본 연구는 국내육성 사과품종들 중 대구광역시 군위지역에 재배가 적합한 품종을 선발하고자 ‘골든볼’, ‘아리원’, ‘아리수’, ‘이지플’, ‘피크닉’, ‘컬러플’사과품종에 대하여 과실특성 및 저장성을 분석하였다. 각 품종에 대해 품종등록시 과실특성과 비교하였을 때, ‘골든볼’사과는 수확시 경도가 88.4 N으로 다른 품종들에 비하여 매우 높고, 당도와 산도가 각각 14.4 oBrix와 0.37%를 보였으며, 과피색의 황색도는 44.1로 황색계통의 특성이 충분히 발현되었다. 그리고 ‘피크닉’사과는 경도가 66.2 N, 당도 14.7 oBrix, 산도 0.33%를 보였고, 과피 양광면의 적색도는 29.9로 적색계통의 특성이 잘 나타났으나, 바탕면의 적색도는 2.5로 낮아 과실 전체의 착색이 부족하였다. 그리고 ‘아리원’, ‘아리수’, ‘이지플’, ‘컬러플’과실들은 품종등록시 과실특성 기준에 비하여 당도와 산도가 모두 낮은 결과를 보였다. 저온저장중 과실품질변화를 보면, 경도는 6품종 모두 수확시와 비슷한 수준을 유지하였다. 특히, ‘골든볼’ 사과는 저장 80일 후에도 경도가 79.7 N으로 높게 유지되고, 당도와 산도, 그리고 당산비는 수확 시와 비슷하게 유지되었다. 저온저장중 과피색 변화는 품종과 관계없이 명도는 유지되고 적색도와 황색도는 저장기간에 따라 다소 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 따라서 대구광역시 군위지역에서는 과실의 유전적 특성이 잘 발현되는 ‘골든볼’사과품종의 재배가 가장 적합할 것이라고 판단되었다.
중재 시술의 발전으로, 노출된 방사선으로 인한 의료 방사선 중재 시술자에 미치는 건강 위협이 증대됨에 따라 시술 중 방사선 노출을 최소화하기 위한 관심과 노력이 요구되고 있다. 이에 대한췌장담도학회에서는 투시 장비를 이용한 중재 시술 중 의료 방사선 중재 시술자에게 미치는 방사선 노출을 최소화하기 위한 권고안을 개발하였다. 본 권고안은 방사선 차폐, 방사선 투시기와 방사선량의 관리, 방사선 노출 선량 한도 및 감시, 임신과 출산 총 4가지 분야로 나누어 중재 시술자에게 방사선 노출의 위험을 이해하기 위한 지식을 전달하고 실질적으로 수행해야 하는 권고사항을 명확히 제시하여 불필요한 방사선 노출을 피하기 위한 실용적인 접근이 가능하도록 구성되었다. 본 권고안을 통해 의료 방사선 중재시술자의 방사선 노출을 최소화하여 안전하고 효과적인 중재 시술이 이루어질 수 있기를 기대한다.
세대 간 혐오와 갈등의 사회 문제 해결, 시민으로서 권리를 찾기 위 한 노인시민교육은 초고령 사회를 앞둔 한국 사회 현실에서 중요한 문 제이다. 이와 같은 문제의식에 바탕을 둔 본 연구는 노인시민교육을 2 년에 걸쳐 진행한 ‘찾아가는 실버시티즌 아카데미’ 프로그램에 대해 사 례연구를 진행하였다. 연구 결과, 영화를 매개로 한 노인시민교육은 약 화된 인지력과 신체 기능에 맞춘 영화 편집, 시민교육 내용을 시각화· 이미지화하고 서사를 가미함으로써 교육 효과에 상당 부분 기여했음이 확인되었고, 대화와 토론을 통해 시민으로서의 자각과 공동체 의식을 강화하는 유의미한 성과가 나타났다. 노인시민교육 프로그램은 노인이 공동체 내에서 주체적인 역할을 할 수 있도록 설계되어야 한다. 이를 위해 노인들이 시민교육에 지속적으로 참여하고 학습한 내용을 일상생 활에서 실천할 수 있는 지원 시스템 구축이 요구된다. 향후 노인시민교 육에 대한 다양한 접근 방법에 따른 추가 연구가 필요하다.
The present study was carried out to investigate the concentration and species diversity of airborne fungi in thermophilic mushroom cultivation houses. Fungal concentration measurements were performed in April and May 2022 for a Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation house, in July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus sajor-caju and Agaricus blazei cultivation house, and in June, July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus pulmonarius, Pleurotus sajor-caju and Calocybe indica cultivation house. The airborne fungal concentration was 2.95 × 102 CFU/m3~105CFU/m3, above 105CFU/m3, and 1.12 × 103 CFU/m3~ 9.17 × 103 CFU/m3 in the three cultivation houses, respectively. A total of 8 genera and 22 species of airborne fungi were isolated from three mushroom cultivation houses. 5 genera and 7 species were identified from P. ostreatus cultivation house. Furthermore, 4 genera 6 species were found from A. blazei and C. indica cultivation house. In addition, 5 genera and15 species were isolated from P. pulmonarius, P. sajor-caju and C. indica cultivation house. Among the fungi isolated, the class of Eurotiomycetes was the most common. Among the 22 fungal species, Aspergillus flavus, A. ochraceus A. sydowii, A. tubingensis, A. westerdijkiae, Penicillium brevicompactum, P. citrinum, and P. steckii have been reported as harmful species to mushrooms, food, and human.
Airborne bacteria in mushroom growing environments are a potential risk of contamination in commercial mushroom production. Controlling contamination in mushroom farms requires understanding the bacterial ecology in the cultivation environment. This study was conducted to investigate the concentration and species diversity of floating bacteria in a thermophilic mushroom cultivation room. Temperature, humidity, temperature, humidity, and bacterial concentration measurements were performed in April and May 2022 for a Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation house, in July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus sajor-caju and a Agaricus blazei cultivation house, and in June, July and August 2023 for a Pleurotus pulmonarius, Pleurotus sajor-caju and Calocybe indica cultivation house. The airborne bacterial concentration was 5.27 × 103~105 CFU/m3, 3.81 × 102 ~1.37 × 103 CFU/m3, and 2.55 × 102 ~1.37 × 102 CFU/m3 in the three cultivation houses, respectively. A total of 23 genera and 37 species of airborne bacteria were isolated from the three mushroom cultivation houses. 12 genera and 18 species were identified from P. ostreatus cultivation house. Furthermore, 4 genera and 4 species were found from A. blazei and C. indica cultivation house. In addition, 11 genera and 18 species were isolated from P. pulmonarius, P. sajor-caju and C. indica cultivation house. Among the bacteria isolated, the Bacilli class was the most common, followed by Gammaproteobacteria. Among the 37 bacterial species, it was determined that Bacillus cereus, B. licheniformis, Cedecea neteri, Exiguobacterium acetylicum and Raoultella terrigena could negatively affect humans or foodstuff. Cedecea neteri is also known to cause diseases among mushrooms.
In light of the expanding use of technology in education, we attempted to analyze how Korean college students perceived the use of Machine Translation (MT) tools in the classroom. Specifically, this study attempted to explore students’ perceptions of their ability to use MT tools and to measure the reliability of the MT-generated output, along with measuring students’ general sense of confidence in English learning. This research analyzed 183 EFL college students’ responses to an online survey, and a one-way ANOVA was used to test for the differences in the averages of three groups. The results of data analysis revealed that 1) Among beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced learners, those self-identifying as advanced had the highest scores on all the factors measured.; 2) There was a significant mean difference in students’ perceptions of the ability to use MT tools, their beliefs regarding MT’s effectiveness as a learning tool, and affective attitudes towards the use of MT tools between beginner and advanced groups. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications for the effective use of MT tools in the Korean EFL classrooms, and suggestions for future research were presented.
The aim of this study was to analyze the design characteristics of Chinese fashion designer Feng Chen Wang and interpret their implicit meaning from a neo-deconstruction perspective. A review of domestic and foreign literature, outlined the development of deconstruction and neo-deconstruction, with neo-deconstruction’s aesthetic features termed ‘traditional fusion’, ‘positive playfulness’, ‘open communication’, and ‘multiple inclusiveness’. These features informed an analysis of Feng Chen Wang’s fashion design. Four key findings emerged. First, ‘traditional fusion’ combines traditional Chinese colors, items, handicrafts, and patterns with modern design to break down boundaries between past and modern, tradition and fashion. Second, ‘positive playfulness’ promotes creativity and fun, using bright colors, exaggerated accessories, and playing withthe composition of traditional clothes to create a positive atmosphere. Third, ‘open communication’ emphasizes design that combines practicality and creativity in response to consumer needs, incorporating the thoughts arising from individual experiences and interest in social phenomena. Fourth, ‘multiple inclusiveness’ breaks down boundaries of sexuality, hierarchy, and body shape, embracing various ideas of beauty and respecting uniqueness through design that are seen as available to all. Using a neo-deconstruction perspective, Feng Chen Wang provides novel product planning ideas for Chinese fashion brands and reflects the values and meaning of modern design pursued by contemporary Chinese designers.
This study conducted an investigation into the effects of fruit type and cultivation practices (organic and conventional) on soil characteristics and soil arthropod communities within apple, blueberry, grape, peach, and pear orchards. The collection of soil arthropod communities was achieved through the utilization of pitfall traps, with concurrent measurements taken for soil moisture content, electrical conductivity, and temperature. The findings of this study unveiled substantial impacts attributed to fruit type and cultivation practices on soil characteristics. Specifically, within organic apple orchards, discernibly higher levels of soil moisture content, electrical conductivity, and temperature were observed when compared to their conventional counterparts. The investigation into soil arthropod communities yielded a total of 1,527 individuals, classified in to five phyla and 15 orders. The range of abundance, species richness, and diversity indices varied across conventional and organic orchards. Cultivation practices were found not to exert a significant influence on soil arthropod community characteristics. However, Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) analysis indicated a significant differentiation in soil arthropod community structure based on cultivation practices. This study underscores the importance of considering vegetation structure and environmental characteristics that may influence soil arthropod communities comprehensively when assessing the impact of cultivation practices on soil arthropods. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need to account for both the characteristics and structure of soil arthropod communities in understanding the implications of cultivation practices on these organisms.
폭발 수치해석 기법 중 Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE)는 구조물의 파괴뿐만 아니라 폭발 이후 충격파의 전파 과정까지 관찰할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 그러나 동적 해석 시 유한요소 모델의 격자망 크기가 일정 수준 이하로 감소하게 되면 해석 결과의 신뢰도가 부 정확해진다. 본 연구에서는 ALE 수치해석 기법을 활용하여 대기의 격자망 크기가 해석의 정확도에 미치는 영향을 조사한다. 다양한 조건의 격자망 크기와 폭발 중량을 갖는 대기 중 폭발모델을 구축하고, 폭발 중심으로부터 거리에 따른 폭발압력을 관찰한다. 수치해 석과 실험에서 얻은 최대 폭발압력 결과에 대해 평균 제곱 오차를 계산하여 최적의 격자망 크기를 제안하고, 제안된 크기를 바탕으로 폭발물 중량과 대기의 최적 격자망 크기에 대한 상관관계를 분석한다. 본 연구는 다양한 중량을 가진 폭발물 해석에서 최적의 격자망 크기를 제공함으로써 신뢰성이 향상된 폭발 수치해석 모델 개발에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.
In this study, we explore and catalog Korean astronomical heritages that are known to be preserved in foreign countries. We exclude old astronomical books from the catalog because they have been well studied and exist in numbers far too large for the scope of this study. From various documents and online collections, we find a total of 38 Korean astronomical heritages in six countries: 10, 11, and 14 items from the UK, France, and Japan, respectively, and 1 item from Germany, the US, and China each. These include items that are suspected to be of Chinese heritage and items of unconfirmed possession status. We divide the astronomical heritages primarily into two groups: time-keeping instruments (18 items) and astronomical charts (20 items). In this paper, we briefly review them according to country. We believe that this study provides a foundation for further detailed studies on each item, such as the Gujang-Cheonsang-Yeolcha-Bunya-Jido (舊藏天象列次分野之圖) preserved in the Library of Congress, United States.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of the health promotion behavior of the high-risk group of cardiovascular disease among large-scale industrial manufacturing workers. Method: The subjects of this study were 11 workers at high-risk of cardiovascular disease with a Framingham Risk Score (FRS) score of 10% or more among workers at large-scale workplace in Gyeongsangbukdo area, and the data collection period is from July 1 to September 11, 2022. The interview data were inductively analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method used by Elo and Kyngas (2008). Result: Participants' awareness of their own health status and knowledge of cardiovascular disease were low, and there were more obstacles than benefits to health behavior. The process and method of realizing and practicing health care were also different. As a result of qualitative content analysis, 42 semantic units, 12 subcategories, and 3 upper categories were derived. The health promotion behavior of workers at high-risk for cardiovascular disease was categorized into ‘Awareness of health conditions’, ‘Obstacles to health care behavior’, ‘Health care practice process’. Conclusion: Since most of the workers spend a lot of time at work, it is necessary to understand the health care of high-risk workers with cardiovascular disease, so a qualitative study using participatory observation methods to observe workers’ work sites is recommended.
Velvet antler is widely used as a traditional medicine, and numerous studies have demonstrated its tremendous nutritional and medicinal values including immunity-enhancing effects. This study aimed to investigate different deer velvet extracts (Sample 1: raw extract, Sample 2: dried extract, and Sample 3: freeze-dried extract) for proximate composition, uronic acid, sulfated glycosaminoglycan, sialic acid, collagen levels, and chemical components using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-light mass spectrometry. In addition, we evaluated the cytotoxic effect of the deer velvet extracts on BV2 microglia, HT22 hippocampal cells, HaCaT keratinocytes, and RAW264.7 macrophages using the cell viability MTT assay. Furthermore, we evaluated acute toxicity of the deer velvet extracts at different doses (0, 500, 1000, and 2000 mg/kg) administered orally to both male and female ICR mice for 14 d (five mice per group). After treatment, we evaluated general toxicity, survival rate, body weight changes, mortality, clinical signs, and necropsy findings in the experimental mice based on OECD guidelines. The results suggested that in vitro treatment with the evaluated extracts had no cytotoxic effect in HaCaT keratinocytes cells, whereas Sample-2 had a cytotoxic effect at 500 and 1000 μg/mL on HT22 hippocampal cells and RAW264.7 macrophages. Sample 3 was also cytotoxic at concentrations of 500 and 1000 μg/mL to RAW264.7 and BV2 microglial cells. However, the mice treated in vivo with the velvet extracts at doses of 500–2000 mg/kg BW showed no clinical signs, mortality, or necropsy findings, indicating that the LD50 is higher than this dosage. These findings indicate that there were no toxicological abnormalities connected with the deer velvet extract treatment in mice. However, further human and animal studies are needed before sufficient safety information is available to justify its use in humans.
Light plays an important role in fruit-body development and morphology during Pleurotus spp. cultivation. To understand the effects of light color on fruit-body properties, we evaluated the fruit-body characteristics of Pleurotus spp. varieties cultivated under blue, red, and purple LED light sources. The main results are as follows: The overall fruit-body shape showed differences depending on the color of the LED light. The fruit-bodies of mushroom cultivated under blue and purple light were generally similar to the mushroom shapes typically produced, while those of mushroom cultivated under green light were abnormally shaped, probably due to the absence of effective light source. The average cap lightness of mushrooms cultivated under blue, green, and purple LED lights was 57.0, 57.4, and 59.4, respectively. The average cap lightness of all varieties except Wonhyeong1ho and Hwang-geumsantari cultivated under the three LED light sources were statistically significantly different (P<0.05). The cap redness varied significantly depending on the LED lighting and variety. Only Gonji7hoM, the cap color mutant of Gonji7ho, showed negative cap redness values under all three LED light sources. Among the eight varieties excluding Gonji7ho, the highest cap redness was observed when cultivated under the blue LED. The average harvest weight of the varieties cultivated under purple, blue, and green LED light were 68.0, 58.3, and 50.1 g, respectively. The yield of Gonji7ho, the mushroom variety with the highest yield, cultivated under blue, green, and purple LED light were 92.8, 77.1, and 98.6 g, respectively. The earliness when grown under the purple, blue, and green LED lights were 5.3, 5.8, and 5.8 days, respectively. Among the varieties, six, three, and two cultivars showed the shortest earliness under the purple, green, and blue LED, respectively. The fruit-body lengths were 66.4, 51.8, and 46.8 mm when cultivated under green, purple, and blue lights, respectively. These results are expected to serve as a foundation for producing mushrooms with traits demanded in the market.
소비자의 감성과 다양한 섬유·패션 기술이 융합되는 하이테크 감성 섬유패션은 중요한 산업군이다. 섬유·패션 산 업의 환경 변화로 인해 감성과학 분야에서 학제간 협업을 통해 타 분야를 이해하고 아이디어를 교류함으로써 창의적 으로 실무에 적용할 수 있는 능력을 키우는 것이 중요하다. 학제간 연구와 협업을 통해 급변하는 미래사회에 필요한 창의적 융합형 지적 능력은 물론 타인과 공감하는 능력을 갖추어 4차 산업혁명 시대를 선도하는 인재를 양성하는 것이 필요하다. 이에 관련의 전문가 양성 방향을 수립하기 위하여 이를 모색하고자 기초 연구를 실시하였다. 국내외 감성섬유패션 산업의 현황과 교육 과정을 조사하였고 이를 바탕으로 융복합적으로 교육이 가능할 것으로 보이는 학 습내용을 구상해보았다. 섬유패션 감성과학 전문가를 양성하기 위한 방법으로 기초과정은 섬유·패션산업 분야의 감 성과학과 ICT 관련 내용 학습을 통해 기초지식을 습득하고, 심화로서는 감성을 바탕으로 한 PB방식의 아이디어 디자인의 도출부터 소비자 감성 분석 및 제품 개발까지의 과정을 스마트 키트 실습을 통해 체험할 수 있도록 하며, ICT 융합 제품 개발 과정에서 발생하는 지식재산권을 스타트업 및 신지식권으로 설정하는 다양한 방법들을 다루어 감성 섬유패션 기술에 대한 지식재산권을 확보하는 방안 내용을 제안하였다.
To develop customized food products for gastric cancer patients, it is crucial to understand their dietary characteristics and changes in their perception of smell and taste due to their condition. This study conducted in-depth interviews and administered olfactory and gustatory tests on 20 patients with gastric cancer. A control group of 20 healthy, gender and age matched individuals, was included for comparison. Patients reported difficulties in sustaining their appetite, particularly during chemotherapy. This could be attributed to gastrointestinal discomfort and an altered perception of smell and taste. The olfactory test revealed that cancer patients were significantly less sensitive than the control group. Also, a smaller number of participants in the cancer group were reported to have a normal taste function, which enabled them to perceive umami, one of the five basic taste compared to those in the control group. These findings demonstrated that gastric cancer patients experience post-surgical digestive issues, chemotherapy-induced changes in smell and taste, and appetite loss. To improve the quality of life of these patients and the efficacy of the treatment, it is necessary to consider not only their nutritional requirements but also other factors such as appetite loss and discomfort when developing meals specifically for them.
To analyze the pesticide residues in commercial bee pollen products in South Korea, 61 samples were collected and screened for 339 pesticides. Results revealed that approximately 34% (>LOQ) of samples were contaminated with at least one pesticide. The pesticide residue detection rates of domestic and imported samples were 31% and 44%, respectively. Furthermore, the pesticide residue detection rate of online distribution (60%) was higher than that of offline distribution (27%). Fifteen pesticides were discovered in bee pollen, and pendimethalin, chlorfenvinphos, chlorpyrifos, and fluazinam were detected in 7, 6, 3, and 2 order of frequency, respectively. Even though its concentration was low, chlorfenvinphos which is banned in food crops in the United States, European Union, and Korea, was detected in bee pollen samples commonly. Therefore, continuous investigation of pesticide residues in bee pollen products and their acceptance criteria is required for safety.