iRAP(international Road Assessment Program)에서는 최근 다양한 유형의 도로 정밀자료를 바탕으로 한 AiRAP(Accelerated intelligent Road Assessment Program)을 개발하여 여러 국가별 RAP에 확대 적용해나가고 있는 단계에 있다. 2023년부터 국내 도로 여건을 고려한 한국형 도로안전도 평가 프로그램 개발 연구가 진행 중에 있으며, 개발되는 평가항목 및 기준, 평가기술 등에 적합한 도로안전도 평가 기초데이터 역시 유형 및 범위에 변화가 필요해짐에 따라 이를 충족하는 기초데이터 수집이 가능한 도로안전도 조사장비 개발이 기획 되었다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 고사양의 360도 도로영상 촬영장치와 360도 128채널 LiDAR 센서, 정밀 GPS 시스템, 휴대용 운영장 치 등을 갖춘 도로안전도 조사장비를 일반 차량에 탈부착이 가능한 형태로 개발하고자 하였다. 본 개발 장비로 취득 가능한 도로영상 및 점군데이터를 활용하여 AiRAP 자동분석을 통한 도로안전도 평가가 가능한데, 이를 통해 객관적이고 신뢰성 높은 평가가 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구에서는 경기 북부지역 및 온라인에서 유통되는 건고추 및 고춧가루 88건을 대상으로 잔류농약을 분석했 다. 시료는 QuEChERS법으로 전처리한 후 GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS를 이용하여 분석했다. 88건 중 70건(79.5%)에 서 잔류농약이 검출되었고 그 중 4건(4.5%)인 수입산 건 고추 2건, 수입산 고춧가루 2건이 농약 잔류허용기준을 초 과하였다. 총 61종의 농약이 검출되었고 검출 빈도가 가 장 높은 농약은 살균제 tebuconazole로 52회 검출되었다. 쌀에 사용하는 진균제 tricyclazole은 베트남산 시료 12개 중 3개 시료에서, ethion은 인도산 시료 1개에서 농약 잔 류허용기준을 초과하여 검출되었다. tricyclazole과 ethion 은 고추 품목에서의 사용이 금지되어 positive list system 제도에 의해 규제되고 있다. 본 연구를 통해 국내산 건고 추 및 고춧가루의 잔류농약 수준이 비교적 잘 관리되고 있으며 수입산 건고추 및 고춧가루에 대한 지속적인 관리 가 필요한 것으로 확인하였다.
유통 중인 생분해성 합성수지로 만들어진 식품용 기구 및 위생용품 50건을 대상으로 ‘식품용 기구 및 용기·포장 공전’의 기준·규격을 검사하였다. PLA 재질의 유아식기 1 건에서 ‘과망간산칼륨소비량’이 20mg/L으로 기준치(10 mg/ L 이하)를 초과하였고, 그 외 모든 시료에서는 포름알데히 드, 납, 비소 등이 기준·규격 이하로 안전한 수준이었다. 또한 가정에서 유아식기를 소독하는 방법의 안전성을 조 사하기 위해, PLA 재질의 유아식기(n=21)에서 반복적인 열탕소독과 자외선 조사에 따른 이행량의 변화를 조사하였다. 반복적인 열탕소독이 자외선 조사에 비해 포름알데 히드와 비소의 이행량이 많았으나, 이행량은 매우 낮은 수 준이었다. 그리고 유아(만 1-3세) 기준으로 계산한 포름알 데히드와 비소의 일일추정섭취량(EDI)은 최대 6.0×10-4mg/ kg b.w./day 및 1.3×10-1 μg/kg b.w./day였으며, 이는 일일섭 취한계량(TDI, 0.15 mg/kg b.w./day) 및 잠정주간섭취허용 량(PTWI, 9.0 μg/kg b.w./week)의 0.40% 및 10.42%로 낮 은 수준임을 확인하였다. 따라서 현 국내에서 유통되고 있 는 식품용 생분해성 합성수지제는 안전한 수준임을 확인 하였다.
PURPOSES : This study aimed to analyze the primary maintenance procedures and safety inspection checklist characteristics for suspension bridges. The study referred to the current suspension bridge safety management manual and conducted an on-site safety inspection. By comparing and analyzing any missing or inadequate inspection and management procedures, the study identified major inspection and management areas requiring improvement, and proposed potential solutions. METHODS : The study referred to the current suspension bridge safety management manual and conducted on-site safety inspections. By comparing and analyzing any missing or inadequate inspection and management procedures, the study identified major inspection and management areas requiring improvement, and proposed potential solutions. RESULTS : The study found that suspension bridges are currently inefficiently managed compared to other facilities subject to more rigorous maintenance and safety inspection. Therefore, maintenance and safety inspection procedures require improvement. CONCLUSIONS : For effective safety management and to reduce potential accident risk factors arising from negligent management, major improvements were suggested. Scientific maintenance and safety management could be achieved by incorporating enhancements into statutory requirements and improving management and inspection procedures. This long-term approach is likely to be more economical than the current methods, which lead to higher maintenance and repair costs and increased social costs from traffic accidents.
The public safety management guidelines were introduced in 2019 and continue to be dedicated to advancing comprehensive measures for public safety management, with a primary focus on prioritizing the safety and well-being of the public within governmental institutions. To achieve this goal, our previous study developed a establishment procedure of risk assessment-based safety inspection system for public institutions that order construction projects and applied it to highway construction projects to evaluate its effectiveness. To enhance the practicality of the establishment procedure, it is essential to collect and analyze feedback from stakeholders regarding its performance and suitability. This study conducted a survey involving 200 participants who had experience with the establishment procedure, and performed statistical analyses to evaluate its performance and applicability. The survey results indicated that the participants reported a high level of satisfaction (scoring 4 and above on a 5-point Likert scale) in several areas: specialization of safety inspection items for different types of work (with a satisfaction rate of 65%), the evaluation process for safety ratings (64.5%), and their willingness to recommend the procedure to other institutions (75.5%). In the factor analysis with Varimax rotation, two factors emerged: (1) a specialization factor related to safety inspection items, and (2) a grading factor associated with safety evaluation results. Regression analyses of these factors unveiled significant positive relationships with improvements in safety and health performance, including the prevention of fatal accidents, heightened safety responsibility, and raised safety inspection standards. The establishment procedure of safety inspection system developed in our previous study can play a crucial role in reducing accidents resulting in fatalities and injuries at construction sites, ultimately contributing to a safer working environment for all involved parties.
To investigate residual pesticide levels in agricultural products contained in Meal-kits, 27 Meal-kit products were collected from marts, Meal-kit shops, and online stores in Incheon City, South Korea. Seventy-six vegetable and thirty-seven mushroom products were analyzed for residual levels of 339 pesticides. Residual pesticides were detected in 23 out of 76 vegetables and were not present in the 37 mushroom products. The residual pesticide detection rate was 20.4% (23/ 113 cases). The pesticides famoxadone 0.034 mg/kg (standard: 0.01 mg/kg or less, PLS) and fenpyroximate 0.302 mg/kg (standard: 0.01 mg/kg or less, PLS) exceeded their maximum residue levels (MRL). This survey revealed that various types of pesticides remain in agricultural products in Meal-kits. Due to the nature of Meal-kit products, there is no separate standard for residual pesticides in agricultural products. Therefore, continuous monitoring of residual pesticides is necessary.
Occupational safety and health management expenses in the construction industry are statutory and separately included in the cost statement to prevent occupational accidents and health problems. The expenses are determined by multiplying the standard amount by the rate decided according to construction types and scales. However, the current expense appropriation method does not properly reflect the recent changes in the construction industry such as industry size, industry diversification, and social atmosphere about safety reinforcement. This study surveyed 1579 questionnaires in total and analyzed expense execution rate and proportion of each expense category. The expense execution rate was relative higher in complex construction (e.g., heavy construction = 126%, civil engineering = 125%) and long-period project (equal to or over 48 months construction = 133%) compared to general construction (98~116%) and short-period project (less than 48 months construction = 115%). The proportion of spending expenses was higher in the category of safety manager labor costs (25~52%), safety facility costs (22~40%), and personal protective equipment costs (10~25%). The analysis results of the study can be utilized in revising the standard expense appropriation method by reflecting the current usages of the occupational safety and health management expenses in the construction industry.
Purpose: This study aimed to development and test the effects of patient safety/infection control simulation program based on a brain-based learning framework for nursing students. Methods: This pilot study used a one group pre-post test design. The study was conducted in one university in Korea. Participants were recruited using a convenience sample. Fifteen nursing students participated in this study. Results: The levels of perception of importance of patient safety management (Z=3.41, p=.001), confidence on patient safety (Z=3.30, p=.001), attitude toward personal protective equipment (Z=3.10, p=.002), and efficacy of personal protective equipment (Z=3.35, p=.001) were significantly increased. Conclusion: The application of brain-based learning framework in nursing simulation could be an effective education for nursing students.
The present study investigated the effects of forage cutting and baler mixing on the chemical compositions, fermentation indices, and aerobic stability of whole crop rice (WCR) haylage. The WCR (“Youngwoo”) was harvested at 48.4% dry matter and ensiled into a 300 kg bale silo with forage cutting (whole crop without cutting vs. 5 cm of cutting length). The WCR forages were ensiled without baler mixing process (CON) or with (MIX). The concentrations of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude ash, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber of whole crop rice before ensiling were 48.4, 9.70, 2.57, 6.11, 41.2, and 23.5%, respectively. The forage cutting did not affect the chemical compositions, fermentation indices, microbes, and aerobic stability of WCR haylage (p>0.05). The CON haylages tend to be higher in NDF content (p<0.10). The MIX haylages had lower in lactate (p=0.019), and lactate:acetate ratio (p<0.001). The MIX haylages had higher in lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (p=0.010). Therefore, this study concluded that the fermentation quality of WCR haylage improved by baler mixing, but had no effects by forage cutting.
인천광역시에서 유통 중인 농산물을 대상으로 2019년부 터 2021년까지 최근 3년간 잔류농약 모니터링을 실시한 결과 총 7,069건 중 83건(1.2%)이 잔류허용기준을 초과하 였다. 농약 잔류허용기준을 초과한 부적합 농산물의 비율 은 1.0%, 1.4%, 1.1%으로 매년 유사한 수준으로 나타났으 며 잔류농약 검출율은 8.2%, 8.4%, 7.4%를 보였다. 최근 3 년간 diazinon, flubendiamide, procymidone, fluxametamide, fluquinconazole, hexaconazole 등의 순서로 부적합 검출빈 도가 높았으며 농산물 분류별로는 전체 농산물 중 엽채류 와 허브류에서 매년 83% 이상 발생하였다. 부적합 발생 빈도가 높았던 농산물은 고수(잎), 참나물, 취나물, 파 등 이었으며 고수(잎)은 3년 연속으로 부적합 건수가 가장 많 았다. 농산물 생산지역별로는 경기, 인천, 충남, 전남 순으 로 부적합 건수가 많았으나 지역별 출하 농산물의 검사건 수 대비 부적합율은 1.5% 내외로 큰 차이는 없었다. 일부 농산물에서 농약 잔류허용기준의 최대 250배까지 잔류농 약이 검출되는 사례도 발생하므로 부적합이 자주 발생하 는 농산물, 부적합 검출빈도가 높은 농약 성분들의 철저 한 관리가 요구된다. 특히, 농약 사용량 및 사용법 준수, 출하시기 조절 등 농민들의 교육 및 인식 개선이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 안전이 확보된 농산물의 생산과 유통, 소 비자의 안전한 식생활을 보장하기 위해서는 농산물에 대 한 잔류농약 모니터링을 지속적으로 실시하여 부적합 발 생 농산물의 유통을 사전에 차단하는 것이 무엇보다 중요 할 것으로 판단된다.
Recently, the Severe Disaster Punishment Act (January 27, 2022) was implemented, and the importance of industrial safety and health is being re-recognized. In addition, the reality is that the management burden is increasing, such as investing huge costs in reducing safety accidents centered on large companies. In this situation, we would like to help improve the working environment consistent with safety and health by deriving diagnosis and improvement measures for the current situation through a survey of production workers working in mid-sized and small-sized enterprises.
본 연구는 2021년 2월부터 7월까지 잡곡 106건을 수거 하여 잔류농약 실태조사를 하였다. 대형, 중소형 및 온라 인 유통매장을 중심으로 국내 잡곡 40건과 수입 잡곡 66 건을 수거하였고, GC/MSMS, GC/ECD, GC/NPD, LC/ MSMS, UPLC/PDA, HPLC/FLD를 이용하여 다종농약 다 성분분석법으로 잔류농약 341종을 분석하였다. 잔류농약 이 검출된 잡곡은 대형유통매장 1건, 중소형 유통매장 2 건, 온라인 유통매장 5건으로 총 8건(7.5%)이었고, 5건 (4.7%)에서는 농약잔류허용기준을 초과하였다. 이들 잡곡 에서는 MGK-264, chlorpyrifos, thiamethoxam, malathion, piperonyl butoxide, pirimiphos-methyl 등 6종의 농약 성분 이 검출되었다. 검출된 잡곡은 강낭콩(1건), 녹두(6건), 수 수(1건)이다. 검출된 잡곡 중 농약잔류허용기준을 초과한 품목은 수입 녹두(5건)로 미얀마산이었고, 초과한 농약 성 분은 thiamethoxam이었다.
본 연구에서는 시중에 유통 중인 향신식물 및 향신료가 공품의 안전성을 확보하기 위하여 인천광역시 지역의 농산물 도매시장, 대형마트 및 온라인 마켓에서 수거한 향신식 물 및 향신료가공품 112건을 대상으로 다종농약다성분분석 법으로 검사 가능한 잔류농약 400종을 검사하였다. 품목별 수거현황은 허브류(생것) 57건, 허브류(건조) 32건, 향신열매 11건, 향신씨 6건, 기타향신식물 4건, 향신뿌리 2건이며, 허 브류(생것)(50.9%) 및 허브류(건조)(28.6%)로 많은 비중을 차지하였다. 잔류농약은 전체 112건 중 4건이 잔류허용기준 이내로 검출되어 3.6%의 검출률을 보였으며 기준을 초과한 농산물은 13건(11.6%)이었다. 총 11종의 농약성분이 검출되었고 검출된 작물은 바질, 고수, 딜, 레몬밤, 레몬그라스, 민트, 타임, 로즈마리, 카디멈이었다. 향신식물의 잔류농약 검출 결과, 잔류허용기준이 설정되어 있는 농약의 잔류량이 허용기준 이하인 것은 농약 안전사용기준인 농약의 살포량, 살포횟수, 살포시기를 기준에 맞게 사용된 것으로 추측된다. 농약 안전사용기준을 준수하지 않으면 부적합 처리될 가능성이 많아지게 되므로 재배농가들이 농약사용지침을 반드시 준수하도록 지도 감독을 강화해야 할 것이다. 향신식물의 잔류농약 안전성을 확보하기 위해서는 지속적인 모니터링을 통해 잔류허용기준(MRLs) 설정이 필요하다고 판단된다.
In order to collect basic data for the improvement of fishing systems in coastal improved stow net fishery, a questionnaire survey and on-site hearing were conducted from May 10 to June 11, 2019 on the basic items of coastal improved stow net fishery and safety accidents that occurred during fishing operation. The questionnaire for the survey on the actual conditions of coastal improved stow net fishery consisted of a survey on basic matters (six questions) and a questionnaire (six questions) on safety accidents occurring during fishing operation. The results of the survey on basic items were analyzed by region (Incheon, Seocheon, Gunsan and Mokpo), by the captain’s age (less than 50 years of age, 50 to 60 years and more than 60 years of age), by the captain’s career (less than 20 years, 20 to 30 years, 30 to 40 years and more than 40 years) and by the age of fishing vessel (less than 10 years, 10 to 20 years and more than 20 years). According to the survey on basic items of coastal improved stow net fishery such as the captain’s age, the captain’s career, the age of fishing vessel, the fishing nets in use, the crews on board and the operation days per voyage by region, the average captain’s age was 55.7 years, the average captain’s career was 20.5 years, the average age of fishing vessels was 9.0 years, the average numbers of nets used by fishing boats was 14.0 sets, the average numbers of crew on board a fishing boat was 4.4 persons and the average numbers of operation days per voyage was 4.9 days (p < 0.05). As a result of the survey on safety factors during fishing operations, such as experience of ship accidents, major causes of ship accidents experienced, causes of ship accidents (first priority), experience of human accidents, major causes of human accidents, and causes of human accidents (first priority), more than 96% of the respondents experienced ship accidents including collisions with other vessels or fishing gear during fishing operations. The most significant cause of the accident was the other’s fishing gear installed in the fishing grounds. The first possible causes of ship accidents during fishing operations were found to be other fishing gear installed in fishing grounds, steering or engine failure, and inability to avoid accidents during casting and hauling nets. The survey of the experience of human accidents, such as injuries or sea falls, showed that more than 90% of the respondents experienced human accidents during fishing operations. The most important cause of accidents experienced during fishing operations was stucked in a fishing gear during casting and hauling nets. The first important causes of accidents during fishing operations were movement of the fishing gear during casting and hauling nets, damage of the fishing gear such as rope cutting. The results are expected to be provided as a basic data to prevent safety accidents occurring during fishing operation and improve the fishing system in the coastal improved stow net fishery.