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        검색결과 437

        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the job satisfaction of foodservice managers at schools in Jeju, Korea, according to the organizational culture and commitment of the school foodservice and administrative departments. The subjects included 144 (98.6%) dieticians from Jeju schools. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, ttests, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficients, using the SPSS Win 12.0 program. In terms of organizational culture, the dieticians perceived the 'human relations model' and 'internal process model' as the strongest types for the school foodservice departments and administrative departments, respectively. However, for both types, a gap existed between the organizational culture that was perceived and that which was expected. In particular, the subjects expected that the 'human relations model' and 'open systems model' were the most important organizational culture types. In terms of the subjects' organizational commitment scores, loyalty and pride scored highest whereas unity scored lowest. For the level of job satisfaction, the performed work itself scored highest and was deemed most important. Additionally, organizational culture was positively correlated to the factors affecting organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Finally, the surveyed managers had high demands for a human relations-oriented organizational culture to enhance job satisfaction.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey the current status of bread menus at school, business and industry (B & I), and military foodservice operations and to analyze dietitians' perceptions of applying rice bread in foodservice menus. A questionnaire, which was developed by content analysis, situation analysis, and in-depth interview, was distributed to 183 schools, 31 B & I operations, and 26 air force dietitians. In the school and B & I foodservices, wheat bread was used much more than rice bread and serving frequencies of morning rolls and sliced bread were higher. The military foodservices, however, served much more rice bread as burger buns than the other groups. For the school and B&I operations, consumer preference for wheat bread was perceived as high. In contrast, soldiers preferred rice bread to wheat bread in the military foodservices. The recognized advantages of using rice bread were different among the three groups. The military dietitians perceived the main advantage of using rice bread as an increase of rice consumption, while the school and B & I dietitians viewed it as promoting a healthy image. In all groups, the primary difficulties for using rice bread were the higher cost of rice bread as compared to wheat bread and a lack of facilities (e.g. oven). The military dietitians had the highest levels of positive and active interest as well as intention and opinions toward using rice bread. On the other hand, the school and B & I dietitians had very positive perceptions of rice bread but did not actually apply it in their foodservice menus. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the development of diverse menus using rice bread along with government support of its use, including facilities with ovens as well as rice bread subsidies, should be carried out for on-going expansion of the rice bread supply.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the empirical cause-effect relationships among business ethical values and person-organization fit, job satisfaction, turnover intent, and organizational performance within family restaurants and feeding facilities. Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 459 restaurant employees. The SPSS and Amos programs were then applied to the data to perform frequency, factor, reliability, correlation and SEM analyses. The primary results are as follows. First, business ethical values had a significant positive effect on person-organization fit. Second, person-organization fit had a significant positive effect on job satisfaction, and a significant negative effect on turnover intent. Third, job satisfaction had a significant positive effect, and turnover intent had a significant negative effect, on organizational performance. Finally, upon verifying the possible direct and indirect effects of business ethical values within family restaurants and feeding facilities, it was determined that the ethical values had significant direct and indirect effects on person-organization fit, job satisfaction, turnover intent, and organizational performance. These findings have various implications. For example, an improved in-house ethical working environment leads to greaterperson-organization fit, and having employees that feel there is better in-house ethical reliability leads to greater consistency between personal and organizational values, resulting in higher job satisfaction and ultimately organizational performance.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to identify the students’ perception and to evaluate the satisfaction with the quality of school foodservice in Chungbuk Province. A questionnaire survey of 900 students was conducted and 370 completed questionnaires were available for the purpose of the statistical evaluation. Statistical analyses were performed on the data utilizing the SAS V8.2 program. Importance, performance and satisfaction scale were composed of 5-Likert scales. The main results of this study were summarized as follows: The degree of importance and performance on twenty three attributes and the degree of satisfaction with four dimensions and overall satisfaction were measured according to type of school, location of school, place for eating, type of foodservice system and type of foodservice operation. The importance score was significantly higher than the performance score at all quality attributes except for the food appearance. The performance score of ‘waiting time’ and ‘atmosphere’ was less than 3 point out of 5 scale. The average satisfaction score for the quality dimensions of food, sanitation and service was 3.35, 3.19 and 3.10 point out of 5 scale, respectively. The satisfaction score for dimension of environment was 2.93 point out of 5 scale. The score for overall satisfaction was 3.27 point out of 5 scale. The satisfaction score for elementary school foodservice management was significantly higher than middle and high school foodservices. The satisfaction score for commissary foodservice operations was significantly higher than conventional foodservice operations. Using survey results as a base, the dieticians of school foodservice are required to meet the needs of the students and increase students’ satisfaction.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the satisfaction level of military personnels dispatched to Iraq with foodservices in a bid to help establish an efficient overseas military foodservice system. A total of 300 soldiers who served in an army division dispatched to Iraq was surveyed for this study. Regarding connections between the type of management and satisfaction level with foodservices, the contracted cafeterias were more satisfactory in terms of service than the military selfoperated ones, which indicated that it’s urgently needed to improve the service of the military-run cafeterias. The present work force of the Ministry of Defence makes it hard to provide military personnels with specialized foodservices. The military foodservice should provide meals to soldiers with quality. More branded concepts should be improved in the view of cost and effect. Or it’s advisable to take advantage of private resources as part of efforts for civil-military collaboration.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aging rate of rural area in our country is relatively high compared to that of the urban area. Thus, the introduction of meal service for the elderly residing in the rural area is necessary for their better living quality. Food habit, health and the nutritive intake conditions during the busy farming season were surveyed and comparative analysis of dietary intake for the introduction of meal service in pavilion of the elderly living in Chungnam, Kangwon, Jeonnam and Kyungbuk was performed for basic reference data of meal service introduction to the pavilion of the elderly in rural area. In general subject, the male elderly had a significant difference in marital state and showed that 79.4% was married and 20% was separated by death(P<0.05). In allowance, there were no significant difference but most of them lived with less then three hundred thousand won and especially, female lived with less then one hundred thousand won. In health state, the female elderly showed significant difference on difficulty with every day activity but with small trouble although they had to prepare their own meal(P<0.05). The condition dental health conditions of the female elderly had a significant difference showing bad conditions in following order; Kangwon(48%)>Chungnam(38.1%)>Kyungbuk(22.9%)>Jeonnam(22.5%)(p<0.05). The female elderly showed a significant difference in usage of denture and number of the female elderly without using the denture were very high(p<0.05). In nutrition intake condition, amount of sodium was very high but intakes of fiber and calcium were relatively 1ow(P<0.05). Meal service introduction in the pavilion of the elderly is suggested for the improvement of the life quality of the elderly in rural area. When developing the menu for them, conditions such as shortage of the fiber and calcium in diets, the dental conditions should be considered.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were as follows. First is to compare the importance of operational factors to determine types of school breakfast program, and second is to do the preference analysis of operation-related people depending on the attributes and levels of the operation of school breakfast program. The questionnaires developed for this study were distributed to 134 school dietitians, 114 school foodservice officials at the educational board, 68 staff members of foodservice contractors and 493 parents. Statistical data analyses were performed using SPSS/WIN 12.0 for descriptive statistics and conjoint analysis. The conjoint design was applied to evaluate the hypothetical foodservice types. According to the analysis on the attributes and levels of the school breakfast operation, the relative importance of each attribute was as followsprice (36.30%), menu (29.60%), foodservice staff (22.54%), serving type (11.55%) to school dietitians, price (34.99%), menu (28.15%), foodservice staff (23.52%), serving type (13.35%) to school foodservice officials at the educational board, menu (30.55%), price (30.24%), foodservice staff (28.75%), serving type (10.47%) to staff members of foodservice contractors and price (36.34%), menu (29.73%), foodservice staff (21.01%), serving type (12.92%) to parents. The results of the conjoint analysis indicated that the school dietitians and school foodservice officials at the educational board preferred the school breakfast operation program with 3 traditional menus and 2 convenience menus per 5 day, 1~3 foodservice staff, with a price range of 1501~2000won, and tray serving. Staff members of foodservice contractors preferred the school breakfast operation program with 3 traditional menus and 2 convenience menus per 5 day, 1~3 foodservice staff, with a price range of 2501~3000won, and tray serving. Parents preferred the school breakfast operation with 5 traditional menus per 5 day, 6~7 foodservice staff, with a price range of 2501~3000won, and tray serving. About a half of school dietitians considered that elementary schools were appropriate for the suggested school breakfast operation program. But, 68.2% of school foodservice officials at the educational board, 69.1% of staff members of foodservice contractors, and 38.1% of parents considered high schools to be the suitable model. Therefore, it indicated the need to recognize the different opinions among breakfast operation-related people and take these factors into consideration in developing the school breakfast program.