Large amounts of waste and wastewater from aquaculture have negatively impacted ecosystems. Among them, shrimp aquaculture wastewater contains large amounts of nitrogen contaminants derived from feed residues in an aerobic environment. This study isolated candidate strains from adult rockworms to treat shrimp aquaculture wastewater (SAW) in an aerobic environment. Among 87 strains isolated, 25 grew well at the same temperature as the shrimp aquaculture with excellent polymer degradation ability (>0.5 cm clear zone). Six isolates (strains AL1, AL4, AL5, AL6, LA10, and PR15) were finally selected after combining strains with excellent polymer degradation ability without antagonism. 16S rRNA sequencing analysis revealed that strains AL1, AL4, AL5, AL6, LA10, and PR15 were closely related to Bacillus paramycoides, Bacillus pumilus, Stenotrophomonas rhizophila, Bacillus paranthracis, Bacillus paranthracis, and Micrococcus luteus, respectively. When these six isolates were applied to SAW, they reached a maximum cell viability of 2.06×105 CFU mL-1. Their chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) and total nitrogen (TN) removal rates for 12 h were 51.0% and 44.6%, respectively, when the CODCr/TN ratio was approximately 10.0. Considering these removal rates achieved in this study under batch conditions, these six isolates could be used for aerobic denitrification. Consequently, these six isolates from rockworms are good candidates that can be applied to the field of aquaculture wastewater treatment.
This study was conducted to investigate the vertical distribution and vascular plants in the Gakho mountain. Form the results of three field surveys from May 2022 to September 2022, a total of 478 total taxa, representing 426 species, 11 subspecies, 35 varieties, four forms, and two hybrids were identified, which were categorized in 282 genera and 94 families. We identified the elevational distribution ranges of 398 taxa of vascular plants. Among them, 19 taxa were endemic to Korea, one taxon was identified as a rare plant. The floristic target plants amounted to 72 taxa, specifically two taxa of grade V, two taxa of grade IV, 16 taxa of grade III, 27 taxa of grade II, and 25 taxa of grade I. Further, 71 taxa were identified as northern lineage plants. A total of 19 taxa of alien plants were identified, with a Naturalized Index of 4.0%, an Urbanization Index of 6.6%, and three plants that disturbed the ecosystem. The result of analyzing the pattern of species richness showed a reversed hump shape with minimum richness at midhigh elevation. A cluster analysis showed a high degree of similarity between adjacent elevation sections that are geographically adjacent with similar habitat environments. Warmth index in the Gakho mountain ranged from 57.2°C · month to 84.2°C · month. Our results provide basic data on vascular plants and valuable information on elevational distribution ranges of current plant species in the Gakho mountain, which could serve as a baseline for comparison of the shifts in elevation under future climate change.
The development of ICT technology has created new channels for product sales and promotion, which not only make information accessible to customers as easy as possible, but also provide consumers with much more absolute and comparative information. Modern consumers are exposed so many shopping channels currently, especially mobile-based channels have grown significantly and have become the center of the market. It is true that mobile shopping has led the growth of overall online shopping with the recent development of mobile devices such as smartphones and related software. The importance of strengthening corporate competitiveness and mobile-based management strategies through on line channels continues to increase. At this point, this study attempted to investigate the influencing factors by focusing on the entire distribution channel and mobile shopping channels. As most of previous studies were focused on Internet shopping malls or specific channels, So the research on mobile channels can be judged to be timely and appropriate. Furthermore, it can be said that mobile shopping channels are now presenting empirical implications. In conclusion, it provides practical implications to examine the management strategy of mobile shopping channels from the perspective of consumer value.
본 연구는 원통형 종이포트 토마토 육묘시 Diniconazole의 처리방법이 도장억제 및 근권발달에 미치는 영향을 검토하기 위하여 수행되었다. 그 결과, 엽면적, LAR, 초장, 충실도, 생체중, RGR 및 R/S 에서 시험구간 유의한 차이를 보였다. 동일한 농도를 처리했을 경우, 근권부와 지상부의 흡수도 차이로 인해 저면관수가 엽면살포에 비해 도장억제에 효과적이었다. 저면관수는 엽면시비의 10분의 1의 농도만으로도, 20~30%정도의 동일한 도장억제 효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 디니코나졸 처리에의한 근권부 반응이 흥미로웠는데, 저면관수시 총근장, 근권부피, 평균 근경 및 근단수가 증가하였다. 특히, 0.3mm 이하의 초미세근이 감소하고 0.3~0.6mm의 세근이 증가하였다. 따라서 원통형 종이포트 육묘시 저면관수를 하는 것이 기존 엽면시비에 비해 사용량이 적으면서도 도장억제 및 근권부 활착률을 높힐 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 두 종류의 표면 개질제 trimethylchlorosilane(TMCS), hexamethyldisilazane(HMDZ)를 사용하여 fumed silica의 표면 개질 과정에서 첨가량 변화에 따른 소수성 및 분산성 변화에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 표면 개질 과정에서 사용된 개질제는 fumed silica 중량 대비 0~80wt%로 첨가하였으며, FT-IR(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy), EA(Elemental analysis) 분석을 통해 개질제의 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 fumed silica의 소수성이 증가함을 확인하였다. 그리고 fumed silica의 소수성이 증가함에 따른 분산성 변화 분석을 위해 TEM(Transmission electron spectroscopy), PSA(Particle size analyzer)를 측정하였다. 그 결과, fumed silica의 소수성이 증가함에 따라 fumed silica의 입자간의 응집력이 약화되어 분산성이 향상되고 평균 입자 크기 또한 감소하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. Fumed silica의 개질 안정성을 평가하기 위해 자체 실험을 진행한 결과, 소수성 개질된 fumed silica의 경우 표면 개질제 첨가량과 관계없이 일정 시간 이후에도 소수성이 유지되고 있음을 확인하였다.
With the development of industry, environmental deterioration has become a global problem. Not only national policies on environmental issues should be strengthen but also environmental consciousness of corporate and consumers should be changed. In particular, corporate should strive to develop and improve green products for sustainable development.
Green advertising is one of an efficient marketing tools to sell the green product. The important role of green advertising is to awaken necessity of green product and to imprint green brand image consumer`s mind. Green advertising influencing consumer attitude plays a useful role of green purchase behavior.
This study explores dynamic relationships among personal uses of green advertising, attitude toward product, and purchase behavior for green products. The purpose of research is how personal uses of green advertising effects on attitude toward green products and green purchase behavior. Consumers are exposed to a large number of advertisings so that it is important to investigate how much they trust green advertising and what aspect of green advertising affects green purchase behavior. This study tries to contribute useful insights to practitioners who need a more effective communication strategy of green advertising.
The world is in the process of a structural change related to ICT convergence knowledge industries. ICT is leading to the creation of new products and services, and is making our lives more convenient, safer, and more efficient. In advanced countries, many studies have been conducted with the goal of developing new business models converged with ICT, and this is also the case in the food industry. Korea possesses world-leading ICT, and if this ICT is applied to the food industry, a world-class new business model can be developed. The u-Food System, which is in the process of development in Korea, is a next-generation food system that can allow food providers, consumers, and distributors to access various types of information about food products, including traceability, distribution, safety, quality, and freshness, and manage this information. It is a future food system that converges ICT, biotechnology and sensing technology with food.
Based on the u-Food System, this paper will introduce the status of current smart quality distribution technologies that converge ICT (such as sensor tag, sensor network, LBS, GIS, and CDMA) with food technologies (such as traceability, quality, distribution management) to manage
the safety and quality of fresh food in the distribution process.
담낭신경내분비종은 드물게 발생하는 일차성 담낭암이며, 전산화단층촬영이나 초음파와 같은 통상적인 영상검사로 쉽게 발견되지 않는다. 석회화담낭 역시 드물기 때문에 석회화담낭을 동반하는 신경내분비종은 매우 희귀하다. 명치부위 통증을 주소로 내원한 75세 여자환자가 전산화단층촬영에서 석회화담낭과 다엽성 종괴가 발견되어 확대 담낭절제술을 시행하였고, 최종 병리소견으로 담낭신경내분비종과 석회화담낭이 확진되었다. 석회화담낭을 동반하는 담낭신경내분비종은 이전에 보고된 바 없기에 저자들은 이를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
The purpose of this study is to analysis of muscle fatigue in the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles according to therapy table height variation. The subjects were consisted of 15 healthy adults(10 males, 5 females) who had no medical history of neurological and musculoskeletal problems. In experiment, wireless electrode EMG system was measured for each the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles during the treatment performed on table. the differences in the muscle fatigue was compared for 4 types of table height(-6cm, -3cm, 0, +3cm from elbow in 90° flexion position). Muscle fatigue according to therapy table height were significant difference except for left upper trapezius. And muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis showed significant decrease in +3cm table height compared to -6cm table height(p<.05). Muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis were the highest in -6cm table height, but those were the lowest in +3cm table height. This study propose to change therapy table height higher than +3cm from elbow in 90° flexion position, if you hope to reduce muscle fatigue.
Mealworms, Tenebrio molitor (L.) is used as an important animal feed additive for growth promotion and health management, but potentially exposes to fungal infection. In this work, virulence of two species of entomopathogenic fungi against the insect, and the relationship between abiotic features and virulence were investigated. Secondly our consideration was also given to the effect of chemical fungicides on conidial germination for risk control. Between Beauveria bassiana (Bb) and Metarhizium roberstii (Mr) (previously M. anisopliae), Bb isolates had much higher virulence (~100% mortality in 3~4 days after the treatment), rather than Mr isolates in laboratory assays. Next, fungus-treated mealworms were kept at wheat bran at 20, 25, 30 and 35℃ with 3, 6, 9 times of water spray to the feeds for set-up of different humidity conditions. Inoculation of fungi to mealworms was conducted by fungal spray and feeding methods, which resulted in higher virulence in feeding method. In the feeding method, all temperature treatments except 35℃ showed high virulence against mealworms, but any significant relationship between virulence and humidity was not observed. In the chemical fungicide screening, fluazinam (CAS No. 79622-59-6) and mancozeb (8018-01-7) significantly inhibited the germination of Bb and Mr conidia. This work suggest that contamination of wheat bran with fungal pathogens, particularly B. bassiana may induce mycosis of mealworms, but introduction of effective fungicides possibly reduce fungal infection.
One-step dilution and direct transfer would be a practical technique for the field application of frozen embryo. This study was to examine whether Jeju Black Cattle (JBC, Korean Cattle) can be successfully cloned from vitrified and one-tep diluted somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) blastocyst after direct transfer. For vitrification, JBC-SCNT blastocysts were serially exposed in glycerol (G) and ethylene glycol (EG) mixtures〔10% (v/v) G for 5 min., 10% G plus 20% EG (v/v) for 5 min., and 25% G plus 25% EG (v/v) for 30 sec.〕which is diluted in 10% FBS added D-PBS. And then SCNT blastocysts were loaded in 0.25 ml mini straw, placed in cold nitrogen vapor for 3 min. and then plunged into LN2. One-step dilution in straw was done in 25℃ water for 1 min, by placing vertically in the state of plugged- end up and down for 0.5 min, respectively. When in vitro developmental capacity of vitrified SCNT blastocyst was examined at 48 h after one-step dilution, hatched rate (56.4%) was slightly lower than that of control group (62.5%). In field trial, when the vitrified-thawed SCNT blastocysts were transferred into uterus of synchronized 5 recipients, a cloned female JBC was delivered by natural birth on day 299 and healthy at present. In addition, when the short tandem repeat marker analysis of the cloned JBC was evaluated, microsatellite loci of 11 numbers was perfectly matched genotype with donor cell (BK94-14). This study suggested that our developed vitrification and one-step dilution technique can be applied effectively on field trial for cloned animal production, which is even no longer in existence.
Early diagnoses of pregnancy for animal such as swine and bovine is extremely important to increase income of a farmhouse and for the management of farm. For the development of immunoasaay system of pregnancy in swine, we report a competitive heterologous enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the direct measurement of oestrone sulfate (E1S) in diluted urine using anti-E1G (glucuronide) monoclonal antibody which cross react with E1S. The principle of assay was based on the typical solid-phase competitive ELISA methods using E1G-HRP (horseradish peroxidase) as a tracer and E1S for standard. The method had a reasonable sensitivity for the detection of E1S with 0.15 ng/ml as a detection limit. The intra-assay and inter-assay precisions were raging coefficient of from 8.50~9.67% and 8.50~9.87%, respectively, which were quite acceptable. In a field trial with a group 37 sows (18 non-pregnancy and 19 pregnancy sows) after day 29~30 post service, the concentration of E1S were determined to be below 30 ng/ml in all non-pregnancy group and over 48 ng/ml in pregnancy group except one sample. The method described here, heterologous ELISA for the measurement of E1S in urine is good enough for monitoring the early pregnancy test of swine.
This study was to investigate the effect of flavonoid treatment on in vitro development of bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos, and their pregnancy and delivery rate after embryo transfer into recipient. In experiment 1, to optimize the flavonoid concentration, parthenogenetic day 2 (≥ 2-cell) embryos were cultured in 0 (control), 1, 10 and 20 μM flavonoid for 6 days. In the results, in vitro development rate was the highest in 10 μM flavonoid group (57.1%) among treatment groups (control, 49.5%; 1 μM, 54.2%; 20 μM, 37.5%), and numbers of total and ICM cells were significantly (p<0.05) higher in 10 μM flavonoid group than other groups. We found that 10 μM flavonoid treatment can significantly (p<0.05) decrease the apoptotic index and derive high expression of anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, cell growth and development marker genes such as Mn-SOD, Survivin, Bax inhibitor, Glut-5, In-tau, compared to control group. In experiment 2, to produce the cloned Jeju Black Cattle, beef quality index grade 1 bull somatic cells were transferred into enucleated bovine MII oocytes and reconstructed embryos were cultured in 10 μM flavonoid added medium. When the in vitro produced day 7 or 8 SCNT blastocysts were transferred into a number of recipients, 10 μM flavonoid treatment group presented higher pregnancy rate (10.2%, 6/59) than control group (5.9%, 2/34). Total three cloned Jeju Black calves were born. Also, two cloned calves in 10 μM flavonoid group were born and both were all healthy at present, while the one cloned calf born in control group was dead one month after birth. In addition, when the result of short tandem repeat marker analysis of each cloned calf was investigated, microsatellite loci of 11 numbers matched genotype between donor cell and cloned calf tissue. These results demonstrated that the flavonoid addition in culture medium may have beneficial effects on in vitro and in vivo developmental capacity of SCNT embryos and pregnancy rate.