진세노사이드 Compound K는 트라이터펜계 사포닌으로써 인삼의 잎, 줄기, 뿌리등에서 발견된다. 본 연구는 효소 Plantase를 이용하여 인삼 추출물로부터 고부가가치의 진세노사이드인 Compound K를 생산하는 연구를 하였다. Plantase는 인삼추출물에서 Compound K를 매우 효율적으로 생산함을 보여 주었다. 또한 다양한 온도와 pH에서 Compound K 생산에 대한 최적의 반응을 조사한 결과 pH 5, 50 ℃에서 가장 높은 효율을 보였다. 최적 조건에서 Compound K는 전체 추출물의 35%이상 농축될 수 있음을 확인 하였다. 생물전환된 Compound K 농축물의 항균효과를 검정한 결과 여드름균인 Cutibacterium acnes KCTC 3314에 선택적인 활성을 보였다. Compound K (35% 함유) 인삼 생물전환물의 C. acnes KCTC 3314 균주에 대한 최소저해농도 측정 결과 31.25ug/mL로 확인되었다. 따라서 향후 여드름균 완화용 화장품의 잠재적 소재로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
홍삼에서 사포닌 추출과정 중 부산물로 얻어지는 홍삼오일의 화학적 특성 및 화장품소재로서의 응용가능성을 알아보고자 하였다. Tween 80으로 희석한 1% 홍삼오일의 산가는 0.265, 과산화물가는 0.387, 요오드가는 0.64이었다. DPPH free radical scavenging assay 결과, 1% 홍삼오일은 대조군인 동일 농도의 α-tocopherol에 비해 70% 정도의 항산화능을 나타내었다. 홍삼오일의 total polyphenol 함량은 243 mg/100 g이었다. Tyrosinase저해 활성을 측정한 결과, 홍삼오일은 대조군인 L-ascorbic acid에 비해 14% 정도의 활성억제 효과를 나타내었다. 홍삼오일에 의한 elastase 활성억제 효과는 거의 없었으며 홍삼오일의 Staphylococcus aureus와 Escherichia coli 에 대한 생육억제 효과도 없었다.
Proteinuric conditions demonstrate structural and compositional changes of the foot processes and slit diaphragms between podocytes. β-Catenin in podocytes serves as an adapter protein anchoring P-cadherin of slit diaphragms to actin filaments of the podocyte cytoskeleton. To investigate the effect of ginseng total saponin (GTS) on pathologic changes of podocyte P-cadherin/β-catenin unit induced by diabetic conditions, we cultured mouse podocytes under: 1) normal glucose (5 mM, = control); 2) high glucose (HG, 30 mM); 3) advanced glycosylation end products (AGE)-added; or 4) HG plus AGE-added conditions and treated with GTS. In confocal imaging, β-catenin colocalized with P-cadherin predominantly at intercellular junction area. However, diabetic conditions relocalized and concentrated both molecules at perinuclear cytoplasmic area. In Western blotting, diabetic conditions, especially HG plus AGE-added condition, also decreased cellular β-catenin protein levels at 6, 24, and 48 hours. GTS improved such quantitative and qualitative changes of β-catenin. These findings imply that HG plus AGE have an influence on the redistribution and amount of P-cadherin/ β-catenin unit of podocytes, which can be reversed by GTS.
Compound K(ginsenoside M1) is one of saponin metabolites and has many benefits for human health. This study was to investigate Compound K produced from ginseng crude saponin extract with commercial cellulolytic complex enzyme(cellulase, β-glucanase, and hemicellulase) obtained from Trichoderma reesei. The effect factors(temperature, pH, ginseng crude saponin extract and enzyme concentration, and reaction time) on production of Compound K from ginseng crude saponin extract were determined by one factor at a time method. The selected major factor variables were ginseng crude saponin extract of 2%(w/v), enzyme of 7%(v/v), reaction time of 48 hr. Based on the effect factors, response surface method was proceeded to optimize the enzymatic bioconversion conditions for the desirable Compound K production under the fixed condition of pH 5.0 and 50℃. The optimal reaction condition from RSM was ginseng crude saponin extract of 2.38%, enzyme of 6.06%, and reaction time of 64.04 hr. The expected concentration of Compound K produced from that reaction was 840.77 ㎎/100 g. Production of Compound K was 1, 017.93 ㎎/100 g and 862.31 ㎎/100 g, by flask and bench-scale bioreactor(2.5ℓ) system, respectively.
오염된 인삼분말로부터 1 종의 세균을 순수분리하여 API kit 및 전자현미경을 이용하여 형태적, 생리적 특성을 조사하였다. 분리균은 직경 0.6-1.0㎛, 길이는 1.2-3.0㎛ 이었고 세포표면에 편모를 가진 간균이었다. 분리균은 β-galactosdase, arginine dihydrolase, ornithin decarboxylase를 가지고 있으며 탄소원으로 citrate를 이용할 수 있지만 H_2S는 생성하지 못하였다. 또한 glucose, manitol, sorbitol, rhamnose, sucrose, melibiose, arabinose 등의 당 및 amygdalin을 탄소원으로 이용할 수 있었다. 이상의 API kit를 이용한 생리적 특성분석 및 전자현미경을 이용한 미세형태적 특성 관찰결과에 의해 본 균주는 장내세균과(Enterobacteriaceae)에 속하는 Enterobacter sp로 동정되었다. 한편 분리균주 Enterobacter sp.의 생육에 미치는 인삼사포닌의 영향을 조사한 결과 사포닌은 농도의존적으로 균의 생육을 억제하는 경향을 나타내었다. 즉, 사포닌을 0.05, 0.5, 2.0, 4.0% 첨가하고 38℃에서 3일 동안 배양한 후 사포닌 비첨가군과 비교한 결과 균의 상대적 성장률은 각각 75.0, 37.5, 7.5, 0.5%로 나타났다. 사포닌의 미생물 생육 억제작용은 비교적 고농도인 4.0% 사포닌 첨가시에도 초기의 6.0×10^6에서 2.0×10^7 CFU/g으로 완만한 증가경향을 나타내어 사멸작용보다는 정균작용일 것으로 추측된다.
인삼 추출물인 saponin이 Bacillus cereus의 성장에 미치는 영향을 세포의 성장 및 영양물질의 세포내 유입 정도와 효소 활성도를 관찰함으로써 알아보았다. 인삼 saponin을 Bacillus cereus의 배양액에 첨가하였을 때, 영양물질의 세포내 유입이 증가하고 이들 물질의 대사와 관련된 효소의 활성도가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, saponin에 의해 Bacillus cereus 개체군의 전반적인 성장이 증가하였다. 성장의 증가 현상은 인삼 saponin이 세포막에 먼저 작용하여 세포의 영양물질 흡수 통로인 영양물질 결합 부위를 노출시켜 영양물질의 흡수를 증진시킨데 기인한 것으로 사료되는 바이다.
인삼 조사포닌과 인삼즙액이 인삼 근부패를 일으키는 병원균 Fusarium solani와 Erwinia carotovora의 생장과 증식 및 포자발아에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 인삼 조 Saponin의 농도가 증가됨에 따라 F. solani의 대형분생포자의 발아율은 억제 되었으며 500 ppm 이상 첨가시 현저하게 억제 되었다. 2. 토양 추출액은 초기에 F. solani의 포자 발아를 억제하는 효과가 있었으나 24시간후에는 무효화되었다. 3. 인삼 조 Saponin의 첨가 농도가 증가됨에 따라 F. solani의 포자형성량이 감소되었으며 고체배지에서 이러한 현상은 더욱 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 4. 인삼 Saponin을 첨가 했을시 균사생장량은 약간 감소되었으나 농도에 따른 감소율은 인정되지 않았다. 5. 인삼 조 사포닌은 농도가 증가 될 수록 F. solani의 Colony 형성을 억제하였으나 인삼즙액은 농도가 증가될수록 현저하게 F. solani의 Colony수를 증가시켰다. 6. 인삼 조 Saponin과 인삼즙액 모두 E. carotovora의 생장을 촉진시켰다.
Background: To obtain useful cosmetic resources, this study aimed to determine the non-saponin fatty acid and inhibitory activities of collagenase and elastase by treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in supercritical fluid extracted oil of the adventitious root culture of wild mountain ginseng.
Methods and Results: We performed supercritical fluid extraction at various conditions such as pressure, temperature, time, and use of co-solvents, unlike the n-hexane extraction for the adventitious roots culture of wild mountain ginseng. The non-saponin-fatty acid obtained from the oil of the adventitious roots culture was incresed by treatment with S. cerevisiae. The supercritical fluid extraction was conducted using gas chromatography. Non-saponin-fatty acid content, in the oil of adventitious roots culture of wild mountain ginseng treated with S. cerevisiae for 2 days were three times higher than that in the control. In addition, the oil of the adventitious roots culture treated with S. cerevisiae was investigated for the anti-wrinkle effect by using collagenase and elastase. The oil of adventitious roots culture treated with S. cerevisiae exhibited higher collagenase and elastase inhibitory activities than those in the control.
Conclusions: Supercritical fluid extracted oil of the adventitious roots culture of wild mountain ginseng treated with S. cerevisiae was found to have decreased ratio of saturated fatty acids and incresed ratio and content of unsaturated fatty acids increased. Furthermore, it showed anti-wrinkle effects in vitro.
Background : For increasing saponin content of ginseng cultivated in shaded plastic house, this research was performed to investigate growth characteristics and saponin content of ginseng according to foliar spray of chitosan and water-soluble silicates processing. Methods and Results : The ginseng cultivars to be used this research were Cheonpung, Yeonpung and 1-year-old seedlings of Cheonpung, Yeonpung was transplanted on March 24, 2015. Planting density was 72 plant/3.3㎡and Shading material of plastic house used blue-white shading vinyl. The processing method of organic matter is as follows, we were applied chitosan (40 kg / 10a), silicate (3kg / 10a) to soil scheduled for ginseng cultivation with basal application. Then, we were diluted with chitosan and silicates to 1000-fold and investigated growth characteristics, saponin content of ginseng after foliar spray twice a month from May to September. Conclusion : Photosynthetic rate of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter was higher in the chitosan experimental group compared to the control group and photosynthetic rate of ginseng cultivars was the highest in Cheonpung’s silicate group(3.70 μmole CO2/㎡/s). The growth characteristics in above-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the organic matter treatments compared to the control group. Above-ground part’s growth characteristics of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter showed a good trend in plant height, stem length, stem diameter of chitosan experimental group. The growth characteristics in under-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the organic experimental groups. In Yeonpung of the chitosan experimental group, fresh root weight per plant was 9.2 g/plant that increased by 46 % compared to the control group. In Cheonpung of the silicate experimental group, fresh root weight per plant was 8.3 g/plant that increased by 56 % compared to the control group. In the chitosan experimental group, crude saponin content of under-ground part was Cheonpung(10.38 ㎎/g), Yeonpung(12.29 ㎎/g), control(11.53 ㎎/g), respectively. In the silicate experimental group, crude saponin content of under-ground part was Cheonpung(11.73 ㎎/g), Yeonpung(14.21 ㎎/g), respectively. Crude saponin content of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter was. generally higher in Yeonpung than Cheonpung.
Background : For increasing saponin content of ginseng cultivated in shaded plastic house, this study was performed to investigate growth characteristics and saponin content of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer) according to foliar spray of germanium and water-soluble silicates processing. Methods and Results : Used a native species in this study is violet-stem variant that most commonly cultivated in ginseng’s farms. 1-year-old violet-stem variant was transplanted on March 24, 2015 and planting distance was 11 × 20 cm. Shading material of plastic house was used blue-white shading vinyl. The processing method of inorganic dissolved matter is as follows, we were diluted with germanium and water-soluble silicates to 500-fold, 1000-fold and investigated after foliar spray twice a month from May to September. The growth characteristics in above-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the inorganic matters treatment compared to the control treatment, the difference of above-ground growth characteristics between the inorganic dissolved matters treatments was not significant. The growth characteristics in under-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the inorganic matter treatments and root weight per plant in the 500-fold dilution of germanium was 12.4 g that increased by 29 % compared to the control (9.6 g). Crude saponin content of under-ground part was higher generally in inorganic matter treatments compared to the control (11.53 ㎎/g). In the 1000-fold dilution of water-soluble silicate and germanium (50:50), crude saponin content was the highest in 12.91 ㎎/g. Crude saponin content of above-ground part was higher generally in inorganic matter treatments compared to the control (61.76 ㎎/g). In the 1000-fold dilution of water-soluble silicate and germanium (50:50), crude saponin content was the highest in 65.69 ㎎/g. Conclusion : From the above results, we concluded that germanium and water-soluble silicates could be useful matters in promoting growth characteristics and saponin content of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer).
Background : Korean Red Ginseng has been reported to have various anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammation and immune-regulating activity. However, Korean Red Ginseng Crude Saponin (KRGCS) effect on Pulmonary inflammation has been insufficient research. We have investigated the effect of KRGCS on pulmonary inflammation in mouse model. Methods and Results : Pulmonary inflammation induced by cigarette smoke condensates (CSC) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in BALB/c mice. 100uL (ratio 1:1) of CSC (4mg/mL) and LPS (100ug/mL) solution instilled with intratracheal injection once per a week for 3 weeks in mice. KRGCS was also administered orally a dose of 10mg/kg and 25mg/kg for 3 weeks. KRGCS treatment groups decreased the number of inflammatory total cells in lung tissues and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and the number of neutrophils in BALF dropped more than negative control groups. Additionally, KRGCS reduced the absolute number of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in BALF, and the number of CD11b+ Gr-1+cells in the lung and BALF. Furthermore, we found that KRGCS declined significantly the level of the cytokine chemokine (C-X-C motif)-1 (CXCL-1), Macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) in BALF. Conclusion : These results that KRGCS has an inhibitory effects on pulmonary inflammation such as COPD, may be a candidate of effective herbal pharmaceuticals for the cure of lung diseases.
본 연구는 백삼 추출액의 사포닌 함량을 높이고 품질과 관련된 특성을 증진 시킬수 있는 최적 추출 시간 및 온도를 밝히기 위하여 실시되었다. 백삼의 물 추출액의 총 ginsenosides 함량은 75℃ 에서 18시간 추출액 8.32 mg/10ml, 85℃ 에서 6시간 추출액 5.93 mg/10 ml, 95℃ 에서 6시간 추출액 4.92 mg/10 ml으로 최고의 함량을 나타냈다. 항당뇨 작용을 나타내는 ginsenoside Rb2 와 Re을 합한 최고 함량은 75℃ 에서 18시간 추출액 1.76 mg/10 ml, 85℃ 6시간 추출액 1.34 mg/10 ml, 95℃ 6시간 추출액 0.56 mg/10 ml이었으며, 항암 작용을 나타내는 Rg3 의 함량은 75℃ 에서 36시간 추출액 1.67 mg/10 ml, 85℃ 에서 36시간 추출액 3.13 mg/10 ml, 95℃ 에서 24시간 추출액이 3.56 mg/10 ml이었다. 추출온도와 시간에 따른 이화학성의 변화는 추출온도가 높을수록, 추출시간이 길어질수록 pH는 낮아 졌으나 환원당, 탁도, 당도는 증가하였다. 따라서 백삼추출액을 제조할때 1차 추출에서는 사포닌 최고 함량 추출 온도와 시간으로 추출한 다음 다시 온도를 높게 2차 추출 하여 맛을 증진시켜 혼합하는 방법이 좋을 것으로 생각된다.
In this study, raw ginseng water extract solutions were analyzed to set up the functional saponin content and quality optimization condition. The highest saponin content among the total raw ginseng water extracts was 74.6 mg/100 ml which was extracted at 75℃ for 24 hours. In addition, the saponin content decreased according to the increased extraction temperature and time. The highest total content of Rb2 and Re was 19.9 mg/100 ml at 75℃ for 12 hours which decreased according to the increased extracted temperature and time. The highest prosapogenin (Rg2 + Rg3 + Rh1) content among the total raw ginseng water extracts was 28.6 mg/100 ml which was extracted at 85℃ for 36 hours. The reducing sugar content, sweetness and turbidity were increased according to the increased extraction temperature and time. But pH were decreased according to the increased extracted time.
The parts of leaves, flowers and stems in ginseng were obtained for analyzing the component of saponin on 15th April, 25th April, 5th May, 25th May, which were considered as ginseng foliation stage. The total saponin content of the leaves were 97.29, 66.42, 67.61, 36.24 mg/g, respectively, in which the content of Re, Rb1 and Rd were more than 2/3 amount of total saponin. Especially, the saponin content of leaves decreased according to the sequential collection days, in which the similar results were observed from the flowers and stems of ginseng. The total saponin content of the flowers and stems were 141.09,143.84,139.25,133.47 and 13.32, 9.85, 8.00, 4.65 mg/g, respectively. Among them, the content of Re, Rd and Rb2 in flowers were more than 2/3 while the content of Re, Rg1 and Rd in stems showed more than 9/10 amount of total saponin. The total saponin content of individual leaf were 19.46, 28.56, 58.82 and 169.24 mg/plant, 2.53, 2.76, 5.20 and 12.32 mg/plant in stems, and 14.11, 30.21, 37.60 and 73.41 mg/plant in flowers. Therefore, the total saponin content of aboveground parts in ginseng were leaves 〉 flowers 〉 stems.
This study was conducted to assess the response of LED (Light-emitting diode) irradiation on the growth characteristics and saponin contents of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. LED irradiation showed a positive effect for most of the parameters studied. The content of chlorophyll a in leaves was increased by 4.9~36.5%, under LED and fluorescent light conditions compared to the control. The content of chlorophyll b was also increased by 44.4~55.6% under blue and red LED compared to the control except under the red plus blue LED condition. The shoot and root weight were increased by 20~60% and 14.8~59.3%, respectively under LED and fluorescent light conditions compared to the control. The total saponin content was increased by 1.8% under blue LED compared to the control, while total saponin content was decreased by 8.8~11.5% under red LED, red plus blue LED and fluorescent light conditions.
The ginseng saponin (ginsenoside) is one of the most important secondary metabolites in ginseng and hasvarious pharmacological activities. To date about 38 kinds of ginsenosides have been isolated and identified from Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. Among these ginsenosides, Rg3 is a precursor for ginsenoside Rh2, which has a very strong antitumor effect. and has many pharmaceutical activities. However, Rg3 is extremely low in normal ginseng. Thus production of ginsenoside Rg3 would be very important and many studies have aimed to convert major ginsenosides to the more active minor ginsenoside Rg3. The enzymatic conversion through sugar hydrolysis at a specific position is desirable for the production of active minor ginsenoside Rg3.
Material and Method
The isolation of β-glucosidase-producing microorganisms was performed according to a previously published method. Each microbialsuspension cultured in nutrient broth was added to the same volume of 1 mM ginsenoside Rb1 solution and then incubated on a rotary shaker at 30°C for 48 h. The reaction mixture was extracted with butanol saturated with H2O and then analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC). 8 μl of the ginseng extract solution was spotted on a TLC plate and developed to 5.5 cm distance in a chamber with chloroform/methanol/water as the mobile phase. Bands on the TLC plates were detected by spraying 10% H2SO4, followed by heating.
Result and Discussion
Ginseng(the root of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer, Araliaceae) is frequently used as a crude substance taken orally in Korea, China and Japan, as well as other Asian countries, as a traditional medicine. Ginsenosides are the principal components having pharmacological and biological activities. More than 38 different ginsenosides so far have been isolated and identified from ginseng saponins. Among them, deglycosylated ginsenosides are known to be more effective in vivo physiological action and to act as active compounds. A lactic acid bacteria, which have β-glucosidase activity, were isolated from soil and kimchi using a MRS-Esculin agar. These strains were identified on the basis of phylogenetic inference based on 16S rDNA sequences. TLC and HPLC were used to analysis transformed ginsenosides. Ginsenosides are main pharmacoactive component in ginseng. When ginseng was orally administered, the absorption of ginsenosides from the gastrointestinal tract are extremely low. In order to improve oral bioavailability, transforming major ginsenosides into more active minor ginsenoside is very important. Caulobacter leidyia GP45 and Micro- bacterium esteraromaticum GS514 were isolated from ginseng field for converting major ginsenosides into minor ginsenosides. In the co-culture of strain GP45 and GS514 with ginsenoside Rb1, produced compound K and ginsenoside Rg3 individually. The transformation pathway of ginsenoside Rb1 were confirmed Rb1⟶Rd⟶F2⟶compound K and Rb1⟶Rd⟶Rg3.