
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 956

        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        세줄콩들명나방의 피해를 해석하고자 유충밀도에 따른 피해엽면적과 인위적엽에 따른 생육 및 수량을 구명하였다. 세줄콩들명나방은 1.8엽으로 하나의 권엽을 형성하였고, 콩의 상위부에 주로 위치하였다. 20, 25, 30℃의 항온 사육상에서 유충의 섭식엽면적은 각각 21.26, 25.39, 23.97cm2이었고, 유충 5령기에 전체 섭식엽면적의 80%를 섭식하였다. 온실에서 2령 유충을 주당 5, 10, 15, 20마리씩 협비대기의 콩에 접종하여 유충기간동안 섭식한 엽면적을 측정한 결과 각각 148.5, 316.5, 560.3, 662.6cm2이었고, 피해엽수는 각각 24.7, 45.2, 59.2, 55.4엽이었다. 유충 1마리당 평균 섭식엽면적은 32.3cm2이었고, 평균 가해엽수는 4.0엽이었다. 콩 잎의 피해를 해석하고자 영양생장기(V5), 개화기(R2), 협비대기(R5)에 각각 0, 20, 40, 80%씩 인위적엽한 결과, 협성숙기(R8)에 적엽시기별로 측정한 엽면적의 회복정도는 V5, R2 순이었고, R5는 거의 회복하지 못하였다. 주당 협수는 R2시기에 80%를 적엽하였을 때 가장 많았고, R5시기에 80%를 적엽하였을 때 가장 적었다. 100립중은 대부분의 처리에서 비슷하게 나타났지만, R5시기에 적엽률이 증가할수록 감소하는 경향을 보였고, 80%를 적엽하였을 때 가장 적게 나타났다. 종실수량은 V5, R2, R5 등의 적엽시기에 따라 120.7, 103.6, 100.5kg/10a로 감소하였고, 20, 40, 80% 등의 적엽률에 따라서는 V5시기에는 148.2, 115.3, 98.7kg/10a, R2시기에는 137.1, 114.2, 59.6kg/10a, R5시기에는 141.3, 91.1, 69.1kg/10a로 적엽률이 증가할수록 수량은 크게 감소되었다. 특히, V5시기의 80%, R2시기의 80%, R5시기의 40%와 80%에서 통계적으로 유의하게 감소되었다.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        아가, 청자, 대원의 세 가지 콩 품종이 톱다리개미허리노린재의 발육과 생식이 미치는 영향을 실내에서 비교하였고, 또한 이 세 가지 품종 간에 야외 발생소장을 비교하였다. 실내 실험에서 약충의 발육기간은 아가, 청자, 대원콩에서 각각 평균 14.5, 14.0, 14.6일이였고, 약충의 사망률은 각각 40.0, 51.3, 55.7%였다. 발육기간에서는 통계적 차이가 없었지만, 사망률에서는 아가콩에서 유의하게 다른 두 품종보다 낮았다. 성충의 생식능력으로 7일 동안 암컷이 산란한 알의 총 개수의 평균은 각각 67.8, 68.0, 67.7개였으며 통계적 차이는 없었다. 야외조사는 안동시 풍산면 소재 친환경 인증 포장에서 아가, 청자, 대원을 각각 3반복의 라틴방각법으로 배치하여 재배하였다. 7월 13일부터 10일 간격으로 8회 동안 알, 약충, 성충의 수를 각 처리구에서 임의로 30주를 조사하였다. 조사기간 전체 동안 발생 수는 알의 개수가 아가, 청자, 대원콩에서 각각 평균 18.3, 23.0, 23.7개, 약충은 각각 평균 8.0, 11.3, 17.3마리, 성충은 각각 평균 7.3, 21.3, 15.7마리가 조사되었다. 톱다리개미허리노린재의 알과 약충에서는 통계적인 차이가 없었지만, 성충은 아가에서 가장 적게 발생하였다. 이상의 결과로 새로운 품종인 아가콩은 다른 두 품종에 비해 톱다리개미허리노린재의 유충 생존율을 높였지만 성충의 발생은 다른 두 품종에 비해 적음을 알 수 있었다.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of soy cutlets containing textured soy protein (TSP) as a meat analog was studied. In order to decrease the beany flavor and to increase the texture, TSP was treated with 0.3% Flavourzyme or 0.1% Protamex for 10 or 20 min, respectively. The degree of hydrolysis for TSP treated with Protamex was higher than that treated with Flavourzyme. Hydrolysis was observed to increase as the reaction time was increased for both Flavourzyme and Protamex. The water holding capacity of TSP treated with Protamex for 10 min was the highest, and that treated with Flavourzyme for 20 min was similar to that of Protamex treatment for 20 min. The oil binding capacity of TSP treated with Protamex for 20 min was the highest. The hardness of the soy cutlets using TSP treated with Flavourzyme for 10 min was higher than that treated for 20 min, while that of Protamex treated for 20 min was higher than that treated for 10 min. The cohesiveness of the soy cutlets using TSP treated with Flavourzyme or Protamex for 10 min was higher than those treated for 20 min. The chewiness of the soy cutlets treated with Flavourzyme for 10 min was higher than for those treated for 20 min, while those treated with Protamex for 20 min was higher than those treated for 10 min. The springiness of TSP treated with Flavourzyme for 20 min was higher than those treated for 10 min, and higher than those treated with Protamex for 10 or 20 min. For sensory evaluation, the beany flavor of the soy cutlets treated with Protamex for 20 min was the weakest. The flavor and chewiness of both a pork cutlet and a soy cutlet treated with Protamex for 20 min were the best. In the overall quality, soy cutlets treated with Protamex for 20 min was the most desirable. In conclusion, soy cutlets treated with 0.1% Protamex for 20 min could be a reasonable substitute of pork cutlets.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        콩꼬투리혹파리 성충의 체장은 3~4㎜ 이며, 몸체는 회갈색을 띠고 있으며, 형태는 모기와 유사하나 다리와 안테나가 길고, 유충은 콩 꼬투리내에서 발육하고 번데기가 되어 탈출하고 콩 꼬투리의 표면에 번데기가 부착된다. 피해받은 꼬투리 부위는 잘록하게 기형으로 변하며, 심하게 진전되면 꼬투리가 뒤틀리게 되고 피해받은 종실은 기형화 되거나 퇴화된다. 콩꼬투리혹파리에 의한 콩의 피해증상은 착협기에 콩 꼬투리에서 확연히 나타나서 구별되지만 현재까지 콩꼬투리혹파리의 발생을 조사하는 방법이 확립되어 있지 않아 몇 가지 조사방법을 적용하여 가장 효과적으로 본 충의 밀도를 조사하는 방법을 확립하고자 하였다. 그 결과 포충망을 콩 포장의 이랑 사이에 놓고 양손으로 콩 식물체를 타락하여 조사하는 방법이 대상해충의 발생량을 가장 많이 조사할 수 있었으며, 다음은 사각트랩타락법 및 끈끈이트랩의 순서 이었다. 콩 포장에서 콩꼬투리혹파리는 7월 상순부터 발생되었으며, 발생량은 9월 상순경까지 증가하는 경향이었다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two lepidopteran species, Matsumuraeses phaseoli (Matsumura) and Maruca vitrata (syn. M. testulalis) (Fabricius) were reared on artificial diets, and analyzed in their developmental characteristics. Photoperiod was supplied with 16L/8D for M. phaseoli and with 13L/11D for M. vitrata, respectively. Both species passed five larval instars with discrete sizes of head capsule width. In a constant environment (25℃ and 65%RH), the developmental period of M. phaseoli egg, larva and pupa was 3.9, ca. 16.0 and 8.9 days, respectively, and over 80% of M. phaseoli larvae could develop into pupae, most of which emerged into adults. Newly laid eggs could be stored at 5℃ for 15 days with over 50% hatchability. Similar developmental traits were shown in M. vitrata. However, a low temperature preservation was not applicable to M vitrata eggs.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This survey was conducted to illustrate insect pests and their natural enemies in soybean fields in Honam area. A total of 23 pest species in 13 families and 13 species of natural enemy were observed during 2002 to 2003. Delia platura, Medythia nigrobilineata, Spodoptera exigua and Aphis glycines occurred relatively with high population densities during the early growth stage of soybean. Dolycoris baccarum, Riptortus clavatus, Nezara antennata, Piezodorus hybneri and Halyomorpha halys began to occur between mid July to early August and lasted until the harvest time. Lepidopteran insect pests, Leguminivora glycinivorella, Pleuroptya ruralis, Scopula missaria, Macdunnoughia purissima and Spodoptera litura occurred significantly in late August in soybean field. Natural enemies of soybean insect pests observed in this survey were seven parasitoids, five predators, and an entomopahogenic fungus. Two egg parasitoid species for R. clavatus, two parasitoid species for P. ruralis, and five natural enemy species (including parasite, predator and entomopathogenic fungi) for either S. litura or A. glycines were identified, respectively. Among them two egg parasitoid species, Gryon japonicum and Ooenyrtus nezarae for R. clavatus, for and one parasitoid species for P. ruralis, that belong to Betbylidae, were new to Korea.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develope the observing methods for density of stink bugs in soybean reproductive stage. The adults and nymphs of bean bug, Riptortus clavatus, red-banded shield bug, Piezodorus hybneri, green stink bug, Nezara antennata, Sole bug, Dolycoris baccarum, and brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys were observed by three observing methods such as beating, sweeping net, and visual counting methods in the full bloom (R2), full pod (R4) and beginning maturity (R7) of soybean. As a result, total number of stink bugs observed was the highest with 5,214.2 by beating method, and then was 2,581.8 by visual counting method, and was the lowest with 103.1 by sweeping net method. Total number of stink bugs observed by the beating and visual counting methods was P. hybneri, followed by N. antennata, H. halys, R. clavatus and D. baccarum with clear difference in observed number of each stink bugs while total number of stink bugs observed by sweeping net method was very low in the range of 18 to 23. Accordingly, the observed density of stink bugs exception of R. clavatus adult by beating method was generally high. However, the number of R. clavatus adult was more observed by flushing method than that by beating method from the beginning bloom (R1) to full maturity (R8), and was more observed at morning time than that at afternoon time. Therefore, two observation methods that flushing method for R. clavatus and beating method for the other stink bugs were recommended for the occurring density of stink bugs in soybean because both bean bug and pentatomidae stink bugs have distinct behavior characteristics such as flying and dropping.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From the surveys of 2005 and 2006 in Korea, Trissolcus nigripedius was found in four locations, i.e., Andong, Miryang, Namhae, and Suwon, and one of the major egg parasitoids of Dolycoris baccarum. T nigripedius was also found to parasitize two other soybean bugs, Riptortus clavatus and Piezodorus hybneri, from the field collection in 2005. Host acceptance behaviors of T. nigripedius consisting of drumming, oviposition, and marking were observed and compared on five species of soybean bugs. T. nigripedius showed the complete host acceptance behaviors on the eggs of D. baccarum, P. hybneri, and Halyomorpha halys. But T. nigripedius emerged only from the eggs of D. baccarum (96%) and P. hybneri (75%) after 24 hours of exposure. T. nigripedius did not mark on the eggs of R. clavatus and Nezara antennata during the observation of behavior, hence no egg deposition was made. However, T. nigripedius parasitized 20% and killed 30% of the eggs of R. clavatus when 24 hours were given for parasitization. T. nigripedius would be a potential biological control agent of D. baccarum and P. hybneri with ability of giving additional mortality on R. clavatus in soybean field.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The damage aspects of soybean by common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) at different larval density and different growth stage of soybean were studied in soybean field. The percent yield reduction(Y) of soybean infested by different densities of S. litura (X, no. of larvae/plant) under outdoor conditions for a three week period were estimated by the following equations: (1) Y = 1.655X - 6.025 (R² = 0.952) for the R1 (flowering stage), (2) Y = 0.725X - 0.475 (R² = 0.986) for the R3 (beginning pod stage), and (3) Y=0.635X - 1.325 (R² = 0.986) for the R5 (beginning seed stage). Based on the relationships between the densities of S. litura larvae and the yield index of soybean, the number of larvae (2nd-3rd instar) which caused 5% loss of yield (Tolerable injury level) was estimated to as approximately 6.7 for the R1, 7.5 for the R3, and 10.0 per plant for the R5, respectively. Average soybean leaf areas consumed by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th larvae of Spodoptera litura during 24 hr at 28℃ was 0.3, 0.7, 2.6, 4.0, 20.1, and 55.8 ㎠, respectively.