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        검색결과 1,826

        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to an overall increase of income, the general standard of living has improved and people have begun to be interested in being more healthy in their lives. This tendency has affected the food market, especially in relation to organic and eco-friendly food. Thus, the overall market size for those products has grown to give more choices to consumers. To examine the effect of the motive for choosing certain food products on the actual attitude and intent to purchase the products, a survey was given to 330 people living in Seoul, which resulted in 235 usable responses. The content of the questionnaire consisted of 18 questions on food choice motives, 3 questions on the attitude toward organic foods and 3 questions on the intention of purchasing for organic foods. The SPSS 12.0 statistics program was used to analyze of following: frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one way ANOVA and regression analysis. Five factors of food choice motives were obtained from the analysis: health, convenience, price, familiarity and environmental protection. The regression analysis showed that food choice motive, health and environmental protection factors have a positive relationship with organic food attitudes and organic food attitudes have a positive relationship with the intent to purchase organic food.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Student and dietitian reactions to a multicultural food service menu were studied. Food habits in a multicultural family could delay the acculturation of the children to traditional Korean food and could cause the isolation of children from the community. Also, Korean students need to be exposed to other cultures and foods because it can be a challenge to eat novel foods when students grow up. To help both multicultural and Korean children adjust to new foods, a multicultural menu was included in a school's food service. Students regarded the multicultural menu as access to another culture, but they felt that improvement of the food quality and menu diversity were required. The degree of satisfaction with the food quality, appearance, freshness, temperature, and menu diversity were all moderate. The multicultural menu was served as a single menu item or a combination menu item. The main dish single items - pasta, jajangmyeon, onigiri, hamburgers, rice and curry, kaupatmu, kaupatkung, and donburi - were liked, but nasi goreng was liked only moderately. The soup - based dish single item, tempura soba, was liked, while tomyum was disliked. The side dish single items - tangsuyook, Japanese donkatsu, baked sausage and potatoes, tandoori chicken, chicken britto, Vienna schnitzels, tender tortillas, and fried chicken wings - were liked. The desserts single items-sandwiches, pineapples, waffles, pizza, bread with strawberry jam, mangoes, and tacoyaki - were liked. The combination menus - Italian, Indian, and American - were liked, but the southeast Asian menu was the least favored. Acceptance of combination and single menu items were similar. Male students liked multicultural menu items more than female students in all categories. Approximately 60% of dietitians had experience serving the single menu items for multicultural food service. The appropriate serving times were twice per month. Dietitians guessed that 80% of the students liked the multicultural menu. The dietitians preferred serving American or Chinese foods to southeast Asian food. There were two difficulties in serving the multicultural menu, which were voiced as as lack of skill in cooking the items and improper cooking utensils and tableware for the items. Despite all the difficulties, the dietitians served the multicultural menu because it provided menu diversity, rather than for educational reasons.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Optimum preparation conditions for chicken head soup base were determined in terms of the effects of amount of chicken head and cooking time using response surface methodology based on sensory properties. Sensory properties that were evaluated were yellowness, turbidity, bloody, chicken-brothy, organ meat-like, and fat-like flavor. All values of sensory characteristics increased remarkably with an increase in the amount of chicken head and cooking time. The optimum amount of chicken head and cooking time were determined to be 1800 g and 150 minutes, respectively. Chicken head soup base had less fat, free amino acids, nucleotides, and its derivatives, but had significantly more cholesterol, sodium, and iron than whole chicken soup base. In flavor compound analysis, the amount of hexanal of the chicken head soup base, which is related to fat rancidity flavor, was 11-fold higher than that of the whole chicken soup base.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to approach the 2004 case of inferior quality mandu stuffing from the stance of food ethics. The court convicted the producers of inferior quality mandu stuffing and also decided against the plaintiffs who filed a damage suit. The core of the mandu stuffing case was not safety, but the wholesomeness. The principles of food ethics include a respect for life, justice, environmental preservation, and the priority of safety. The virtues of food professionals include wisdom, honesty, faithfulness, courage, moderation, and integrity. A food producer should possess not only the ability but also the morality to make food. The consumer should urge the producers to strengthen their morality and be conscious of responsibility and fairness. The government should organize a system to establish food ethics, and make efforts to reduce wasteful law enforcement. The media should lead public opinion toward justice by doing an unbiased and in-depth report and help establish the idea of food ethics. The necessity of food ethics and the spread of the ethical mind are the most important points of all.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An individual's food-related personal traits play an important role in influencing personal food choice and habits. According to culture, their influence can manifest differently. To ascertain personal traits about food, FNS (food neophobia scale) and FIS (food involvement scale) were employed in recent studies. This study aimed to understand the food culture and food choices of East-South Asians who live or stay in Korea through comparison of FNS and FIS. Eighty Koreans and 233 East-south Asians (Indonesians, Filipinos, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Thai, Singaporeans, and Bangladeshi) completed a questionnaire to measure FNS (10 questions), FIS (12 questions), and sociodemographic conditions (9 questions). ANOVA was conducted to ascertain FNS and FIS between the groups, and regression analysis was carried out to determine which sociodemographic factors had an effect. The items were analyzed to determine the differences according to gender, age, marital status, nationality, religion, occupation, educational background, monthly income, and length of residence in Korea. FNS showed significant differences between the groups with regard to sociodemographic characteristics, except gender, age, and marital status, whereas FIS showed significant differences in gender, nationality, religion, occupation, educational background, monthly income, and length of residence in Korea. The results of the regression analysis suggest that nationality strongly affected FNS and FIS, and FIS was also affected by gender.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Historically the rise of contagious diseases and epidemics has been mainly caused by lack of food safety knowledge and negligence in personal hygiene. Food poisoning is an example that have been caused by lack of proper knowledge in food safety and personal hygiene. In order to prove this hypothesis, our team distributed a total of 225 survey sheets to middle school students. Survey questions mainly focused on the students' food safety knowledge, personal hygiene and regular dietary habits. We used 12 items to determine the stages of change in teenagers and divided into 3 stages of change: precontemplation stage (poor problem recognition), contemplation and preparation stage (some problem recognition), and action stage. Out of the 225 students surveyed, 105(47.1%) were male and 118 (52.9%) were female; 44.0% were in 7th grade, 33.0% in 8th grade, and 24.0% in 9th grade. In stages of change model, 3.8% were classified in pre-contemplation stage, 31.1% in preparation stage, and 65.1% in action stage. The awareness of the significance of food safety has a strong positive correlation with the stages of change food safety behavior (P<0.001), which suggesting our questionnaires regarding stages of change and food safety behavior were quite credential. Stages of change were also correlated with the consumption of unsanitary foods (P<0.01) and with the frequent hand washing (P<0.05). The stages of change showed a positive correlation with the food safety knowledge level (P<0.05). The four questions (out of 10) with the least percentage of correct answers were questions about the meaning of Norovirus (23.6%), the meaning of expiration date (43.6%), the meaning of food poisoning (36.4%), and proper food-handling (36.0%).
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        KFDA compiles the statistical data of food poisoning outbreaks two or more persons since 2002in Korea and release them to the public on the web. There is a gap of outbreak number between the real situation and the reports. To reduce the gap, addition of sporadic individual case of food poisoning may be one of the solution method. The statistical data of Japan where food consumption pattern is similar to Korea, were used in this study to compare the ratio and the pattern between the outbreak cases two or more persons and individual cases. By doing so,the data of Japan regarding to outbreak cases two or more persons will be comparable to that of Korea. The data of 2002 and 2003 in Japan showed that sporadic individual cases were 43.3% in the total food poisoning cases. The individual cases occurred highly in unknown places (90-92.3%) and home (6.2-8.5%) whileas the outbreaks two or more persons occurred mostly in the place of restaurants (46.6-50.1%) and inns (9.2-9.8%). The food-borne pathogens attributed to the individual cases were C. jejuni (51.9%), Salmonella spp. (35.3%), and V. parahaemolyticus (9.8%)while those to the outbreak cases two or more persons were norovirus (31.3%), Salmonella spp. (20.8%), C. jejuni (15.5%) in Japan. The data of 2002-2009 between Korea and Japan showed the outbreak case report rate was 1:1.5based on the total population number.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to evaluate the efficacy of sanitizer concentrations and treatment time against two major food-borne pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus on a stainless steel surface. As a result, stainless steel, treated with 100 ppm of chlorine showed reduction of E. coli(1.56, 1.49, 1.95 log cfu/25 ㎠) and S. aureus(0.49, 0.88, 1.27 log cfu/25 ㎠) after 0, 5 and 10 min, but none was not detected in treatment with 200 ppm. The population of E. coli(0.73, 0.90, 1.55 log cfu/25 ㎠) and S. aureus(0.37, 1.00, 1.45 log cfu/25 ㎠) reduced in 35.5% ethanol treated group, but none was not detected in treatment with 70%. The population was reduced E. coli(0.28, 0.64, 1.07 log cfu/25 ㎠) and S. aureus(0.53, 0.87, 0.99 log cfu/25 ㎠) by treatment with 45.5ppm of hydrogen peroxide, but none was not detected in treatment with 91 ppm. Quarternary ammonium compound with 100 ppm was reduced E. coli(0.82, 1.62, 1.71 log cfu/25 ㎠) and S. aureus(0.46, 0.93, 1.38 log cfu/25 ㎠), but none was not detected in treatment with 200 ppm. Predictive models of sterilization for all 4 disinfectants were suitable to use with r2 value of higher than 0.94. These models may be of use to food services and manufacture of safe products by controlling E. coli and S. aureus without the need for further detection of the organisms.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to determine some appropriate models which account for attitudes toward practice of consuming dog (ACD) as a food and as a companion animal. Two models, one for males and the other females, were found from 670 community-dwelling respondents of the Gwangju Metropolitan area who aged 17~66 years. Age, keeping dog or willing to keep dog, and frequency of consuming dog as a food (FD) were exogenous variables in the models while attitudes toward companion animal were a mediating variable. The two models were slightly different, but the most influential variable accounting for the ACD was the FD. The findings of this study on the ACD were discussed in two dimensions of affect and utility which were motivational attitudes to animal. People who are against consuming dog meat as food would think of all dogs as only affectionate objects, and their points of view were discussed in the context of both keeping dog and restricting dog meat consumption. On the other hand, people who are for consuming dog meat would think of dogs as either affectionate or utilized objects, and their points of view were discussed in the context of halving dogs into companion dog and edible dog.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study, adult men and women who live in Seoul with 100 people a dietary habit and eating traditional foods, traditional foods and recipes of the characteristics, educational experience and educational demand for traditional foods were investigated. Korean traditional food usually eaten in the usual (37.2%) and holidays(30.2 percent) to eat. Korean traditional food to eat because we did not have time reduction(38.4%), cooking methods is difficult(30.2%), mainly to select the menu when eating out, traditional food in Korea(58.1 percent). Korea traditional food with a traditional culture of Korea has developed dishes (45.3%), the food here is that we use most often(22.2%), Korea's unique attributes of traditional food deserves world-class(74.4%), nutritionally balanced, healthy foods (72.1%) and showed that recognition. Korean traditional food needs of education(62.8%) and the traditional excellence of the food(33.7%) and Korea traditional food culture and to develop succession (27.9%), traditional food for healthy eating awareness training was needed.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed Korean traditional foods and western foods in the field of 'dietary life' in Practical Arts curriculums, and developed the fusion-food cooking activity program for elementary school students. Firstly, potatoes, dumplings coated with bean paste, simple side dishes are discussed in the first curriculum. The second curriculum discussed only traditional foods and the third curriculum considered more traditional foods than western foods including bread. From the fourth curriculum to the sixth, traditional foods were mainly discussed and both traditional foods and western foods were mentioned evenly in the seventh and revised 2007's curriculum. Secondly, this study developed 'fusion-food cooking activity' program which helps students not only to learn the meaning, kinds, history, and related customs of Korean traditional foods; kimchi, Korean pizza, rice cake, but also to learn and practice cooking fusion-foods covering traditional foods.In conclusion, it can be assumed that the 'fusion-food cooking activity' program developed in this study improves interest in Korean traditional foods amongst elementary school students, and helps students to understand the reputation and value of traditional foods. Therefore fusion-foods cooking activity containing traditional foods which are not discussed in this study should be studied and developed more in the future.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims at developing for food education textbook and teaching aids of elementary school students and teaching guide book (of food exerts) for eco-friendly food education together with green growth to standardize food education and to make the best the effect of food education. Especially we will develope active food education program to which elementary school students study through developing various education textbook and teaching aids. Major contents of food education textbook in this study are classified as two subjects. First included the understanding of eco-friendly agricultural products, to distinguish the indication of eco-friendly agricultural products, merits of school feeding made by eco-friendly agricultural products. Second is about children loving earth to understand food mileage. Its contents are as follows ; the definition of food mileage, the movement of food mileage to report environment, origin mark of agricultural products, our mental attitude for our favorite agricultural products, the eco-friendly agricultural products of Gyeonggi Province
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to identify efficient methods for the globalization of Korean food in Vietnam. For this, we interviewed owners of 11 Korean restaurants in Hanoi and 9 Korean restaurants in Ho Chi Minh. Due to the rapid economic development of Vietnam, the restaurant industry for the middle class has drastically increased. For the globalization of Korean food, new positioning of Korean restaurants is needed. Research has shown that Korean restaurants need to change their style of management. Although the first generation of Korean restaurant owners managed restaurants as a family business, a new professional management system is now required. Above all, it is necessary to develop and support a comprehensive food culture system in which the menu is suited to the taste of the natives and its recipe is distributed with food material quality control, hygienic control, and operation of a localized management system.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The origin of Korean traditional food's spicy taste dates back to the first telling of the Dangun myth-a story of a tiger and bear who tried to reincarnate themselves in human form by eating garlic and wormwood. For a long time, Koreans have eaten spicy vegetables such as green onion, garlic, ginger, mustard, leeks, corni, cinnamon bark, and Chinese peppers (Zanthoxylum schinfolium) and Zanthoxylum bungeanum. In prehistoric times, spicy vegetables were probably used to eliminate the smell of meat. In the agricultural age, they were used to supplement meals with fresh taste. They were also used as a substitute for salt (salt was very precious and expensive) as well as side dishes for the poor. Spicy vegetables have also been used as a substitute for main dish like medicinal gruel and used to increase the spiciness of soup, and they are usually used as a side dish and with condiments in namul (cooked vegetable dishes), sangchae (salad), ssam (wrapped in greens and garnished with red-pepper paste or other condiments) and Kimchi. In addition, chili pepper was introduced to the Korean Peninsula in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty (mid-15th, 16th century). The soil and climate of the Korean Peninsula are suitable to growing chili pepper, and chili pepper has excellent adaptability and productivity. Accordingly, it is processed to red pepper powder and has become a major part of traditional Korean food along with Chinese pepper. Since the Joseon Dynasty, many kinds of Kimchi made with red pepper powder have been developed, and most Koreans enjoy them these days. The main characteristics of Korean food are spiciness and honest-to-goodness taste.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey of consumer awareness and attitudes was conducted about genetically modified (GM) foods and the labeling regulations. The questionnaires were distributed to 4,620 consumers who lived in a variety of areas in Korea, and 4,076 people responded. The consumers were asked about knowledge, labeling information, and the source of obtaining information about GM foods. More than 11.5% of the consumers had never heard about GM foods and 86.9% of consumers had less than a normal level of knowledge about GM foods. No statistically significant relationship was found between genders, but the teachers group had moderate knowledge (p<0.001). In total, 28.4% of consumers did not know the GMO labeling regulations. They answered that the reason to buy GM food was do not know>nothing wrong>create benefit>think as safe>inexpensive. The answers to the question of what was the first benefit were: solve food shortage>functional and nutritious food>cultivate in bad condition>nothing>various cultivars. They answered that the worst factor was the next generation effect>environmental disruption. Regarding the development of GM food in Korea, males answered do not know>stronglyrecommend>defer>strongly suppress. Female answered: don't know>defer>strongly recommend>strongly suppress. More than half of the respondents did not have much information about GM foods; 88.3% of respondents answered they did not have educational experience about GM food.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This survey was conducted to investigate the attitude towards food hygiene, and the correlation between sanitary knowledge and the performance of college students in Daejeon. The respondents were composed of 218 food majors and 296 nonmajors. The answer that food hygiene was very important was given more often by food majors (82.9%) and those educated (80.5%) than non-majors (65.1%) and the uneducated (68.7%) (p<0.05). Information on food hygiene was mainly obtained from TV, radio, or the internet. The average food hygiene knowledge score was 4.08 and that in practice was 3.37 (p < 0.001). The average score was lower in practice than knowledge for personal hygiene, food separation use and storage, washing-sterilization of food, and utensils. The average knowledge score was higher for food majors and educated than that in non-majors and uneducated (p<0.001). The degree of HACCP perception was much higher in food majors (34.9%) and educated (37.4%) than in non-majors (5.4%) and uneducated (8.2%). The knowledge and practice scores were correlated (p<0.01). It is necessary that college students be educated to obtain useful knowledge about food hygiene and conduct proper personal food sanitation in their daily life.
        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this exploratory analysis, we investigate the genesis and the evolution of local food-purchasing networks created and operated by consumers. In details, we describe how collecting and sharing information about food-products can become a central activity for some consumers’ communities and how these communities are starting to play an active role in the food supply chain. We define this community-based food-purchasing model as collaborative food network (CFN), and we analytically describe its characteristics and differences with respect to the traditional and industrialized agrifood supply chain models. A collaborative food network community in Italy, known as GAS (“Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale” – “Solidarity Purchasing Groups”), is introduced as an example of our analytical model. We will use this empirical example to present the strengths and weaknesses of the CFN model.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate patterns of fortified food (FF) consumption and intake of vitamins and minerals from FFs among 577 Korean children (12.4 years of age) who attended elementary or middle school. FFs eaten by children as a snack were surveyed using the food record method during 3 days, including 2 week days and one weekend. As a result, 114 FF items were eaten by the children, and several kinds of nutrients such as vitamin A, D, E, B complex, C, calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) were fortified in these foods. Ca-FFs (65.8%) were most frequently consumed, followed by vitamin C-FFs (33.4%) and vitamin D-FFs (33.3%). The number of FF items in each food group was the most in the milk group (n=24, 21.0%), followed by the beverage group (n=19, 16.7%), and the cookie/bread/cake group (n=17, 14.9%). Fortified nutrients in FFs were in various combinations, but the major combination patterns were Ca, Ca plus vitamins, Ca plus vitamins plus other minerals, and Ca plus other minerals. Daily mean intakes of vitamins and minerals from the FFs were 66-300% more than those of the recommended nutrient intake (RNI ) or adequate intake (AI) for most vitamins and minerals. Daily maximum intakes (95th percentile) of vitamins and minerals from FFs were 1-15 times the RNI or AI for most vitamins and minerals. Vitamin and mineral consumption ratios from each FF group were different according to the kind of fortified nutrient. For example, vitamin C was mostly eaten in fortified beverages (46-54%), and Fe was mostly eaten in fortified cookie/breads/cakes (87%). The above results show that FF consumption varied widely among the children, and that most of the children's foods were fortified with several vitamins and minerals without a common rule; thus, subjects risked over consuming vitamins and minerals by eating FFs. Therefore, practical guideline on FF use for children's optimal nutrition and health should be provided through nutrition education.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current research aims to verify whether distance learning can be adopted in practical cooking class for Korean foods in a two-year college. The distance learning education can be a supplementary method to the traditional cooking class. The face-to-face teaching method and the distance learning method were compared in order to determine which of the one is more effective teaching method in the practical cooking class. The results of the present experimental study were analyzed based on the participant's learning expectation and satisfaction, the evaluation of the experimental process, and the academic performance. The results of this study showed that the participants in the face-to-face class evaluated their class experience higher than those in the distance learning class with respect to the participant's learning expectation and satisfaction, and the evaluation of the experimental process. On the contrary, regarding the academic performance, the participants in the distance learning class showed higher scores than those in the face-to-face class. The end result supports the claim that the distance learning method is more effective in the participants for gaining cooking knowledge.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to understand the perception and the degree of trust that consumers had in the national agricultural food accreditation system, to inquire into and examine the consumers' perception of traditional food quality certification performed for the protection of excellent traditional food, and to propose the right direction for the policies on the traditional food quality certification system and the plans to improve consumers' perception of the system. According to the results of this survey performed in married women, based on the 'the recognition of accreditation system' and 'the recognition of certification marks' of 'the seventh national agricultural food accreditation system' presently being used by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the household food purchasers showed high recognition for eco-friendly agricultural product accreditation, processed food KS certification, and organically processed food certification in that order. Meanwhile, it was shown that they indicated low recognition for the traditional food-related accreditation systems such as 'traditional food quality certification' and 'food grand master'. It was found that reliability of the certification mark provided by the agricultural food accreditation system gained 3.54 points (on a 5-point scale), and 68.1% of the study subjects referred to the certification marks while purchasing agricultural foods. And most of them answered to the question of 'why they referred to the certification marks' saying that it was done 'to choose safe food'. The most frequent answer to question of 'the means to recognize the traditional food quality certification system' was 'broadcasting, advertising'. 57.3% of the subjects had a previous experience of buying a product certified by the traditional food quality certification system, and 93.2% of all the subjects had the intention to buy a product certified by the traditional food quality certification system later. And most of them answered that 'strengthening government policies' would be the most ideal way to inform the public of the traditional food quality certification system. According to the results of this study, while 'relying on the traditional food quality certification system in general' was relatively high among the consumers, 'intention to buy quality certified products by visiting a distantly located store' was low; thus, from this analysis, it can be seen that there is a need for diversification of places selling these quality certified products and to establish a distribution network for these products.