
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ochratoxin A, which is frequently detected in cereals and infant diets worldwidely, is a mycotoxin to damage mainly the kidney and liver. Because ochratoxin A is highly thermostable compound. it is necessary to study ways of reducing level of ochratoxin A by controling processing steps. However, food processes, including extrusion, expansion, roasting, and steam cooking, which are used in order to mitigate the contents of ochratoxin A, are known to produce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are generated from radicals decomposed by pyrolysis. Therefore, this study analyzed the levels of 4 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benz (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo (b) fluoranthene and benzo (a) pyrene in rice-based products made in high pressure and heating process. Rice samples were finely ground, and homogenized samples were alkaline treatement with 1 M KOH/EtOH and extracted with liquid-liquid extraction method using n-hexane. The extracted solution was pretreated with a silica cartridge. The purified solution was dried with nitrogen gas and dissolved in 1 mL of dichloromethane and injected into GC/MSD. We had overall recoveries for 4 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons spiked into rice samples ranging from 92.8 to 110.2%. The limit of quantitations of benz (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo (b) fluoranthene and benzo (a) pyrene in rice-based product were 0.19 ng/g, 0.38 ng/g, 0.51 ng/g, and 0.31 ng/g, respectively. However, these 4 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in all processed rice samples were not detected.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the physicochemical properties of aromatic rice prepared using different milling recoveries and roasting procedures were investigated. As a result, we found that the L value of different milling recoveries of aromatic rice (BA-1, BA-2, BA-4, and BA-6) increased as the aromatic rice (BA-0) decreased, while the a and b values decreased as the different milling recoveries increased. The major contributors to the different milling recoveries of aromatic rice were total polyphenol (28.11-33.84 mg/100 g), amylose (24.97-31.06 mg/100 g), total starch (68.27-73.04%) content. In addition, three different roasting methods were applied; the aromatic rice was roasted at 250℃ for 0 min (BAR-0M), 15 min (BAR-15M), or 30 min (BAR-30M). As a result, the color in terms of the L value decreased, whereas the a and b values increased. Also, the total phenolic and flavonoid contents in BAR-30M (41.65 mg/100 g and 22.30 mg/100 g, respectively) were higher than those in BAR-0M (33.00 mg/100 g and 20.78 mg/100 g, respectively). Similarly, the amylose and total starch contents in BAR-30M (26.10 g/100 g and 81.81%, respectively) were higher than those in BAR-0M (22.10 g/100 g and 74.26%, respectively). Furthermore, the DPPH, superoxide radical scavenging activity, and ferric reducing antioxidant potential of BAR-0M at 5,000 μg/mL were found to be 67.78%, 52.90%, and 0.79 mM, respectively. Based on these results, we can conclude that in order to provide the best physicochemical characteristics of aromatic rice, it should be manufactured in the following conditions: 20% milling recovery of the aromatic rice and roasting at 250℃ for 30 min.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Hyangdreamchal’, a new early maturing, aromatic and glutinous rice variety was developed by the crop breeding team of Crop Research & Development Division, GARES, Hwaseong, Korea in 2012. ‘Hyangdreamchal’ was derived from a cross between ‘Jinbuchal’ and ‘Miyakaori’ in 2001. This variety headed on July 28 which was 14 days earlier than ‘Hwaseongbyeo’ in Gyeonggi Province. It showed resistance to lodging with strong culm. It's culm length and panicle length were 71 cm and 20 cm, respectively. This variety has 13 tillers per hill and 92 spikelets per panicle. It was medium grain variety and 1,000 grain weight of brown rice was 20.1g. Its cold tolerance was stronger than ‘Hwaseongbyeo’ however it was susceptible to blast virus disease, bacterial leaf blight and insect pest. The milled rice of ‘Hyangdreamchal’ had a glutinous and aromatic endosperm. The yield potential of ‘Hyangdreamchal’ in milled rice was 4.15 MT/ha under the ordinary culture of the local adaptability test in 4 areas of Gyeonggi Province for three years. This variety would be adaptable to the Gyeonggi Province. (품종보호번호 : 제5568호)
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to verify the possibility of manufacturing a germinated aromatic rice tea, which was roasted at 200, 250, and 300℃ each for 10, 20, and 30 min. The roasted aromatic rice was analysed physicochemical properties, sensory characteristics and aromatic compounds. The total polyphenol content and DPPH radical scavenging activities of the germinated aromatic rice increased as the roasting temperature and time increased. Total soluble solid contents, turbidity and browning index of the germinated aromatic rice tea also increased was the roasting temperature and roasting time increased. The pH did not change by roasting. The main aromatic components in roasted germinated aromatic rice tea were 2-methyl butanal, 3-methyl butanal, benzaldehyde and nonanal, which increased according to increasing temperature and time. However, those favorable aroma components were decreased at more than 300℃ of roasting temperature. In addition, methyl benzene, pentanol were increased which affect odor aroma. The sensory score of germinated aromatic rice tea also increased with high roasting temperature and time. However, aromatic rice roasted at a higher temperature (300℃) showed lower sensory score. Therefore roasting temperature and time must be controlled for manufactureing high quality of germinated aromatic rice tea, and the optimun roasting conditions were 250℃ and 30 min, which provide best physicochemical characteristics of aromatic rice tea.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        'Cheongpungheukhyangchal' New aromatic, black pericarp and glutinous rice variety was developed by the rice breeding team of Chungbuk Agricultural Research and Extension Services, in 2012. This cultivar was derived from a cross between 'Shindongjin' as a grain quality source and 'Heugseonchal' as a black glutinous and aromatic source. The donor parent, 'Sindongjin' has been backcrossed one time with recurrent parent 'Heugseonchal' and selected by the pedigree breeding method, until F6 generation. As a result, a promising line, CBR11-2-4-3, was advanced and designated as the name of ‘CBR L3’ in 2009. The maturity period of this cultivar took approximately 168 days from seedling to heading. This cultivar has about 15 tillers per hill and 115 spikelet numbers per panicle. Ripening ratio is about 76.5% and 1000 grain weight is 27.2 g in brown rice. Milled rice of 'Cheongpungheukhyangchal' has trait of glutinous and aromatic endosperm. It has higher anthocyanin content compared to that of black pigmented check cultivar ‘Heugseonchal’. The yield performance of brown rice was 5.39 MT/ha in local adaptability test for three years. ‘Cheongpungheukhyangchal’ is adaptable to central plain and southern mid-mountainous area of Korea.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) was widely known as the principal aroma compound, it development in rice has been reported due to the loss of function of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (badh2) on chromosome 8. In previous study, a lot of haplotypes have been found of this gene, while only limited haplotypes have been proved as functional mutations. A total of 137 core set accessions, and additional 45 germplasms have been employed in this study. Finally, two new mutations have been found (3bp deletion in exon12 and C/A SNP in exon 10), and 23 haplotypes have been detected, most of them had strong relations with aroma formation. According to the sequence results, five functional markers have been developed, the markers showed a highly efficient in discriminating the special aromatic rice varieties, and displayed perfect co-segregation with the trait of fragrance in F2 population. Those new markers developed in the present study would be useful in molecular breeding of fragrant rice varieties. Based on the haplotypes, the further research is in progress.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        화석연료의 연소나 유류 오염 등으로 인해 발생하는 PAHs는 우리 주변 어디에서나 존재하는 위험한 오염물질 중 하나로, 생태계에 영향을 끼치며 작물 생육에도 영향을 준다. PAHs는 작물에서도 흡수가 가능하기 때문에, 작물생육에 대한 저해 효과를 알아보기 위해 콩과 벼에 대한 영향을 유묘기부터 검정하였다. PAHs가 처리된 토양에서 자란 벼와 콩의 초장과 건물중은 다소 감소하였고, 벼보다 콩에서 생장 저해가 강하게 발생되었다. 토양에 100 ppm 농도에서 처리된 경우 콩의 초장은 58.9 cm로 처리되지 않은 콩의 87.2% 값을 보였다. 벼의 경우, 처리 후 80일 100 ppm에서 자란 벼가 처리되지 않은 벼의 96.0% 값을 보여, 초장에 있어서 저해 효과가 낮게 나타났다. 광합성과 관련된 엽록소 함량과 엽록소 형광은 PAHs 처리 후 20일부터 70일까지 저해가 약간 되었지만, 출수기 이후는 저해 정도가 약하게 나타났다. 어린 유묘의 한천 배지 실험은 100 ppm phenanthrene 농도일 때, 성숙한 작물의 폿트 실험과 비교시 유묘 길이와 생체중의 저해가 높게 나타났다. 벼에서는 유묘 길이와 생체중이 각 각 54.2%, 33.3% 감소하였고, 콩에서는 각 각 27.9%, 13.2% 감소되었다. 이러한 결과를 통하여 PAHs은 성숙기보다 영양 생장 초기에 저해가 높게 발생하며, 영양생장기의 피해는 콩보다 벼에서 저해가 높게 발생하였다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        선향흑미는 밥쌀용 쌀에 현미 기능성 성분인 종피에 유색색소 C3G의 함량을 높이고 쌀에 구수한 향을 추가하여 식미 증진을 목적으로 종피가 흑자색인 수원477호(흑광)를 모본으로하고 C3G 성분이 많고 쌀에서 구수한 향이 있는 CG2- 2-75-4-1-22-3을 부본으로하여 2002년 교배하여 계통육종법으로 육성하여 2007~2008년 2년간 생산력검정시험 2009~2011년 3년간 지역적응시험 실시한 결과 그 우수성이 인정되어 2011년 12월 농촌진흥청 농작물 직무육성 신품종선정위원회에서 품종으로 선정되었다. 이 품종의 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1.출수기는 8월 11일로 중부평야에서 흑진주벼 7월 24일보다 늦는 중생종 품종이다.2.간장은 89 cm로 흑진주보다 8 cm 정도 크고, 주당수수는 흑진주벼와 비슷한 14개이며 수당립수는 122개로 흑진주 100개보다 많다. 현미천립중은 17.0 g 이다.3.도열병에는 강하지는 않으나 흰잎마름병에 강하고 줄무늬잎마름병은 중정도로 강하다.4.불시출수는 없고 성숙기 하엽노화는 흑진주벼와 같이 늦으며, 수발아는 6.6%로 적은 편이다. 내냉성과 도복은 약한 편이다.5.전국 7개 장소의 평균 현미수량은 4.75 Mt/ha 이다.6.아밀로스 함량은 19.7%로 메벼이며 향이 흑진주벼에 비하여 강하다. 7.현미색은 진한 검정색으로 안토시안 함량은 136 mg/100g, 항산화 성분인 폴리페놀 함량은 529 mg/100g 이다.8.재배적응 지역은 중부평야 및 호남평야이다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Aroma development in rice has been reported due to the lack of function of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (badh2) on rice chromosome 8. A lot of functional markers have been designed based on the InDels, such as 7bp deletion in exon 2, 803bp deletion in exon 4 and 5, 8bp deletion in exon 7, and 3bp insertion in exon 13. Although there were a lot of functional SNPs, other InDels have not been detected by a PCR-based marker. Here we developed a simple, co-dominant, functional cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker for fragrance trait based on 1bp insertion in exon 14. The developed marker showed a high efficiency in discriminating that special aromatic rice variety, and displayed perfect co-segregation with the trait of fragrance in the F2 population. This new marker developed in the present study would be useful in molecular breeding of fragrant rice varieties.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversities of major rice blast resistance genes among 84 accessions of aromatic rice germplasm. Eighty four accessions were characterized by a dominant 11 set of PCR-based SNP and CAPS marker, which showed the broad spectrum resistance and closest linkage to seven major rice blast resistance (R) genes, Pia, Pib, Pii, Pi5 (Pi3), Pita (Pita-2), and Pi9 (t). The allele specific PCR markers assay genotype of SCAR and STS markers was applied to estimate the presence or absence of PCR amplicons detected with a pair of PCR markers. One indica accession, Basmati (IT211194), showed the positive amplicons of five major rice blast resistance genes, Pia, Pi5 (Pi3), Pib, Pi-ta (Pi-ta2), and Pik-5 (Pish). Among 48 accessions of the PCR amplicons detected with yca72 marker, only five accessions were identified to Pia gene on chromosome 11. The Pib gene was estimated with the NSb marker and was detected in 65 of 84 accessions. This study showed that nine of 84 accessions contained the Pii gene and owned Pi5 (Pi3) in 42 of 84 accessions by JJ817 and JJ113-T markers, which is coclosest with Pii on chromosome 9. Only six accessions were detected two alleles of the Pita or Pita-2 genes. Three of accessions were identified as the Pi9 (t) gene locus.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Brown planthopper (BPH) is a serious insect pest of rice crop throughout rice growing countries, and yield loss due to its infection can be up to 60%. This study aimed to evaluate efficiency of molecular markers for screening BPH resistance accessions among 86 aromatic rice germplasm Eighty-six accessions of aromatic rice germplasm included two accessions of Tongil type (bred in Korea), 28 accessions of japonica type and 56 accessions of indica type. We applied eight STS markers (pBPH9, pBPH19, pBPH20, pBPH21, AJ09-b, RG457L, RG457B, and 7312.T4A) which were linked to four of BPH resistance genes, Bph1, Bph13(t), Bph10, and Bph18(t) respectively. One japonica type accession, 415XIr352, and six indica type accessions possessed one or four positive bands when tested with four STS markers linked to Bph1 gene. One indica type aromatic rice, Basmati9-93, showed the target bands linked to the Bph10 gene. The other accessions did not show same fragments as the respective resistant lines. Bph13(t) is the most widely introduced resistance gene and only one accession showed positive bands implying that this accession might harbor Bph10 and Bph18(t) genes. Three aromatic accessions, Domsiah, Khao Dawk Mali 105 and 415XIr352 showed gene pyramiding of Bph1 and Bph13(t). Two indica aromatic rice, Ds 20 and Basmati 9-93, possessed at least two BPH resistance genes, Bph1, Bph18(t) and Bph13(t), Bph18(t), respectively. These results indicates that aromatic rice germplasm have narrow diversities of BPR resistance genes.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국내 육성향미자원과 도입 향미 유전자원의 2AP 함량을 비교분석하여, 2AP 함량이 높고 농업적 형질이 우수한 자원을 30품종의 향미 유전자원에서 방향성 화합물을 SPME 추출법으로 추출하고 GC-MS로 각 자원이 가지는 방향성 화합물을 비교분석 및 동정하였다. 1. 3종류의 유기용매의 2AP 추출효율은 ethanol > acetonitl > methanol 순으로 확인되었으며, ethnaol의 경우 30~90℃ 의 온도범위에서 3가지 유기용매 중 ethanol이 2AP 추출효과가 가장 뛰어났고, 특히 90℃ 에서 30분간 추출하였을 때 2AP 추출함량이 가장 높았고 추출 시간이 경과할수록 2AP의 함량이 감소하였다. 현미의 분쇄정도에 따른 2AP 추출함량은 5초간 분쇄하였을 경우 가장 높았으며 분쇄 시간이 길어질수록 낮아지는 경향이었다. 2. 선발자원의 향에 대한 관능검사는 국내 향미자원 5품종 중 Hyangmibyeo1ho, Arnaghyangchalbyeo가 중간 정도의 향을 띄었고 인디카형 도입자원 19품종 중에서 11품종과 자포니카형 도입자원 6품종 중 2품종이 중간 이상의 향을 나타났다. 3. 30품종의 평균 2AP함량은 국내 육성 향미자원이 도입 향미자원에 비해 낮았으며 도입자원에서는 인디카형이 자포니카형 보다 높은 2AP 함량을 나타내었다. 4. 156종의 방향성 화합물 기능기별로 분류하면 alcohol류 33종, acid류 23종, ketone류 24종, hydrocarbon류 20종, ester류 16종, aldehyde류 16종, ether류 4종, amine류 5종 phenol류 3종, base류 2종, 및 기타 10종으로 분류되었다. 5. 156종의 방향성 화합물 중 생태형별 출현빈도가 50% 이상인 방향성 화합물을 살펴보면, 국내육성 향미자원에서는 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline 외 28종, Japonica type 도입 향미자원에서는 9,12-octadecadienoic acid 외 31종, Indica type 도입 향미자원에서는 naphthalene 외 23종이었다. 6. GC-MS 분석결과 검출된 국내 육성 향미자원의 방향성 화합물의 수는 평균 38개(36~41 개), 평균 total peak area는 61.1%(51.6~79.3% )이었다. 도입 자포니카형 향미자원의 방향성 화합물의 수는 평균 39개(26~45 개), 평균 total peak area는 63.2%(40.9~81.9% )이었다. 도입 인디카형 향미자원의 방향성 화합물의 수는 평균 39.6개(26~53 개), 평균 total peak area는 72.8%(33.8~98.8% )이었다. 7. 30 품종으로부터 검출된 156종의 방향성 화합물의 출현 유무(0/1)를 기본 matrix로 하여, UPGMA/Neighbor-join tree 분석을 통해 분류한 결과, 7개의 그룹(Group I~VII )으로 나눠어졌다. 각 그룹의 66% 이상의 자원에서 나타난 향(aroma/odor)성분을 살펴보면, alcohol, aldehyde, acid, ether류 등의 휘발성 성분들의 비율이 품종별로 높았다. 따라서 본 실험의 결과는 대량의 향미 유전자원의 방향성 화합물에 대한 GC/GC-MS분석결과로, 향후 우수한 향미 품종 육성에 필요한 자료로 활용될 수 있다고 사료된다.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The volatile and semi-volatile compounds of 5 accessions of domestic and 25 accessions of foreign aroma rice were extracted by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrum (GC-MS). A total of 158 volatile and semi-volatile compounds were identified from 30 accessions of aroma rice germplasm, including 32 alcohols, 25 acids, 25 ketones, 21 hydrocarbon, 18 esters, 16 aldehydes, 4 ethers, 5 amines, 2 phenols, 2 bases, and 8 miscellaneous compounds. By UPGMA/Neighbor-join tree analysis, the thirty aroma rice germplasms could be classified into five groups according to the major odor or aroma compounds. Group Ⅰ included Indica type of 'Basmati' varieties. GroupⅡ included Japonica type foreign aroma rice except WAR 16 (domestic aroma rice). GroupⅢ and GroupⅤ included Indica type of Basmati and non-Basmati varities. GroupⅣ included domestic aroma rice except WAR34 and WAR35(Basmati varieties).
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 시험은 국내 육성 향미자원과 외래 도입 향미 유전자원 및 국내 다면적 재래자원들의 농업적 형질특성을 비교하여 향후 우수한 향미 품종의 육성에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 실시하였으며,그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 공시재료는 104품종으로 국내자원 5품종 및 국내 다면적 재배 자원 14품종으로 모두 출수하였으나, 외래 도입자원 84품종 중 24품종(23%)은 출수하지 못하였다. 2. 평균 출수일은 통일계 국내자원(122일)이 빨랐으며, 자포니카형 국내자원이 136일로 늦었고, 도입자원(약 132일)과 다면적 재배자원(131일)과 비슷하였다. 평균 간장은 통일계 국내자원(74 cm) < 다면적 재배자원(97.5 cm) < 자포니카형 국내자원(100.3 cm) < 자포니카형 도입자원(120cm) < 인디카형 도입자원(130 cm) 순으로 길었다. 평균 수장은 국내 향미자원(21 cm)과 다면적 재배자원(21.5 cm)이 비슷하며, 자포니카형(24.5 cm)과 인디카형(29.5 cm) 도입자원이 국내자원보다 길었다. 평균 수수는 자포니카형 도입 자원(10개) < 통일계 국내자원(12개) < 인디카형 도입자원(14개) < 다면적 재배자원(15개) < 자포니카형 국내자원(19개) 순으로 많았다. 평균 1,000립중은 통일계 국내자원(23.6g)과 자포니카형 도입자원(23.5 g)이 자포니카형 국내자원(20.9 g)과 다면적 재배자원(21.9 g)이 비슷하였고, 인디카형 도입자원은 19.1 g이었다. 3. 벼의 생태형을 결정하는 립의 평균 장폭비는 인디카형도입자원(3.29) > 통일형 국내자원(2.52) > 자포니카형 국내자원 = 자포니카형 도입자원(1.81) > 국내 다면적 재배자원(1.7) 순이었다. 4. 임실률은 자포니카형 국내자원(100%) > 국내 다면적 재래종(98%) > 자포니카형 도입자원(89.7%) > 인디카형 도입자원(65.4%) > 통일형 국내자원(50%) 순으로 높았다. 평균 발아율은 국내자원(통일계, 98.3%; 자포니카형, 90.4%) 및 국내 다면적 재래종(자포니카형, 93.3%)이 도입자원(인디카형, 83.7%; 자포니카형, 88.6%)보다 높았으나, 변이폭은 도입자원이 컸다.현미의 형태적 특징은 찰벼는 7자원이며 메벼가 97자원(84.2%)이었다. 5. 국내자원 중 Hyangmibyeo2ho, Aranghyangchalbyeo가 중간 정도의 향을 띄었다. 인디카형 도입자원 40품종 중에서 22품종(55%)과 자포니카형 도입자원 16품종 중 9품종(56%)이 약한 향을 나타내었고, 국내 다면적 재래종은 13품종은 모두 향이 없었다.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mihyangbyeo, a new japonica aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) was developed by National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES), RDA in 1998. It was derived from the three-way cross among Seomjinbyeo of the disease resistance and high yielding lines,
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "Seolhyangchalbyeo", an aromatic and glutinous rice cultivar, was developed by the rice breeding team of National Crop Experiment Station, RDA during the period from 1991 to 1999 and released in 2000. The cultivar is derived from a cross between Miyagaori