
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 153

        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적 : 충청남도 지역에서 근무하는 안경사를 대상으로 보수교육 실태현황을 조사, 분석하여 보수교육의 질 향상에 필요한 기초자료로 제공하고자 하였다. 방법 : 2017년도 충청남도 지부 보수교육에 참여한 403명 중 353명이 설문조사에 응답하였다. 응답 내용이 불성실한 설문지를 제외한 330개를 분석 대상으로 하였다. 결 과 : 남자 273명, 여자 57명을 대상으로 하였으며, 평균연령은 43세이었다. 안경원 개설자는 189명, 종사자는 141명이었다. 현재 재직 중인 안경원에서 근무를 지속할 의지가 있는 사람이 210명으로 가장 많았 다. 보수교육 경험 차이는 성별, 나이, 고용 형태, 결혼, 근무 경력, 소득에서 유의하게 나타났다. 안경사들 은 대한안경사협회로부터 보수교육에 관한 정보를 받고 많이 받고 있으며, 법적 제재를 피하기 위해 보수교 육에 참여하는 경우가 많았다. 보수교육으로 최신 기술 및 제품 정보가 가장 많이 필요하다고 응답하였다. 결 론 : 체계적인 보수교육 관리를 통해 장기 미이수자가 발생하는 것을 방지할 수 있으며, 안보건 의료 전문 인력을 확보할 수 있다. 추후 보수교육 이수자의 만족도와 요구도를 지속적으로 추적하는 연구가 필요 하며, 보수교육 프로그램을 개선 및 개발하려는 노력이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study to investigate the satisfaction of elementary and middle school students in Chungnam province. We surveyed related to school food service, concerns about food ingredients and dietary life, perceptions of free school food service and satisfaction the quality and management of the school food service. Furthermore, this survey with the previous. Compared to year, frequency of education related to school food service and concerns about food ingredients and dietary life. Perception on free school food service increased 1.2%, not statistically significant. Satisfaction for the quality of the school food service statistically significant increase compared to 2015. ore individuals educated the foods’ countyof- origin and a higher concern the food materials and dietary life, subsequently higher satisfaction for the quality and management of school food service. The results of this study suggest that concern and concentration on software of school food service such as education and guide are important.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aims of this study was to investigate the satisfactions with school food service and its influencing factors for elementary and middle school parents. We surveyed parents regarding their concerns about food ingredients and dietary life, perceptions of free school food service, the necessity of food supply systems such as school food service centers, and the satisfaction about the quality and management of school food services. Compared to the last year, concerns about food ingredients and dietary life as well as perceptions about free school food services decreased. The reported necessity of supply system such as school food service centers and co-purchasing was lower than in 2015. The satisfaction about the school food service decreased, compared to 2015. More individuals had higher concerns about local food and stated the necessity for school food supply systems, as well as a higher satisfaction about the quality and management of school food services. In conclusion, it is important to emphasize characteristics of school food services such as co-purchasing local foods.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction with school meal service and the food preference in elementary school students who are in their growth period. A total of 484 students (242 boys) participated and completed a questionnaire survey. The results indicated that the merit of school meals was the highest in ‘balanced diet’. 'Food hygiene' and 'delicious food' were the most important factors in school meals. Most of the students wanted ‘balance between eastern and western foods’ and ‘new dishes’ for the menu of school meals. For the distribution of meals, ‘various kinds of side dishes’ and ‘warmth of dishes’ were mainly required. The main problems of the current environment of school meals were ‘long waiting time’ and ‘noise of the cafeteria’. In satisfaction with the school meal service, the highest satisfactory factor was 'staffs’ cleanliness', following 'arrangement of furniture in cafeteria' and 'nutrition information-providing'; whereas, the lowest factor was 'staffs’ kindness'. In the preference of foods, students preferred ‘white rice’; whereas they did not like ‘bean rice’; and ‘fried rice' was preferred. In side dishes with meat and fish, most of the meats including ‘Tangsuyuk’ and ‘Bulgogi’ were preferred. For fish, ‘fried hairtail’ was preferred; whereas, ‘fried Spanish mackerel’ was not. In case of kimchi, ‘Chinese cabbage kimchi’ and ‘cubed radish kimchi’ were especially preferred. Considering these results, intensive improvement is required to increase school meal satisfaction by understanding the students' needs. An effort to allow the students’ preferences to be reflected in the menu is also needed
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mushroom flies are one of the most serious threats to mushroom production and cultivation in Korea, and they cause significant losses in yield and quality. In this study, we investigated the occurrence and control of mushroom flies in farms where Agaricus bisporus was cultivated in Chungnam. The cultivation period was more than 7 years in the 32 mushroom farms examined; about 28% were environment-friendly cultivation farms, and 72% were conventional cultivation farms. Mushroom flies were a major pest in about 84% of the examined farms. Most of the mushroom flies were sciarids and phorids (71% and 24%, respectively). The adult flies were found throughout the year, but their occurrence was the highest in September when the temperature increased. In general, the occurrence of mushroom flies in the examined farms was high; however, insect nets and post-crop steaming programs used as basic control methods were not implemented properly. Our findings show that integrated pest management of mushroom flies is urgently required for A. bisporus cultivation in Korea.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the satisfactions with school food service for elementary and middle school parents. We surveyed parents about their concerns regarding food materials, the perception of free school food service, improvement of free school food service and satisfaction with the quality of school food service. The regions were classified into two categories according to the operation of a school food service center. The respondents with greater concern and cooperative purchase of food materials had higher satisfaction with the quality of school food service. It is interesting to note that school food service centers managed directly by the local government had higher satisfaction than those operated by private enterprises with respect to the quality of the school food service. The results of this study can contribute to the establishment of school food service and school food service center policies in the future.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to investigate the perception and satisfaction of elementary and middle school students on free school food service. We surveyed education related to school food service, concerns about food ingredients, perceptions of free school food service and satisfaction for the quality of the school food service. The investigation is classified into two groups, schools that operate as a food service center or those that do not. Those who are provided food ingredients by school food service centers are educated about the agricultural products’ country-of-origin and their environmentfriendly food service. The more individuals are educated of the foods’ county-of-origin and environment-friendly food service the more they will have a higher concern of the food materials and subsequently a higher satisfaction for the quality of school food service. School food service centers managed directly by the local government would probably receive higher satisfaction than those consigned to a private sector. The results of this study will be meaningful to establish policies on school food service and school food service centers.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내에 있는 목조문화재를 가해하는 종은 구조적인 문제를 야기 시키는 흰개미 목에 흰개미, 외관에 천공을 내어 가해하는 벌목에 속한 나나니벌이나, 외관에 갱도를 내어 가해하는 딱정벌레 목에 속한 빗살수염벌레 및 넓적나무좀 등이 알려져 있다. 조사 방법은 충청 남·북도 내에 있는 24곳의 목조문화재를 대상으로 하였다. 흰개미 탐지견을 이용하여 흰개미 탐지를 한 후 탐지된 곳을 중점적으로 조사 하고 탐지가 되지 않은 곳도 육안 관찰을 하여 흰개미 가해흔이 있는지를 면밀히 조사하고 흰개미가 아닌 다른 충해도 있는지를 조사하여 기록하고, 건물 방위 및 GPS 위치, 온․습도, 함수율, 난방여부 등을 조사하여 해충이 가해하기 쉬운 환경 인자를 조사하여 기록하였다. 이 후 주변부 흰개미가 서식할 수 있는 그루터기나 고목 등을 조사하고 흰개미가 발견되면 즉시 샘플링하고 제거하였다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예당저수지의 수변 농경지의 어류와 양서류 분포 특성을 파악하고자 실시되었다. 이를 위해 비수변 농경지를 대조군 지역으로 설정하고 수변 농경지의 어류와 양서류의 개체수 및 생물량 비교, 어류와 양서류 분포에 영향을 주는 환경요소 분석, 시기별 개체수 변동 특성을 연구하였다. 전체 조사 대상지역에서 포획된 어류종수는 8과 13종이며, 양서류 종수는 5종이었다. 수변 농경지에서는 미꾸리과 어류, 붕어, 잉어 등의 13종의 어종이 포획되었고, 비수변 농경지에서는 미꾸리 과 어류, 붕어 등의 3종의 어종이 포획되었다. 양서류는 황소개구리, 참개구리, 청개구리, 한국산개구리, 옴개구리 총 5종의 유생이 포획되었는데, 비수변 농경지에서는 5종의 양서류 유생이 포획되었고, 수변 농경지에서는 2종의 양서류 유생이 포획되었다. 수변 농경지와 비수변 농경지의 어류와 양서류 분포 특성을 분석한 결과, 수변 농경지에는 잉어과 어류가 많이 포획되었으며, 비수변 농경지에는 미꾸리과 어류가 많이 포획되었다. 어류의 분포에 영향을 주는 환경요소 분석결과, 잉어과 어류는 겨울철에 담수되고, 예당저수지와의 거리가 가까운 농경지에서 주로 출현할 가능성 이 높으며, 미꾸리과 어류는 산간 저수지로부터 용수가 공급되고, 논과 배수로가 잘 연결되어 있는 농경지를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 양서류의 경우, 비수변 농경지에서 수변 농경지보다 양서류의 유생이 많이 포획되었다. 수변 농경지에 서는 황소개구리가 우점하였고, 비수변 농경지에서는 참개구리가 우점하였다. 황소개구리 유생의 분포에 영향을 주는 주요 환경요소는 겨울철에 담수되고 예당저수지에 가까운 농경지에서 출현할 가능성이 높았고, 참개구리의 경우는 산까지의 거리가 가깝고 예당저수지까지의 거리가 멀수록 출현할 가능성이 높았다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to evaluate the health concern, eating habits, dietary behavior, and psychological stress among middleaged adults in Chungnam according to their exercise status. A total of 437 adults with a mean age of 42.6 years participated in this study and completed a questionnaire survey. The subjects were divided into one of three groups according to their exercise status: never doing exercise (NDE; n=144), doing exercise once a week (DEO; n=186), and doing exercise twice a week or more (DET; n=107). Results demonstrated significant differences in concern about health, subjective health status, meal regularity, dietary problems, and stress score among the three groups. The DET and DEO groups were more concerned about their health (p<0.001), and had a perception that their health status was better than that of the NDE group (p<0.01). A larger percentage of the DET group had breakfast everyday (p<0.05) and a smaller percentage of the DET group had dietary problems such as irregular mealtime and skipping meals (p<0.01), compared to the other groups. The average stress score of the DET group was significantly lower than that of the DEO and NDE groups (p<0.05). The results reveal that doing regular exercising at least twice a week is associated with higher health concern, more desirable dietary habits, and lower psychological stress in middle-aged adults. These findings support the beneficial effects of regular exercise for health, dietary habits, and stress control.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농작물 해충에 대한 조기예찰은 돌발해충 및 주요해충에 대한 조기대응으로 피해를 최소화하고 해충 방제를 위한 농약 오남용을 방지하기 위해 중요하다. 작물별로 발생하는 주요해충들에 대한 예찰시기, 예찰규모, 예찰도구 등을 포함하는 현장에서 검증을 통한 간소화, 실용화된 예찰방법이 필요하다. 우리는 국화에 발생하는 주요해충인 대만총채벌레와 딸기에 발생하는 주요해충인 점박이응애의 예찰방법에 대해 연구하였다. 국화 대만총채벌레 포장내 조사지점간의 경우, 평균밀도는 하우스 입구부위 6.36마리, 중앙부위 5.42마리, 출구부위 8.61마리로 중앙부위보다 입구부위와 출구부위가 더 높았다. 조사높이를 상중하로 나누어 조사했을 경우, 평균밀도는 상단부 5.2마리, 중단부 1.33마리, 하단부 0.43마리로 상단부가 중단부와 하단부의 밀도보다 높았다. 딸기 점박이응애 포장내 조사지점간의 경우, 논산에서는 하우스 입구 쪽 보다 하우스 출구 쪽으로 갈수록 밀도가 높았고, 당진에서는 하우스 입구 쪽에서 다소 밀도가 높게 조사되었다. 조사고랑의 경우, 하우스 양 측면 고랑의 밀도가 중앙 고랑의 밀도 보다 높았다. 본 연구에서는 작물 및 해충의 특성에 따라 조사지점, 조사높이, 조사고랑의 차이를 조사하여 효율적인 예찰방법에 대해 제시하고자 한다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국가산림자원조사 자료를 이용하여 충남지역에 분포하는 사유림에 대한 포괄적인 개념의 산림경영율을 지역별, 임상별, 영급별, 경급별, 주요 수종별로 구분하여 분석하고자 하였다. 충청남도 사유림에서 조사된 제 5차 국가산림자원조사 자료 고정표본점은 총 971개소이며, 사유림 내에서 포괄적인 산림시업이 이루어진 고정표본점은 총 752개소로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과에 의하면, 충청남도 전체 사유림에 대한 포괄적인 산림경영율은 약 86.37%로 나타났다. 지역별 사유림에 대한 매년 연도별 산림 경영율은 공주시에서 14.07%로 가장 높은 경영율을 보였고 반면에 홍성군이 1.14%로 가장 낮은 경영율을 보였다. 임상별 산림경영율은 활엽수림에서 33.25%로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 반면에 혼효림에서 22.87%로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 영급은 3영급(33.77%)과 4영급(37.64%)에서 가장 높은 산림경영율로 나타났으며, 경급은 소경목(43.27%), 중경목(35.18%), 대경목(1.41%)으로 갈수록 산림경영율이 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 본 연구 결과는 충남지역에 분포하는 사유림의 포괄적인 사유림경영율에 대한 기초적인 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the awareness and attitudes for leftover foods and the relationship between gender/number of family members on the effect of leftover foods-free day in elementary school students. The reasons for school lunch leftover foods were ‘too much amount (38.3%)’ and ‘disliked menu (33.6%)’, and the preferred ways for reduction of leftover food was ‘to cook deliciously (34%)’. In the case of students who received nutrition education for reduction of leftover lunch, approximately 33.8% of subjects received nutrition education by administered by nutrition teachers during lunch time. The reason for reducing the amount of leftover foods was ‘not to waste the foods (35.5%)’. After a leftover food-free day, approximately 62.3% of subjects responded that they ate their whole meal, except for soup. The subjects wanted ‘twice per week for leftover food-free day’ and had positive attitudes for that program. Proportion of practicing reduction of leftover foods in families was 55.9% of subjects, and 40.5% of subjects preferred dietary education by nutrition teachers in the classroom. For effective reduction of leftover lunch in school, nutrition teachers should attract interest on the environment and foods through after-school activities.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to categorize and comparatively analyze tourists of different life-style groups who visit Yesan according to their lifestyles as well as their consumption behaviors and attitudes towards local foods or specialty agricultural products in order to understand the various needs, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers in each life-style group. Group 1 had a high percentage of single people in their 20s and those who worked in technology. Group 2 had a high percentage of those in their 30s and 40s who were married and were professionals. Group 3 had a high percentage of men and those in their 40s and 50s, as well as a high percentage of high income, highly educated people. Group 4 had a high percentage of those in their 20s or those in their 60s or higher. Compared to other groups, group 4 had a larger percentage of lower income and less educated people. In verifying the difference between life-style groups in terms of their behaviors and attitudes toward local foods and specialty agricultural products, consumption and experience of regional specialty foods showed high average scores in groups 1, 2, and 3, with significant differences from group 4.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the actual conditions underlying frequency of eating breakfast and nutritional attitudes in elementary school students in Chungnam area. Students had the highest ratio for eating breakfast everyday and spent 10-20 minutes eating breakfast. Students went to bed at 10-11 PM and woke up at 7-7:30 AM in the morning on average. The biggest reason for skipping breakfast was insufficient time in the morning. Additionally, favorite breakfast menu of subjects was a Korean style meal. The number of elementary students that recognized necessity of nutritional education was highest among subjects. Favorite educational method of subjects was education by teachers. Additionally, number of female students that recognized effect of breakfast on health status was significantly higher than boy students. Ratio of eating breakfast everyday was dependent on BMI value. Most subjects preferred video learning materials as the main nutritional education method. Overweight subjects showed the highest ratio for eating with loss of willpower compared to other students when they skipped the breakfast. Female subjects ate a greater variety of foods compared to male students, and showed better nutritional attitudes towards a desirable dietary life than male subjects. To prevent undesirable food habits and improve intake of various nutrients, systematic nutrition education is required to regulate breakfast of elementary students.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, this researcher measured the indoor concentration of radon in elementary schools located in Chungcheongnamdo, and conducted a questionnaire survey from June 2008 to June 2011. Indoor radon densities of elementary schools by season were 86.4 Bq/m3 in winter, 71.2 Bq/m3 in fall, 61.1 Bq/m3 in spring, and 40.5 Bq/ m3 in summer in order. Among flooring materials by construction material, the radon level of concrete was 57.8 Bq/ m3, and cement was 71.5 Bq/m3. For exterior wall materials, it was established that the density of cement, concrete, wood, and soil was 102.9 Bq/m3, 64.4 Bq/m3, 51.0 Bq/m3, and 48.7 Bq/m3, respectively. In addition, for radon densities according to distances between a detector and floors, 150 cm and under was recorded at 99.3 Bq/m3, 151 to 200 cm was recorded at 62.6 Bq/m3, and 201 cm and more was recorded at 59.2 Bq/m3 sequentially. From the results of analyzing correlations between radon concentrations and factors affecting the indoor radon concentrations in elementary schools, it was discovered that the nearer the distances to floors were and the older the construction was(r = 0.300), the higher were indoor radon concentrations. With regard to factors influencing the indoor radon concentrations in elementary schools, derived from multiple regression analysis, it was revealed that distances from floors has the greatest influence(β = 0.354, p < 0.05). And it was determined that the construction year was also a factor contributing to indoor radon levels. This had an explanation power of 27.9%.
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