This research aimed to investigate the effects of the inoculation method and diverse ingredients on the quality properties and probiotics viability of pudding with milk and/or soymilk. The probiotic strain (Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5) was inoculated into the yogurt base and fermented until the pH is 5.10 ± 0.05. The fermented yogurt was added into pudding base (yogurt inoculation), or LA-5 was directly inoculated (direct inoculation). During the storage of the puddings at 4±1oC for 4 wks, the quality characteristics (pH, acidity, texture) and the probiotics viability of pudding were measured and compared. As a result, the puddings with yogurt inoculation showed significantly lower pH and higher acidity than those with direct inoculation. In texture properties, including hardness, chewiness, and gumminess, the addition of rice powder increased those in milk pudding more but the addition of inulin in the milk-soymilk pudding more. The addition of rice powder increased probiotics viability more than inulin in milk and milk-soymilk puddings. Therefore, adding rice and/or inulin can potentially improve the probiotics viability and quality characteristics of pudding.
The purpose of this study was to develop a functional senior mixed soymilk for seniors and to provide functional senior-mixed soymilk to prevent disease outbreaks. The isoflavone content of senior soymilk was 0.15±0.01 mg/g. The β-glucan content of senior soymilk was 9.82±0.01 mg/g. The weight gain of mice were significantly higher in the high-fat diet group than in the other groups. The serum triglyceride content was high at 102.67±40.61 mg/dL in the high-fat diet group, but significantly lower at 83.00±42.43 mg/dL in the 20% senior soymilk group. Thus, the results of this study comprehensively suggest that food intake should be ingested for each life cycle with reference to the dietary reference intakes for Koreans. In particular, the elderly in their 50s and older are deficient in protein and weakened immune capacity, so it is imperative that they maintain their health through various foods such as soymilk, which is evenly nutritious.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of dehulled soybean (DHSB), and the rapid preparation possibility of soybean milk with DHSB (SM-DHSB), and then the quality of SM-DHSB. In DHSB, the moisture content decreased, the crude protein, crude fat, minerals, and carbohydrate contents increased, and the isoflavone (daidzein, genistein and glycitein) content was similar to that of soybean (SB). The water absorption rate of DHSB for soybean milk preparation was higher than that of SB. In the results of SM-DHSB and soybean milk (SM) qualities, the crude protein content, total solid content, and the viscosity of SM-DHSB were higher, the yield and the proximate composition (except crude protein) were similar, and the Biji production rate, and total dietary fiber content of SM-DHSB were lower compared to the SM. In terms of the isoflavone contents of SM-DHSB, daidzein and genistein content were similar, and glycitein content was lower compared with the SM. Consequently, these results suggest the possible use of DHSB for rapid SM-DHSB preparation, because the soaking time was decreased by the high water absorption rate of DHSB in the SM preparation, and the quality of SM-DHSB improved compared to those of the SM.
두유는 단백질, 지방, 다당류 등으로 구성된 에멀젼으로서 저장 중 상분리 또는 침전 현상이 발생하게 되는데, 이에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것은 입도크기인 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근 보고에 의하면 양친매성의 계면활성제는 두유의 이러한 현상을 억제하는 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 두유의 가공조건과 천연 계면활성제인 사포닌(순도=80%)이 두유의 저장 안정성에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 하였다. 실험에 사용한 두유액은 고형분을 제거한 후, 사포닌을 0%, 1%(w/w)를 각각 첨가하였으며, 고속균질기와 고압균질기를 순차적으로 사용하여 입도가 균일한 두유로 제조하였다. 두유의 저장 안정성 테스트를 위하여 15일 동안 저장(온도=4℃, 25℃ and 37 ℃) 하면서 visual appearance, microstructure, transmittance, particle size distribution, terminal velocity를 각각 측정 하였다. 두유의 상분리는 25 ℃와 37 ℃에서 GSP 0% 첨가의 경우 각각 120 및 48 h 후 GSP 1% 첨가의 경우 각각 192 및 48 h 후에 발생하였으나, 4℃에서는 저장기간 동안에 관찰되지 않았다. 저장기간 동안, 두유의 microstructure는 GSP 0% 첨가의 경우 입자가 응집되는 것이 관찰 되었으나, GSP 1%를 첨가한 경우 두유 입자의 응집 현상은 관찰되지 않았다. 모든 샘플은 저장 시간이 지남에 따라 transmittance가 증가하는 경향을 보였는데, 높은 저장온도에서 transmittance가 빠르게 증가하였다. 두유의 입도크기는 저장 0 h에서 GSP 0% 첨가의 경우 8.8 μm로서 GSP 1% 첨가의 경우(12.3 μm)보다 작은 값을 나타내었다. 이후 저장 시간이 지남에 따라 입도 크기가 감소하는 경향을 보였는데, 저장온도 25 및 37 ℃에서는 저장 2 h 이후부터 GSP 1%와 0% 간에 유의적인 차이는 나타나지 않았으나, 4 ℃ 저장의 경우 360 h에서 GSP 0% 첨가의 경우 0.99 μm로서 GSP 1% 첨가의 경우(0.72 μm)보다 큰 값을 나타내었다. GSP가 입자 침전 속도에 미치는 영향인 terminal velocity는 저장온도 25 및 37 ℃에서는 유의적인 차이는 나타나지 않았으나, 4 ℃ 저장의 경우 360 h 후 GSP 0%와 1% 첨가하였을 때 각각 0.31 mm/h, 0.16 mm/h로 측정되어, GSP를 첨가하는 경우에 terminal velocity를 낮추었다. 위의 결과를 토대로, 천연 계면활성제인 사포닌은 두유의 상분리를 억제하여 저장 안정성을 향상시키는 효과가 있음을 확인하였다.
최근 두부시장은 화학응고제 무사용, 영양성분 강화, 간편화 등의 새로운 두부 형태 제품이 출시되었으며, 기류분쇄기 보급에 따라 초미세분말 제조가 가능하게 되면서 전두부 제조가 가능하여 졌다. 전두부는 콩가루를 이용하여 만들기 때문에 콩에 포함된 단백질, 식이섬유, 이소플라본 등의 전체적인 영양성분 섭취가 가능하여 영양이 우수하며, 부산물인 비지가 생산되지 않아 생산 편리성 및 환경오염 방지 효과가 있는 제조방식이다. 본 연구에서는 건식 콩가루를 이용하여 전두부 제조를 위한 조건설정의 기초자료로 활용하고자 시험을 실시하였다. ’16년에 재배된 대원콩 품종을 사용하였고, 제분기는 Air mill을 사용하여 콩가루 입도를 50, 100, 150㎛ 수준으로 각각 제조하였으며, 두유온도를 60, 80, 90, 100°C까지 끓인 후 두유의 적정 응고조건을 설정하고자 품질특성을 조사하였다. 전두부는 유미원 전두부제조기(HTM-100A)를 이용하여 5배의 물을 넣고 제조하였고, 대조구로는 압착두부를 사용하였다. 콩분말 입도에 따른 전두부 품질분석 결과 pH, 산도, 수분활성도는 거의 차이가 없었으며, 입도가 클수록 수분이 낮아지는 경향이었다. 7점척도법에 의한 관능조사 결과 대조구인 압착두부 대비 전반적인 기호도는 낮았지만 입도별로는 향이나 맛, 씹힘성에서 콩분말 입도 50㎛에서 가장 높았으며 전반적인 기호도는 50㎛ > 100㎛ ≥ 150㎛ 순이었고, 전자현미경 관찰결과 입도가 작을수록 두부구조가 치밀하였다. 두유 온도에 따른 전두부의 품질 비교 결과 전두부는 대조구 대비 수분함량, 산도, 당도, 염도가 전반적으로 높았으며, 두유 온도 60°C에서는 두부의 응고반응이 일어나지 않았으며, 80°C 이상에서 응고되기 시작하여, 90°C에서 가장 양호하였다. 100°C 이상에서는 단시간에 응고가 되어 두부의 모양이 고르지 않았다. 전두부의 일반세균수는 모두 규격기준(106cfu/㎖) 이하로, 90°C 이상에서는 거의 발생되지 않았다.
두유는 단백질, 지질, 다당류 등이 에멀션과 서스펜션 형태로 혼합된 분산 시스템이다. 두유의 안정성은 제조조건과 균질화 방법에 따른 입자의 크기와 열처리 조건 등에 의하여 크게 영향을 받으며, 일반적으로 점증제와 계면활성제를 사용하여 향상시킬 수 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 양친매성의 진세노사이드를 함유한 인삼 분말의 첨가와 열처리가 고압 균질화하여 제조한 비지 분리 두유의 안정화에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 전두유의 비지를 분리한 후 2% (w/w)의 인삼 분말을 첨가하였으며, 이때 진세노사이드 함량(Rg1, Rb1, 및 Rg3의 합량)은 0.088 mg/100g soy milk 이었다. 이후 두유를 열처리(90°C, 10 min)하거나 열처리 하지 않고 고압 균질화(4500 psi)하여 인삼 분말을 함유한 비지 분리 두유를 제조하였다. 제조한 두유 샘플들의 고형분 함량은 6.7-7.5% (w/w), pH는 6.4-6.8, 제타 포텐셜은 -7-0.3 mV, 입도 크기는 17-23 μm 범위에서 측정되었다. 두유의 저장 안정성은 두유를 45 ml 유리관에 넣고 25°C에서 144 h 동안 저장하면서 분리된 상층부와 하층부의 입도크기, 투과도, 상분리 현상 등을 측정하여 분석하였다. 인삼 분말을 첨가하지 않은 비열처리 두유의 경우, 저장 중 상층부의 입도 크기는 21.6±0.2 μm에서 6.6±0.4 μm로 감소하였고 투과도는 5.2±0.0%에서 77.3±0.1%로 급격히 증가하였다. 2%의 인삼 분말을 첨가한 비열처리 두유의 경우, 저장 중 상층부의 입도 크기는 21.6±0.1 μm에서 38.5±3.1 μm와 투과도는 0.8±0.0%에서 58.1±0.1%로 각각 증가하였다. 인삼 분말을 첨가하지 않은 열처리 두유의 경우, 저장 중 상층부의 입도크기는 17.4±2.4 μm에서 1.1±0.0 μm로 감소하였고 투과도는 7.3±0.1에서 14.0±0.1로 증가하였다. 2% 인삼 분말을 첨가한 열처리 두유의 경우, 상층부의 입도 크기는 22.9±0.4-24.9±0.5 μm, 투과도는 1.0±0.0-4.3±0.1% 범위에서 일정한 값을 유지하여 가장 높은 저장 안정성을 나타내었다. 저장 중 하층부에서는 인삼 분말첨가와 열처리에 따른 입도크기와 투과도는 각각 12.5±0.9-24.5 μm와 0.3±0.0-7.3±0.1% 범위로써 유의적인 차이는 보이지 않았다.
In order to verify the quality characteristics of soybean milk added chickpeas, the following characteristics were investigated: pH, solid contents, color, DPPH radical scavenging, as well as electric nose and sensory evaluation. Physicochemical and the sensory characteristics were analyzed based on the experimental data. The pH value was different in the control and the treatments (p<0.005). As the quantity of chickpea content increased, the solid content was augmented (p<0.0001). The L value was 56.86 in the control, and with the amount of chickpea addition increasing, the L value increased to 57.43 in 100% chickpea soybean milk (p<0.0001). The a value and b value also increased significantly (p<0.0001). However, the DPPH radical scavenging in the control was the lowest but the antioxidant activity of 100% chickpea milk was more than 2.5 higher than that of the control (p<0.0001). In the electric nose experiment, the flavor component of 20%, 30% and 100% chickpea treatment showed a significant difference compared to the control in the flavor components. In the sensory evaluation, for the score of flavor (p<0.001) and taste (p<0.0001), the score was higher in the treatments where 20% and 30% of chickpeas were added. In the sensory test of texture, there was no significant difference in the different experimental conditions except for the 100% chickpea addition treatment. In the overall acceptability test, the scores of 20% and 30% chickpea treatment were the highest results, compared to other treatments (p<0.0001). According to the correlation analysis, both antioxidant activity (0.797) and solid content (0.834) had shown high correlation to pH among the physiochemical characteristics (p<0.01). In the sensory evaluation, color, flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability had shown a positive correlation to the amount of the soy bean milk added chickpea (p<0.01). In particular, the overall acceptability had shown the highest correlation to the taste (0.803), and it was the texture which resulted in the next highest correlation for overall acceptability (0.666).
The acidity of soy curd fermented by lactic acid bacteria is a major factor degrading the sensory properties of soy curd. For preparation of soy curd with low sour taste, lactic acid bacteria were separated from kimchi. The lactic acid bacteria which showed yellow-clear zone around the colonies on BCP plate and formed soy curd with low level of acidity were selected. The selected strain was analyzed by 16S rDNA sequence and named as Pediococcus inopinatus Y2. The maximum viable cell number of the soy curd fermented by P. inopinatus Y2 was obtained at 10.73 log CFU/mL at 25°C for 24 h of fermentation. By the results of panel test, the overall sensory quality of the soy curd produced by P. inopinatus Y2 was higher than that of Leuconostoc mesenteroides No. 4395 and Lactobacillus sakei strain No. 383.
The objective of this study was to prepare acorn bread added with soymilk in order to improve its quality and develop the best possible recipe. The loaf volume, color, texture and sensory evaluation of acorn bread added with soymilk 10~40% were measured during the storage period. The L-value significantly decreased upon addition of 40% soymilk. A-value increased, but b-value decreased. During the storage period, the L- and a- values increased except 2 days at room temperature and 7 days in a freezer, whereas b-value decreased. For textural measurement, hardness, springiness, gumminess and brittleness increased significantly upon addition of soymilk. However cohesiveness decreased for 2 days of storage, whereas gumminess and brittleness for 1 day of storage at room temperature. Freezer storage for 1 day reduced cohesiveness, and gumminess for 4 and 7 days, respectively, and brittleness after all storage periods. The sensory evaluation showed that acorn bread added with soymilk 20% produced the best results in color and taste. The bitter aftertaste increased according to addition of soymilk with lower scores. Softness, chewiness and overall preference decreased significantly. Therefore, 10% soymilk addition got the best scores in aftertaste, softness, chewiness and overall acceptances.
The objective of this study was to propose motivation for the analysis of consumer’s purchasing behavior and willingness to pay for the new soymilk products in cooperative stores. We surveyed the purchasing behavior, willingness to purchase, willingness to pay, and impact factors on willingness to pay. The results indicated that most consumers drank soymilk more than once per week. The reasons for consuming soymilk were health, nutrition, and taste, in order. When purchasing soymilk, consumers considered environment-friendly, quality, country of origin, brand, and price, consecutively. Taste was also an essential quality factor. Thus, consumers showed some willingness to purchase new soymilk products. In addition, cooperative members considered environmental characteristics of raw material and improvement of preference for final product as more important than functionality or food additives. Differentiation of process and marketing strategies are required for the development of soymilk products for cooperative members.
본 연구는 잠재적인 생균제제 Lactobacillus plantarum P1201을 이용하여 갈색콩 두유의 젖산발효 중 이화학적 특성, 총 phenolics, isoflavone 함량 및 항산화 활성 변화를 연구하였다. 갈색콩 두유는 발효가 진행됨에 따라 pH가 최종 4.03으로 감소하였으며, 이에 따라 총산이 증가하여 발효 후(60시간) 1.03%를 나타내었다. 생균수 역시 11.55log cfu/g으로 발효 과정 중 점차적으로 증가하였다. 총 phenolics 함량은 발효 전 2.87mg/g에서 발효 후 2.98mg/g으로 약간 증가하였다. Isoflavoneglycosides 및 -malonylglycosides 형태는 감소하였고 -aglycones 형태는 증가하였다. 특히 발효 초 기 isoflavone-aglycones 함량은 38.30μg/g에서 증가하여 발효 36시간째 84.31μg/g으로 최대치를 나 타내었고 이후에는 감소하였다. 발효 36시간째 isoflavone-aglycones 형태인 daidzein, glycitein 및 genistein의 함량은 각각 24.12μg/g, 25.25μg/g 및 24.71μg/g이었다. 한편 DPPH 및 ABTS 라디칼 소 거활성 및 환원력은 발효 중 서서히 증가하였다.
Onions contain antioxidant flavonoids and bioactive sulfur compounds. These substances are more abundant in the peel than in onion flesh. For this reason, whole onions including peels were added to soy milk to produce soy milk with whole onions (SWO), whereas peeled onions were added to soy milk to produce soy milk with peeled onions (SPO). The functional and antioxidant properties of these two kinds of soy milk were then analyzed and compared. Compared to control soy milk (CS) without onion powder, treated samples (to which freeze dried onion powder was added at 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0%, respectively) showed significantly increased amounts of quercetin, isoflavone, and total phenol (p=0.05). The magnitude of the increase rose as the amount of added onion powder increased and when onion powder contained onion peels. With regards to antioxidant activity (DPPH and ABTS), SWO showed a greater value than SPO. The sensory evaluation scores of SWO and SPO were lower than CS for roughness and swallowing, as adding onion powder increased solid contents and viscosities. However, higher overall acceptability were obtained 1.8SPO and 1.8SWO.
This study investigated the physicochemical properties and antioxidative activity of soymilk added with buckwheat sprout (SBS), and sensory properties of SBS were analyzed with control soymilk (CS). Moisture content decreased while protein, ash, and lipid contents increased according to content of buckwheat sprout. Solids content and viscosity tended to increase with addition of buckwheat sprout from 0% (CS) to 2.5% (2.5SBS), 3.5% (3.5SBS), and 4.5% (4.5SBS). SBS was found the significant pH drop from 7.08 to 6.43, 6.34, and 6.21. Suspension stability of soymilk slightly decreased with addition of buckwheat sprout. Hunter's color value L of SBS decreased while a and b values increased in comparison with CS. Rutin content was measured 23.78 mg/100 g (2.5SBS), 39.68 mg/100 g (3.5SBS), and 44.80mg/100 g (4.5SBS). Vitamin C content in SBS was higher than CS. Daidzin content increased as buckwheat sprout was added. Total phenolic content increased from 100.95 mg/100 g (CS) up to 315.71 mg/100 g (4.5SBS). For free radical scavenging activity, SBS was significantly higher than CS. In conclusion, SBS can be used as a functional food with higher amounts of rutin, vitamin C, total phenolics, and daidzin. 2.5SBS and 3.5SBS also showed better overall quality characteristics.
In this study, soybean is used to produce soymilk according to various extracting methods and heating time. Specifically, the soy slurry is being filtered before being heated, or heated before being filtered. Following that the soymilk produced is freeze-dried to be powdered, and then, the quality characteristics of the powdered soymilk are mutually compared to determine the applicability of various food additives. The freeze-dried soymilk powder shows 2.03~6.35% of moisture content, and in terms of unit quantity, retained more proteins, which suggests that the ratio of protein extraction is higher than any other nutrients. Accordingly, the protein coefficient is significantly higher in soymilk powder being heated and processed than in raw soybeans. In particular, protein coefficient is the highest in the soymilk which is heated for 20 minutes before being filtered (SHBF20). The longer the heating time was, the trypsin inhibitor (TI) tended to be far less active. Such an inactivation seems to be more apparent in the “SHAF” soymilk powder than “SHBF” soymilk powder. Because protein had to be denaturated by heating for soymilk, the nitrogen solubility index (NSI) of soymilk powder is decreased considerably, while the protein digestibility, water absorption, emulsification and foaming activity all increase. Oil absorption tends to decrease slightly. As discussed above, the soymilk heated for 10 minutes after being filtered (SHAF10) and the soymilk heated for 20 minutes before being filtered (SHBF20) show optimum processing conditions for soymilk powder.
본 연구에서는 단백질이 풍부한 원료 콩에 청국장에서 분리한 Bacillus subtilis와 김치에서 분리한 Lactobacillus plantarum을 이용한 혼합 발효를 통해 대두 발효 제품의 개발을 목표로 한 연구결과는 다음과 같은 분석 결과를 얻었다.Bacillus subtilis 단독 배양 발효 두유, Lactobacillus plantarum 단독 배양 발효 두유, 또한 두 균을 혼합 배양한 발효 두유의 항산화 활성을 상호 비교하였다. 그 결과, Bacillus subtilis 단독 배양 발효 두유의 총 폴리페놀 함량, DPPH 라디칼 소거능,환원력, 아질산염 소거능이 각각 3580.91 ㎍/㎖, 67.14%, 6.54㎎/㎖, 83.63%로 가장 높았다.혼합 발효 두유의 기능성을 증진시키기 위하여 토마토 추출물을 첨가하여 발효 두유를 제조하였고, 토마토 에탄올 추출물을 0, 0.25, 0.5, 그리고 1.0% 첨가한 토마토 요구르트의 항산화력은 토마토 첨가량 농도 의존적으로 항산화력이 유의적으로 증가하였다. 특히 DPPH 라디칼 소거능은 토마토 무첨가구는 28.39%인데 비해, 토마토 요구르트는 33.46~57.12%까지 증가하였다.
본 연구에서는 단백질이 풍부한 원료 콩에 청국장에서 분리한 Bacillus subtilis와 김치에서 분리한 Lactobacillus plantarum을 이용한 혼합발효를 통해 대두 발효 제품의 개발을 목표로한 연구결과는 다음과 같은 분석 결과를 얻었다. 우수 균주 선별을 위한 연구로 고초균의 경우 단백질 분해능이 높은 균주를 청국장에서 분리하였고, 유산균의 경우 산도 생성이 높은 균주를 김치에서 분리하였다. 그리고 청국장에서 분리한 균주는 Bacillus subtilis로, 김치에서 분리한 균주는 Lactobacillus plantarum으로 동정되었다. 두유 발효에서 pH는 Lactobacillus plantarum를 이용한 두유 발효와 혼합 배양의 경우가 급격한 낮은 경향을 나타내었고, Bacillus subtilis 단독 배양일 경우가 다른 처리구에 비해 완만한 변화를 보였다. Lactobacillus plantarum을 이용한 두유 발효와 혼합 배양의 경우가 lactic acid의 생성은 배양 8시간 이후에 급격히 증가하였으며, Bacillus subtilis 단독 배양의 경우가 완만하게 증가한 경향을 나타내었으며, 이는 pH 분석에서 나타난 결과와 일치하였다. 두유 요구르트 생육도 측정 결과는 혼합 배양의 경우 단독배양에 비해 증식이 더 우수하였으며, 배양 32시간째 각 처리구별 총 균수는 Lactobacillus plantarum의 경우 1.02×108 cfu/㎖, Bacillus subtilis의 경우 2.12×108 cfu/㎖인데 비해 혼합 배양의 경우는 4.09×108 cfu/㎖로 가장 높았다. α-Amylase의 활성은 Bacillus subtilis 단독 배양과 혼합 배양일 경우는 8시간 이후 효소 활성이 증가되면서 24시간 동안 발효시 22.01 unit/㎖, 8.13 unit/㎖로 가장 높았다. Protease의 경우는 Bacillus subtilis 단독 배양과 혼합 배양일 경우는 8시간 이후 활성이 증가하기 시작하여 발효 32시간째 103.08unit/㎖, 85.84 unit/㎖로 활성이 높게 나타났다, Lactobacillusplantarum 단독 배양일 경우는 가수분해효소 활성이 없는 것으로 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the storage stability of mayonnaise containing a different emulsifier and various levels of soybean paste powder. The mayonnaise with egg yolk as an emulsifier is E group according to the amount of soybean paste powder addition of 0%(E1), 3%(E2), 6%(E3) and mayonnaise with soy milk as an emulsifier is S group with soybean paste powder addition of 0%(S1), 3%(S2), 6%(S3). Storage stability of mayonnaise was determined during storage at 30 ± 5℃ for 8 weeks. The peroxide value, TBA value, acid value of mayonnaise with addition of 6% soybean paste powder was significantly lower than that of 0% and 3% addition. The turbidity decreased according to storage period. The viscosity of mayonnaise was increased with increasing amount of soybean paste powder. Base on these results, addition of soybean paste powder in the mayonnaise improved oxidation stability during storage period.