We used the upland field rotated from matured rice paddy field, which have been used as a rice paddy field long time, for three years from 2015 to 2017. Therefore, this study was conducted for three main purposes. The first was to investigate yearly changes of growth and yield for waxy maize in the organic farming waxy maize at rice paddy-upland rotation system, the second was to investigate yearly changes of soil physical and chemical characteristics of rice paddy field soil in organic farming waxy maize at rice paddy-upland rotation system and the third was to select the suitable varieties for organic farming waxy maize at rice paddy-upland rotation. The test varieties were that 8 varieties of waxy maize of Mibaek 2, Ilmichal, Daehakchal, Chalok 4, Miheukchal, Eolrukchal 1, Heukjinjuchal, Heugjeom 2. For yearly yield, the highest yield was obtained in the first year of 949.6 kg, the second highest was in the third year of 680.6 kg 10a-1, while the second year was the lowest yield (675.4 kg 10a-1). Both varieties of Chalok 4 and Ilmichal showed the highest yield with about 900 kg 10a-1 in the threeyear average of 8 varieties. Solid phase of deep soil was 10% higher than that of top soil. Porosity rate of the top soil (54.7%) was higher than that of deep soil (49.4%), and the porosity in the third year was 2.7% higher than that of the first year. Soil organic matter content was significant different between soil depths and between three years. Soil solid and liquid phase decreased by 1.6% and 4.3%, respectively, compared to the first year, and the gas phase increased by 4.3%. The porosity of the third year was 2.7% higher than that of the first year. The soil organic matter content was 9.5 g kg-1 in the third year compared with 12 g kg-1 in the first year. It has also trend to decrease as the number of years rotated from rice paddy field increased. In the three-year average yields of Ilmichal and Chalok 4 were 898.1 kg 10a-1 and 891.6 kg 10a-1 respectively and the yield of Chalok 4 was greater than the other 7 varieties. We compared and selected the two best waxy maize varieties of Chalok 4 and Ilmichal for rice paddy-upland rotation. When we look at the yearly variation for waxy maize, Waxy maize yield was the highest in the first year and decreased year by year. Therefore, it would be better to restore upland field to rice paddy fields after the first year.
1913년부터 2013년까지 한국에서 육성된 콩 172품종의 생 육 및 수량구성형질의 변이를 평가하고 주성분 분석과 군집 분석을 통하여 품종군을 분류하여 콩 육종의 기초자료로 이용 코자 수행하였다. 생육 및 수량구성형질의 변이계수는 각 형 질에 따라 차이가 있었으며, 엽장폭비, 경장, 분지수, 100립중 및 주당종실중은 높았고, 엽면적, 주경절수, 주당협수 및 주당 립수는 중간정도이었으며, 생육시기에 관련된 개화일수, 성숙 일수 및 생육일수는 낮았다. 콩 품종들의 생육 및 수량구성형 질에 대한 주성분 분석을 한 결과, 주성분의 기여율은 제 1주 성분은 34.02%, 제 2주성분은 18.44%, 제 3주성분은 10.67%, 제 4주성분은 9.96%로, 상위 4주성분까지의 고유값이 1이상 이며, 누적기여율이 73.09%로 제 4주성분까지만 가지고도 한 국 콩 품종의 군집분류가 가능하였다. Average linkage cluster 에 의하여 분류된 군집분류에서 평균 거리를 1.1로 하였을 때 5개 군집으로 분류되었고, I군집은 전체 품종의 69.7%가 속해 있는 가장 큰 군집이었고, 다음으로 II군집이 19.8%가 속하는 큰 군집이었고, 그 다음으로 IV군집이 8.7%가 속하였으며, III 군집과 V군집은 1 ~ 2품종이 속하는 소군집이었다. 각 군집의 품종을 육성년대(1980년 이전, 1980년대, 1990년대, 2000년 이후) 및 용도별(장류 및 두부용, 나물용, 밥밑용, 풋콩 및 올 콩용)로 분류하면 품종의 분포가 차이가 있었다. 육성년대별로 는 1980년 이전과 1980년대에 육성된 품종은 I과 II군집에, 1990년대와 2000년 이후에 육성된 품종은 모든 군집에 넓게 분포하였다. 용도별로는 I군집에는 장류 및 두부용 품종이, II 군집에는 나물용 품종이, IV군집에는 풋콩 및 올콩용 품종이 가장 많이 속하였으며, III과 V군집에 속하는 품종은 나물용 품종이었다.
쌀 소비 확대를 위하여 가공용 원료곡으로 사용되는 초다수 품종은 재배연도 및 재배지역 기상의 영향으로 수량 변이가 크게 나타나 안정적인 재료 공급에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 따라서 초다수 품종들에 대한 지역별 수량성 변이에 대한 검토가 필요하여, ‘안다’ 등 5품종을 대상으로 수행한 실험 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.
1. 생육관련 형질의 변이는 ‘큰섬’이 가장 작아 지역별로 안정된 생육을 보였고, 다른 품종들은 중간 정도의 안정성을 보였다.
2. 수량관련 형질별 변이의 크기는 이삭당 입수>등숙율>정현비율>현미천립중 순으로 크게 나타났고, 수량과 수량구성요소의 변이를 기준으로는 ‘큰섬’과 ‘한아름2호’가 지역별 안정성이 높은 것으로 나타났다.
3. 공주와 충주에서 공시 품종들의 수량성이 육성 당시보다 낮았으나, 보성에서는 유사한 수량성을 보였고, 특히 ‘큰섬’이 8.40MT/ha 으로 가장 높은 수량성을 보여 다른 지역에서도 검토가 더 필요하였다.
4. 초다수 품종의 수량에는 이삭당 입수가 1차 영향 요인이지만, 등숙율이 높아야 증수가 가능할 것으로 판단되었다.
육성년대 및 생태형에 따른 품종군별 생육형질과 수량관련 형질, 품질관련형질에 대한 특성의 품종변이와 상관을 분석한 결과는 아래와 같다.
1. 출수일수 및 간장은 2000년대 이후에 육성보급 품종군은 1970년대 이전에 육성 보급된 품종군보다 유의성 있게 단축되었고 통일형 품종군은 육성 년대 어떤 품종군의 일반형 품종군보다 출수일수 및 간장이 짧았고 단축되었다.
2. 2000년이후 최근에 육성 보급한 품종일수록 수량이 증가했으며 이는 수수 및 수당립수증가에 기인한 것으로 판단된다.
3. 최근 육성한 품종일수록 현미 길이는 짧아졌고 폭이 좁은 단원립의 형질 특성을 가졌으며 단백질함량도 낮아졌으며 품질평가치의 개선이 뚜렷하였다.
4. 육성보급 년대에 따른 품종군별 수량에 미치는 영향이 수량구성요소 형질에 따라서 상이하였다.
5. 육성년도에 따른 모든 일반형 품종군과 통일형 품종군에서 품질평가치는 단백질함량 및 아밀로스함량과는 부의 상관을 보였다.
This study was carried out at Crop Experiment Station in 1993 and 1994. The objective of this study was finding out variation of growth and yield of corn according to maturity. Hybrids of corn used in this study were early maturing corn Comet80, Elite90,
For high-quality colored rice production, the cultivation environment is a critical factor. The major environmental factor is temperature, which includes the accumulated and average temperature during vegetative and reproductive stages. Generally, during the cultivation period, the temperature can be controlled by shifting the transplanting date. This study was carried out to determine the optimum transplanting date for high-quality red-colored rice production. Four red-colored rice varieties (Jeokjinju, Jeokjinjuchal, Hongjinju, and Gunganghongmi) were used as test materials. The transplanting dates were May 20 and June 5, 20, and 30 in 2015~2016. The most variable factor controlled by the transplanting date was the grain filling rate. The varieties transplanted on June 30 showed low yields owing to the decrease in the grain filling rate. In contrast, the polyphenol content increased with increasing delay in the transplanting date. Collectively, these two results indicate that the optimum transplanting date was June 20. The average temperature for 30 days after the heading date (30DAH) highly affected the polyphenol content. A lower temperature during the 30DAH induced higher polyphenol contents but also caused low yield. The optimum 30DAH temperature for obtaining a higher yield and polyphenol content was 22~23°C. Using the average 30DAH and accumulated temperatures, the optimum transplanting date was calculated as June 18 to 24 in Miryang region. The optimum transplanting date of Kyeungsangnamdo region was approximately mid-June to early July, and that of Kyeungsangbukdo region was approximately early to mid-June.
The effects of weather variations on winter hulless barley were analyzed using data obtained from winter crop situation test at Iksan from 1985 to 2015. The wintering stage in the 16 years from 2000 to 2015 has become colder and shorter than that in the previous 15 years from 1985 to 1999. This has resulted in an early sequence of regrowth date, heading date, and ripening date. Heading date of hulless barley was mostly influenced by regrowth date and period of stem elongation. Futher, the regrowth date and period of stem elongation were strongly negatively correlated with the average air temperature in February and the maximum air temperature in March, respectively. The number of spikes per m2 and 1000-grain weight of Saechalssal cultivated from 2003 to 2015 showed strong positive correlations with yield. In early heading years, yield increased with extended ripening period and with increased 1000-grain weight. There was a strong negative correlation between 1000-grain weight and the average temperature during the ripening period. In the 15 years from 1985 to 1999, warm winters contributed to yield increase with increase in the number of spikes per m2 and a long ripening period. In contrast, in the recent 16 years from 2000 to 2015, the large variability in air temperature during the wintering stage, the decreasing number of spikes per m2 and the steadily increasing air temperature and decreasing precipitation during the ripening stage have caused high temperature stress and yield loss in late heading years.
Background: This study aimed to investigate the effect of harvest time on the growth, yield characteristics and loganin content in Dipsacus asperoides Wall. Methods and Results: Dipsacus asperoides seedlings were planted within a nursery environment in early May 2015 and harvested in early, middle and late October 2015, and early November 2015. Harvest time did not result significant differences in the plant height, stem diameter, branch length, leaf width and aboveground dry weight moreover, no significant differences were observed in root length, number of roots and root diameter. However, the diameter of lateral roots was greater in the harvests from the late October and period thereafter. The highest values of root dry weight and yield were recorded in early November. Specifically, the yield significantly increased from 205 ㎏/10 a (index: 100) in early October to 358 ㎏/10 a (index: 175) in early November, in terms of root part weight. Loganin contents of D. asperoides differed significantly among harvest times raging from 0.0766% in early October to 0.1704% in late November, thereby showing an increasing trend in later harvest times. Conclusions: These results suggest that the optimum harvest time for D. asperoides is early November, when the yield is the highest. Harvest time significantly affected loganin contents, which constantly increased from early October until early November.
In southern region of Korea, double cropping system including soybean as a second crop is widely adopted because prolonged high temperature in October enables soybean maturation even in late autumn. Global warming during decades derives transition of soybean planting dates as late as late-July. Delayed planting beyond the critical time moves reproductive stage to less favorable weather conditions like low temperature and short photoperiod, which can affect soybean yield and seed composition. Therefore selection of appropriate cultivar for changed climate and cultural practice is required. Effects of different eco-type and planting date on soybean yield was investigated for three sowing dates of 20 June, 5 July and 20 July with ten cultivars. Strong interaction between cultivar and sowing date was detected in number of branch, node and pod. No significant interaction was observed in 100-grain weight and yield, and this might be resulted from similar yield reduction pattern. Daepung, Taekwang and Uram recorded the highest yield when planted late, proving that these three cultivars are the most adaptable to delayed planting. Delayed planting results in higher sugar content, especially stachyose and raffinose which have detrimental effect on human health by causing flatulence and diarrhea. Protein content was decreased and oil content was increased in July 20 planting. Decrease in protein content was the largest in Hwangeumol and maintained high in Saedanbaek. This information will provide a guideline when select appropriate soybean cultivar in delayed planting to maintain yield and seed quality.
조생종 벼 품종인 오대, 운광과 HR28021-AC16 계통에 대한 벼흰잎마름병 저항성 유전자분석과 K1과 K3a 균계를 접종한 후에 수량 및 품질 관련 형질들의 변이에 대하여 분석하였다. 오대는 저항성 유전자를 보유하지 않는 것으로 나타났고, 운광은 Xa3 유전자를, HR28021-AC16은 Xa21 유전자를가지는 것으로 확인되었다. 오대는 K1과 K3a 균계 모두에 이병성을 보였고, 운광은 K1에는 저항성을 K3a에는 이병성을보였다. HR28021-AC16은 K1 균계에는 이병성을 나타냈고K3a 균계에는 저항성 반응을 보였다. 균계접종에 의한 이병성 정도와 2차 감염 정도로 볼 때, K3a 균계가 K1 균계에 비해 병원성이 강한 것으로 나타났다. K1과 K3a 균계 접종에따른 생산력검정시험에서 균계 처리와 반응에 의해 변이가발생한 형질들 중에 등숙률, 정현비율, 현미수량과 완전미도정수율은 서로 간에 정의 상관관계를 나타냈으며, 이들 형질들과 현미 및 백미 단백질 함량은 부의 상관관계를 나타냈다.사미는 등숙률 및 완전미도정수율과 부의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 주성분분석에서 주성분 1을 기준으로 등숙률, 정현비율,현미수량 및 완전미도정수율과 사미, 현미 및 백미 단백질 함량이 다른 방향성을 나타냈고, 주성분 2를 기준으로는 등숙률과 사미가 다른 방향성을 나타냈다. Xa21 유전자를 가지고있는 HR28021-AC16은 K3a에는 저항성 반응을 보였으나K1 균계 접종구에서는 등숙률, 정현비율, 현미수량 및 완전미도정수율은 감소하였고 사미는 증가하는 등 이병성 반응을나타냈다. Xa21 유전자는 최근 큰 피해를 주는 K3a 균계에대해 강한 저항성을 보이나, 우리나라 우점 균계인 K1에 이병성을 보이기 때문에 K1 균계에 저항성인 다른 유전자와의집적을 통한 활용이 안정적인 저항성 증진에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다.
Fifty-five sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) germplasm from the Rural Development Administration (RDA) were analyzed for their fruit yield and fruit quality characters, including fruit weight, fruit size, pericarp thickness, total soluble content, fruit lobe, fruit shape, fruit surface and fruit color. Fruit yield per plot ranged from 200 g to 8150 g (average, 1884 g). Fruit fresh-weight per fruit ranged from 27.3 g to 200.0 g with an average of 97.2 g. Fruit length varied from 4.0 cm to 16.2 cm (average, 9.6 cm). Fruit length-to-width ratio ranged from 0.6 to 3.0 with an average 1.7. The fruit pericarp thickness ranged from 1.8 mm to 10.7 mm (average, 4.8 mm). Total soluble content was the highest (8.5˚ Brix) in K156286 and the lowest (5.3˚ Brix) in K156208 with the average value 6.7˚ Brix. Fruit lobes numbers varied from 2 to 4. Blocky, triangular, elongated, rectangular and round fruit shape identified among the sweet pepper accessions. Fruit surface varied from smooth to wrinkle and fruit color also varied. The presence of variability in fruit yield and quality traits within the sweet pepper genotypes can be utilized to develop high yielding sweet pepper variety with better fruit quality characters.
This study was carried out to confirm the effects of climate change to growth, yield and quality of rice by the global warming. By the study of Korea Meteorology Administration, the temperature of Korea increased 0.95℃ during last 34 years and the width of temperature increase be on an increasing trend gradually. As temperature increases, rice is faced with critical change such as growth duration shortening, heading acceleration, yield decrease and quality deterioration. So, we studied the rice growth and yield change by the temperature increase. To confirm the effects of temperature increase, rice cultivars such as early maturing Unkwangbyeo, medium maturing Hwayoungbyeo and late maturing Nampyeongbyeo were transplanted on 1, 15, 30 of June inner transparent vinyl house which was treated by different temperature. The increased mean temperature were 1.4℃~3.5℃, respectively, compared to outer field. The growth duration from transplanting to heading were shortened by the temperature increase. In June 1 transplanting, especially the growth duration of early maturing Unkwangbyeo was shortened greatly by temperature increase. As temperature increases, rice yield decreased in most cases. In 1.4℃ temperature increase, rice yield of June 15 transplanting were higher than those of other transplanting, but in 2.1℃ or more temperature increase, the rice yield of June 30 transplanting were similar or more than those of other transplanting.
Clay-coated rice seeds (clay-coated seeds A and B) were directly sown on dry paddy and their growth and yield were compared with the normal drill-sown seeds on dry flat paddy. In clay-coated seeds, germination was 1 day earlier and the emergence rate was higher up to 5% than that of normal drill-sown seeds. But the apparent number of seedling stand per m2 was lower than that of normal drill-sown seeds, which is due to the smaller amount of seeding in clay-coated seeds. At the early growth stage, the plant height of clay-coated seeds A was taller than that of drill-sown seeds, while the plant height of clay-coated seeds B was 0.7 cm shorter than that of drill-sown seeds. At the late growth stage, however, the difference was insignificant in both cases. The maximum tillering stage was 10 days earlier in drill-sown seeds. Lodging index was the lowest in clay-coated seeds B and there was no difference between clay-coated seeds A and drill-sown seeds. The ratio of stem base weight, culm diameter and culm wall thickness were higher in clay-coated seeds, while the lower internodes (4th, 5th and 6th) length was shorter in claycoated seeds than in drill-sown seeds. In clay-coated seeds, the number of panicle per m2 was smaller, while the number of spikelet per panicle was a little larger than in drill-sown seeds. The rate of ripened grain and brown rice 1,000 grain weight were lower in the clay-coated seeds, thus the yield was 98~99% level of drill-sown seeds. Considering that the amount of seeding in clay-coated seeds was two-thirds of that in drill-sown seeds, it is expected that clay coating method could become an additional technique for direct seeding cultivation.
조기 초관폐쇄성(rapid canopy closure, RCC) 또한 벼의 유전적인 잠재수량성을 향상시킬 수 있는 생리적 특성 중 하나이다. EGV(early growth vigor)가 상이한 22개 품종을 선정하여 EGV와 초관의 조기폐쇄성(RCC)과의 관계, RCC와 생육 및 수량간의 관계를 평가하고자 포장실험(이앙재배)을 실시하였다. 초관이 폐쇄되기 전의 생장은 y=α~cdot~exp(β~cdott) 와 같은 지수생장함수로 표현되는데, y는 엽면적지수(LAI) 또는 지상부건물중(DW)이고, t는 적산온도이며, α 는 지수생장초기의 LAI나 DW 값이고, β는 지수생장이 일어나는 시기의 LAI 또는 DW의 상대생장률(relative growth rate, RGR; ℃1)이다. 1. 벼의 지수생장 초기단계에는 품종의 LAI나 DW가 α 와 높은 정의 상관이 있었고 또한 종자 무게(천립중)와 정의 상관이 있어 종자무게에 의하여 생육이 크게 영향을 받았으며, 그 후의 시기는 품종의 LAI 및 DW가 β와 높은 상관을 보였다. 2. α 와 β는 모두 품종간에 유의적인 차이가 있었다. 3. β는 단위면적당 영화수 및 수량과 높은 정의 상관을 보였다. 4. 결론적으로 EGV 및 RCC는 상호 밀접한 관련이 있고, EGV가 크면, RCC도 커서 수량에 정의 방향으로 영향을 하는 것으로 판단되었다.