
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 21

        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aronia has low preference because of astringent and bitter taste. Appropriate processing is essential for eating aronia. For the processing of aronia, the aim of this study is to provide basic information on the cultivar and ripening stages. Three varieties (Viking, Nero and McKenzie) were studied. We divided the stages of maturity into four levels based on color. The physicochemical properties were analyzed. In the case of hardness, the first stage of maturity was the highest, and there was no difference between varieties. As maturation progressed, brightness and yellowness gradually decreased, and redness was highest at the second stage. The sugar content was the lowest in the Viking and significantly increased with the maturity stage. The acidity was highest in the Viking. Nero showed the highest radical scavenging ability. Total polyphenols and flavonoids were the highest in Nero. The highest level was shown at the first stage by the ripening stage.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the aroma and quality characteristics of wine bestowed by the degree of ripening of Cheongporang grapes, the general quality composition, color, organic acid, physiological activity, aroma component and sensory evaluation were analyzed. The general characteristics of the wine assessed were pH 3.34~3.50, total acidity 0.46~0.67%, color intensity 0.074~0.116, lightness 98.99~99.74, redness -0.39~0.01, and yellowness was 1.52~3.10. Malolactic fermentation was not relative to the contents of malic acid and lactic acid. The total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity were lowest in C3 wines made with ripe grapes and highest in C4 wines made with mixed grapes. Aroma analysis identified 6 alcohols, 15 esters and 5 miscellaneous compounds. Compounds with higher odor activity value (OAV) were 3-methyl-1-butanol, ethyl butanoate, isopentyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate and octanoic acid. The C4 wine, a mixture of grapes with different degrees of ripening, had the highest ester content and ratio. The lowest values were found in the C3 wine made with ripe grapes. Results of the sensory evaluation related the C4 wine, containing a large amount of ester compounds having high OAV values as the aroma component, as the best and most preferred wine.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to demonstrate quality characteristics of ginger by making aged ginger( AG) with two methods, the frist method was that ginger was aged at constant temperature and humidity chamber for the duration of 10, 20 and 30 days, and the other method was drying the ginger just after steaming it for 3 hours. As the age was being processed, the volume of ginger’s appearance decreased rapidly and its color seemed to be darker because of the decrease in moisture. In the case of general components, the content of crude ash was depended on aged periods while the content of crude fat was independent with aged periods, and according to the content of crude protein, there was not any significant differences. The main valuable ingredient which is 6-gingerol showed the decreasing trend as it was exposed to heat with more time, and 6-shogaol which is also one of the main valuable ingredients showed high content at T-II(AG-10days). Free sugar and free amino acid of AG decreased as aged period goes by, and this study found that there were lots of essential amino acid (threonine, glutamic acid, alanine, valine, leucine and tyrosine) in ginger. The amount of unsaturated fatty acid of AG was significantly higher than the amount of saturated fatty acid of AG with the approximate ratio of 60:40, and the amount of free fatty acid of AG did not seem any big differences between AG and none AG. Considering both valuable ingredients and nutritive components, T-I (steamed ginger, SG) and T-II which was aged for 10 days were evaluated excellently.
        1997.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out in order to analyze the changes in nitrogen containing taste compounds of traditional Korean soy sauce with varying Meju concentrations (Meju-water ratios of 1:4 and 1.3:4) and ripening periods (up to 2 years), and to investigate correlation between sensory characteristics and taste compound contents via contents assay and sensory evaluation of soy sauce samples. Nitrogen compound contents were higher in 1.3:4 than in 1:4 for all nitrogen compounds. Free amino acid contents were highest in soy sauce ripened for 210 days. Among amino acids, glutamic acid was highest concentration. Nucleotides and their related compound contents did not vary with concentrations and were highest in the sample ripened for 210 days. In direct sensory evaluation of soy sauce, overall taste preference showed positive correlation to sweet taste. Likewise, overall taste preference showed positive correlation to umami, nutty, sweet taste in the sensory evaluation of seaweed soup seasoned with soy sauce. Sensory evaluation score was higher in 1.3:4 than in 1:4. According to the correlation assay of taste compound contents and sensory evaluations, nitrogen compounds (such as amino type nitrogen), amino acids (such as glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and lysine, and etc.), nucleotides (such as AMP, IMP, and etc) had significant influence on the sensory characteristics of soy sauce, and therefore we can conclude that these compounds affect the taste and quality of soy sauce.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted in ordor to find the most suitable conditions for producing the Doenjang with optimal odor compound contents. Three sample groups with the different preparing methods -Doenjang that has not gone through the soy sauce separation process (Doenjang A), Doenjang that has gone through the soy sauce separation process; Meju-20% salt water ratio of 1 : 4 (Doenjang B), and that with the ratio of 1.3 : 4 (Doenjang C)- were tested during different ripening periods. Odor compound contents were analyzed through Solvent Extraction Method and Simultaneous Steam Distillation Extraction (SDE). The number of odor compounds was greatest in Doenjang A and during the mid to late stage in each groups. In the sensory evaluation of Doenjang odors, Doenjang A received the highest scores in the categories of overall preferences, while Doenjang C got the lowest scores. Individual odor didn't vary significantly during ripening periods, but the overall odor and taste preference was highest in the samples ripened for 75 to 120 days. Stepwise multiple regression analysis of major odor compounds of Doenjang revealed that benzeneacetaldehyde is the major explanatory variable for offensive odor. Benzeneethanol, 3-methylthio-propanal and 4-methyl-phenol are the explanatory variables for salty odor, nutty odor and rancid odor, respectively. Odor compounds that contribute to the overall odor preference varied from the compounds that affect the taste preference.
        1997.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 상법보다 메주농도를 높게하여 간장을 제조한 후, 2년의 장기 숙성을 거쳐 시료를 제조하고, 메주 농도와 숙성 기간에 따른 맛 특성 변화를 알아보기 위해 간장의 일반 성분 및 당류를 분석하였다. 간장의 일반 성분 중 pH는 4.5~5.3 범위로, 숙성 기간에 따라 감소하였고, 적정 산도는 pH와 상대적인 경향을 보이며 숙성기간에 따란 증가하였다. 총산은 586.145~1008.169mg%로 역시 숙성기간에 따란 증가하였으며, 모두 메주농도 1.3;4에서 높게 나타났다. 완충 작용은 숙성 기간에 따라 유의적으로 증가하였다. 조단백은 6.0681~11.5431 범위로 숙성 기간에 따라 증가하였고, 메주농도 1.3:4에서 그 함량이 높았다. 조지방은 0.03~0.2%로 숙성 초기와 1.3:4에서 함량이 더 높게 나타났다. 수분은 50~70%로 숙성기간에 따라 감소하였고, 식염은 20.54~30.33%로 숙성 기간에 따라 증가하다 2년째는 감소하였다. 순고형분은 숙성 기간에 따라 증가하였고 메주농도 1.3:4에서 더 높았다. 각 시료의 환원당 함량은 숙성기간 도안 완만한 증가를 보였고, 유리당으로는 galactose 261~744mg%, glucose 139.07~339.91mg%, fructose 59.71~168.88mg% 순서로 높은 함량을 나타냈다.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 실험은 일당귀의 개화 후 일수에 따른 종자 등숙 특성을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 2019년 농촌진흥청 약용작물과 시험 포장에서 채종한 종자를 시험재료로 사용하였다. 개화 후 일수에 따라 종자 무게와 발아율이 조사되었고, 등숙 과정 동안 종자 내에서 배종비(E:S ratio)가 측정되었다. 결과적으로는 각 소화서마다 개화 후 일수가 증가할수록 종자 무게가 유의적으로 증가하였으며, 각 소화서에서 발아가 시작되는 시기는 차이가 있었다. 또한 종자 내에서 배의 길이는 계속해서 성장하여 배종비가 높아지는 것을 관찰하였다. 일당귀는 다양한 소화서에서 꽃이 피기 때문에 종자의 배종비가 종자 발아에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 일당귀의 우량 종자 생산을 위해서는 개화 후 50일부터 70일경이 가장 적합한 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of high temperature on the stem, leaf and grain of barley during the ripening period and to provide information for the development of high-temperature cultivation techniques and adaptive varieties. We used an artificial climate control facility, to provide a temperature 3℃ higher than the normal average temperature during the ripening stage. Although the maximum rate of starch synthesis was increased at high temperature by approximately 11%, the starch content was decreased, because the period of starch synthesis ended 4 days earlier. As in the case of starch synthesis, the expression of genes related to starch synthesis was increased at the early ripening stage in the high temperature treatment, however, the duration of expression tended to decrease rapidly. Furthermore, the partitioning rate of assimilation products in the panicle increased to a greater extent in the high temperature treatment than in the control. In contrast, for the stem and leaf, the partitioning rate of assimilation products decreased more rapidly in the high temperature treatment than in the control. On the basis of these results, it can be considered that the translocation rate of assimilation products increased to a greater extent in the high temperature treatment than in the control at the early ripening stage. These results indicate that the decrease in grain weight at high temperature during the ripening stage is attributable to an increase in the speed of starch synthesis at high temperature, but the increase in ripening speed does not compensate for the shortening of the ripening period. Finally to develop varieties and cultivation techniques suited to high temperature, we need to focus on physiological characteristics related to the duration of starch synthesis.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The increase in the frequency of occurrence of abnormal weather could include severe rainfall, which could cause rice submergence during the ripening stage. This experiment was conducted to clarify the effects of submergence during the ripening period on yield and quality of rice. The flooding treatment was conducted at 7 and 14 days after heading. Flooding conditions were created with two conditions, flag leaf exposed and overhead flooding, and each condition was divided into two conditions according to water quality—clear and muddy. Although the yield decrease was more severe at 7 days after heading because of the decrease in the ripening ratio, the head rice ratio was more affected at 14 days after heading because of the increase in the chalky kernel ratio. The maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), which indicates the photosynthetic efficiency, did not differ before and after the flooding treatment until flooding continued for 4 days. In addition, stem elongation occurred because of flooding as an avoidance mechanism in japonica rice. This phenomenon was expected to decrease the supply of assimilation products to the spikelet (sink). Overall, it was suggested that additional experiments should be conducted examining the change in the starch synthesis mechanism and transfer of assimilate products resulting from submergence, for development of cultivation techniques corresponding to submergence and breeding of varieties with submergence tolerance characteristics.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Amaranthus is a cosmopolitan genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants. Some amaranth species are cultivated as leaf vegetables, pseudocereals, and ornamental plants. Most of the species from Amaranthus are summer annual weeds and are commonly referred to as pigweed. Approximately 60 species are recognized, with inflorescences and foliage ranging from purple and red to green or gold. Members of this genus share many characteristics and uses with members of the closely related genus Celosia. Amaranthus shows a wide variety of morphological diversity among and even within certain species. This study was conducted to evaluate the growth characteristics and grain yield of Amaranthus under subalpine area(altitude 510m) Methods and Results : Six resources(GR-1∼6) were tested in this experiment. Its seedlings were sown at 21. March. and raised for 27 days in nursery bed. The days after sowing for emerging 80% seedlings was 14∼18 days and No. of leaves was 4.5∼5.2 ea./plant. Plant height of GR-4 was highest at 15.2㎝ in nursery period. These seedlings transplanted at 19. April in the planting density of 80×30㎝. The range of heading date was 25. May∼7. June. GR-1, 2 showed more early heading at 25. May but heading date of GR-6 was 7. June. The Flowering date of Amaranthus cultivated in subalpine area was 20∼28. June. Plant height at flowering time of GR-4 was significantly high at 152.7㎝ comparison with 95.2㎝ of GR-1 but No. of branches in GR-4 was lowest at 7.5 ea/plant. The length of ears was shortest 28.8 ㎝ in GR-5 compared 41.0㎝ of GR-4. Grain yield of Amaranthus harvested at 8. July showed significantly difference according to gene resources and the highest yield of grain was 556.8㎏ in GR-1 Conclusion : The growth and ripening characteristics of Amaranthus tricolor showed many difference under subalpine cultivation according to gene resources. The predictable grain yield of Amaranthus under subalpine cultivation was 240.0∼556.8㎏/10a according to gene resources and their cultivation period demanded 80 days.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of the present study was to investigate the ear and kernel characteristics of colored waxy corn hybrids during ripening according to different sowing dates. Heukjinjuchal and Eolrukchal 1 were sown at April 20 (first cropping) and July 20 (second cropping) in 2011~2012. The accumulated temperature from silking to harvesting was about 590~610℃. It takes 23~24 days when Heukjinjuchal and Eolrukchal 1 were sown in April 20, but July 20 sowing takes 32~35 days. Ear weight, ear diameter, 100-kernel weight and starch content of colored waxy corn were increased as ears matured (p<0.05). Growth temperature was getting decreased during the ripening stage of second cropping, the rate of ear and kernel development had slowed. Starch granules started to accumulate in the cells around the pericarp, then developed in the cells around the embryo. In the second cropping, starch granules in the kernel of colored waxy corn were less compact than the first cropping. The contents of total anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-glucoside were increased according to ripening (p<0.05). These results will be helpful to farmers for double
        2011.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        자두 '대석조생'의 생육단계별 수확시기 및 저온저장 온도에 따른 저온장해과 발생 양상과 품질 특성을 구명하고자 하고자, 자두 '대석조생'을 60%, 80% 그리고 90% 이상의 착색율로 구분하여 수확한 후, 1, 4, 5, 그리고 에 최대 48일간 그리고 에서 3일간 숙성시키면서 호흡 변화, 품질 특성 및 저온 장해과 발생 양상을 조사하였다. 60% 착색기에 수확한 자두를 보다 낮은 저온에 저장하였을때 경도, 색도, 중량감소율과 적정산도의 유지
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        가시오가피 종자는 채종직후 미분화 상태의 배로 발아를 위해서는 후숙이 필요하다. 가시오가피 종자의 후숙을 위하여 습윤층적처리한 후 미분화 배의 생장과 개갑특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 가시오가피의 내과피를 포함한 종자의 형태는 길이 7.1± 0.9mm, 폭 3.0± 0.3mm, 두께 1.47± 0.12mm 정도이었으며 1,000 입중 18.5± 1.9g 정도이었다. 2. 가시오가피 종자의 후숙전 0.30± 0.06mm 정도이며 배장율은 .4.8%의 미분화 배로 층적처리 20일 전후에 배의 생장이 시작되었고 40일 전후에 배축과 자엽이 분화되었다. 3. 후숙기간과 배장율과는 높은 정의 상관(r=0.845)을 보였으며 배의 생장은 층적처리 후 60~80일 사이에 급격히 증가하였고 후숙 80일 이후에는 증가폭이 다소 둔화되었다. 4. 가시오가피 종자는 배가 어느 정도 생장하면 종피의 봉선이 터져 열개되는 개갑종자이었으며 배장율 60~70%에서 가장 높은 개갑빈도를 나타냈다. 5. 개갑율은 후숙 40일에 15.3%가 개갑되었고 60일 이후 개갑율이 급격히 증가되었으며 후숙 150일에 76.5%가 개갑되었다.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벼 등숙기 온도 차이가 쌀의 등열특성에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 1993년 작물시험장 인공기상실에서 숙기가 다른 3개 품종(오대벼, 화성벼, 동진벼)과 등숙온도(22/16℃ , 26/18℃ , 22/22℃ , 30/22℃ , 자연상태 등숙)를 달리하여 천립중, 수량, 비중별 입중 및 입수 분포비율, 현미의 외관형태 등의 등숙특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 등숙온도에 따른 천립중은 고온(30/22℃ )보다는 저온(22/16℃ )에서, 적온의 경우에는 항온(22/22℃ ) 보다 변온(26/18℃ )에서 무거웠고, 지경별로는 1차 지경이 2차 지경에서 보다 무거웠다. 따라서, 천립중 및 현미 수량으로 본 벼 등숙적온은 평균온도로 22 였고, 변온등숙(26/18℃ )이 항온등숙(22/22℃ ) 보다 등숙에 유리하였다. 2. 비중 1.20이상 되는 입중분포는 오대벼의 경우 22/16 에서 약 62%, 22/22 에서 49%, 26/18 에서 약 8% 정도로 주간 등숙온도가 22 보다 높을수록 그 비율이 급격히 감소되는 경향이었다. 화성벼와 동진벼는 비중 1.20이상의 입중분포비율이 22/22℃ > 26/18℃ > 22/16℃ > 30/22℃ 의 순으로 높았으며, 1차 지경보다 2차 지경에서 충실립 분보비율이 낮았다. 3. 공시품종 모두 22/16℃ ~22/22℃ 의 저온 및 적온등숙시에는 비중 1.15이상에 분포하는 입수비율의 차이가 없었으나, 30/22℃ 의 고온등숙에서는 충실립 분포비율이 현저하게 낮아지는 경향이었다. 4. 부피로 본 곡립의 크기는 공시품종 모두 항온(22/22℃ )에서 등숙된 곡립이 변온(26/18℃ )에서 등숙된 곡립보다 작았으며, 저온에서 등숙된 것일수록 큰 경향이었다.
        1989.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수도의 재배시기를 달리하고 Tongil형 3품종과 Japonica형 3품종 도합 6개 품종은 공시하여 동일 이삭내에서 개화시기가 다른 강.중.약세영화간의 등숙특성 발아세 및 미질에 관한 차이를 구명하고자 1988년 충청북도 농촌진흥원 답작포장에서 적파적식(5월 25일 이앙)과 만파만식(6월 10일 이앙)으로 재배하고 출수후 동일이삭내에서 1일, 5일, 8일에 개화한 영화들의 생리적 성숙기간 등숙속도, 천입종, 발아세 및 미질의 차이를 조사한 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 생리적 성숙기간은 적파적식에서 출수후 1일 개화한 강세영화는 21일, 5일 개화한 중세영화는 25.5일, 8일 개화한 강세영화는 30일이었고, 만파만식에서는 각각 25일, 28.5일, 33일로 두 재배시기에서 강세영화와 약세영화간 차는 8~9일이었다. 2. 등숙속도는 적파적식에서 출수후 1일 개화한 영화는 1,104.7, 5일은 808, 8일은 593mg/1,000/day 이었고 만파만식에서는 각각 875, 702.2, 534.7mg/1,000/day으로 강세영화보다 약세영화가 현저히 낮았다. 3. 개화시기가 다른 세입간의 정상천입중 차는 적파적식 및 만파만식에서 공히 출수후 1일 개화한 입의 천입중이 25.6~27.1, 5일은 23.3~24.6, 8일은 20.9~22.9g으로 동일 이삭내에서 개화시기가 빠른 강세영화일수록 입중이 무거웠으며 현미 1,000 입중, 왕겨 1,000입도 같은 경향이었다. 4. 32℃ 의 최아조건하에서 90% 이상의 발아세에 도달하는 기간은 품종군 공히 출수후 1일에 개화한 강세영화곡입이 24~48시간, 5일 개화한 중세영화 입이 48~72시간, 8일 개화한 약세영화곡입이 48~96시간 소요되어 강세영화곡입에서 높았고, 약세영화곡입으로 갈수록 낮아졌다. 5. Amylose함량은 태백벼와 화성벼의 경우 개화시기가 늦은 약세영화곡입에서 낮아졌고 삼강벼와 추청벼는 이와 상반되는 경향을 보여 유의성이 인정되었으며, Alkali 붕괴도도 Amylose함량과 같은 경향을 보였다.
        1988.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수도의 재배방법을 달리 하였을때 등숙특성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 구명하고자 1900년부터 1982년까지 재배되어온 장려품종중에서 10년대별로 3품종씩 총 32품종을 1930년대의 소비만식재배와 현재의 표준재배법으로 재배하여 등숙특성에 대한 조사결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 재배법간의 이앙기차는 15일 이었으나 출수기차는, 5일 이었으며 이삭추출기간이 전품종 모두 5∼10일 사이에 있었는데, 조생종은 5일 전후이고, 중생종은 6∼7일, 만생종은 7∼10일로 길었다. 2. 이앙기로부터 유효등숙기까지의 일수는 소비만식 재배에서 99.8일 , 보비적식재배에서는 106.2일로 6.4일이 길었으나 출수기로부터 유효등숙기까지의 일수는 소비만식재배에서는 30.2일로 1.2일이 짧았다. 3. 출수기로부터 생리적 성숙기까지의 일수는 소비만식 재배에서 36.1일, 보비적식 재배에서는 33.6일로 2.5일이 빨랐고, 품종별로는 보비적식재배에서 Tongil 형 품종이 31.7일로 Japonica형 품종 34.1일보다, 2.4일이 빨랐으며, 소비만식재배에서도 같은 경향으로 Tongil 형 품종들이 2.5일 빨랐다. 4. 등숙속도는 출수후 5∼15일 사이에 천립중의 일당 증가량이 847.8mg에서 1130mg으로 가장 왕성하였고, 품종별로 보면 Japonica형 품종들은 출수후 5일 경부터 완만하게 증가하기 시작하여 35일경까지 200mg 이상 유지되고 있으나 Tongil 형 품종들은 출수후 30일경에는 급격히 감소되었다. 5. 기상요인(온도, 일사량)과 등숙속도와는 정의 상관관계가 인정되었고, 유효등숙기 및 생리적 성숙기간에는 부의 상관관계를 보여 기온이 높을수록 일사량이 않을수록, 생리적 성숙기에 도달하는 기간이 단축되었다.록 질소흡수량과 질소비료의 흡수율이 높았고 흡수된 단위질소당 현미생산량은 차이가 없었다. 그러나, 삼강벼는 질소흡수량은 차이가 없었으나 질소비료의 흡수율, 흡수된 단위질소당 현미생산량은 분시비율이 높을수록 감소하였다.되어 있는 Acid phosphatase는 점차적으로 감소하였다. 이러한 결과는 초기 콩종자의 발아단계에서 GA3 의 역할은 종피의 호분세포막을 분해시켜 효소가 세포막을 뚫고 배출이 용역하게 하는 역할을 하는 것으로 추정된다. total respondants utilized the guidelines published by Seoul city School nurses′ Association, and the administrative guidelines for school health, textbooks, school health statistics and articles related to school health in order. It was tried whether the number of referances being utilized was related to the working experiences. It was found that the shorter the experiances, the more materials were utilized. It was answered that teaching plan for health education was prepared by school-nurses themselves (95.2%), and was differentiated as three levels as the first and second grades, the third and f
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