Sikhye is a traditional rice beverage, produced from steamed rice, barley or wheat malt and water. Nine varieties of barley and seven varieties of wheat cultivars were investigated and compared quality characteristics, diastatic power, and activities of α- and β-Amylase. For barley malt, the crude lipid and protein content of malt 1.74~2.42% and 10.71~14.36%, respectively. Also, the crude lipid and protein content for wheat malt 1.57~1.71% and 10.07~13.59%, respectively. The ‘Dahyang’ barley showed the highest diastatic power with 117.61 °L, while for wheat, ‘Baegjoong’ produced the highest diastatic power with 85.25 °L. The enzymatic activities, α- and β-Amylase for barley cultivar was 110.17~214.70 μnit/g and 869.73~1,638.43 μnit/g, respectively. Likewise, α- and β-Amylase for wheat cultivar was 73.19~132.23 μnit/g and 726.70~ 889.30 μnit/g, respectively. The highest sugar content of Sikhye from barley was 11.10 °Bx (‘Hyeda’), while from wheat, was 10.20 °Bx (‘Baegjoong’). Among the four free sugar components analyzed from Sikhye, maltose was the highest in all cultivars. The highest maltose content was produced in ‘Dahyang’ Sikhye at 6.91%. There was significant positivecorrelation among the diastatic power and enzymatic activities of malt and free sugar components in Sikhye.
This study aimed to determine the optimal harvesting time for wheat to make grain silage, in Honam region of Korea. We harvested wheat grain every third day from 30 to 42 days after heading (DAH). The moisture content decreased from 61.6% at 30 DAH to 42.8% at 42 DAH. Yield of wheat grain significantly increased from 30 to 42 DAH (p< 0.05). Yield at 39 DAH (3.46T/ha) was not significantly different from that at 42 DAH (p< 0.05). With respect to the feed value of wheat grain silage, the amount of crude protein, crude fiber, and crude ash was different by harvesting time (p< 0.05). However, the amount of total digestible nutrients (TDN) from 30 and 42 DAH was not significantly different. The pH of wheat grain silage from 30 to 42 DAH was between 3.8 and 4.5 and it was stable until 39 DAH (p< 0.05). The lactic acid content of wheat grain silage from 30 to 42 DAH decreased from 3.08% to 1.10%. With respect to moisture content, yield, feed value, and fermentation, the optimal harvesting time for wheat grain silage was 39 DAH.
The physicochemical characteristics of 4 domestic wheat flour products were compared to those of 4 imported wheat flour products marketed in Korea. The contents of moisture, ash, protein, total dietary fiber (TDF), color (L, a, b), whiteness, solvent retention capacity (SRC), water absorption index (WAI), water soluble index (WSI), pasting characteristics by rapid visco analyzer (RVA), and principle component analysis (PCA) were analyzed. The domestic wheat flour products were composed of higher content in ash and protein, compared to the imported wheat flour products. The domestic wheat flour products had lower SRC and WSI characteristics than the imported wheat flour products. The values of lactic acid SRC (LASRC) in the imported wheat flour products showed an increasing trend as the protein content increased. The differences in viscosity were observed in the domestic wheat flour products. However, no major significant differences of viscosity were found among the imported wheat flour products. The result of PCA showed a consistent trend in the imported wheat flour (strong, medium, and weak), while a consistent trend was not shown in the domestic wheat flour products. Therefore, further research is needed to standardize the different types of domestic wheat flour products.
국산밀 재배시 가축분뇨 액비를 시용하여 생육에 미치는 영향과 사료가치를 분석하여 우리밀 생산물의 소비다양화 가능성을 알아보기 위하여 본 실험을 수행하였다. 용도별 우리밀을 선발하고 청보리로 사용되고 있는 영양보리를 대조구로 파종하여 생육 및 사료가치를 조사하였다. 각 작물별 파종 15일후 유묘출현율은 액비 처리구 화학비료 및 무처리구에 비해 2.4배 높았다. 또한 시험작물 모두 초장이 액비시용구에서 약 2배 이상 증가하였다. 월동 후 최고분얼기에는 밀이 영양보리에 비해 초장은 0.7∼1.8cm 작았으나 분얼수는 1.5∼2개가 많았다. 생체중의 경우 액비처리구에서 시험에 사용된 모든 밀이 영양보리에 비해 1.01∼1.11배 높았고 연백밀이 5,102kg 10a-1로 가장 많았다. 사료가치중 단백질 함량은 액비처리로 보리와 모든 밀 품종에서 유의성있게 증가하였고 조경밀이 9.19 %로 가장 높았다. NDF와 ADF 모두 청보리와 대등하거나 높았다. TDN은 금강밀이 69.86∼72.11 %로 가장 높았고 고소밀이 64.61∼66.07 %로 가장 낮았다. 시험전후 토양 특성은 가축분뇨 액비처리를 하였을 때 EC, 유기물, 유효인산 및 치환성 양이 함량이 증가하여 화학비료와 대등한 결과를 얻었다. 이상의 결과로 국산밀을 재배할 때 가축분뇨액비를 적절히 활용할 경우 재배단가를 낮추고 곡물밀의 공급이 과잉일 경우 사료용으로 공급하여 국산밀의 소비안정성에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
우리나라의 밀가루 소비 실태를 1986년과 1987년도를 대상으로 조사하였다. 아울러 제분공업의 현황도 간단히 서술하였다. 밀가루 소비 실태는 연도간에 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으므로 1986년도를 중심으로 분석하였다. 제분회사에서의 밀가루 총판매량은 1,556,891톤이었고 이 중 51.1%는 대리점으로, 나머지는 대량생산업체로 판매되었다. 밀가루의 주용도는 제면, 제과, 제빵, 막걸리, 일반(가정용, 수퍼마켓, 소매점)이었다. 다목적 밀가루의 1등급과 2등급은 제면과 막걸리용으로 이용되었고, 제빵에는 강력밀가루 1등급이 주로 사용되었다. 제과용 밀가루로는 다목적 밀가루 1등급이 주로 사용되었다.
우리나라의 보리와 밀품종에 보리줄무늬 모자이크 바이러스(Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus)병이 발생하는지의 여부를 조사하기 위하여 국내에서 수집한 겉보리 쌀보리, 맥주맥, 밀등 51개 품종 또는 계통을 공시하여 Hamilton과 Carroll의 혈청학적배아검정법으로 이들의 BSMV검정을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 겉보리, 쌀보리, 맥주맥 그리고 밀을 포함한 34개 수집종에서 BSMV가 검출되므로서, 우리나라의 보리와 밀품종에 BSMV가 발생하고 있음이 처음으로 확인되었다. 2. BSMV가 검출된 품종의 종자감염율은 최저 에서 최고 를 나타낸다. 전체적으로는 총검정립수 2448립중 157립에서 BSMV가 검출됨으로서 감염율은 약 를 나타낸다. 3. 혈청학적배아검정시 비특이반응은 관찰되지 않았다. 4. 혈청학적배아검정법은 사용하기에 간편하고 결과 판정을 신속, 정확하게 할수있어 대량의 종자와 유묘를 대상으로 BSMV를 검정하는데 매우 유용한 방법으로 생각된다.
맥류마름병이 1977년에 격발하여 심한 피해를 가져왔다. 본 병해에 대한 피해상황을 검토하기 위해 시험을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 수원지방을 비롯하여 유성, 예산, 용인에서 약 가 맥류마름병에 감염되어 있었다. 2. 우리나라 우수 육성계통 자연감염된 것 중 저항성계통은 없었으며 중도저항성계통은 육성 3호인 반면에 S. 155호의 2계통이 이병성계통으로 나타났다. 농림 외 15계통은 중간성 및 중도이병성이었다. 3. 9개의 국내 장려품종에 대하여 인공접종을 하였던 바 대부분 품종이 고사하였고 자양각은 약 가 형성되었다. 4. 파종기별 발병율은 파종기가 빠를수록 발병이 심한 경향을 보였고 수량조사는 본 병에 감염되었을 때 약 의 감소를 가져왔다.
Early in the growing season of 1976, rain and cool weather favored the blighting of leaves of young plants of barley by Fusarium nivale. The fungus was recovered in culture from infected foliage, and the perithecia of Calonectria nivalis were demonstrated to be present as well as the Fusarium state. On 22 April 1976, in Suweon, plants pulled at random revealed stem lesions from which F. nivale was cultured. On S May 1976 near Kwangju. Perithecia were found embedded within leaf sheaths and blades of mature wheat and barley plants. It was evident in the 1976, 1977 season that Fusarium(Calonectria) nivale was common but unrecognized as an early season pathogen of barley in Korea. The probable source of primary inoculum was the infected refuse from the previous season's barlry and wheat crops. Stem lesions caused by this fungus were considered to he detrimental to the maximum yield of barley or wheat,
In this study, the relationships between the wheat imports of South Korea and the climate of wheat production areas (the United States is selected as an example) during 1995-2014 are analyzed. While the wheat imports in South Korea have increased in the second half of the analysis period compared to the first half, wheat imports from the United States have decreased somewhat in the second half than the first half. The unit cost of wheat import from the United States is unstable in the second half due to the increasing tendency of unit cost of wheat imports since 2007 and the enhanced variability. Wheat yields of Kansas (winter wheat) and North Dakota (spring wheat) in the major wheat growing regions in the United States are affected by precipitation during growing period and high-temperature condition before harvest, respectively. The unit cost of wheat imports from the United States to South Korea was caused by the impact of fluctuations in precipitation of Kansas, rather than temperature condition of North Dakota.
This study is to raise the utilization of genetic resource of wheat (Triticum aestivum) landrace by evaluating genetic variation related to end use quality of the Far East. Allelic composition of HMW-glutenin subunits encoded by genes of Glu-1 loci associated with bread baking quality was investigated in 324 wheat landrace genetic resources originated from Korea, China, and Japan. The most frequent combination of HMW-glutenin subunits were Glu-A1c, Glu-B1b in Korean and Japanese resources, but Glu-A1a and Glu-B1c were the most in Chinese resources. By using the Glu-1 score system, 24 accessions were evaluated as 10 out of 10. As for genetic diversity, represented by polymorphic information content(PIC) index, the level of variation of Korean landrace(0.245) was lower than that in China(0.569) and Japan(0.294). When it comes to unique composition, Glu-B1f(13+16) and Glu-D1f(2+10) subunits are only in Chinese resources. Glu-B1d(6+8), Glu-B1e(20), Glu-D1b(7+8), and Glu-D1c (7+9) subunits are only in Korean resources. Consequently, this study showed that Chinese landrace collection was the most highly diverse and had distinctive characteristics compared to Korean and Japanese one. Especially, some resources having preferable genetic stock or high Glu-1 score can be valuable for wheat breeding program.
Soil salinity limits crop productivity in many regions. This problem would be more serious as the global climate changes and worldwide water shortages would accelerate soil salinization. This study is fulfilled with aim on resolve crop cultivation in dry/saline land as an international joint research project with Tunisia. Total 48 lines of wheat cultivars including 32 common wheat (16 Korean wheat, 16 Tunisian common wheat) and 16 Tunisian durum wheat were incorporated in this study. Salt stress was applied for 2 weeks by submerging the pots into 500 mM NaCl at 3-leaf stage followed by re-watering for restoration in greenhouse. Numerous agronomic/growth parameters were scored for tolerence. SSR primers that have been known to be related to salt tolerance were applied to explain selected population. The correlation between PCR-based length polymorphism of selected lines and their resistance were evaluated. The obtained information will aid selection for salt tolerance hexa/tetraploid wheats. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2012K1A3A1A09028123) and carried out with the support of “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: Development of high yielding wheat with stress tolerance via molecular breeding strategies, Project No. PJ008031)”, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
국산밀을 재배하는 전국 175농가를 대상으로 2년 동안 농업형질과 원맥 특성을 조사 한 결과, 간장, 수장, 경수와이형주율은 년차간 차이를 나타내었다. 시비량이 많았던 남부지역에서 재배된 밀의 간장이 중북부 지역 보다 길었으며, 추비시기는 간장에 영향이 없었지만, 3월 중순 이후에늦게 추비를 준 농가의 수장은 다른 농가에 비하여 길었으나 경수는 감소하였다. 추비 횟수는 농업형질에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 농업형질과 마찬가지로 원맥특성도 연차간 변이가 있었으며, 남부지역에서 재배된 밀은중북부지역에서 재배된 밀에 비하여 천립중이 높았으며, 리터중은 낮았으며, 전라북도는 다른 지역에 비하여 낮은 회분 함량과 높은 단백질 함량을 나타냈으며, 전라남도는 다른 지역에 비하여 높은 회분 함량을 나타내었다. 추비시기가 리터중에는 영향을 주었지만 천립중과 회분 및 단백질함량에는 영향을 주지 않았으며, 추비 횟수도 원맥 특성에영향이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 시비량에 따라 간장이 증가하고, 천립중과 단백질 함량이 증가하였으며, 수장과 회분함량은 시비량과 부의 상관을 나타내었다. 단백질 함량은천립중과 정의 상관을 나타내었지만 회분 함량은 천립중 및리터중과 부의 상관을 나타내었다. 간장이 증가할수록 천립중은 증가하고 리터중은 감소하였으며, 수장은 천립중과 부의 상관을 나타내었다. 시비량이 간장 및 원맥 특성에 영향을 미치기 때문에 품종별 용도에 맞는 밀 품종을 재배하기위해서는 적정 시비기술에 대한 농가 지도가 필요하다. 또한, 국산 밀의 생산성 증진과 품질 향상 및 균일성 확보를위해서는 용도별 가공적성에 적합한 품종에 대한 집단 재배단지를 조성하고 철저한 생산 관리와 체계적인 수확 후 관리 구축에 대한 종합적인 고려가 있어야 할 것이다.
Drought tolerance is the ability of a plant to live, grow, and reproduce properly with limited water supply or under periodic conditions of water deficit. However, the climate changes and worldwide water shortages would result in the loss of applied water to irrigated land, increasing soil water deficit. To control the situation, we have carried out the international joint research project for the aim of developing that drought tolerance common wheat and durum wheat in Korea and Tunisia. Total 79 (41 common wheat, 39 durum wheat) Tunisian lines and 33 Korean wheat cultivars were incorporated in this study. Drought stress was applied for 25 days of stopping irrigation from the 3-leaf stage followed by re-watering for restoration in greenhouse. We selected top 13 (5 Korean line, 8 Tunisian line) tolerant lines and 11 (5 Korean, 6 Tunisian) susceptible lines based on growth parameter analysis. Primers (Operon primers and wheat Dreb1 gene) that have been known to be related drought resistance were applied to explain selected population. The correlation between PCR-based length polymorphism of selected lines and their resistance were evaluated. The obtained primer information will aid selection for drought tolerance durum as well as hexaploid common wheat.
This study was conducted to investigate the occurrence of Soil borne wheat mosaic virus(SbWMV) in barley fields in Korea and to examine the host pathogenicity of SbWMV. By using the ELISA test, SbWMV was detected in the six regions : Suwon, Milyang, Jinju, Youngkwang, Iksan, and Chonju. SbWMV was isolated from the two strains, Albori strain from Jinju and Eunpamil strain from Milyang. SbWMV was collected from leaves showing mosaic, yellowing and necrosis stripes. SbWMV was inoculated mechanically on 1∼1.5 leaf stages with leaf-rubbing to identify the host pathogenicity of 36 Korean barley cultivars, a wheat cultivar, two rye cultivars, three Japanese barley cultivars and Chenopodium amaranticola. Viral sympoms of inoculated leaves appeared on moulted loaves about 4 to 6 weeks of inoculation. Baegdong and Tapgolbori, infected from Albori strain and Eunpamil strain infected from Samdobori showed much higher susceptibility than C. amaranticola and C. quinoa which showed ring spots and chlorotic spots respectively. Virus particles were observed by the electron microscope. They were rod-shapes, which are bipartite, of 142 nm or 281 nm in length with 20 nm diameter on infected leaves. Specific detection and identification of SbWMV was set up using the RT-PCR. PCR fragments of SbWMV(0.5kb) were obtained by using the designed primers for SbWMV RNA 2.
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) has been a major disease causing a severe loss of yield in winter cereals worldwide. It has been recently reported that BYDV occurs frequently in wheat field and also causes serious yield reduction in Korea. This study was performed to investigate the regional distributions of BYDV strains in Korea and to identify the resistant cultivars or lines of wheat to the predominant BYDV strains, providing basic information for the breeding of BYDV-resistant wheat varieties. Using RT-PCR and EcoRI digestion methods, the regional distribution of BYDV strains in Korea from 1999 to 2000 showed that PAV strain was mainly detected about 65% (Vic-PAV 52.6% ; CN-PAV 47.4%) and MAV strain about 3%. Using ELISA test for the examination of BYDV resistance with 17 cultivars and 4 lines among Korean wheat, three cultivars, Gurumil, Topdongmil, and Olgurumil, were susceptible to BYDV and the others were resistant. In plant growth and yield component responses to BYDV infection, Gurumil showed significant difference between the uninfected and the infected, suggesting the most susceptible to BYDV among Korean wheat, but Eun-pamil and Seohae118 did no difference, an indication that they have the highest resistance.
Average yield of wheat and barley cultivars has been increased 3 percent every year by varietal improvement. The major characteristic changes of those improved cultivars were the early maturing and lodging resistance using dwarf genes, 70-90cm of culm length appearances, under the heavy fertilizer application. Looking back the cultural practices of wheat and barley for the last 20 years, the introduction of early maturing and lodging resistance cultivars around 1970 brought the changes of seeding rate from 65kg to 130- 200kg per hector and the tillering increased by heavy fertilizer. The utilization of livestock and man power for preparation of seedbed were gradually disappeared by increasing agricultural mechanization. The narrow-spaced seeding (40cm ~times l8cm) and drill seeding (20cm ~times 5cm) in upland, broadcasting or drilling on high ridge (120cm ~times 90cm) with the power-toller and whole area broadcasting in paddy field were improved as the main cultural method. The use of agricultural machineries reduced the labour consumption of 940 man hours to 180 man hours per hector from seeding to harvest.