
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 175

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 초등학생들의 식습관 및 기호도를 조사하고, 저학년과 고학년의 식습관 및 기호도의 차이점을 분석하였다. 1. 일반사항 조사 대상자는 남학생 435명, 여학생 435명이었고, 학년별 인원은 1학년이 120명, 2학년 150명, 3학년 151명, 4학년 150 명, 5학년 149명, 6학년 150명이 응답하였다. 식구 수는 4~5 명이 가장 많았고, 주거 형태는 아파트가 가장 많았다. 2. 식습관 조사 식사의 규칙성은 항상 그렇다가 가장 많았고, 주로 아침을 결식하는 경우가 가장 높게 나타났다. 고학년과 저학년의 차 이를 분석한 결과, 저학년은 점심을, 고학년은 저녁을 결식하 는 것으로 나타났다. 음식을 남기는 버릇에서는 항상 남긴다 가 가장 높았고, 음식을 먹을 때 가장 중점을 두는 것은 차려 진 대로, 맛있는 음식, 영양가 있는 음식, 위생적인 음식 순이 었다. 저학년의 경우는 영양가 있는 음식이라는 응답이 가장 높게 나타났으나, 고학년은 그냥 차려진대로 먹는다가 가장 높게 나타났다. 식사 종류에서는 여학생이 남학생보다 밥을 더 많이 먹는다고 답하였다. <음식을 골고루 먹는가>에서는 가끔 그렇다가 가장 많았고, 학년이 낮을수록 음식을 골고루 먹지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 식사 중 TV 시청이나 독서 여부 에서는 가끔 그렇다가 가장 많았고, 맵고 짠 음식 선호에서도 가끔 그렇다가 가장 높게 나타났으며, 저학년보다 고학년이 맵고 짠 음식을 더 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 자신의 비만 정도에서는 고학년이 저학년보다 자신이 비만하다는 응답을 많이 하였다. 하루 운동 정도에서는 30분이 가장 많았고, 고 학년이 운동을 더 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 식사 준비자에 따른 식습관 태도 변화에서는 어머니가 식사를 준비하는 경 우 아침 식사가 규칙적이었으며, 음식을 적게 남겼다. 3. 기호도 조사 밥․면․국류에서 쌀밥, 자장면, 라면 등을 선호하였고, 콩 밥, 팥밥, 호박죽 등을 기피하였다. 국류는 떡국, 갈비탕을 가 장 선호하였고, 순두부찌개를 저학년이 더 싫어하였으며, 된 장국의 기호도가 비교적 높게 나왔다. 찜․조림․구이․볶음 류에서는 튀김이나 찜 조리방법을 선호하였다. 구이․전에서 는 연근전, 밀전병쌈, 녹두전을 기피하였다. 볶음․튀김류에 서는 돈가스를 가장 선호하였고, 연근튀김, 단호박튀김을 선 호하지 않았으며, 나물류에서는 취나물, 오이, 도라지무침 등 을 선호하지 않았다. 김치류에서는 배추김치를 가장 선호하 였으며, 저학년과 고학년의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 본 연구는 대상 아동이 대전지역 초등학교 학생들로써 우 리나라 전체 초등학생에게 적용할 수 없다는 제한점이 있었 다. 그러나 저학년과 고학년, 남학생과 여학생의 다양한 식습 관과 기호도의 차이점을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 초등학생을 대 상으로 올바른 식생활지도와 올바른 식품의 선택을 위한 영 양교육을 하기 위해서는 이들의 특성을 고려하여 실시하는 것이 보다 효과적이라 사료된다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인천지역 일부 남녀 대학생들을 대상으로 올바 른 식습관의 확립과 신체적, 심리적인 건강을 위한 기초자료 로 제공하고자 실시하였으며, 식습관에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요 인으로 건강관련 생활습관, 신체증상, 체성분을 조사․분석 한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 대상자의 일반적인 특성으로는 남학생 96명(39.2%), 여 학생 149명(60.8%), 거주 형태는 자택 및 친척집 202명(82.4%), 자취 43명(17.6%), 통학 수단은 도보 48명(19.6%), 자전거 1명 (0.4%), 자가용 5명(2.0%), 버스 65명(26.5%), 지하철 126명 (51.4%), 학년은 1학년 60명(24.5%), 2학년 54명(22.0%), 3학년 84명(34.3%), 4학년 47명(19.2%)으로 나타났다. 또한 건강관 련 생활습관에서 운동 여부는 ‘하고 있다’ 120명(49.8%), ‘하 고 있지 않다’ 125명(51.0%), 흡연 여부는 ‘하고 있다’ 16명 (6.5%), ‘하고 있지 않다’ 229명(93.5%), 음주 여부는 ‘하고 있 다’ 58명(23.7%), ‘하고 있지 않다’ 187명(76.3%)으로 나타났 다. BMI는 저체중, 정상군, 과체중, 비만이 각각 13명(5.3%), 122명(49.8%), 79명(32.2%), 31명(12.7%)로 나타나, 정상체중 이 가장 많은 반면, 저체중과 비만 학생의 비율이 낮았다. 2. 남녀 대학생들의 건강관련 실천 양상의 차이를 분석한 결과, 흡연, 음주, 운동 여부, 과일 섭취, BMI에서 유의적인 차이를 보인 반면(p<0.05), 육류 섭취는 유의한 차이를 보이 지 않았다(p>0.05). 3. 남녀 대학생들의 식습관의 차이를 분석한 결과, 전체적 으로 ‘아침은 매일 규칙적으로 먹는가’, ‘식사는 언제나 적당 한 양을 먹는가’, ‘1일 2끼 정도의 고기․생선․달걀․콩제품 중의 어느 것인가를 먹고 있는가’, ‘기름을 넣어서 조리한 음 식을 매일 먹는가?’에서 남녀 모두 주 3~5일 실천하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 남녀 대학생 간의 ‘과일을 매일 먹는가’ (p<0.05)에서 통계적인 유의적인 차이가 나타나, 여학생이 남 학생보다 과일 섭취 빈도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 남녀 대학생들의 신체증상의 차이를 분석한 결과, 남녀 모두 ‘쉽게 피로하다’, ‘집중력이 떨어진다’가 높게 나타났으 며, ‘두통이 있다’, ‘감기에 잘 걸린다’, ‘평소에 어지럽다’, ‘쉽게 피로하다’, ‘계단을 오를 때 숨이 가쁘다’, ‘집중력이 떨 어진다’, ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’, ‘변비가 있다’에서 성별에 따른 통계적으로 유의적인 차이가 나타난 반면(p<0.05), ‘얼굴이 창백하다’, ‘소화가 안 된다’, ‘설사 증상이 있다’에서 통계적 으로 유의적인 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다(p>0.05). 5. 남녀 대학생들의 체성분의 차이를 분석한 결과, 전체적 으로 신장, 체중, BMI, 근육량, 체지방량, 골격근량, 복부지방 률에서 모두 성별에 따른 통계적으로 유의적인 차이가 나타 났다(p<0.05). 6. 남녀 대학생들의 식습관과 신체증상의 상관관계를 분석 한 결과, 남녀 대학생들이 일상생활에서 경험할 수 있는 신체 증상과 식습관의 관계에서 기름을 넣어서 조리한 음식을 매 일 먹는 경우 ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’와 ‘집중력이 떨어진다’, ‘두 통이 있다’ 간에 양의 상관관계를 보였으며, 우유를 매일 마 시는 경우 ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’ 간에 음의 상관관계, 1일 2끼 정도는 고기, 생선, 달걀, 콩제품 중의 어느 것인가를 먹는 경 우 ‘소화가 잘 안 된다’와 ‘변비가 있다’간에 음의 상관관계 를 나타났다.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sleep duration on dietary habits and body composition of university students. Sleep duration has recently been added to the list of risk factors for obesity. However, studies on this topic are fairly limited particularly in Korea. We studied the relationship between the duration of sleep and obesity principally based on body mass index and %body fat in university students. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on a total of 312 university students. The subjects enrolled for this study were divided into two groups: (1) those with sleep duration of 〈7 hours (148 students) and (2) those with sleep duration of 〉7 hours (164 students). Based on a self-reporting method, the participants filled up the questionnaires for more than 20 minutes. Based on the overall data obtained, we observed that most students (52.88%) skipped breakfast. This was mainly due to shortage of time (60.58%). We also observed that self-reporting dietary preferences included eating irregular meals (49.04%), overeating (19.55%), imbalanced diet (16.35%), and skipping meals (9.94%). It was found that cookies were the favorite snacks in the majority of the participants (50%). Our data reveal that the body mass index, fat mass, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat, respectively of the shorter sleep duration group (〈7 h/day) were 23.78 kg/m2, 19.13 kg, 2.23 kg, and 11.15 kg. In contrast, in those of the control group (7 h/day), these values were found to be 21.84 kg/m2, 13.88 kg, 1.56 kg, and 12.11 kg. We also observed that there were significant correlations of sleep duration with body mass index (p〈0.05), fat mass (p〈0.01), visceral fat (p〈0.01), and beck depression score (p〈0.01). Our data suggest that the body mass index in the shorter sleep duration group was higher than that of the control group; however, %fat, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat in the shorter sleep duration group were found to be higher than those of the control group. The data obtained through our study suggest that short sleep duration is clearly associated with a modest increase in general and abdominal obesity particularly in university students.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 본 연구의 조사 대상자인 경기 북부(의정부, 양주, 동두천)에 거주하는 대학생을 성별을 기준으로 구분하여 대학생의 식생활 습관을 알아보기 위하여 먼저 아침식사와 점심식사의 식습관 등에 대하여 조사하였다. 이들 중 ‘매일 먹는다’ 라고 응답한 학생들(38.2, 31.6%)을 제외한 나머지 학생들을 대상으로 조사한 아침 결식의 가장 큰 이유로 ‘시간이 없어서’라고 응답하였고, 아침식사의 종류는 남학생과 여학생이 각각 ‘밥과 반찬’ 79.7, 84.0%로 주식이 쌀인 우리나라는 아침식사의 형태가 밥을 먹는 경우가 월등히 많았다. 점심식사는 아침식사와 달리 규칙적으로 하고 결식률이 낮은 것은 기존의 연구 결과와 유사하였다. 점심식사 장소는 남학생과 여학생 모두 교내 식당보다 외부 식당 이용이 훨씬 많았고, 점심식사의 종류는 남학생과 여학생이 각각 ‘밥 위주 한식’ 70.8, 56.3%, ‘주먹밥 및 볶음밥류’ 16.9, 7.5%, ‘국수 면류’ 3.4, 23.0%의 순으로 나타나, 주로 밥을 먹는 경우가 많았으나, 남학생은 여학생과 다르게 ‘주먹밥 및 볶음밥류’의 섭취가 많았고, 여학생은 남학생과 달리 ‘국수 면류’의 섭취가 많았다. 조사대상자의 점심식사 비용은 남학생과 여학생이 각각 ‘4,000~ 7,000원 미만’ 67.4, 70.1%로 조사되고, 조사 대상자의 한 달 용돈 금액이 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘20~30만 원’ 24.7, 31.6%, ‘10~20만 원’ 21.3, 27.6%인 것을 볼 때 용돈에서 점심식사 비용이 대부분 차지하는 것을 알 수 있다. 2. 조사 대상자의 간식 습관을 알아보기 위하여 간식 섭취빈도를 조사한 결과, 간식 섭취 횟수는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘하루 1회’ 47.2, 51.7%, ‘하루 2~3회’ 31.5, 39.7%의 순으로 나타냈다. 간식을 먹는 시간은 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘점심~저녁 사이’ 67.4, 67.8%, ‘저녁식사 후’ 21.3, 8.6%, ‘아침~점심사이’ 7.9, 14.4%로 나타났다. 간식을 하는 주된 이유를 살펴보면 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘배가 고파서’ 46.1, 28.2%, ‘심심해서’ 15.7, 15.5%, ‘습관적으로’ 9.0, 22.4% 등으로 다양하게 나타났다. 주로 먹는 간식의 종류를 살펴보면 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘과자류’ 25.8, 19.0%, ‘음료수’ 18.0, 14.4%, ‘빵류’ 16.9, 13.2% 순으로 과자류를 가장 선호하는 것으로 나타났고, 야식 섭취 횟수를 조사한 결과, 남학생과 여학생 모두 ‘일주일에 1~2회’가 56.2, 62.1%로 가장 많았다. 3. 향후 젊은 세대가 선호하는 실버타운이나 노인복지 시설의 급식에 대한 기초 자료 조사를 위하여 만 65세 이상의 노인이 되었을 때를 가정하여 조사한 식사 형태는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘직접 조리하여 먹기를 원한다’ 48.9 48.9%, ‘주로 외식하기를 원한다’ 20.2, 10.9%, ‘전문급식업체로부터 국이나 반찬을 배달하여 먹기를 원한다’ 11.2, 21.8%의 순으로 나타났다. 노인이 되었을 때 정기적으로 음식을 제공받을 의향은 남학생과 여학생 각각 52.2, 55.7%이었으며, 이들 중 정기 배달식 의향이 있다고 응답한 학생들을 대상으로 조사한 배달식의 고려 사항은 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘맛’ 38.7, 24.7%, ‘위생’ 35.5, 47.4%, ‘영양’ 19.4, 22.7% 순이었다. 실버타운이나 노인복지시설의 시설급식 의향은 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘예’ 47.2, 48.3%이며, 이들을 대상으로 조사한 시설급식을 원하는 이유로는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘비교적 저렴한 가격에 이용할 수 있어 경제적이다’ 30.9, 22.6%, ‘식사 준비에서 해방될 수 있다’ 21.4, 23.8% 순이었고, 시설급식 의향이 없는 남학생과 여학생들을 대상으로 조사한 시설급식을 원하지 않는 이유로는 남학생과 여학생 각각 ‘실버타운이나 노인복지 시설에 기거하고 싶지 않다’ 36.5, 45.6%, ‘다른 장소로 이동하여 먹고 싶지 않다’ 11.8, 10.0% 순이었다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is conducted to compare the problems affecting dietary habits and health status between a long-term exercise group and non-exercise group of males older than 50 years. Most subjects of the two groups consider regular exercise to be the most important factor for maintaining health, and recognize hypertension as the number one concern. The most common nutritional supplement among subjects is multiple vitamins, and sleeping time range from 6~8 hours. Breakfast fasting rate was 15.9% among non-exercise group (NEG), where overeating and eating out rates were higher among exercise group (EG) when comparing to NEG. Fasting rates of breakfast, and consumption rates of milk and dairy products, vegetables such as kimchi, and fruits and fruit juices are higher among the EG. Overeating and eating out rates are lower among NEG, whereas eating rates of proteins like meat, fish, eggs, beans, fried foods, high-fat meats carbonated drinks, ice cream, and salt intakes are higher. Rates of health, dietary habits, and nutrient intakes are higher among EG. Energy intakes among the two groups were below the standard level, Vitamin B2 intake is low in EG, and folic acid and calcium intakes were higher in NEG. The exercising group care more about health, eating habits and nutrient intakes, and low smoking rates are being observed. Thus, specific dietary improvement programs for adult men, are required, and it is necessary to consider the practice of nutrition education.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the dietary habits of boarding high school students in Gangwon based on gender and stress levels. Questionnaires were distributed to 571 boarding high school students and collected from 491 students from June 28 to July 20, 2011. The statistical data analyses were completed using SPSS (ver. 19.0) for the descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test and 2-test. The mean stress score was 23.7 out of 40, and male's stress was significantly higher than female's (p〈0.05). The rates of having daily breakfast and dinner were significantly influenced by gender (p〈0.01), and the regularity of lunch was significantly different depending on the stress level (p〈0.05). Female students consumed less flour based foods (p〈0.01), carbonated drinks (p〈0.01), juices (p〈0.05) and functional drinks (p〈0.01) than male students, but male students consumed less cookies and breads (p〈0.01). Dietary habits that boarding high school students should improve were an unbalanced diet (38%), too much intake at once (17%) and prejudice against foods (11%), and their primary value in dietary life was preference (33%), followed by staving off hunger (18%) and pleasure (18%). The average level of interest in dietary life was 2.46 (on a Likert-type 3-point scale) and it was significantly higher for female students (2.53) than male (2.40) (p〈0.05). About 54% of students washed their hands before a meal when they thought of it, but only 25% of students always scrubbed up. The regularity of breakfast and dinner, frequency of snack intake, dietary habits that need to improve, intrest in dietary life, and washing hands before meals showed significant difference by gender but not by stress levels.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focused on the yearly-dietary habits, nutrition status, and health of female students residing in Seoul. A number of classes were assess based on their dietary behaviors in oder to attempt to determine differences in their attitudes to nutrition, according to age. The students of class 2011 (sophomore) ate meals more regularly than the female students of the 2008 class (p<0.05). It was found that sophomore female students of class 2008 consumed higher than average nutrient intake. Sophomore female students of the 2011 class consumed lower than average vitamin B2, C, Ca, and Fe intakes. Folic acid in take was lower than average in both groups. Phosphorus and sodium intakes in both groups were excessive (p<0.05). When surveyed, sophomore female students of the 2008 class believed that the most important thing for health was exercise, whereas students of class 2011 believed that nutrient intake was the most important factor (p<0.05). Female students of the 2008 class exercised 1~2 times a week generally, whereas students of class 2011 exercised three times (43.2%) (p<0.05). Therefore, it is necessary to study changes in dietary habits and health status according to the age of students, and develop specific nutrition education programs for female students.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effect of salt preference on dietary habits and the body composition of university students. The subjects were divided into two groups: 85 students who dislike salt (salt-dislike (SD) group) and 104 students who like salt (salt-like (SL) group). We found that the SL group showed a higher preference for sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter flavors compared to the SD group. There was no significant difference in the frequency of eating breakfast according to the salt taste preference. The meal speed of the SL group was significantly higher than the SD group (p〈0.01) and the body mass index of the SL group (22.59kg/m2) was higher than SD group (21.04kg/m2). The fat mass of the SL group (15.30 kg) was higher than the SD group (12.80 kg) (p〈0.01). Salt preference and snack intake frequency had a significant and positive correlation with fat mass. The frequency of eating breakfast, and meal speed also showed a significant and positive correlation with subcutaneous fat. In conclusion, the SL group eats relatively more, speedily and frequently intakes snacks and carbonated drinks, likely resulting in higher body and subcutaneous fat. These results suggest salt preference is related to food choice, influences unreasonable eating habits, and possibly changes body composition. Taste preferences should therefore be considered for dietary consulting and nutritional education.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of eating habits and food preferences on the adoptive behavior of children with intellectual disabilities. Survey questionnaires were distributed to six special education schools located in the Daegu-Kyungbuk area, and data were collected from 552 families and teachers with intellectually disabled students. Identification of eating habits began with a factor analysis, and the results were a five-factor solution. Among the five patterns, factors 1 and 2 were significantly related with behavior problems of intellectually disabled children. Further, food preferences of the children were significantly related with adoptive behavior problems. The findings of this study clearly indicate that eating habits as well as food preferences are important factors in identifying adoptive behavior problems in intellectually disabled children. Based on the findings of this study, similarities and differences in eating habits are discussed, and implications for children are provided.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the eating habit, body image, and weight control behavior by BMI in Korean female high school students. Data on the 16, 574 subjects was obtained from the sixth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (2010). Only 52.2% of the subjects had regular breakfast. The rate of skipping breakfast was higher in the underweight group than in the obese group, but the rate of skipping dinner was on the contrary to this. Underweight students had a higher intake frequency of fruits, fast food, instant noodle, and snacks than the obese groups. 3.5% of underweight students considered themselves to be overweight or obese. 53.4% of obese students considered themselves to be overweight. The experience of weight control increased according to BMI, but underweight students considered weight control as an effort to be slimmer. Meal restriction was used more frequently to control weight. The perceived stress level was higher in obese student, especially due to appearance. Therefore, an appropriate, integrated and personalized high school nutrition program should be established for proper body image perception and to develop the self-esteem of female high school students.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to provide basic information regarding desirable body image recognition by examining body image recognition 395 middle school students in the Chungnam area. The average age of the subjects was 13.7 years for boys and 12.6 for girls. Their average height and weight were 165.4 ㎝ and 57.1 ㎏ for boys, and 155.7 ㎝ and 48.8 ㎏ for girls. As for body shape, girls thought that they were overweight more often and wanted to lose weight compared to the boys. Over half of the respondents answered that their weight control efforts were not systematic such ad via professional counseling. Weight control by students was attempted by themselves in order to control their weight by skipping meals. Further, the subjects exhibit dietary behavioral problems such as overeating, skipping meals, unbalanced diet, and eating speed. In conclusion, correct body image recognition is needed and families and schools should make efforts to help students properly control their weight and adopt proper eating habits.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary habits and snack consumption behaviors of middle school students with different obesity indexes in the Chungnam area. The survey was carried out using self-questionnaires and included 385 students(119 underweight, 193 normal weight, 66 overweight). The rate of skipping meals was higher for underweight students than overweight students; however, this difference was not statistically significant. The mean time of meal was 10 to 20 minutes and the criteria for choosing to eat a meal were ‘hunger’ and ‘taste’ in all groups. More than half of the subjects ate snacks 1 time a day, which were purchased outside. The typical snack time was ‘between lunch and dinner’. The criteria of for consuming a meal were ‘taste’ and ‘price’ in all groups. In the underweight group, the snack food scores were ice cream(4.4), fruit(4.3), fried chicken(4.1), sports beverage(4.0), fruit juice(4.0), pizza(4.0) and, tteokbokki(3.9). In the normal weight group, the snack food scores were ice cream(4.3), fried chicken(4.2), pizza(4.0), sports beverage(3.9), fruit juice(3.9) and, tteokbokki(3.9) in the overweight group, the snack food scores were ice cream(4.3), fruit(4.3), fried chicken(4.2), yogurt(4.0), sports beverage(4.0), fruit juice(4.0) and, ramen(4.0). In conclusion, the snaking behaviors of the subjects were not significantly different based on their obesity index. However, this study may provide basic information on the snacking behaviors of middle school students, and the findings suggest that nutrition education or counseling can improve snack intake habits and positive behaviors toward healthy adolescents diets.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare convenience food purchasing behaviors and food habits. The study, which asked surveyed 131 female college students in Daejeon, in 2011, on how they used nutrition labels. The subjects were divided into two groups, in terms of the way they checked examined nutrition labels: a "Check" group(n=62, 47.3%) and a "No check" group(n=69, 52.7%). Reasons given for not reading nutrition labelings were "a habit of buying" for 72.2%, and "too small or rude" for 19.1%. The "Check" group reported higher interest in nutrition(p<0.001) and hygiene(p<0.01) than the "No check" group. Those who used the labels had higher cereal(p<0.01) and vegetable(p<0.01) consumption and a lower intake of fast foods(p<0.05). But however, most of the subjects(65.6%) chose by taste, at the time they purchased the convenience foods. The subjects considered "expiry date"(n=87, 66.4%) to be more important information on food labels than "nutrient composition"(n=11, 8.4%). The number of products whose nutrition labels were checked by over 50% was five out of 12. In conclusion, our study suggests that proper use of nutrition labeling may improve food choices and enable healthy dietary practices. Further efforts are needed to provide the public with nutrition education programs on how to read nutrition labeling. Modifying nutrition labels to make them easier for the public to understand should also be considered.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess dietary variety by food habits(regularity of meal time, regularity of repast, repast of breakfast, lunch, and supper, number of suppers and night snacks per week, and duration of meal) in 138 female university students residing in Bucheon and its adjacent area. Food habits were assessed via a self reporting questionnaire, and a 3-day dietary recall survey was conducted by interviewing. Dietary variety was assessed by dietary diversity score(DDS), meal balance score(MBS), and dietary variety score(DVS). The average DDS, MBS, and DVS were 3.87±0.57, 7.27±1.48, and 12.59±3.14, respectively. The DDS(2.21±0.83) of the breakfast in the group in which the regularity of meal time per week was 5~7 days was significantly higher(p<0.01) than the DDS(1.47±0.96) of the breakfast in the group in which the regularity of meal time per week was ≤2 days. The MBS(6.69±1.43) of the group in which the regularity of meal times per week was ≤2 days was significantly lower(p<0.01) than the MBS of the group in which the regularity of meal time per week was ≥3 days. The DDS(2.38±0.69) of the breakfast in the breakfast over eating group was significantly higher(p<0.001) than the DDS(1.83±0.83) of breakfast under eating group. The MBS(6.56±1.46) in the breakfast skipping group was significantly lower(p<0.01) than the MBS(about 7.6) in other breakfast eating groups, and the DVS (13.79±3.21) in the breakfast over eating group was significantly higher(p<0.05) than the DVS(11.53±2.94) in the breakfast skipping group. The DDS of breakfast, lunch, and snack were not significantly correlated with the number of suppers per week, but the DDS(2.65±0.52) of the supper in the group in which the number of suppers per week was 7 was significantly higher(p<0.05) than the DDS(2.22±0.49, 2.25±0.62) of the supper in the group in which the number of suppers per week was ≤2, 3~4. The DDS, MBS and DVS were not significantly correlated with the number of suppers per week. The DDS(1.33±1.25) of the breakfast in the group in which the number of night snacks per week was 6~7 was significantly lower(p<0.05) than the DDS of the breakfast in the group in which the number of night snacks was ≤5. Also, the DDS(4.42±0.32) per day in the group in which the duration of meal was <10 min. was significantly higher(p<0.01) than the DDS(3.51±0.53) per day in the group in which the duration of meal was ≥30 min. These findings suggest that nutritional education based on female university students` eating variety and food habits(regularity of meal time, regularity of repast, repast of breakfast, lunch, and supper, number of suppers, and night snacks per week, and duration of meal) may be required to improve dietary variety.
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