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        검색결과 585

        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 경상남도 하동에서 생산된 녹차의 사료적인 가치를 평가하는 것이다. 먼저, 하동에서 생산되는 녹차의 특성을 이해하기 위하여 일반성분, 항산화 활성 및 항균성활성 분석을 행하였으며, 녹차는 조단백질을 20%이상, 조섬유를 약 19% 함유하고 있으며, 높은 항산화 및 항균활성을 보였다. 68주령 하이라인브라운 레그혼 96수를 개체별 케이지에 수용하여 8주간의 사양실험을 수행하였을 때, 사료에 첨가된 녹차(1% 까지)는 산란계의 사료섭취량, 사료요구율 및 헨데이 난생산성(%)에 대한 영향이 없었다. 녹차는 급여 3-4주에 일시적으로 정상란의 산란율을 감소시켰고, 5-6주에 난중을 증가시켰다. 급여후기에 계란의 신선도(Haugh unit)의 감소를 지연시켰다(P<0.05). 녹차 급여는 난각강도와 무게에 영향을 미치지 않았다. 사료 중 녹차의 함량이 증가함에 따라 혈중 creatinine 과 amylase의 농도와 칼슘의 함량이 유의적으로 감소하였다(P<0.05). 따라서 이상의 결과는 하동녹차는 산란계의 사료에 충분히 이용 가능한 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 생활 속의 녹색식생활 실천의 중요성을 알고 실생활에서 실천하게 하는 데 목적을 두고, 종래의 영양적 측면에만 한정되어 있던 식생활에서 벗어나 개인, 가족, 사회로 관점을 확대하고 환경, 건강, 배려 등 핵심가치를 통합한 총체적이고 계획적인 녹색식생활교육 프로그램을 개발하고 적용하였다. 프로그램의 구조는 생활에서 직면하는 다양한 문제들에 대해 도덕적으로 이치에 맞게 판단해서 최선의 결정을 한 후 행동으로 이르게 하는 ‘실천적 추론 과정’을 적용하고, 구체적으로 실천하고 수행할 수 있도록 ‘체험중심학습’ 위주로 구성하고자 하였다. 가정과 교육과정 및 성취기준 분석 결과 교과서를 재구성하여 녹색식생활 실천을 위한 다섯 가지 실천적 문제를 추출하였으며, 실천적 문제 해결 방안으로 총 24차시의 녹색식생활 수업과정안이 개발되었다.실생활과 접목된 주제 선정, 다양한 학습자료의 수집, 특별교실 활용 확장, 학생체험 위주의 수업, 가정생활 및 가족에 대한 관심 등을 적용한 결과, 학생들은 지속가능한 삶의 의미 및 녹색식생활의 필요성과 가치에 대한 획기적인 의식 변화가 있었으며 환경, 건강, 배려 면에서 고루 향상된 실천 결과를 보였다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To study the importance of family meals in adolescents, 251 middle school students were surveyed through a questionnaire on their family meal patterns, dietary behaviors, food intake, and life satisfaction. The family meals were defined as "meals with all family members living together" by 62.2% of the students. For the frequency of family meals, 42.2% of the students replied having family meals "More than once a day". A common reason for the difficulty in having a family meal was a "lack of time" (73.3% of the students). Students tended to respond that they would be most fond in having meals with entire family members with traditional Korean food. Having more frequent family meals was found to benefit both individual and familial dietary behavior. In terms of food intake according to the frequency of family meals, the group having frequent family meals consumed significantly more rice, tofu, legumes, meats, fishes, eggs, green vegetables, seaweeds, fruits, milk, and milk products. This indicates that students can achieve a balanced diet through family meals. In terms of emotional status, the group having more frequent family meals showed a higher satisfaction with their daily life, health, nutritional status, and care from their relatives. In terms of personal mental status, the group having more frequent family meals was also found to be more effective at controlling undesirable emotions such as loneliness, indignation, and lethargy. As a result of this study, students in the group having more frequent family meals were found to have a positive dietary behavior, a balanced nutrition, a higher life satisfaction, and a more stable mental status. This result is useful as nutritional and educational information in schools to impress upon the public the importance of family meals for adolescents.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to obtain principal data on nutrition education according to college major after analyzing the nutrition status of 302 male university subjects. The 302 male subjects consisted of male students majoring in literature and science (109), food and nutrition (94), and physical education (99). Exactly 47.9% (highest among the groups) of male students majoring in food and nutrition ate regular meals, 39.4% ate breakfast. Precisely 29.4% of subjects majoring in literature and science never ate out. Exactly 23.2% of subjects majoring in physical education over ate frequently, and 31.3% enjoyed eating out. Intakes of protein, fat, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, folic acid, Ca, Fe, sodium, and cholesterol among male students majoring in food and nutrition appeared to be significantly higher compared to those of other groups (p<0.05). Intakes of energy, Zn, dietary fiber, and cholesterol among male students majoring in physical education were higher, whereas intakes of all nutrients except for dietary fiber by subjects majoring in literature and science were lower than the other two groups. Exactly 20.2% of male students were interested in health. We found that 52.4% of subjects considered exercise as an important factor for maintaining health. Smoking rate was the highest (43.6%) among male students majoring in nutrition, and the drinking rate was highest (56.0%) among male students majoring in literature and science. We found that smoking was continued as a habit (61.5%) while drinking was essential for social relationships (73.9%). From this study, it was found that male students have problems associated with eating regular meals, skipping breakfast, overeating, and intake of unbalanced foods. Also, male students who majored in food and nutrition demonstrated problems in applying their knowledge to proper dietary habits. In conclusion, a systemic educational program needs to be introduced to promote healthful dietary habits in male students.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of the Black Soldier Fly(BSF) larvae on growth performance, carcass rate, and fatty acid profile of chicken meat in broiler chicks. Four hundred eighty 1-d-old broilers(Ross 308) were distributed into 3 treatments with 4 pens at 30 birds per replicate. Treatments were corn-soybean meal based broiler diet (control) and the basal diet replaced with BSF at the level of 3 and 6% respectively. Viability was not different significantly. Body weight gain was higher in control than other treatments. Feed intake was not statistically different of treatments. Feed conversion ratio was lower in ontrol than other treatments. Relative weight of breast meat was significantly increased in all treated groups than in control. But, another relative weights of chicken meat cuts (thigh, wing, neck, back) were not significantly different among the groups. In conclusion, it could be suggested that dietary supplementation of Black Soldier Fly larvae could beneficially improved the performance on broiler
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the dietary habits of boarding high school students in Gangwon based on gender and stress levels. Questionnaires were distributed to 571 boarding high school students and collected from 491 students from June 28 to July 20, 2011. The statistical data analyses were completed using SPSS (ver. 19.0) for the descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test and 2-test. The mean stress score was 23.7 out of 40, and male's stress was significantly higher than female's (p〈0.05). The rates of having daily breakfast and dinner were significantly influenced by gender (p〈0.01), and the regularity of lunch was significantly different depending on the stress level (p〈0.05). Female students consumed less flour based foods (p〈0.01), carbonated drinks (p〈0.01), juices (p〈0.05) and functional drinks (p〈0.01) than male students, but male students consumed less cookies and breads (p〈0.01). Dietary habits that boarding high school students should improve were an unbalanced diet (38%), too much intake at once (17%) and prejudice against foods (11%), and their primary value in dietary life was preference (33%), followed by staving off hunger (18%) and pleasure (18%). The average level of interest in dietary life was 2.46 (on a Likert-type 3-point scale) and it was significantly higher for female students (2.53) than male (2.40) (p〈0.05). About 54% of students washed their hands before a meal when they thought of it, but only 25% of students always scrubbed up. The regularity of breakfast and dinner, frequency of snack intake, dietary habits that need to improve, intrest in dietary life, and washing hands before meals showed significant difference by gender but not by stress levels.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to predict the economic size of foods-for-elderly market, which will be valuable information for establishing related policy and backup system. After setting the scope of related industry, detailed information for current market situation was investigated and a systematic forecast for market changes in the future was performed. Economic growth, changes in consumer expenditure and economic status of the elderly, current subscription of medical insurance and saving for pension were reflected. In addition, a survey toward related firms was completed and changes in aged population and incidence of chronic disease in the elderly were taken into account. Results show that the annual growth rate of the market was predicted to be the minimum 4.54% through the maximum 8.32% from 2010 to 2025 and its market size was forecasted to be the minimum 7,073 ten million won through the maximum 10,976 ten million won. It is expected that the market of foods-for-elderly will grow rapidly with development of foods technology and fast increase of aged population. Especially, growth of health functional foods and foods for special dietary uses for elderly will be distinguished. However, it seems that related firms are on the hedge, watching current trend of the related industry. This may results in insufficient supply against the demand. Therefore, policy for foods-for-elderly should be introduced and systematically administered, including R&D support, standardization and authentication for foods-for-elderly, construction of related database system.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was conducted to determine the dietary effects of Na-bentonite (NaB) and probiotics on meat characteristics and health of Hanwoo steers fed rice straw as a sole roughage source. A total of 24 growing Hanwoo steers (avg BW 232 kg) were assigned to two treatments which included a control diet (concentrate mix and rice straw) and a treatment diet (control diet + 0.5-1.0% NaB + 0.5-1.0% probiotics. The diets were fed for 22 months up to the time the animals were slaughtered. Dietary treatment increased (p<0.05) concentrations of trace minerals such as Zn, Cu, and Fe in the longissimus muscle compared to the control. The treatment diet did not affect cold carcass weight, yield traits such as backfat thickness, longissimus muscle area, yield index, yield grade and quality traits such as marbling score, meat color, fat color, texture, maturity and quality grade. Blood profiles of growing steers were within the normal ranges for healthy cattle. In conclusion, feeding a combination of clay mineral and probiotics to Hanwoo steers fed rice straw as a sole roughage source could have a desirable effect on improving trace mineral retention in longissimus muscle without any deleterious effects on carcass traits of steers.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focused on the yearly-dietary habits, nutrition status, and health of female students residing in Seoul. A number of classes were assess based on their dietary behaviors in oder to attempt to determine differences in their attitudes to nutrition, according to age. The students of class 2011 (sophomore) ate meals more regularly than the female students of the 2008 class (p<0.05). It was found that sophomore female students of class 2008 consumed higher than average nutrient intake. Sophomore female students of the 2011 class consumed lower than average vitamin B2, C, Ca, and Fe intakes. Folic acid in take was lower than average in both groups. Phosphorus and sodium intakes in both groups were excessive (p<0.05). When surveyed, sophomore female students of the 2008 class believed that the most important thing for health was exercise, whereas students of class 2011 believed that nutrient intake was the most important factor (p<0.05). Female students of the 2008 class exercised 1~2 times a week generally, whereas students of class 2011 exercised three times (43.2%) (p<0.05). Therefore, it is necessary to study changes in dietary habits and health status according to the age of students, and develop specific nutrition education programs for female students.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effect of salt preference on dietary habits and the body composition of university students. The subjects were divided into two groups: 85 students who dislike salt (salt-dislike (SD) group) and 104 students who like salt (salt-like (SL) group). We found that the SL group showed a higher preference for sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter flavors compared to the SD group. There was no significant difference in the frequency of eating breakfast according to the salt taste preference. The meal speed of the SL group was significantly higher than the SD group (p〈0.01) and the body mass index of the SL group (22.59kg/m2) was higher than SD group (21.04kg/m2). The fat mass of the SL group (15.30 kg) was higher than the SD group (12.80 kg) (p〈0.01). Salt preference and snack intake frequency had a significant and positive correlation with fat mass. The frequency of eating breakfast, and meal speed also showed a significant and positive correlation with subcutaneous fat. In conclusion, the SL group eats relatively more, speedily and frequently intakes snacks and carbonated drinks, likely resulting in higher body and subcutaneous fat. These results suggest salt preference is related to food choice, influences unreasonable eating habits, and possibly changes body composition. Taste preferences should therefore be considered for dietary consulting and nutritional education.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the differences in households, parental perception, and dietary behaviors of preschool children from kindergartens with environment-friendly food service (environment-friendly food service group; EFG) versus children from kindergartens with general food service (general food service group; GFG). We sought this basic information to examine the impact of environment-friendly agricultural products in preschool food services. Age, education level, and monthly family income of the EFG were significantly higher than the GFG. The frequency of purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products was significantly higher in the EFG than the GFG, with the most frequently purchased items in both groups being vegetables. The GFG had a significantly higher perception than the EFG in the superior quality of environment-friendly agricultural products; however, a greater proportion of the GFG than the EFG thought environment-friendly products were too expensive. The most frequent reason for purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products in both groups was safety. When purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products, the most important selection factor for the majority of both groups was the label certifying quality assurance. Both groups also considered price reduction as essential for promoting environment-friendly agricultural products. In regard to parental perceptions on food service in kindergarten, the EFG had a significantly higher satisfaction with the nutritional adequacy of the menu compared to the GFG. Both groups considered food safety and health as primary reasons for using environment-friendly foods in the preschool food service, with a greater proportion of the EFG than the GFG responding this way. There were significant differences between the EFG and GFG, as the main satisfaction from using environment-friendly foods in the EFG was safety, freshness, and good hygiene, whereas the main satisfaction in the GFG was a good food service menu, freshness and good hygiene. Dietary behaviors of preschool children in the EFG were also significantly superior to the GFG. Thus, environment-friendly agricultural products have positive effects on the dietary behaviors of preschool children and should be increased in the preschool food service. Lowering prices and a strict supervision of quality assurance is also necessary to promote consumption of environment-friendly food materials.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate factors influencing dietary satisfaction, and their perceived importance and performance, in North Korean refugees according to age. Questionnaires were completed by 220 North Korean refugees and data was analyzed with SPSS software. From our study we determined that fresh food, clean dishes, and proper vegetable oil are of high importance but considered poorly performed. 'Taste' and 'comfort' were factors with low importance but considered well-performed. The IPA technique proved that 8 items including Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q11, Q13 were in 'Doing great, keep it up' and no items that got high importance and low performance were in 'Focus here'. North Korean refugees like Korean food more than Chinese, Japanese, and Western food. They specifically want to learn how to cook Korean casseroles, soups, and side dishes(e.g. Myeolchibokkum, Kongjorim). The North Korean refugees who resided in South Korea under a year have difficulties in understanding menus and Western table manners.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary factors associated with characteristics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in upper-grade elementary school students. The study subjects were 397 students, and 52% of total study subjects were boys. The risk for developing ADHD was assessed by using a DSM-IV questionnaire. Boy's ADHD score was higher than that of girls (p<0.001). Subjects were divided into two groups according to the median of the ADHD score in boys and girls. The high ADHD score group showed higher frequency of skipping breakfast and a lower score for good dietary habits, as compared to the normal group. Further, the high ADHD score group showed higher frequency of processed food intake with lower frequency of vegetable intake, as compared to the normal group. These results suggest that undesirable eating habits and frequent intake of processed foods may be associated with higher risk of developing ADHD in elementary school students.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop children-friendly education materials based on food replicas for the dietary education of lower grade elementary students. Through a literature review on current dietary problems and dietary education for children, five education themes were chosen: balanced diet, seasonal food, traditional food, noodle culture, and making instant noodles. A total of 304 key food items for food replicas were selected based on the themes: six basic food groups (113 items), balanced meals (37 items), dietary habits (74 items), spring foods (13 items), summer foods (17 items), autumn foods (16 items), winter foods (11 items), Korean traditional foods (52 items), Korean native noodles (18 items), noodles from foreign countries (19 items), and making instant noodles (46 items). Next, a food replica database was developed consisting of name of the food, picture, size, ingredient, recipe, reference, and attached code. Powerpoint slides and teaching plans for all education themes were developed utilizing the food replicas in order to raise interest and understanding of serving size and intake amount. This research provides a basis for the development of food replicas as effective dietary education materials for elementary students and their use in extra-curricular activities, after school programs, community health centers, or food companies.
        2012.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Probiotics, enzymes, organic acids, oligosaccharides, antioxidants, and other functional materials are actively being explored as alternatives to antibiotics. Probiotics include live beneficial microorganisms that colonize the intestinal tract and competitively inhibit attachment and growth of harmful microbes. Probiotics also increase feed efficiency by assisting in nutrient absorption and digestion. The current study was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of a new probiotic, CS-A, as a dietary supplement of a fermented product on growth performance, feed intake, and feed conversion efficiency in broiler chickens, and to evaluate its value as an alternative for antibiotics used as a feed additive. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of CS-A were investigated in vitro and the in vivo effects of a constant concentration of supplemented CS-A on growth rate and feed efficiency were evaluated. In addition, the safety of CS-A was assessed by examination of common symptoms and mortality. Determination of minimal inhibitory concentration revealed an excellent antibacterial effect of CS-A. Cytotoxicity was low and anti-inflammatory effects were achieved at the effective concentration of CS-A. Supplementation with 0.1% CS-A resulted in a feed efficiency score of 1.84 in broilers, compared to 2.00 in the control group. There were no adverse clinical findings, necropsy findings, hematology, and altered serum biochemistry parameters, and no mortality. Thus, it is concluded that CS-A is safe and effective as a feed additive.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the physicochemical properties of the ethanol extracts and soluble dietary fiber from Cassia tora L. seed. The proximate composition of Cassia tora, soluble solid contents, color intensity and contents of emodin and rhein of Cassia tora extract, molecular mass distribution, sugar contents and viscosity of soluble fiber from Cassia tora were analyzed. Cassia tora contains 12.6% of moisture, 5.2% of ash, 13.4% of crude protein, 7.2% of crude fat, 8.8% of insoluble fiber and 48.3% of soluble fiber. The effects of extract condition on soluble solid contents, color intensity and contents of emodin and rhein of Cassia tora extract were investigated. The soluble solid contents were higher in 70% or 50% ethanol extracts than those in 100% ethanol extracts and showed highest value in grind sample extracts. In Hunter's color value, 100% ethanol extracts and whole Cassia tora sample extracts were higher in L and b value, but on the contrary, were lower in a value, than those of the other. The highest emodin and rhein contents were observed in 70% and 50% ethanol extracts, respectively, and showed higher value in room temperature extracts than in heating extracts. The molecular mass of soluble fiber from Cassia tora seed was estimated by gel filtration chromatography. Most soluble fiber(80%) exhibited a molecular mass range of between 50~2000 kDa. The major sugars of soluble fiber from Cassia tora seed were identified as xylose, mannose and galactose. The apparent viscosity of 0.5% soluble fiber from Cassia tora seed was 33 mPas showing a higher value than pectin or xanthan gum.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the effect of Genetically Modified β -Carotene Biofortified Rice rice developed by simultaneous expression technology in NAAS on biological immunity. Accordingly, this study added Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice 25, 50% and general rice 50% as control group into diet and provided rats with the prescribed feeds and then measured the contents of immunoglobulin and cytokine in blood. As a result, male and female IgM, IgE, male IgG1, female IgG2a and TNF-a, IL5 and IL12 showed no significant difference; male IgG2a tended to decrease dependently on the combined concentration of Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice; female IgG1 showed significance with control group, but its association with diet was not found. The higher the dietary mixing ratio, the more the male and female IFN-a and female IL-4 contents, regardless of rice variety, and it was found that female IL6 content decreased significantly, but its association with diet was not found. The risk of beta carotene-enriched rice into environment and human body has not been reported yet. The digestion of Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice can be seen as "safe" as this test result showed no big difference between general rice and Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice, and its usability is full of suggestions.