also carry additional problems, such as diffuse pollution. Methods and Results : Six treatments of organic agricultural materials were tested for control of ginseng gray mold, CAPW (Chrysophanic acid + Phytoncide +Wood vinegar), EmEWV (Emodin + Ethanol +Wood vinegar), CEWV (Curcumin + Eugenol +Wood vinegar), Bacillus subtilis, soybean oil and sulfur. The control effect for gray mold by a single application of the agrochemical fungicide industrial Fenhexamid wettable powder (WP) was 84.4%. The control effect by CAPW, EmEWV and CEWV varied between 52.7 - 64.9%. The control effect by B. subtilis, soybean oil, and sulfur were 32.9 - 59.2%. Conclusions : In the field tests, CAPW showed the highest control effects when used before, and at first stage of disease incidence, against ginseng gray mold.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Botrytis cinerea infects stems, leaves and fruits of greenhouse tomato and can cause serious economic losses. This study was conducted to develop organic farming control method against tomato gray mold. Twenty two organic farming materials including mineral and plant extracts were screened for the suppressive activity against Botrytis cinerea, in vitro and in vivo. Among the organic farming materials, sulfur, copper, Chinese twinleaf extract and rhubarb extract decreased by 51.7-90% of the spore germination of Botrytis cinerea. Also, gray mold incidence was reduced more than 90% on tomato stems by treating sulfur, seaweed extracts, rhubarb root extracts and Chinese twinleaf extract. After the selected four organic farming materials were applied on tomato cultivated in greenhouse, their control effects against the tomato gray mold were tested. When the water soluble sulfur was foliar-sprayed on the tomato leaves infected by artificial inoculation with spore suspension of Botrytis cinerea, it showed 87.9% of control value. Also, control activity of the water soluble sulfur was paralleled with chemical fungicide, diethofencarb+carbendazim. The above mentioned results indicate the sulfur for-mulation can be used as chemical fungicide alternatives for controlling tomato gray mold in the greenhouse.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        배 과원 문제해충의 하나인 꼬마배나무이(Cacopsylla pyricola)의 월동성충이 낳은 알에 대해 10, 13, 18, 22, 25℃에서 부화율을 조사하여 온도와 발육률에 대한 선형모형으로 Y=0.00319X + 0.00615((R2=0.809899)(Y=temp., X=dev. rate))로 도출하였고, 알에 대한 발육영점온도는 약 –1.94로 추정되었다. 포장에서 월동성충이 낳은 알이 50%를 초과하여 부화하는 시기와 2월 1일부터 일일 최고기온 6℃ 이상의 온도를 누적한 결과, 2008, 2009, 2011년에 각각 429.7, 417.6, 424.3일도였으며, 이는 만개기를 기준으로 만개 3~7일전이다. 한편 아바멕틴 유제, 석회유황합제, 기계유유제, 및 유기농업자재 13종은 월동성충이 낳은 알에 대한 살란 효과는 없는 것으로 생각되고, 배 생육기인 2012년 5월 21일, 6월 5일 2회 살포시 방제가 90% 이상을 보인 유기농업자재는 D사의 Azadiractin A+B, Nimbin, Salanin, Meliantriol, Vepol 등 혼합물 등 4종이었다.
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