Structures compromised by a seismic event may be susceptible to aftershocks or subsequent occurrences within a particular duration. Considering that the shape ratios of sections, such as column shape ratio (CSR) and wall shape ratio (WSR), significantly influence the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) piloti structures, it is essential to determine the best appropriate methodology for these structures. The seismic evaluation of piloti structures was conducted to measure seismic performance based on section shape ratios and inter-story drift ratio (IDR) standards. The diverse machine-learning models were trained and evaluated using the dataset, and the optimal model was chosen based on the performance of each model. The optimal model was employed to predict seismic performance by adjusting section shape ratios and output parameters, and a recommended approach for section shape ratios was presented. The optimal section shape ratios for the CSR range from 1.0 to 1.5, while the WSR spans from 1.5 to 3.33, regardless of the inter-story drift ratios.
The present study was undertaken to ascertain the temperature development characteristics of Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) across its various developmental stages. To this end, the insect was subjected to six constant temperature conditions (13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 34±1°C), relative humidity (RH) levels of 65±5%, and photoperiods of 16 : 8 h light/dark. The developmental time of larvae was longest at 13°C, and as the temperature increased up to 35°C, the developmental time tended to become shorter. At the pupal stage, all individuals developing at 13°C perished and were excluded from the calculation of the development period for the development model. To ascertain the relationship between temperature and development, a regression model was employed for analysis. The lower threshold temperature of the total immature stage was determined to be 9.4°C, and the thermal constant was found to be 454.5DD. In the analysis of the temperature-development experiment, the Lactin 2 model exhibited an optimal fit (R 2=0.90-0.98) for the total immature stage of P. operculella.
본 연구는 합성 아질산염 대체 천연보존료로 개발하고자 천연물 유래 복합추출물(NP-NAP, NP-NAMR)의 성분 특성 과 소시지에의 적용 시 품질 특성을 규명하였다. NP-NAP 와 NP-NAMR 0.5-1.0% (w/v)는 90.1-100%의 ABTS 라디 칼 저해능과 10 mg/mL에서 각각 811 μM 및 770 μM trolox 상당의 FRAP 활성을 보였다. NP-NAP와 NP-NAMR은 S. aureus와 L. monocytogenes, E. coli 및 S. Typhimurium에 대 해 0.1% (w/v)에서 99.99-100%의 감소율을 보였고 C. perfringens에 대해 1%와 2% (w/v)에서 각각 89.0-91.4%와 84.7-100% 이상의 감소율을 보였다. 천연 복합추출물 첨가 소시지 시제품의 냉장 중 품질 특성에서 4주 차 pH (6.43- 6.57)와 NP-NAMR 첨가 시 높은 a 값(23.54% 및 28.81)을 확인하였다. Springiness와 cohesiveness는 NP-NAP 1%가 높 았으나 다른 모든 시험구는 양성 대조구와 유의적 차이가 없었다(P<0.05). 냉장 중 평균 MDA (0.87-1.183 μM)는 양 성 대조구(0.93-0.96 μM)와 유사하였으며(P<0.05) 총 증가 균수(log CFU)는 1% 첨가(1.10-1.32) 시 nitrite pickling salt (NPS) 0.08% (1.31)과 유사하였고 2% 첨가 시(0.17-0.49)는 commercial product from Spain (CPS) 1% (0.53)보다 적었 다. 종합적 기호도는 NP-NAMR 2% 제외한 모든 시험구는 통계적 유의차가 없었다. 이상의 결과, 과채 추출물 유래 NP-NAP와 NP-NAMR은 항산화, 항균 활성과 안정적인 적 색도와 함께 식약처 고시 소시지류의 기준 및 규격을 만족 하여 합성 아질산염과 시판 수입품을 대체하는, 유효한 소 재가 될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
본 연구에서는 국내 유통 유제품 중 안식향산, 소브산, 프로피온산 함량을 HPLC와 GC로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 유제품 25건 중 안식향산은 7건, 소브산은 2건, 프로피온 산은 1건에서 검출되었으며, 검출률은 각각 28%, 8%, 4% 였다. 안식향산, 소브산, 프로피온산은 각각 최고 농도 14.19, 416.91, 244.03 mg/kg까지 검출되었다. 소르빈산 칼 륨이 표기가 된 시료는 총 3건으로 그 중 2건에서 소브산 이 검출되었으나 국내 유제품 중 소브산 사용 기준에 모 두 적합한 수치였고 프로피온산이 첨가되었다고 표기된 시료는 없었다. 안식향산과 프로피온산이 검출된 시료의 경 우 천연에서 유래할 수 있는 메커니즘이 알려져 있고 미생 물 최소 저해 농도 이하의 수치로 검출되어 보존 효과를 나타낼 수 없기 때문에 의도적으로 첨가되지는 않았을 것 으로 사료된다. 본 연구는 향후 유제품 중 보존료 사용에 대한 소비자의 불안감 해소와 보존료의 안전성 관리 및 천연유래를 판단하기 위한 중요한 기초자료로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
국내 유통 중인 과·채류음료 64건을 대상으로 비타민 C, 폴리페놀, 무기질 함량에 대해 분석하였다. 분석 결과 비 타민 C는 1.851-251.108 mg/100 mL의 범위를 나타냈고, 비 가열 처리 사과주스에서 평균 함량 89.646 mg/100 mL로 가장 높게 나타났다. 폴리페놀은 260.767-1895.095 mg GAE/L의 범위를 나타냈으며 비가열 처리 사과주스에서 평균 함량이 1042.311 mg GAE/L로 가장 높게 나타났다. 무기질의 경우에는 100 mL 당 평균 함량이 가열 처리 오 렌지주스에서 셀레늄, 구리가 각각 0.101 μg, 22.875 μg으 로 가장 높게 나타났다. 비가열 처리 딸기주스에서 마그 네슘, 인, 철의 평균 함량이 각각 4.281 mg/100 mL, 16.085 mg/100 mL, 0.400 mg/100 mL으로 가장 높게 나타 났으며, 가열 처리 딸기주스에서 아연의 평균함량이 149.344 μg/100 mL으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 성인남성기준 일일권장섭취량과 비교해보았을 때, 200 mL의 주스 한 컵 을 마실 경우, 비타민 C는 하루 권장섭취량의 최대 5배 섭 취가 가능했고, 무기질 중 철은 50% 이상 충족이 가능했다.
Fine dust absorbed into our body through the skin causes various inflammatory responses in skin cells and accelerates skin aging. This study aimed to investigate the potential of Allomyrina dichotoma larvae, approved as edible ingredients, as inhibitor for fine dust-induced inflammaging. The anti-inflammaging effects of aqueous ethanolic Allomyrina dichotoma larvae extract (ADLE) against ERM-CZ100 were evaluated at the cellular level. Biochemical responses associated with cell damage in human dermal fibroblasts were assessed by measuring intracellular ROS, DNA fragmentation, β-galactosidase activity, cytokines, and protein expression. Exposure to ERM-CZ100 increased ROS production, DNA fragments, and β-galactosidase activity, which reduced cell viability. However, these detrimental effects were significantly mitigated by co-treatment with ADLE. The mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines induced by ERM-CZ100 was decreased by ADLE treatment, which was further corroborated by a reduction in COX2 protein expression. Additionally, ADLE restored the elevated matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 levels and reduced COL1A1 expression caused by ERM-CZ100 exposure. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that ADLE not only holds nutritional value as a potential future food resource but also exhibits promising properties as a novel material for treating inflammation. Moreover, it demonstrates a positive effect in preventing skin aging caused by environmental pollution.
본 연구에서는 열유도상분리법으로 제조한 polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) 중공사막의 오염성과 화학적 세척에 대한 실험을 진행하였다. 오염수는 소 혈청 단백질(bovine serum albumin, BSA)과 카올린(kaolin)을 이용해 제조하였으며, 차아 염소산나트륨(NaOCl), 구연산(citric acid), 황산(H2SO4)으로 화학적 세척을 진행한 후 뒤 표면 전하 분석기, 주사전자현미경 (scanning electron microscope, SEM) 그리고 에너지 분산 X선 분광법(energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDX)을 통해 세 척 효율을 평가하였다. PVDF 분리막은 높은 내화학성과 열적 안정성을 가지는 분리막으로 화학적 세척을 진행한 결과 가장 좋은 효율은 차아염소산나트륨으로 세척한 것으로 그 결과 투과도는 793.2 L/(로 초기 투과량인 945.3 L/( 값과 비교하였을 때 약 84% 회복률을 보여주었다. 이는 수처리 공정에서의 막 오염 방지 및 세척의 중요성을 제시한다.
In this study, 41 individuals in 7 locations within CP, MG, UC, and DN map sheets were observed. The MG map sheet had the highest number (n=13) of individuals, while the CP-3 site on the CP map sheet had the lowest number (n=1) of individuals. Land use analysis indicated that the MG site with the highest number of individuals had a high percentage (70.56%) of forest land areas with a small percentage (12.63%) of farmland areas. The CP-3 site with the lowest number of individuals had a small percentage (26.47%) of farmland areas. It also had the highest percentage (32.13%) of residential and commercial areas, covering 19,616 m2. Measurement results of the physical habitat environment for B. karubei indicated a mean substrate of -2.1 (Φm), an average water depth of 63.0 cm, and a flow velocity of 0.2 m s-1. The association rule analysis for co-occurring species revealed that Semisulcospira coreana, Ecdyonurus kibunensis, and Goera japonica had the highest associations among lotic species, while Limnodrilus gotoi and Calopteryx japonica demonstrated the highest association among lentic species.
This study evaluated the suitability of using Wickerhamomyces anomalus A1-5 isolated from solid grain fermentation broth for winemaking by comparing the quality and functionality of Campbell Early wine produced with single and mixed inoculations. The pH ranged from 3.43 to 3.68, with the highest value in treatment B. Soluble solids ranged from 5.0 to 7.7 °Brix. Total acidity was measured at 0.42% to 0.47%. Color analysis indicated a significant decrease in lightness with an increase in redness across all treatment groups compared to the control. Among aroma compounds, 8 alcohols, 6 esters, 3 acids, and 11 other compounds were identified, with the control having the highest alcohol content and treatment D having the highest ester content. Tannin and total polyphenol contents ranged from 46.46 mg% to 95.92 mg% and from 87.66 mg% to 147.21 mg%, respectively. Antioxidant activities measured by DPPH and ABTS assays ranged from 33.84% to 69.02% and from 42.43% to 89.18%, respectively, with treatment B exhibiting the highest activities. These results suggest that W. anomalus A1-5 may positively influence the quality and functionality of Campbell Early wine, presenting potential as a novel yeast strain for winemaking.
To utilize textured vegetable protein (TVP) instead of meat in kimchi stew, TVP of different sizes were added to kimchi stew under different cooking conditions. Canned Kimchi stew was prepared by adding processed TVP. Physicochemical quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of the broth, kimchi, and meat (or TVP) were measured. The pH and salinity did not show a significant difference between treatment groups in the broth or kimchi. However, the TVP treatment group showed higher pH and lower salinity than the control group. There was no significant difference in color between control group and TVP-treated groups. In terms of texture, the control group had the lowest hardness, gumminess, and chewiness, followed by TVP-1 and TVP-2 manufactured after pre-cooking, which showed lower hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. The smaller the size of the TVP, the lower the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness. Results of shear force were consistent with those of hardness. Contents of flavonoid and polyphenol compounds as antioxidant components did not increase or decrease with the addition of TVP. There were no significant differences in antioxidant activities among experimental groups.
본 연구에서는 이온성 물질 제거와 재생을 동시 수행하는 바이폴라막에 대한 운전 조건에 따른 성능 영향과 고회 수율을 위한 재생 조건을 연구하였다. 유입수의 농도와 유량이 증가할수록 제거율이 빠르게 감소하였으며 제거율 80% 지점 까지 유입수 농도 300 mg/L에서 최대의 TDS 제거용량을 나타내었고, 유입수 유량은 낮을수록 더 많은 TDS 제거용량을 나 타내었다. 낮은 전압에서는 제거율이 급격하게 감소하였고 전압이 높아질수록 제거율이 증가하지만, 일정 수준 이상의 전압 에서는 추가적인 제거율 향상을 보이지 않았다. 한편 재생을 위한 전압은 75 V로 선정하였는데, 이 이상의 재생 전압에서는 온도의 급격한 상승 및 이로 인한 바이폴라막의 손상이 관찰되었다. 재생 시 재생수의 공급을 최소화하기 위한 다양한 운전 모드가 평가되었고 70%의 고회수율을 구현할 수 있는 재생모드를 제안하였다.
To determine the differences in food quality between fish fed a low fish meal diet containing black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) instead of fish meal and those fed a general fish meal diet, we analyzed the approximate components, mineral content, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition, color, and texture of Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). The analysis of approximate components showed no difference between the two samples, except for moisture content. Mineral contents were measured in the order of K, P, Na, and Mg in both samples, with no difference except for phosphorus (P). A total of 16 amino acids were detected in both samples, with no significant differences in their composition. Additionally, 17 types of free amino acids were identified, with no significant differences between the two samples. The fatty acid composition consisted of 13 fatty acids, with palmitic acid, DHA, and oleic acid being the most prominent, although slight differences in content were observed. The color and texture also showed no differences between the two samples. Overall, there were no significant differences in chemical components or physical characteristics, so it was judged to be insignificant in terms of food science.
고체전해질은 높은 에너지 밀도와 안전성을 갖춘 차세대 리튬이온전지에 꼭 필요한 핵심 요소다. 이러한 고체전 해질의 제작을 위해서 기존 고체전해질의 낮은 이온전도도와 높은 계면저항 문제를 해결해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 강화된 이 온 전도성과 계면 안정성을 지닌 PVDF-HFP 고분자에 분산된 Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) 나노와이어 복합체를 기반으로 하는 새 로운 전해질(PVDF-HFP/LLZO/SN, PHLS membrane)을 제안한다. PHLS에 용매 열압착(Sovlent heat press, SHP)을 통해 계 면 저항과 내부 공극이 감소된 PHLS-(SHP)는 30°C에서 2.06 × 10-4 S/cm의 높은 이온 전도도, 4.5 V (vs. Li/Li+)의 넓은 전 기화학적 전위 창, 리튬 금속과 전해질 사이의 안정된 계면 안정성을 나타냈다. 0.2 mA/cm2에서 수행된 Li 대칭 셀을 사용한 전기화학적 테스트에서 150 시간 이상 안정성을 유지하는 것으로 확인되었으며, 이는 당사의 복합 기반 고체 전해질을 활용 하여 전기화학적 성능이 향상되었음을 시사한다.
This study presents an integrated indoor air quality index (IAQI) algorithm aimed at enhancing the efficiency of indoor air quality management in diverse indoor environments. The proposed IAQI accounts for the combined effects of multiple pollutants, offering a more comprehensive approach than traditional concentrationbased methods. Findings from four exposure scenarios and probabilistic health risk assessments indicate that the IAQI can be tailored to reflect occupant characteristics and space usage, thereby providing improved protection for sensitive populations, such as newborns. The application of occupant-specific criteria led to reductions in pollutant concentrations and associated health risks compared to conventional standards. Furthermore, the IAQI incorporates correction factors and weighted adjustments, facilitating robust risk assessments in complex multi-pollutant contexts. By addressing the limitations of single-pollutant management, this approach supports the development of more effective strategies for indoor air quality control. The proposed algorithm holds significant potential for practical applications in indoor air quality management and policymaking. Future research should focus on validating its effectiveness across a wider range of indoor environments.
This study aimed to evaluate quality characteristics and functionality of liqueurs made from different plum varieties (chu-hui and Blood Plum) with various maceration treatments. Liqueurs were prepared by adjusting plum extraction content and alcohol concentration from 10% to 50%. After 12 weeks of maceration, the pH ranged from 4.08 to 4.77. Both total acidity and soluble solidsincreased with higher alcohol content. Redness(a*), a key factor affecting consumer preference, was higher in blood plum liqueurs (17.15~52.69) than in Chu-hui liqueurs (-0.31~4.69). Antioxidant activity measured by DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging ability peaked at 8 weeks of maceration, showing variations among treatments. When the extraction ratio of plums was below 30%, the color appeared light. Liqueurs treated with 30% Blood Plum for 8 weeks showed the highest commercial potential. This study provides scientific information necessary for establishing a manufacturing process for plum-based liqueurs.
벼의 주요 해충인 먹노린재의 실내 사육을 위해 발육 특성을 조사하였다. 먼저 알을 부화시키기 위해서는 수분 제공이 반드시 필요하였다. 부 화한 1령 약충은 수분 제공만으로 2령 약충으로 발육이 가능하였다. 그러나 2령 약충은 수분 제공만으로는 3령 약충으로 발육하지 못하고 모두 사망 하였다. 먹노린재 약충 1령기부터 볏과 8종의 식물을 제공했을 때 출수기의 벼에서 약충부터 성충으로 도달한 개체의 생존율은 90.0%로 가장 높았 으며, 수수와 밀은 각각 30.0%, 26.7%였으며, 보리는 6.7%, 조와 피는 3.3%로 낮았다. 유묘기의 옥수수에서는 3령이 되기 전에 모두 사망하였고, 출수기의 기장에서는 성충이 되기 전에 모두 사망하였다. 유묘기의 벼에서는 성충에 도달한 개체의 생존율이 25%로 출수기의 벼보다 낮았다. 그러 나, 유묘기의 벼에서 자란 1~2령 약충은 출수기 벼와 다른 볏과 식물보다 체중이 가장 무거웠다. 출수기의 벼에서는 4령과 5령 약충의 발육기간이 각각 평균 8.5일과 12.1일로 가장 짧았다. 출수기 벼에서 자란 먹노린재의 성충 몸무게는 50.91 mg으로 유묘기의 벼와 출수기의 수수와 밀에서 자 란 먹노린재의 성충 몸무게보다 무거웠다. 이러한 결과를 종합하면 먹노린재 약충의 발육과 생존에 가장 적합한 기주식물로 출수기의 벼가 제안되 었다.
Oyster mushrooms were analyzed to confirm the effect of installing a convection fan on the uniformity of the environment inside the cultivation house, the quantity of fruiting bodies, and marketability for stable production. When using a convection fan, it was confirmed that the temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration were maintained more uniformly than when not used.As for the characteristics of the fruiting bodies, the quantity per bottle was 177.3 g when using a convection fan, which was 17% higher than when not used, and the individual weight was 49% higher. In addition, the cap diameter, cap thickness, and stem thickness increased slightly in the convection fan treatment, and the stem length was shorter.
The winter forage triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) cultivar ‘Onggoljin’ was developed in 2018 by Central Area Crop Breeding Division, the National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, as a winter forage. ‘Onggoljin’ has green leaves with medium length and narrower blade width compared to ‘Joseong’. ‘Onggoljin’ has shorter length spikes, a slightly longer awn than ‘Joseong’, and it’s anther without anthocyanin color. The seeds of ‘Onggoljin’ was shorter in both length and thickness than those of ‘Joseong’, with a yellowish-brown grain coat color. The heading date of ‘Onggoljin’ was at April 23 nationwide on average, two days later than ‘Joseong’. It exhibits stronger winter hardness, and simmilar lodging and desease resistance compared to ‘Joseong’. The plant height of ‘Onggoljin’ was longer than that of ‘Joseong’, and its fresh matter yield and dry matter yield were 46.31 tons/ha and 15.75 tons/ha, respectively, representing 18% and 17% higher than ‘Joseong’. The forage quality characteristics of ‘Onggoljin’ at late milky stage were crude protein content of 6.2%, neutral detergent fiber content of 59.5%, acid detergent fiber content of 34.4%, and total digestible nutrients content of 61.8%, and the silage quality was grade 2. The grain yield of ‘Onggoljin’ was 6.57 tons per ha.
Fish require movement for feeding, spawning, growth, and evading predators, making swimming ability a critical factor in their survival. Swimming speed in fish are generally classified into sustained, prolonged, and burst speed. This study assessed the swimming capabilities of native benthic freshwater fish and provided data to inform the design and construction of fishways. Three fish species were examined: Pseudobagrus fulvidraco (family Bagridae), Tridentiger brevispinis and Rhinogobius brunneus (family Gobiidae). Measurements of total length, standard length, body weight, and body height were collected for each species, and swimming ability was evaluated using a swimming tunnel apparatus. Swimming ability was determined by measuring burst speed to calculate the critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and the relative swimming speed (TL s-1). The mean critical swimming speeds were 0.73±0.15 m s-1 for P. fulvidraco, 0.75±0.1 m s-1 for T. brevispinis, and 1.34±0.12 m s-1 for R. brunneus. Additionally, a significant correlation was found between swimming ability and total length, indicating that swimming capabilities may vary based on body type and behavior. These findings contribute essential insights into the swimming abilities of native freshwater fish, offering valuable data for improving fishway design. Further research is suggested to evaluate the swimming capabilities of a broader range of freshwater fish species to enhance fishway efficiency.
In this study, Pleurotus ostreatus were grown in bottles at temperatures set to 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C inside the cultivation room. Changes in temperature, CO2 concentration, and humidity inside the bottles were measured, and growth characteristics according to the temperature conditions were evaluated. CO2 concentration increased overall as the temperature increased and was particularly stable at 20°C, suggesting that 20°C is the optimal condition for the physiological respiration of P. ostreatus . While humidity was relatively constant at 15°C, it decreased over time at 20°C and was maintained at a stable level at 25°C, suggesting that water retention capacity may occur at high temperatures. As a result of the growth investigation, the yield per bottle and individual weight were the highest at 20°C, confirming that 20°C is the most suitable temperature condition for the growth of oyster mushrooms. At 25°C, the yield per bottle was maintained but the individual weight decreased and the color tended to change. These results suggest that the interaction between CO2 concentration, humidity, and temperature has a significant effect on the growth and quality of oyster mushrooms, and that it is effective to control the cultivation room temperature to 20°C for optimal growth.