In this study, polyphenol and flavonoid contents were measured, and DPPH, OH, H2O2 radical scavenging activity, and the α-amylase inhibitory activity were measured to study the antioxidant activity of 70% ethanol extract from Morinda citrifolia L. The polyphenol and flavonoid contents of noni 70% ethanol extract were 29.52 GAE/g and 12.48 CE/g, respectively. Also, the IC50 values of DPPH, hydroxyl radical, and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity of 70% ethanol extract from noni were 18.70 mg/mL, 26.45 mg/mL, and 35.67 mg/mL, respectively. Measurement of the α-amylase inhibitory activity of 70% ethanol extract from noni showed 45% inhibitory activity at 10 mg/mL.
The viscosity, overrun, melting-down, moisture, crude fat, total sugar, and color of rice powder and puffed rice powder ice cream, following the addition of α-amylase, were investigated. For identical grain types, the gelatinization degree increased with puffing, and within the same treatment, the short grain was higher than the long grain. Viscosity dropped with increasing α-amylase at the same concentration and grain type, excluding 0.0%, the rice powder was higher than the puffed one, and for the same concentration and treatment, the short grain was higher. The overrun was highest at 0.2%, and for the same concentration and treatment, the short grain exhibited higher overrun. Higher melting-down was observed in puffed and lower viscosity ice cream mix. No significant difference was found in moisture with enzyme concentration. Regardless of puffing, the short tended to have a higher moisture. No difference was noticed in crude fat by concentration, grain type, or puffing. The total sugar was higher with increasing α-amylase; at the same concentration, puffed tended to be higher. The hunter “L” and “b” increased with α-amylase, while the “a” value dropped. At the same concentration and grain type, the “b” values decreased with puffing (p<0.05).
본 연구는 효소식품과 효소표방식품 (기타가공식품, 음료베이스, 기타발효음료, 액상차) 98건에 대한 α-아밀라아제, β-아밀라아제 활성과 당 함량을 조사하였다. 효소식품과 기타가공품의 α-아밀라아제 활성은 각각 4.9~53,854.6 U/g, 2.9~1,182.7 U/g으로 같은 유형간에 큰 차이가 있었다. 발효식품의 α-아밀라아제 활성은 각각 0.1~1.7 U/g이었다. 효소식품, 기타가공품 그리고 발효식품의 β-아밀라아제 평균 활성은 각각 126.0 U/g, 5.6 U/g, 10.5 U/g으로 효소표방식품은 효소식품보다 훨씬 낮은 활성을 나타냈다. 평균 당 함량은 효소식품 22.4 g/100 g, 기타가공품 14.8 g/100 g, 음료베이스 46.9 g/100 g, 기타발효음료류 41.1 g/100 g, 액상차 39.5 g/100 g으로 발효식품에서 높은 당 함량을 나타냈다. α-아밀라아제 활성과 유당 함량은 효소식품에서 통계적으로 강한 상관관계(r = 0.644)를 나타냈고 기타가공식품에서는 매우 강한 상관관계(r = 0.903)를 나타냈다. β-아밀라아제 활성과 유당 함량은 효소식품에서 통계적으로 강한상관관계(r = 0.648)를 나타냈고 기타가공식품에서는 강한상관관계(r = 0.757)를 나타냈다. 효소식품과 기타가공품에서 α-아밀라아제 활성과 β-아밀라아제 활성 사이에는 매우 강한 상관관계(r = 0.869, r = 0.760)를 나타냈다. 즉, α-아밀라아제 활성과 β-아밀라아제 활성 사이에 비례관계가 성립함을 알 수 있었다.
After a mixed carbohydrate diet, inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase involved in the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates can significantly decrease the postprandial increase of blood glucose level. In the course of screening these useful enzyme inhibitors, we selected five kinds of bean, using an in-vitro enzyme inhibition assay method. To evaluate the effect of germination process on the functionality of the bean, we investigated the inhibitory activities of the water extracts of non-germinated bean and germinated bean against α-amylase and α-glucosidase, relevant to postprandial hyperglycemia. We also investigated the oxygen radical absorbance capacity(ORAC), total phenolics content, and postprandial blood glucose lowering effect in rats(Sprague-Dawley rat model). Most germinated beans showed significantly higher α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, compared with non-germinated beans. Among germinated beans, Glycine max had the highest α-glucosidase inhibitory activity(53.3%). The water extract of germinated Phaseolus vulgaris L. had the highest α-amylase inhibitory activity(95.1%), followed by Glycine max(58.7%), and Glycine max L. Merr(54.1%). Furthermore, the five germinated beans also showed high antioxidant activities in ORAC assay. Results suggested that the germination process may improve and enhance the anti-hyperglycemia potential and antioxidant activity of the bean.
메밀(신농 1호)을 10℃에서 7일간 발아시켜, 24시간마다 시료를 채취하여 α-amylase와 유리당의 변화를 관찰, 비교한 결과는 다음과 같다. α-Amylase 활성도는 발아 전 1.66 U에서 발아 1일에 3.95 U로 급격히 증가하였고, 3일째에 1.09 U의 최저 활성을 나타내었으며, 4일째부터 다시 급격히 증가하여 발아 7일에는 9.18 U의 활성도를 나타내었다. 유리당 함량은 건량기준으로 발아 전에 maltose 1.81 ㎎%, fructose 0.42 ㎎%, glucose 7.71 ㎎%, rhamnose 6.80㎎%였다. 발아중 메밀의 유리당 함량변화에 있어서 maltose는 발아초기에 감소하기 시작하여 3일째에 최저치를 나타내었고 4일째부터 뚜렷하게 증가하는 경향을 나타내었으매, fructose는 발아 2일째까지 감소하다가 3일째부터 서서히 증가하였다. Glucose는 발아전 7.71 ㎎%에서 3일째에 0.54 ㎎%까지 감소하였다가 점차 증가하기 시작하여 5일 이후 급격히 증가하여 7일에는 43.18 ㎎%로 발아 전에 비해 약 5배 정도 증가하였다. Rhamnose는 발아 1일째에 1.15 ㎎%로 감소한 상태에서 이후 전발아기간 동안 거의 변화가 없었다.
This study carried out to changes α-amylase activity and isozymes in barley during germination in the dark and red light. The specific activity of α-amylase was increased during the germination periods in the dark, giving 355.0 and 523.7 units/㎎ protein at 3 and 5 day, and the activity was increased by the red light up to 48 and 15% at 3 and 5 days of germination, respectively. The ratio of α-amylase Ⅰ and Ⅱ was approximately 95 : 5 at both 3 and 5 days of germination in the dark while the different ratio was found by the red light i. e. 60 : 40 and 90 : 10 at 3 and 5 days of germination, respectively.
본 연구에서는 백합과에 속하는 덩굴성 관목인 청미래덩굴 70% 에탄올 추출물과 열수 추출물의 항산화 및 항당뇨에 대한 활성을 연구하였다. 총 폴리페놀 함량 과 플라보노이드 함량 측정, 전자공여능, ABTs 소거능, SOD 유사활성능, xanthine oxidase 저해활성, ACE 저해활성, TBARs측정, PF값 측정 및 α-glucosidase 와 α-amylase 의 저해활성을 측정하였다. 그 결과 총 폴리페놀 함량과 플라보노이드 함량은 에탄올 추출물에 함유량이 더 많았으며, 전자공여능, ABTs 소거능, SOD 유사활성능, xanthine oxidase 저해활성, ACE 저해활성, TBARs 측정, PF값 측정 결과 모두 청미래 덩굴 열수 추출물보다 에탄올 추출물의 활성이 우수하였다. 또한 α-glucosidase 와 α-amylase 의 저해활성을 측정한 결과 에탄올 추출물의 활성이 열수 추출물보다 우수하였다. 이상의 검증 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 청미래 덩굴의 에탄올 추출물의 항산화 및 항 당뇨 활성이 우수하였고, 차후 항산화 및 항 당뇨 예방물질 소재로서의 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 제주도에 자생하는 차나무과 식물을 대상으로 식품소재 또는 생약으로의 활용 방안을 모색하고자 angiotensin I converting enzyme(ACE) 저해활성, aminopeptidase N(APN) 저해활성 및 α-amylase 저해활성을 조사하고, 항산화활성을 검색하고 TLC를 이용하여 분석하였다. ACE 저해활성은 후피향나무(수피)와 비쭈기나무(잎)에서 50% 이상의 저해활성을 보였으며, APN 저해활성은 비쭈기나무(잎과 수피)와 후피향나무(수피)에서만 양의 활성을 보였다. α-amylase 저해활성은 동백나무(열매), 우묵사스레피나무(수피), 후피향나무(수피)와 차나무(줄기)에서 30% 이상의 저해활성을 보였다. 항산화활성은 비쭈기나무(수피), 후피향나무(수피), 차나무(잎)에서 30% 이상의 다소 높은 전자공여능을 나타내었다. 특히, 비쭈기나무(수피)는 dot-blot test에 의해 다른 종에 비해 활성이 높아 1.25 μg/ml의 낮은 농도에서도 높은 항산화활성을 보였다. TLC 분석에 의해 비쭈기나무(수피)에서 EGC(Rf 0.26) 활성이 높았으며, 비쭈기나무, 우묵사스레피나무, 후피향나무의 수피에서 EGCG(Rf 0.09) 활성이 높게 검출되었다. 그리고, 표준 catechin류와는 다른 것으로 보이는 5개의 밴드(Rf 0.54, 0.46, 0.44, 0.16, 0.03)는 Folin-Ciocalteu Reagent 방법과 Ferric chloride-alcohol 방법을 이용하여 polyphenol류인 것으로 추정되었다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 사스레피나무를 제외한 차나무과 식물들은 생리활성이 높아 식품 소재 또는 생약으로의 활용이 가능할 것으로 보이며, 활성성분의 분리 및 동정 그리고 이들 물질을 이용한 임상실험 등 보다 심도있는 연구가 필요할 것으로 보인다.
To develop anti-acidosis and anti-diabetes agentsfrom natural products, the inhibitory activities of Brazilian plant extracts against microbial -amylase and -glucosidase were evaluated. Among 100 different ethanol extracts tested, those of Acacia jurema Mart., Anacardium humile A. St.-Hil., Cedrela odorata L., and Guazuma ulmifolia Lam showed good inhibitoryactivities toward both enzymes. In addition, an extract of Plumeria drastica Mart. showed specific inhibition of -amylase, whereas that of Eugenia uniflora L. demonstrated strong inhibition of the enzyme. IC50 values of -amylase inhibition suggested that the extract of A. humile A. St.-Hil., which has been used as an anti-diabetes medicine in Brazil, had potent inhibitory activity. The IC50 for the A. humile A. St.-Hil. extract () was similar to that of acarbose (). This activity of A. humile A. St.-Hil. was not reduced by heat or acid treatment. Moreover, treatment with HCl (0.01 M) for 1 h increased the inhibitory activity from 57.5% to 81.2%. Also, the extract did not cause hemolysis of human red blood cells at levels up to 1 mg/mL. The results indicate that the extract of A. humile A. St.-Hil. is potentially useful as an anti-acidosis and anti-diabetes agent.
Compounds of isolated from roots extract of Pueraria thunbergiana were tested their inhibitory effects on α-glucosidase and α-amylase. Inhibitory activity of methylene chloride (MC) fraction and ethyl acetate (EA) fraction against α-glucosidase showed more than 60% at a concentration of 500μg/ml. Among the nine compounds tested on α-glucosidase, biochanin A, (-)-tuberosin and calycosin from MC fraction and daidzein from EA fraction were stronger inhibitors than acarbose (IC50=530μg/ml), and their IC50 were 9, 144, 328 and 20μg/ml, respectively. Biochanin A and (-)-tuberosin also inhibited α-amylase activity as like as acarbose IC50=20.5μg/ml), and their IC50 were 22 and 348μg/ml, respectively. Although daidzein was already known α-glucosidase inhibitory effects, it was newly evaluated that biochanin A and (-)-tuberosin inhibited α-glucosidase as well as α-amylase, and that calycosin did α-glucosidase.
제주도에 자생하는 피자식물 289종 454점을 대상으로 항산화활성과 α-amylase 저해활성을 검색하였다. DPPH radical에 대한 전자공여능으로 측정한 항산화활성은 붉나무의 오배자, 굴피나무의 열매, 참죽나무의 줄기 메탄올 조추출물에서 높은 활성을 보였다. 특히, 붉나무의 오배자의 항산화활성은 94.2±0.8%로 본 실험에 동일 농도의 대조구로 사용된 BHA(61.7±0.6%)와 ascorbic acid(53.6±0.7%) 보다도 활성이 높았다. 그리고 붉나무, 굴피나무, 참죽나무 이외의 나머지 52점의 식물들도 차나무 잎의 활성보다 높았다. α-Amylase 저해활성은 곰의말채의 줄기와 잎, 조록나무의 잎과 소지, 정금나무의 잎 등 9종 11점에서 80% 이상의 높은 활성을 보였다. 앞으로 식품 소재 또는 생약으로의 개발 가능성을 모색하기 위해서 활성성분의 분리 및 동정 그리고 이들 물질을 이용한 임상실험 등 보다 심도있는 연구가 요구된다.
현미(고아미) 비열처리 알코올발효 부산물을 식품소재로 활용하고자 처리조건에 따른 품질특성 변화를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 가수분해 온도에 따른 고아미 부산물의 가용성 고형분, 총식이섬유소 및 총당은 온도가 높을수록 증가하였으며, 환원당은 에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 가수분해 온도 이상에서는 유리아미노산이 점차 감소하는 경향이었으며, 올리고당은 에서 가수분해 하였을 때 가장 많이 검출되었다. 농도에 따른 가용성 고형분은 효소제 농도가 높을수록 함량
This study was carried out to investigate inhibitory effect of extracts from Artemisia capillaris Thumb. on maltase, sucrase, α-amylase, nonspecific α-glucosidase, and postprandial hyperglycemia. Methanol extract and organic solvent (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, aqueous) fractions from the medicinal herb were determined for the inhibitory activities against maltase, sucrase and α-amylase. The methanol extract from A. capillaris strongly inhibited maltase (57%) and α-glucosidase (72%) at the concentration of 100 μg/ml. Among the four fractions (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, aqueous) examined, the butanol fraction from A. capillaris showed potent inhibitory effects on maltase (73%), sucrase (33%), and α-amylase (75%) at the concentration of 100 μg/ml. The butanol fraction from Artemisia capillaris also exhibited significant reductions (20%) of blood glucose elevation in mice loaded with maltose. These results suggest that the extract from Artemisia capillaris can be used as a new nutraceutical for inhibition on postprandial hyperglycemia
Effects of dimethipin on α-amylase activity of barley seeds were investigated. In the treatments of 1 μM and 10 μM dimethipin, the indexes of germination were reduced to 17% and 24 % respectively. After seed germination, dimethipin was added to germinated seedlings and then the seedlings were kept to measure seedling length under illumination for 7 days. In control, the length of seedling was 5.7 cm, but in the treatments of 1 μM dimethipin and 10 μM dimethipin, seedling lengths were 5.5 cm and 1.2 cm respectively. In the relationship between dimethipin concentrations and α-amylase activities, there was a linear curve. The more dimethipin was added to the seeds, the more α-amylase activities were inhibited. In the treatments of 1 μM dimethipin and 10 μM dimethipin, α-amylase activities were reduced to 33% and 71% respectively. Dimethipin also inhibited α-amylase activities increased by gibberellin and the content of soluble protein. Therefore, it could be suggested that dimethipin might inhibit directly the activities of hydrolysis enzymes including α-amylase or the expression of α-amylase genes as germination and seedling growth were severely disturbed.
Starch was crosslinked with epichlorohydrin. Crosslinked starch-filled waterborne acrylate (CSWAC) films were prepared by blending this crosslinked starch with waterborne acrylate. The thermal and mechanical properties of these films were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), tensile strength and elongation test. The biodegradability was also studied by determination of reduced sugar products after enzymatic hydrolysis and the surface morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
The CSWAC film showed significantly higher tensile strength and elongation than those of starch-filled waterbonre acrylate (SWAC). The biodegradability of this film was higher than that of native starch-filled acrylate film, and was increased by the addition of crosslinked starch to the acrylate film.
The biodegradability of vinyl acetate acrylate resin and corn starch blend was studied by determination of the reduced sugars produced after enzymatic hydrolysis. The starch hydrolysis reaction by α-amylase was achieved within 5 minutes. Optimal ranges of temperature and pH for the starch hydrolysis by α-amylase were around 80 oC and 6.5-7.2, respectively.
The biodegradability of the starch-filled acrylate films increased as the content of starch increased. The biodegradation of starch in the starch-filled acrylate film by α-amylase was about 48.6% of that of pure starch. This value of biodegradable starch-filled acrylate film gave a good result with enzymatic shortcut test. The surface morphologies of the starch-filled acrylate film after enzymatic hydrolysis were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Osmoconditioning and hardening effects for the seed germination of normal and naturally aged rice seeds were studied through analyzing the total sugars and α -amylase activity. The normal seeds which used to have high germination rate accelerated germination with the osmoconditioning at the suboptimal temperature of 17~circC . On the other hand, the aged seeds did not affect germination rate at 25~circC , while increased germination rate and accelerated germination a little at 17~circC , Hardening of aged seeds increased germination rate by 10-15% compared with control seeds at both 17 and 25~circC and accelerated germination. Total sugar content and α -amylase activity of normal seeds were higher than did aged seeds. The aged seeds with treatment of osmoconditioning and hardening increased total sugar content and α --amylase activity, but hardening was more effective than osmoconditioning. The α --amylase activity was positively correlated with the total sugar content and germination rate.