
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 72

        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 실험은 감과수원의 지표면 관리방법(녹비작물 재배, 초생재배, 청경재배)이 감 해충 발생량과 생물다양성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 감 과수원의 녹비작물을 가해하는 해충은 알팔파바구미, 긴꼬리볼록진딧물, 아카시아진딧물 등 7종이며 가장 피해가 심한 해충은 알팔파바구미였으나 감나무에 피해를 주는 해충은 없었다. 과수원 지표면 피복식물에 서식하는 해충과 천적은 재배방법 즉 유기재배와 초생재배에 따라 발생량의 차이는 없었다. 차잎말이나방은 연 3회 발생최성기를 나타내는데 감나무에 피해는 경미하였으며 재배방법별 총 발생량은 유기재배 1,261마리, 관행초생재배 1,003마리, 청경재배 621마리로 청경재배 포장에 비해 지표면에 식물체가 존재하는 포장에서 발생량이 많았다. 복숭아순나방은 연 4회 발생하였는데 역시 감나무에 피해는 극히 적었다. 재배방법별 토양내 서식 미소동물 종과 개체수는 유기재배 22종 838개체, 초생재배 17종 421개체, 청경재배 15종 381개체였으며 종 풍부도는 유기재배 3.12, 초생재배 2.65, 청경재배 2.36으로 유기 > 초생 > 청경 순으로 개체수와 풍부도가 높았다.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        원료곡인 동부의 침종, 포화, 노화 조건이 동부나물 생산량과 생장반응에 미치는 영향을 검토한 결과, 흡수량은 침종 초기 2시간까지는 급속히 증가하다 이후에는 완만히 증가하였으나, 발아력과 나물 생산수율 및 잔뿌리 발생량은 침종기간(1~6시간)이 길어질수록 낮았다. 5일간 포화(수분 96±1%, 20℃)처리가 무처리나 1, 3일간 포화처리에 비해 발아력과 나물 생산수율 및 잔뿌리 발생량이 높았다. 고온 노화처리에 따른 발아력과 나물 생산수율은 무처리에 비해 낮았는데, 이상의 결과로 동부나물 재배를 위한 원료곡 전처리 방법은 5일간 포화(수분 96±1%, 20℃)처리하고 세척하여 재배하는 것이 좋은 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 국내‧외에서 수집한 동부 유전자원 245점에 대한 작물학적 특성을 조사하여 품종육성 기초자료로 활용하고자 수행하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다.1. 개화일수는 41∼50일(51.5%), 51∼60일(43.7%), 등숙일수는 21∼30일(53.9%), 31∼40일(23.7%), 생육일수는 71∼80일(26.9%), 81∼90일(23.4%) 순으로 많이분포하였다.2. 신육형은 무한형 72.7%, 중간형 25.7%, 및 유한형1.6%, 초형은 포복형 78.8%와 직립형 21.2%, 잎 모양은 심장형 98.4%와 피침(결각)형 1.6%, 꽃색은 보라색85.2%, 백색 13.6% 및 연주색 1.2% 씩 분포하였다.3. 성숙 꼬투리색은 갈색 54.7%와 황갈색 37.6%, 착협위치는 아래로 향함 90.6%, 중간 5.7% 및 곧추섬 3.7%씩 분포하였다.4. 종피색은 갈색 25.3%, 흑색 23.3%, 백색 20.8%, 종자모양은 계란형 66.9%, 장방형 24.9%, 신장형 8.2% 씩분포하였다.5. 협장은 10.1∼20.0 cm 89.0%, 20.1∼30.0 cm 8.6%,협당립수는 12.1∼15립 62.0%, 9.1∼12립 25.7%, 15.1∼18립 9.1% 씩 분포하였다.6. 백립중은 15.1∼20.0 g 37.6%, 10.1∼15.0 g 28.6%,주당수량은 100.1∼200.0 g 52.7%, 100.0 g 미만 22.9%,200.1∼300.0 g 15.9% 씩 분포하였다7. 선발한 7자원 종실의 전분 함량은 44.1∼57.0%, 단백질 함량은 23.3∼27.5% 범위로 유의차가 있었다. Sucrose함량은 자원에 따라 1.46∼2.03% 범위에 포함되어 유의차가 인정되었다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To investigate the possibility of sustainable agriculture in no-tillage pepper this study was carried out in vinyl greenhouse with organic cultivation having no pesticide certification. 1. Growth and yield in pepper cultivation General growth in pepper was suppressed with decreasing hill spacing, primary branch length, and stem width. Fruit diameter and fruit weight in no-tillage increased significantly, and yield of pepper increased by 10% compared with conventional tillage. From results organic cultivation in no-tillage improved a quality of pepper compared with conventional tillage. 2. Production cost of conventional tillage and no-tillage Production cost of conventional tillage and no-tillage was not different in seed cost, inorganic fertilizer cost, pesticide cost, repair cost, light agricultural tool cost, agriculture facilities depreciation cost and so on. Intermediary goods cost in no-tillage was decreased by 11% for organic fertilizer cost, light and heat expenses and power rate, heavy agricultural tool cost, and repairing expenses compare with conventional tillage. Employment effort cost and work effort cost were decreased, and farm income and farm income rate were increased by 11% and 5%, respectively, in no-tillage. In this work, yield and gross income were increased by 10% and 25%, respectively, in no-tillage. Therefore material cost, intermediary goods cost, working expensive, farm income, and income rate were increased by 34%, 3%, 2%, 52% and 22%, respectively.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        장미는 화훼 재배면적의 6.7%, 절화류 생산액의 33.5%를 차지하고 있는 주요 화종으로 국내 재배면적은 2006년 864ha를 정점으로 2010년에는 456ha로 감소하고 있는 추세이다. 스탠다드 장미가 90% 이상 재배되며 적색 50%, 분홍색 품종이 20% 내를 차지하고 최근에는 녹색, 복색 등 다양한 화색과 화형이 재배되고 있다. 국내 품종 개발은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2000년 ‘미향’(Kim 등, 2001) 품종을 처음 육성한 후 전남도원 등 6개 기관을 중심으로 다양한 화색의 신품종을 육성하고 있다. 또한 2006년 장미사업단이 구성되어 활발한 품종육성 사업을 추진하고 있으며국산품종의 재배면적을 확대하고 있다. 재배농가의 로얄티 지불액은 75억원(’07), 38억원(’10)으로 점차 감소하고 있다. 전라남도농업기술원에서는 국내 환경에 적합하고 소비자가 선호하는 스탠다드 품종을 육성하여 농가의 로열티 부담을 덜고자 본 시험을 수행하였다. 2007년 전라남도농업기술원 장미 육종포장에서 꽃이 예쁜 분홍색 “Saphir” 품종을 모본으로 화형이 예쁜 대표적인 분홍색 품종인 “Noblless” 품종을 부본으로 하여 인공교배하였다. 2008년 “JRB0754-01” 등 89개 실생을 양성하고 선발을 진행하여 JRB0754-43 등 2계통이 선발되었으며 2010~2011년 3회의 특성 및 생산력검정을 실시하고 육성계통평가회를 거쳐 “White Jewelry”(JRB0754-43) 계통을 선발하였다. 육성된 “White Jewelry” 품종의 특성은 백색 스탠다드 품종으로 꽃 크기가 10.4cm, 꽃잎수 45.6매, 절화장이 66.4cm, 절화수명이 10.3일 이고 꽃 향기정도가 5이며 절화수명이 10.3이로 긴 편인 품종이다. 절화수량이 143.6본/㎡/년으로 대비품종에 “Rose Yumi” 비해 19.8% 많았다. 꽃의 향기가 좋고 절화수명과 수량성 등이 우수하여 결혼식 부케용으로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 백색꽃의 이미지를 담아 “White Jewelry” 로 명명하고 육성계통 평가회 및 농작물직무육성 선정심의회를 거쳐 국립종자원에 2012년 3월 품종보호출원하였다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        절화용 장미 ‘Live Pink’ 는 전라남도농업기술원에서 육성한 진분홍색 스프레이 품종으로 수세가 강하고 동계생산성이 높은 백색 ‘White Candy’를 모본으로 적색이며 화형이 예쁜 ‘Madonna’를 부본으로 하여 2004년에 인공교배 하였다. 화형과 화색이 예쁘고 수량성이 우수하며 가시가 적은 2계통을 최종 2차 선발하였다. 2007년부터 2008년까지 3회에 걸쳐 특성 및 생산력검정을 실시하여 화색이 진분홍색이며 꽃이 크고 수량성도 우수하며 절화수명이 긴 ‘Live Pink’를 육성하였다. 육성된 품종은 스프레이 품종으로 꽃의 직경이 5.5 cm, 절화장이 68.4 cm, 절화수명이 10.1일로 줄기가 곧고 절화수명이 우수하다. 절화의 수량은 3회 특성 및 생산력 검정결과 121.5 본/m2/년으로 대비품종 ‘Madonna’(116.5 본/m2/년)에 비해 4.3% 증대되었다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was investigated to evaluate the effects of fertilizer application of surface and broadcast for rice culture on the soil chemical, physical, and microbial properties as well as growth and yield of rice. The application was made with ‘"Dongjin 1’" rice at Jeollanam-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services from 2008 to 2010. Soil organic matter and cation concentrations were increased by surface and broadcast applications, respectively. Plots treated by surface application tended to be higher seasonal N-mineralization rate in the organic fertilizer and seasonal soil organic matter than those of broadcast application. Soil physical properties seemed to be improved by the broadcast application, and soil microbial properties were increased by the surface application. Surface application increased 5% of rice yield compared to that of broadcast.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes Vaporariorum, is the most important insect pest in environmental friendly tomato production. Natural enemies, Nesidiocoris tenuis and environmental friendly agricultural materials (EFAM) are major control agents in Korea. The aim of the present work is to evaluate release time of N. tenuis in controlling of T. vaporariorum and to select environmental friendly agricultural materials (EFAM) to suppress both T. vaporariorum and N. tenuis which if the density were high causing necrotic rings. Six EFAM selected to control of Trialeurodes Vaporariorum in three times spray with seven days intervals. Three EFAM showed high mortality 67.7~70.5% in spray after release plot but low in release after spray plot. It should be careful to spray with N. tenuis. When N. tenuis were early release at 7 days after transplanting which before occurring and establishment of greenhouse whitefly, it could suppress the density. Extracts of bead tree + matrin, matrin 1, Chrysanthemum showed high mortality on T. vaporariorum adults and N. tenuis. The results suggested that tms three EFAM could be control agents of the damage of necrotic rings from N. tenuis.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate nutrient production of both orchardgrass and several clovers as a green manure in a ‘Niitaka’ pear (Pyrus pyriforia) orchard. The experiment was conducted at diligent fanner in Boseong in Chonnam on March 26 of 2010, and the treatments included; 1) orchard grass (2.0㎏/l,000㎡), 2) orchard grass (1.0㎏/l,000㎡)+ladino clover (1.0 ㎏/1,000m2), 3) orchard grass (1.0㎏/1,000㎡)+red clover (1.0㎏/1,000㎡), and 4) orchard grass (1.0㎏/1,000㎡)+white clover (1.0㎏/1,000㎡). Lengths of orchardgrass and clovers were greater in July than those of June and September. Seeding of orchardgrass without clovers in June and July increased dry weight of green manure crops compared with the seeding of orchardgrass with clovers, resulting in greater annual total dry weight. Various green manure treatments produced different amounts of total N and P₂O₅ from each raw materials and did not satisfy amounts of those nutrients for proper annual growth of ten- to twelve-year-old pear tree. Amounts of K₂O producing from green manures, however, satisfied for proper growth of the pear trees.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This work studied the growth and yield of green crops, changes of mineral composition in greenhouse soil and green crops, and infection with wintering green crops cultivation in greenhouse field. At 74 days after seeding of wintering green crops, dry matter was 710㎏/10a in rye, 530㎏/10a in barley, 230㎏/10a in hairy vetch, and 240㎏/10a in bean or weeds. Total nitrogen content in green crops was 4.5% in pea and hairy vetch, and 3~4% in barley and rye. P₂O₅, CaO, and MgO contents in all green crops were about 1.0%, and K₂O content was the highest level by 4~5% among macro elements. Total nitrogen fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 22.1㎏/10a in rye, 20.6㎏/10a in barley, 10.6㎏/10a in hairy vetch, and 9.6㎏/10a in pea and giant chickweed. P₂O₅ fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 8.4㎏/10a in rye, 6.3㎏/10a in barley, and 2.3 ㎏/10a in hairy vetch and pea. K₂O fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 28㎏/10a in rye, 24.7㎏/10a in barley, and 11㎏/10a in hairy vetch and pea. CaO fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 2~3㎏/ 10a in all green crops, and MgO fixing content was 1.7~2.6㎏/10a in all green crops. Pepper growth in no-tillage was not a significant difference at all green manure crops. The number of fruit and fruit weight were higher in control, pea, hairy vetch and harvest barley than rye and barley. Soil mineral compositions in wintering green crops increased at pH, organic matter, CEC compared with control. Soil chemical compositions were stable level at green crops cultivation according as decreases of EC, available phosphoric acid, Ca, and Mg contents. After no-tillage by green manure crops, pH in soils was higher in green manure crops than control. EC content in soils was lower in green manure crops than control, and was remarkably low level in barley harvest. Organic matter content in soils increased in hairy vetch and barley green manure but decreased by 35% in barley harvest. Total nitrogen and avaliable P₂O₄ content in soils remarkably increased but was not a significant difference at all green manure crops. Cation (K, Ca, and Mg) content in soils decreased by 15~20% in K, 2~11% in Ca, and 3~6% in Mg at rye, barley and pea compared with control.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Calyx-end browning in sweet persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruits is the postharvest disorder during the storage and shows different proportions by the cultivars. This study was to evaluate fruit texture characteristics at harvest and to learn how browning in fruits affects the cell structures in different cultivars. Persimmon cultivars included ‘Fuyu’, ‘Jiro’, ‘Uenishiwase’, ‘Daiandangam’, and ‘Ro-19’, which were harvested at the end of October in 2003 and investigated after 100 days storage. Fruit texture varied with different cultivars. ‘Jiro’ and ‘Ro-19’ fruits did not have browning symptoms while ‘Daiandangam’ fruits had approximately 80% browning of them. There were no visual differences for the cell structure in fruit peels between fruits without browning, such as ‘Jiro’ and ‘Ro-19’, and fruits with browning, such as ‘Fuyu’, ‘Uenishiwase’, and ‘Daiandangam’. The most outer layers in a ‘Jiro’ fruit peel arranged one to two epidermis which could not induce browning in the tissues, while ‘Fuyu’ had two to three layers, inducing a browning symptom. Although there were no differences for the tissue structure between browning and normal fruits, browning fruits did not have apparent cell organelle and proceeded degradation of cell walls in the flesh.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was established to investigate the effects of Ca application on fruit mineral nutrients, quality, and browning of ‘Fuyu’ sweet persimmon (Diospyros kaki). Ca foliar application at 40㎖/20L/tree had a greater fruit Ca concentration than did control, Ca fertigation (40㎖/20L/tree), and Ca foliar application (40㎖/20L/tree) coupled with IBA fertigation (40 ㎖/20L/tree). Fruit mineral nutrient concentrations for Mg, B, and Mn were similar or lower in the foliar treatment compared to other treatments. Fruit color was not affected. Ca treatment, whether foliar applied or fertigated, was effective in maintaining fruit firmness and in decreasing the browning symptom in fruit after MA storage at 0℃ for 60 and 100 days. Although Ca foliar application + IBA fertigation treatment improved fruit firmness, the positive effect on the browning and decay occurrences in fruit was not shown.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was established on which germanium (Ge), known as one of the functional nutrients, treatment is the most effective method for increasing Ge uptake and contributing flowering development in the pruned branches in the winter. Ge treatment included foliar application, soil fertigation, trunk injection, and the three-combined application. Ge concentration in the pruned branches was greater on the three-combined treated trees, and Ge treated branches had greater Ge concentrations than the control. Pruned branches grown in the solution culture had greater bud weight and bud scale number on the Ge treated trees than the control. Ge treatments increased flowering per branch and flower number per bud as well as improved resistance of the freezing temperature damage. Overall, there were no consistent results of all the variables by the Ge application methods.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was established on which the selenium (Se), known as one of the functional elements in the human body, treatment was the most effective for the Se uptake in the soil and tree. Se treatments included foliar application, soil fertigation, and trunk injection. Se fertigation and control had similar soil P2O5, K, and Mg concentrations, and calcium and Se concentrations in the soil were greater on the control and Se fertigation, respectively. Leaf characteristics were not different among the treated trees. No differences were observed for the leaf K and Ca concentrations among the treated trees, and foliar Mg was greater on the Se treated trees than the control. Se foliar application and trunk injection had greater Se concentrations in the leaves and fruits than the Se fertigation and control.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sweet persimmon, ‘Fuyu’, is the major cultivar for MA storage, but browning of blossom end part and fruit surface darkening occur during storage and decrease fruit qualities in fresh fruit market. Calcium (Ca) has a very important role in cell membrane and reduces Ca-related fruit disorder. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of soluble Ca fertigation and foliar applications on soil chemical properties, root activity, and leaf nutrient status. Ca concentration in the soil was higher in both Ca fertigation (Ca-FG) and Ca+IBA fertigation (Ca+IBA) treatments than the other treatments, such as control (Cont), Ca foliar application (Ca-FA), and IBA fertigation (IBA). The increase in soil Ca improved soil pH. The Ca+IBA treatment increased root activity. Leaf Ca concentration was significantly increased by the CA-FA application, followed by Ca+IBA, and Ca-FG treatments.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sustainable farming systems have remarkably increased in Korea due to the increase of environmental concerns caused by the conventional systems. This study was performed on eight-year-old ‘Niitaka’ pear tree s to investigate the effects of different organic fertilizers on soil chemical and microbial properties and leaf and bud developments. Treatment and applications included 10 ㎏ of rice bran (RB), 10 ㎏ of coffee bran compost (CBC), 10 ㎏ of Chitin incubated compost (Micro keeper®, CIC), and 30 ㎏ of the mixture of the RB, CBC, and CIC (RCC). Control received 60 g of NPK (16-11-12) chemical fertilizer. The organic fertilizers increased organic matter, nutrient concentrations such as P, K, Ca, and Mg, and microbial biomass in soils compared to the control. RCC had the greatest specific leaf weight (SLW), and the other treatments did not have a significant difference for the SLW. Leaf P and K concentrations were different among the treatments, but they were not affected by the amounts of the soil nutrients. No differences were observed in the leaf Ca and Mg concentrations in the treatments. Organic fertilizers had greater chlorophyll contents than the control but had similar flower bud characteristics to the control.
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