우리나라에서 쌀(Rice, Orzya sativa L.)은 주식일 뿐만 아니라 다양한 가공식품원료로서 그의 가치가 높은 식품자원이다. 본 연구는 쌀맥주 제조 시 당화가 잘되는 쌀의 전 처리 방법에 대해 탐색하고자 수행되었다. 쌀을 미세분쇄, 수침처리, 볶음처리, 호화처리, 팽화처리 후 맥아와 함께 당화를 한 결과, 팽화미를 함유한 맥즙이 가장 높은 당도 (°Bx)를 나타내었다. 또한 액화 및 당화효소를 첨가하지 않고, 맥즙을 제조 시 쌀 30% 첨가했을 때 당도가 가장 높은 결과를 나타내었다. 볶은쌀과 팽화미를 이용하여 10, 20, 30% 첨가한 맥주를 제조한 결과 팽화미를 30% 첨가 한 맥즙의 가용성고형분이 15.4 °Bx로 가장 높고 당화도 잘되었으며, 맥주의 알코올함량이 5.0-5.4%로 볶은쌀 첨가 맥주에 비해 높았으며, 탁도가 없었고 쓴맛도 적은 결과를 보였다. 팽화처리는 쌀의 당화를 개선 할 수 있는 좋은 가공방법이라고 생각되며, 팽화미를 첨가한 쌀맥주 제조방법은 편리하고, 좋은 품질의 맥주를 생산 할 수 있는 방법 중의 하나라고 기대된다.
Sikhye is a traditional rice beverage, produced from steamed rice, barley or wheat malt and water. Nine varieties of barley and seven varieties of wheat cultivars were investigated and compared quality characteristics, diastatic power, and activities of α- and β-Amylase. For barley malt, the crude lipid and protein content of malt 1.74~2.42% and 10.71~14.36%, respectively. Also, the crude lipid and protein content for wheat malt 1.57~1.71% and 10.07~13.59%, respectively. The ‘Dahyang’ barley showed the highest diastatic power with 117.61 °L, while for wheat, ‘Baegjoong’ produced the highest diastatic power with 85.25 °L. The enzymatic activities, α- and β-Amylase for barley cultivar was 110.17~214.70 μnit/g and 869.73~1,638.43 μnit/g, respectively. Likewise, α- and β-Amylase for wheat cultivar was 73.19~132.23 μnit/g and 726.70~ 889.30 μnit/g, respectively. The highest sugar content of Sikhye from barley was 11.10 °Bx (‘Hyeda’), while from wheat, was 10.20 °Bx (‘Baegjoong’). Among the four free sugar components analyzed from Sikhye, maltose was the highest in all cultivars. The highest maltose content was produced in ‘Dahyang’ Sikhye at 6.91%. There was significant positivecorrelation among the diastatic power and enzymatic activities of malt and free sugar components in Sikhye.
Twenty four covered barley cultivars of Korea and subsequently produced malts were evaluated for quality characteristics, diastatic power (DP), and enzymatic actvity. Protein, amylase, starch and β-glucan content of covered barley cultivars were 8.2-12.8%, 4.2-19.1%, 47.9-59.7%, and 4.1-7.4%, respectively. The DP of malt during malting showed a maximum value in Day 4, when the bud length was 2.0-2.5 times longer than the length of the grain itself. α-Amylase activity was very low but increased significantly after Day 4, showing greatest activity on Day 6 (185.5-206.1 unit/g). β-Amylase activity increased as the malting progressed and a considerable amount was detected in barley grain on Day 6 (898.6-1591.6 unit/g). The potential diastatic power (PDP) of various cultivar grains ranged from 89.7 °L to 169.3 °L. The PDP of raw barley had strong correlation with β-amylase of raw barley (r=0.977, p<0.001) while the DP of malted barley was also correlated with the β-amylase activity of raw barley (r=0.654, p<0.001). Since the PDP of raw barley and the DP of malted barley are correlated (r=0.644, p<0.001), the PDP and β-amylase activity of raw barley are useful factors in predicting the DP of malted barley.
1. 우리나라 쌀 소비량은 지속적으로 감소하고 있으나 쌀 가 공식품의 매출은 꾸준히 증가하는 추세에 있다. 2. 이에 본 연구는 농촌진흥청 농식품 소비자 패널조사 자 료(703가구)를 이용하여 최근 5년간 쌀 가공식품 구매패턴의 변화를 파악하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 쌀 가공식품을 밥류, 죽류, 면류, 떡류, 방류, 과자류, 주류, 음료류, 조미류, 가루류 10종류로 분류하고, 쌀 가공식품의 종류별, 월별, 구매장소별 구매가구 수, 구매금액, 구매빈도 등 전반적인 구매패턴의 변 화를 살펴보았다. 3. 향후 소비 증가가 예상되는 쌀 가공식품의 종류와 향후 요구되는 관련 연구과제를 제안하였다.
Six hulless barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) cultivar, including 3 normal, 2 waxy, and 1 colored-waxy, was used to substitute 20% of wheat flour for pan-bread making. Replacing 20% barley flour significantly increased β-glucan content, which ranged in 0.98-1.36% for normal, 1.65-1.67% for waxy, and 1.50% for colored-waxy barley, which are all higher than wheat flour (0.14%). Pasting viscosity of barley flour blends varied by barley type and cultivar, presenting that barley cv. Dapung (DP) had the highest peak viscosity of 170.1 RVU, whereas the lowest value was 80.2 RVU in “Jasujeongchal (JSJC)”. Substitution of barley flour decreased the Hm and H'm value during dough fermentation and estimated a reduction of bread qualities compared to wheat bread. Bread loaf volume varied by barley type and cultivar, showing a slight decrease in loaf volume, but increase in crumb firmness compared to wheat bread. Among barley cultivars, DP barley showed high bread loaf volume (691.7 cm 3 /g) with lower firmness (11.8 N). In contrast, bread made from JSJC barley flour had the lowest bread-making qualities probably due to bran layer inclusion. It appeared that barley type influenced more than barley cultivars although the mean values of all quality parameters slightly varied by barley cultivar. Results indicated that the inclusion of barley flour for bread-making could provide an elevated intake of β-glucan, which had health benefits by increasing dietary fiber content.
Paddy rice is typically stored during postharvest until rice grain is processed into brown rice and milled rice by hulling and milling procedure, respectively. Recently, instead of storing paddy rice, storage of brown rice has been in the spotlight because it is more convenient and economically feasible. Different brown rice cultivars with varying amylose contents including waxy rice, medium-waxy rice, and non-glutinous rice were stored in room temperature storage for four months, and the changes in grain qualities of brown rice were evaluated. Amylose content significantly affected pasting properties in which rice cultivar with higher amylose content showed longer pasting time and higher peak viscosity. Storage also affected pasting viscosities, showing an increase in peak viscosity, but a decrease in breakdown viscosity. The changes in pasting viscosity during storage could be an important starch property for aged brown rice utilization. Waxy brown rice showed the weakest aging property in terms of free fatty acids (FFA) accumulation, whereas non-glutinous rice was more substantial grain quality against aging. The FFA values of two months storage were not significantly different from the initial FFA contents, suggesting that brown rice stored in room temperature for two months could be feasible for direct consumption of brown rice.
This study was carried out to evaluate the proximate contents and compositions of amino acids and fatty acids in Korean 6 dent, 2 intermediate, and 3 semiflint maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. The protein content of 11 Korean maize hybrids ranged from 9.0% (Pyeonggangok) to 11.5% (Jangdaok). The crude fat content varied from 4.0% (Pyeonggangok and Yanganok) to 5.6% (Kwangpyeongok), and the crude ash content was 1.3 (Jangdaok) ~ 1.6% (Cheonganok). Total starch contents of maize hybrids were determined in the range of 51.4% (Jangdaok) to 70.9% (Cheonganok). Major amino acid in maize varieties were glutamic acid (27.28~28.68%) and followed by proline, alanine, and aspartic acid. Fatty acid were mainly composed of oleic acid (C18:1, 23.55~31.47%) and linoleic acid (C18:2, 47.55~56.64%) in maize hybrids. Cheonganok, Cheongdaok, and Kwangpyeongok had high oleic acid composition among Korean maize hybrids. Also, Gangdaok and Kwangpyeongok had high composition of saturated fatty acid. Because kernel composition affects maize quality, it is important data for the maize breeding program and food processing.
The objective of this study was to evaluate quality properties, including amylopectin content, and texture analysis of brown rice and germinated brown rice cultivars in Korea for rice processing products. The amylopectin short chain content of germinated brown rice was significantly higher than that of brown rice. Texture analysis test showed that germinated brown rice Jinbo had the lowest hardness and toughness as well as and highest stickiness and adhesiveness. The correlation between degree of polymerization of amylopectin and texture analysis was also evaluated. In particular, germinated brown rice, short-chain amylopectin showed a negative correlation with hardness and toughness, whereas long-chain amylopectin showed a positive correlation with hardness, toughness, and adhesiveness. These results indicate that there is a relationship between degree of polymerization and texture analysis.
‘보안찰’은 답리작 적응성이 높은 조숙 내한 내도복 유색 찰성 겉보리로 육성된 품종으로 파성은 Ⅲ이며, 이삭의 밀도는 밀수형으로 까락 긴 장망형이다. 출수기와 성숙기는 각각 2일 빠른 조숙종이다. 흰가루병과 보리호위축병은 서둔찰보리와 비슷하였다. 내한성과 내도복성은 서둔찰보리보다 다소 강하였다. 간장(79 cm)은 작고, 수장은 서둔찰보리보다 약간 작다. m2당 수수는 854개로 서둔찰보리보다 많고, 1수립수는 43개로 적다. 천립중은 서둔찰보리보다 작은 중소립종이며, 1ℓ중은 다소 가벼웠다. 단백질 함량, β-glucan 함량과 정맥률은 비슷하였고, 입백도는 낮았다. 취반특성 중 흡수율과 퍼짐성은 비슷하였고, 안토시아닌 함량은 181.1 ㎍/g으로 높았다. 수량은 전작에서 2.96 MT/ha, 답리작에서 3.91 MT/ha 있었다.
밀×옥수수 원연교잡은 타 방법에 비하여 반수체 밀 육성에 매우 효과적이어서 외국에서는 밀 품종의 육종연한 단축 등을 위하여 많이 활용하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 밀 품종(계통)과 옥수수 품종을 이용한 반수체 밀 생산체계를 구축하기 위하여 원연교잡에 사용하는 품종에 따른 반수체 생산 효율을 조사하였다. 자방친으로는 금강밀 등 총 5종의 품종과 5종의 F1계통을 사용하였고, 화분친으로는 강다옥 등 총 7종의 옥수수 품종을 사용하였다. 자방친으로 사용한 국산 밀 품종의 평균 종자 형성률, 배 형성률 및 반수체 식물체 재분화율은 각각 약 75%, 19% 및 8.4%이었다. 반수체 식물체 재분화율은 3.7∼9.8%의 분포를 보였는데, 조경이 가장 높았다. 밀F1 계통 자방친의 평균적인 종자 형성률, 배 형성률 및 반수체 식물체 재분화율은 각각 약 66%, 16% 및 6.6%이었다. 밀계통의 반수체 재분화율은 3∼10%의 분포를 보였으며 08WG074 계통이 가장 높았다. 한편, 7종의 옥수수 품종의 자방친(금강밀)에 대한 평균 종자 결실률, 배 형성률 및 반수체 식물체 재분화율은 각각 약 78%, 18%, 9.6%이었다. 반수체 재분화율은 7.6∼12.9%의 분포를 보였으며, 광평옥이 가장 높았다. 밀×옥수수 원연교잡에서 종자 결실률과 배 형성률은 자방친과 화분친의 품종에 따라 고도로 유의한 차이를 보였으며, 이들 형질의 품종간 차이는 자방친 품종보다는 화분친인 옥수수 품종 사이에서 더 컸다. 본 연구에서 조사한 품종 중에서는 광평옥, 강다옥 및 강일옥 품종이 밀×옥수수 원연교잡의 화분친으로서 우수한 결과를 나타내었다.
본 연구는 국내 밀 품종의 국수 색깔 및 이와 관련된 종실 및 밀가루 특성 평가를 통하여 국수 면대 색깔 향상을 위해 선발에 이용할 수 있는 방법을 개발하고, 특히 철함량이 국수면대 밝기에 미치는 영향을 평가하여 영양학적으로 우수한 철 고함유 계통 선발을 위한 간이검정법의 적용을 위해 수행하였다. 국내 밀 품종의 밀가루 밝기는 회분(r =-0.634, P<0.01), 단백질 함량(r = -0.635, P<0.01)및 총 폴리페놀함량(r = -0.493, P<0.05)과 부의 상관을 나타내었다. 면대 색깔은 밀가루 명도(r = 0.684, P<0.001)와 정의 상관을 보였고, 종실특성에서 리터중, 천립중, PPO 활성 및 총 폴리페놀 함량과는 부의 상관을 보였다. 또한 밀가루 특성에서 회분, 단백질 함량과 총 폴리페놀함량은 면대 밝기와 부의 상관을 보였고, 연차간 및 품종간 변이에 영향을 받는것으로 나타났다. 철은 밀가루 색 및 국수 면대 밝기와 부의상관을 나타냈고, 간이검정법으로 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate(PHT) 처리를 한 결과 푸른색으로 염색되었다. 종실을 PHT로 염색하여 측정한 색도와 종실의 철함량은 상관을 보이지 않았으나, 종실을 분쇄한 통밀가루에서는 PHT로 염색된 통밀가루의 적색도(r = -0.665, P<0.001)와 황색도(r = -0.658, P<0.001)와 부의 상관을 나타내었다. 또한 PHT로 염색된 밀가루의 밝기는 종실의 철함량(r = -0.640, P<0.01)과 부의 상관을 나타내었다.
Whole grain wheat bread and bakery products is highly considered as a functional food due to the high amount of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber in whole wheat flour. However, as the lower end-use properties of whole wheat products limit consumer selection, it is required to measure the functionality of whole wheat flour. Thus, it is observed the fermentation properties of bread dough from the composite flour of whole grain and white wheat flour. Whole grain cv. Chokyeong developed in the NICS was ground using a hammer mill with 0.5 mm sieve. The composite flour was prepared by substituting wheat flour with whole grain flour at 15, 30, 45% levels. Breads were prepared using the 100 g composite flour according to a basic straight-dough mehtod (AACC 10-10A) with slight modification. A rheofermentometer was used to measure the maximum dough height (Hm) and the maximum gas formation (H’m) during fermentation. Also, total CO2 production was recorded. The Hm decreased from 38.8 to 27.5 (mm) with increasing whole wheat flour from 15 to 45%. Whereas, the H’m was increased from 61.7 to 60.8 (mm) with whole wheat flour increment. Total CO2 production was also decreased with increasing whole wheat flour ranging 1312∼1164 (ml). The fermentation results could be useful to partly predict the effect of substituting whole wheat flour on the end-use quality of pan-breads.
Specialty barley extracts were prepared and investigated for its antioxidant activity and biological activity. Hunter L* values of the Iksan 86 extracts had higher than that of the Iksan 87 and Zasoojeongchal extracts. The extraction yields of Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal was 8.08, 6.62, and 7.30%, respectively. The contents of total phenolic compounds of the Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal extracts were 16.24, 15.51, and 13.95 GAE mg/g of sample, respectively. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal extracts were 50.00, 33.27, and 7.56% at a 500 ppm, respectively. The samples showed an inhibition of xanthin oxidase. ACE inhibition effect of specialty barley extracts, Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal, was 39.81, 41.06, and 27.78%, respectively. Tyrosinase inhibition rates (%) of Iksan 86, Iksan 87, and Zasoojeongchal extracts were 26.21, 24.57, and 20.00%, respectively. Results indicated that specialty barley extracts possesses various biological activities including antioxidative capacity, xanthin oxidase inhibition activity, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition activity, and tyrosinase inhibition activity.
Barley is a good source of dietary fiber, β-glucan, which confer a number of human health benefits. The properties of a white wheat bread could be changed by adding regular and waxy barley flour in small amounts to a white wheat bread recipe. The objectives were to replace wheat flour with different levels of regular and waxy barley flour, and to examine their effects on bread qualities. Barley grains, Sassal(SS) as regular andSachalssal(SCS) as waxy cultivars, were ground usinga hammer mill equipped with 0.8 mm screen. A commercial bread wheat flour (WF) was used as a base flour. The blends with three levels (10, 20, 30%) of barley flour substitution were prepared, and the baking process was followed by the AACC official 10-10A. When barley flour substitution increased, beta-glucan was significantly increased: the highest beta-glucan in the waxy barley flour blends (0.1% in WF, 1.91% in 30% SCS). While WF bread had the highest loaf volume, substituting 20% SS did not statistically (p<0.05) affect the loaf volume, however a significantly lower loaf volume at 30% barley flour. On the other hand, the loaf volume of SCS breads lowered significantly by substitution statistically. The hardness and chewiness increased by replacing barley flour from 10 to 30% progressively: a remarkable increase in adhesiveness at 30% SCS bread. From the results, substitution of 10% barley flour regardless of regular and waxy did not affect bread volume and firmness, being suitable to use 20% SS barley flour without a significant change in loaf volume. From the nutritional point of view, substituting barley flour up to 20% would be an effective way to increase the dietary fiber on white wheat based breads.