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        검색결과 29

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been an increase in the viewing of YouTube content among children and adolescents. This, coupled with the popularity of live-streamed video content such as mukbang, where viewers watch the host eat, has raised concerns about media addiction and the indiscriminate imitation of eating behavior. Therefore, there is a need for guidance on the appropriate behavior for viewing YouTube food content to promote healthy eating habits among children. In this study, we aimed to compare the patterns of the main caregivers and their children while viewing media and investigate the impact of viewing YouTube food content on the physical and mental health of the children. The findings suggest that active YouTube food content viewing by the main caregivers may reduce imitative behaviors due to passive media consumption by their children. This study provides valuable insights by comparing and analyzing the YouTube content viewing of the main caregivers and their children. The results can be used as a basis for the development of lifestyle-centered guidelines for children. However, it is important to note that this study was conducted during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic when there was a significant increase in the use of media, which is limitation of the study.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the wake of the global pandemic of obesity of the young generation in Europe, with varying prevalence depending on culture and television advertising consumption, the role of marketing communications in the process needs to be re-addressed. Hence, the manner in which the food and beverages are promoted to children in various geographical settings becomes crucial concern for not only parents and teachers, but also society as the whole, represented majorly by regulatory bodies. Previous research within the theme of the correlation between TV advertising and youth obesity have focused on the reaction of children and parents to the advertisements targeting children, mostly disregarding the actual content of the ads, the level of their influence on children and specific context in which this interaction occurs.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study summarizes the research methods, subjects, research processes, and achievements of major researchers by analyzing previous research results on Korean food history. The goal of the current study aimed to seek the methodology and direction of ‘food history research’. Literature data from 1945 to 2022 were examined. Results of excavation research on ancient food literature were divided into the following stages: the 1980s, when the foundation for ‘cataloging’ was laid, and the 2000s, when ‘digitization’ was achieved. Achievements of each period were collected, and the achievements and limitations were analyzed. Next, the research results were classified into ‘Food technology history’, ‘Recipe change history’, and ‘Food culture and dietary history’. We observed that around the 2000s, anthropology and folklore research perspectives were reflected, and the research on ‘history of diet’ reached a turning point. Our results indicate the possibility that food history can develop as a special historical area. This could be achieved by establishing an exchange system with other disciplines and creating a systematic curriculum.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we identified the differences in food content watching habits and nutrition quotient in adolescent (NQ-A). A total number of 811 subjects were surveyed to establish their general characteristics, food content watching habits, and NQ-A using a self-administered questionnaire. In addition, the mediating effect of watching motivation between the type of food content watched and the NQ-A score was determined. The classification by the type of the food content mainly watched showed that 405 participants (49.9%) watched the Mukbang content, 244 (30.1%) the Cookbang content, and 162 (20.0%) another contents. Among the content watching motives in the Cookbang content group, information acquisition and enjoyment were predominant, whereas emotional satisfaction had the lowest frequency. Compared to the Mukbang content group, when the Cookbang content group mediated information acquisition motivation, the scores of the total, diversity, balance, and practice of NQ-A score areas increased. Compared to the Mukbang content group, the score in the moderation area decreased when the Cookbang content group mediated enjoyment motivation. If food content with accurate information and interesting content are produced and used for adolescent nutrition education, the education will be highly effective.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Research on the birth (起源) and names (語源) of foods such as kimchi is important to understand traditional food culture. kimchi, an ‘add flavored, fermented, pickled, vegetable food’ was initially prepared with the simple purpose of increasing storage capabilities, but later, through a complex process of change, morphological diversification occurred. In addition to the basic name of ‘kimchi’, each variety has its unique name and history. This study was conducted through qualitative research using various research methods, such as oral records and interviews, as well as investigation of data from literature, including ancient literature, modern cookbooks, newspapers, magazines, papers, and videos. The study sought to investigate the context and the meaning of the name Chonggak kimchi. In addition, it is a compilation of how the name spread through the ages and evolved to its current name. The name Chonggak kimchi did not exist during the Joseon Dynasty and Japanese occupation and first appeared in the records in the late 1950s. Nevertheless, the original name of ‘Altarimu kimchi’ evolved and finally became a part of the standard Korean language (標準語) in 1988. In the process of the name spreading and becoming popular, the movie “Chonggak kimchi (1964),” starring Shin, S.I., and Eom, A.R. played a significant role. It was also confirmed that this was a meaningful and valuable case of contentization of traditional food culture, regardless of the intention behind the same.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        간편식 형태의 이유식 중 죽 44건, 진밥 40건, 퓌레 11 건, 분말 6건으로 총 101건의 무기질(철, 아연, 칼슘, 마그네슘) 함량을 마이크로웨이브 분해장치로 분해하여 ICPOES로 분석하였다. 무기질의 유형별 평균 함량은 철 0.05- 0.45 mg/100 g(mg/10 g, 분말), 아연 0.06-0.29 mg/100 g(mg/ 10 g, 분말), 칼슘 3.07-6.65 mg/100 g(mg/10 g, 분말), 마그네슘 2.46-5.93 mg/100 g(mg/10 g, 분말)으로 나타났다. 철, 아연, 칼슘, 마그네슘의 권장섭취량(KDRIs)과 비교하였을 때 권장섭취량 대비 각각 2.74-22.35%(평균 11.10%), 5.94- 28.95%(평균 21.91%), 3.07-6.65%(평균 4.47%), 13.42-38.95% (평균 22.85%)이었다. 시판되는 간편 이유식만으로는 생후 6개월 이후 각각의 무기질 권장섭취량을 충분히 섭취할 수 없어 조제식이나 모유를 통한 영양소 섭취가 필요하다. 충분한 무기질 섭취를 위해서는 각각 영양소의 주요 급원 식품을 파악하고 부족한 영양소를 섭취할 수 있는 간편 이유식을 선택하는 것을 권장한다. 아울러 제조회사에서 는 우리나라 영유아시기에 부족해지기 쉬운 철, 칼슘 등 의 영양소를 강화한 재료를 이유식 제조에 사용·표기하여 영유아의 성장발달에 필요한 영양소가 균형 있게 공급될 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서울약령시장과 서울경동시장 등에서 유통되고 있는 식약공용 농·임산물 29품목 171건에 대하여 ICP-MS와 수은 분석기를 이용하여 중금속(납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은) 함량을 분석하고 위해도를 평가하였다. 납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은의 검출 범위는 각각 ND-4.719 mg/kg, ND-1.019 mg/kg, 0.002-8.696 mg/kg, ND-0.058 mg/kg로 나타났다. 171건의 검체 중 Artemisiae Capillaris Herba(인진호) 1건과 Actinidiae Ramulus et Fulium et Fructus Vermicultus(목천료) 1건에서 각각 카드뮴과 비소 항목이 허용기준을 초과 하여 부적합 판정을 받았으며 나머지는 모두 허용기준 이내였다. 위해도를 평가 했을 때 비발암위해도지수(HI)가 1을 초과한 품목은 없었고, 발암위해도가 납은 모든 품목에서 10-6 이하였으며 비소는 10-4-10-6 으로 나타나 전반적으로 안전한 수준으로 평가되었다. %PTWI는 납, 카드뮴, 비 소, 수은 모두 100이하로 나타났다. 유통중인 식약공용 농 ·임산물의 중금속(납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은) 함량을 분석하고 비발암위해도지수(HI), 발암위해도, %PTWI를 평가한 결과 안전한 수준으로 평가되었다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction Despite the rise of digital media, TV remains the number one place children spend their media time (Moses, 2014). Past research has shown that less healthy food and beverages such as those containing high fat, sugar, and salt (HFSS) are prominent in TV commercials (e.g., Carter, Patterson, Donovan, Ewing, & Roberts, 2011). In these commercials, various persuasive techniques (e.g., taste/smell, convenience), which promote the purchase of the products, have been used (Hebden, King, & Kelly, 2011). Extensive studies have found that exposure to advertising for HFSS products, including confectionery, soft drinks, crisps or savory snacks, fast food, pre-sugared breakfast cereals, is associated with children‟s cognition, food consumption, and obesity (e.g., Harris, Bargh, & Brownell, 2009; Macklin, 1994; see also Moore, Wilkie, & Desrochers, 2017). Since younger children, especially those in the “perceptual stage” of development, may not understand the persuasive or selling intent of commercials (e.g., John, 1999), they may be vulnerable to this advertising. As a result, several countries such as UK and Ireland (Hawkes, Lobstein, & For the Polmark Consortium, 2011) have introduced restrictions or regulations for broadcasting food and beverage commercials for children. The commercials of HFSS food and beverage have sometimes introduced these products with healthier images and words / phrases like health and nutrition claims. Health claims refer to any representation that states, suggests, or implies that a relationship exists between a food (/beverage) or a constituent of that food (/beverage) and health. Nutrition claims mean any representation which states, suggests or implies that a food (/beverage) has particular nutritional properties including but not limited to the energy value and to the content of protein, fat and carbohydrates, as well as the content of vitamins and minerals (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States & World Health Organization, 2013). Using health messages for HFSS food presents the risk of a biased image of the products (i.e., they are „healthy‟), which may result in unhealthy life styles and conditions. In recent years, there has been regulatory pressure on food advertisers to market their products responsibly (e.g., WHO regulations; Kraak et al., 2016). At the same time, the Children‟s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI) emerged, in which several leading companies pledged to market their products to children responsibly (see editorial by Boyland & Harris, 2017). Therefore, we were interested in seeing if food and beverage advertising had changed in 2017. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to examine the relative frequency of food and beverage commercials targeting children with a focus on healthy aspects of the products, their health and nutrition claims, as well as other persuasive techniques. Method A total of twenty hours of programming targeting children was recorded on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Networks in the United States during the hours of 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. on two weekdays in September 2017. The advertisements were coded for product type (“food”, “beverage”, fast-food restaurant (“Restaurant: Quick-service/fast food restaurant”), and sit-down restaurant (“Restaurant: Sit-down restaurant”), food type (e.g., “confectionary”, “savory snacks”, “pre-prepared convenience foods”, “bread”, “fruits”, and “vegetables”) (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations & World Health Organization, 2016; Suzuki, 2018), and persuasive techniques (e.g., “health claims”, “nutrition claims”, “taste/smell/flavor”, “convenience”, “scientific information”, “celebrities/a well-known person”, and “eating /drinking behavior”) (e.g., Hebden et. al., 2011; Jenkin, Madhvani, Signal & Bowers, 2014; Kraak & Story, 2015; Warren, Wicks, Wicks, Fosu, & Chung, 2008). Food type can be classified into two categories; Less healthy (“confectionary”, “savory snacks”, “sweet bakery wares”, “other sweets/desserts”, “Sugared breakfast cereals”, “pre-prepared convenience foods”) or healthier categories related to other food categories (Ofcom, 2004; Nutrition Australia, 2013; Suzuki, 2018). Seven coders independently evaluated the advertisements, with two coders assigned to every programming block. They were trained for about three weeks to read the coding manual, practice coding and discuss the coding scheme, and revise their coding after receiving feedback of the trial coding. To check coding reliability, two independent coders evaluated the same programs. 94.3% agreement was achieved for product type. Results and discussion A total of 856 commercials appeared. Food and beverage advertisements represented 29.0% (N=248). On average, children were exposed to 12.4 food and beverage advertisements per hour. Of all the food, beverage and restaurant advertisements, “food” and fast-food commercials were frequently broadcasted; 40.7% (N=101) were for “food” commercials, and fast-food restaurant commercials accounted for 43.5% (N=108). 12.1% (N=30) “beverage” commercials and 3.6% (N=9) sit-down restaurant commercials were included. Food, beverage and restaurant commercials were more likely to appear on Nickelodeon (36.2%, N=129) than on the Cartoon network (28.4%, N=419) (χ2=5.43, df=1, p<.05). As for the appearances of product type, “food” advertisements frequently appeared on Nickelodeon (54.6%, N=65), whereas the programs of Cartoon network included a lot of fast food commercials (61.2%, N=79). In examining the appearances of “beverage”, “food”, “fast food”, and “others (except food, beverage, and restaurant)” between the channels, the results showed that the programs of Cartoon network were more likely to broadcast “fast food” commercials than those of Nickelodeon, whereas the programs of Nickelodeon were more likely to broadcast “food” commercials (χ2=38.23, df=3, p<.01)1. The majority of food types were “confectionary” (25.7%, N=26), “savory snacks” (16.8%, N=17), “breakfast cereals” (14.9%, N=15), and “pre-prepared convenience foods” (13.9%, N=14). In classifying various kinds of foods into two big categories related to health (healthier or less healthy) as above-mentioned, less healthy food accounted for 88.1% (N=89). No commercials were categorized into three of the healthier categories (bread, fruits, and vegetables). As persuasive techniques for consumers, “health claims”, and “nutrition claims” were low (8.9%). For example, grape juice produced by Welch‟s used the appeal “sugar free”. In the commercials with nutrition claims, there was no significant difference in the appearance between the “beverage” and “food” commercials (χ2=1.70, df=1, n.s.). The other persuasive techniques like “convenience” (75.8%, N=188), “taste/smell/flavor” (51.2%, N=127), and “eating/drinking behavior” (49.2%, N=122) were frequently used. In contrast, the rates of some techniques (e.g., “celebrities/a well-known person”, “scientific information”) were very low. As for the persuasive technique of “celebrities/a well-known person”, the category of product type was classified in only the “beverage” category. Thus, this study indicated that there were not many less-healthy food commercials that appealed to health and nutrition aspects of the products by using health and nutrition claims, or scientific information. In previous studies, the rate of health and nutrition claims varied between less than 10% to more than 30% (Jenkin et al., 2014). This may be due to the differences in the definitions of health and nutrition claims. Our study referred to the international standard definitions. Therefore, the findings regarding the rate of health and nutrition claims in this study can contribute to overall knowledge about the current spread of health and nutrition claims in “less healthy” food commercials of children‟s television programs. It may also be the case that food companies are acting more responsibly by limiting their persuasion techniques to those that relate to taste or convenience and not by misrepresenting the products as healthy. However, overall, the proportion of less healthy food commercials was high, and various persuasive techniques were used. At the same time, there were no commercials for fruits or vegetables presented during this time frame despite governmental regulations for eating these healthier foods. These findings suggest that more attention should be paid to the ways that certain foods are promoted (or are not promoted) among parents and policy-makers. As the sample used in this study was recorded only on weekdays and through the two kids' channels. It would be expected that the future study develop the analysis for the recorded commercials on weekends and on the other local channels. The sample used in this study was analyzed only on weekdays and through two children‟s channels. Future research might examine food and beverage advertising across different time frames and channels.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was performed to determine the quality characteristics of extruded rice flour infant food with mealworm content (0, 15, and 30%) at 110 and 140℃ die temperature and 20 and 25% moisture content. An increase in mealworm content from 0 to 30% led to increased redness, yellowness, color different, water absorption index, reducing sugar, digestibility of protein and rancidity but decreased lightness, water solubility index, and digestibility of starch. Paste viscosity of extrudates increased with increasing mealworm content from 0 to 15% but decreased with increasing mealworm content from 15 to 30%. Elevation of die temperature resulted in increased color difference, water absorption index, and rancidity but decreased water solubility index and digestibility of starch. As moisture content increased, water absorption index and reducing sugar at 140℃ die temperature increased, whereas color difference, water solubility index, and reducing sugar at 110℃ die temperature decreased. In conclusion, addition of mealworm content and extrusion process could enhance nutritional quality and the physicochemical and functional properties of extrudates.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was applied to the PCA (Primary Components Analysis) for the sixteen table setting at the 2017 Yeongju local food contest. In this contest, we have developed a seonbibansang and a temple one-dish meal. As a result of the correlation analysis, the applicability and composition were 0.7980, harmony and taste were 0.7747 and easiness and composition were 0.7435. In the Primary Component Y1, all the variables X1…X10 mean that the quality of the food had positive values greater than zero. The second Primary Component Y2 has a large positive value while X4, X5, X6, X7, X9 have negative values. Y2 is a value representing the sanitation variable, and can be considered a traditional and characteristic table setting natural to the native food in Yeongju. In addition, we developed an-hyangbansang and seonmyoaecheong food content by applying PCA factors (the elements of harmony, ease and sanitation). Table setting of an-hyangbansang provided energy 61.5%, protein 20.0% and fat 18.5% and seonmyoaecheong provided energy 62.7%, protein 15.4% and fat 22.2%. This satisfied the necessary amount of caloric nutrient intake that could be provided in a meal. Especially through story-telling, a modern interpretation - or rebranding - of local and traditional foods could make these traditional food products familiar to consumers currently. The developed table setting is felt to be conductive to the possible commercialization and introduction of traditional food into the mainstream commercial food service industry.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was done to analyze the contents of minerals and to investigate the ratio of measured values to labeled values and to analyze the ratio of calcium to other minerals in 68 specimen with minerals - fortified commercial beverages, noodles, cereals and grain products. Content of calcium, iron and zinc in samples after microwave digestion was analyzed with an ICP-OES. The measured values of calcium were ranged 82.2~293.1% of the labeled values in 38 samples composed calcium - fortified commercial beverages, noodles, cereals and grain products. The measured values of iron and zinc were ranged 83.3~301.0%, 90.1~314.1% of the labeled values in minerals - fortified commercial beverages, noodles, cereals and grain products, 42, 24 samples. The Ca : Fe ratios were 90.55 (50.55~220.64) in fruit & vegetable juice, 850.41 in fruit & vegetable beverage, 553.49 in blended beverage, 179.07 (118.37~238.01) in soy milk, 204.39(41.64~397.52) in noodle, 296.97(121.64~868.88) in fried noodle, 30.89(15.69~ 62.05) in cereal and 7.73(0.22~49.92) in grain product. The Ca : P ratios were 1.44(0.96~1.98) in fruit & vegetable juice, 1.92 in fruit & vegetable beverage, 1.66 in blended beverage, 4.23(2.25~7.72) in soy milk, 1.14(0.28~1.97) in noodle, 1.88(1.17~2.42) in fried noodle, 1.29(0.87~2.92) in cereal and 0.30(0.06~1.57) in grain product. The Ca : Mg ratios were 1.85(0.87~5.04) in fruit & vegetable juice, 28.72 in fruit & vegetable beverage, 2.97 in blended beverage, 5.27(2.93~9.36) in soy milk, 3.97(1.34~7.57) in noodle, 6.77(4.63~10.78) in fried noodle, 4.40(2.30~12.55) in cereal and 1.17(0.23~7.48) in grain product. These results suggest calcium contents and the ratio of calcium contents to other minerals in calcium-fortified food products should be strictly controlled. Moreover, to avoid problems with Excessive nutrition, there must be initiatives for better understanding on food labelling and nutrition for fortified food.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the total sugar content of cooked rice (e.g. Bokkeumbap, Deopbap,Bibimbap, Gimbap, Chobap) and side dishes (Jjigae, Kimchi, Jangajji) by using HPLC analysis. Samples were col-lected from six regions in Korea (Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, Gangwon-do, Jeonla-do, Gyeongsangdo).In cooked rice, the total sugar content in Bibimbap (8.537g/100g), Jangeo-deopbap (3.207g/100g), and Saladgim-bap (2.394g/100g) was higher than that of other cooked rice. Also the analysis results showed that the total sugarcontent of cooked rice with spice and sauce added was a little higher than that of other kinds of cooked rice. Fromthe analysis of Jjigae, it was shown that Doenjang-jjigae (1.805g/100g) from the Jeonla-do region had the highesttotal sugar content while there was no difference in total sugar content from the other regions. In case of Kimchi,that from Jeonla-do and Gyeongsang-do was very sweet, salty, and spicy, and the total sugar content was higherthan that from the other regions. The highest total sugar content among the analyzed Kimchi was in Godeulppaegi-kimchi with a value of 8.188g/100g. In addition, the total sugar content in Jangajjie, as a pickle among side dishes,was shown to be higher than that of the other side dishes with the highest range among Jangajjie of 32.865g/100gto 41.846g/100g being found in Maesil-jangajji.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the total sugar content in take-out foods by using HPLC analysis.Samples of take-out food were collected from six regions in Korea (Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, Gang-won-do, Jeolla-do, Gyeongsang-do). The samples consisted of 30 main dishes (12 Chinese dishes and 18 flour-baseddishes) and 19 desserts (11 rice cakes and 8 breads). In case of Chinese food, the maximum total sugar content ofTangsuyuk, Ganjajang, Jajangmyeon, and Gun-mandu was 10.346g/100g, 2.409g/100g, 1.589g/100g, and 1.988g/100g respectively. The total sugar content in seasoned Chinese food with sauces was higher than that of the otherChinese food. In case of flour-based food as a main dish, flour-based food seasoned with red pepper paste and manysauces such as Tteokbokki, Naengmyeon, and Guksue had a higher total sugar content than Mandutguk, Tteok-manduguk, and Udong. In particular, Hoe-naengmyeon had the highest total sugar content of 7.194g/100g. Also,desserts (rice cakes and breads), except for Garaetteok, had a high total sugar content with the highest in Glutinousdoughnut and Glutinous rice tteok with red bean paste, which among all the regions analyzed had a maximum totalsugar content of 19.602g/100g from Gyeongsang-do and 30.339g/100g from Seoul respectively.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop cultural food contents from local dishes related to the historical and cultural heritage in the representative areas of Gurye and Jinan. The information on 'Story' was collected from each region's representative local native journal, searches of related web-sites, analysis of old literature, and interviews of traditional households. 'Telling', the conveyance, was focused on texts of literature analysis, which were synthesized from historical conditions, regional food materials, cuisine, regional symbolism, etc. The created food contents were displayed with balanced and healthy Korean food dishes after nutritional analysis. In Gurye, the content was extracted from the story of Hwang hyun (黃玹, 1855-1910) - figura of Gurye - and his collection, "Maecheonyarok", and the storytelling native food was prepared. In Jinan, the content was extracted from the text of an anecdote from "filial son Kwang-beom Lee", a local journal. We tried to express Gurye's clean image in connection with the patriot - Hwang hyun (his nick name was Maecheon), in the late period of Chosun through the unprocessed and simple nature of the dining table. As in Jinan's storytelling materials, we tried to express a healthy menu of health food for older people based on the clean nature and documents about the real character's filial behavior. The developed healthy menu and dining table properties in this study have been established in accordance with nutrient intake standards of energy in Korea.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research analyzed the naming standard of Korea menu names divided into two groups, main dish and side dish. The research was conducted by contents analysis of selected literature articles and multiple-response cross tabulation analysis. The result demonstrated that the naming standard of Korea food consisted of the main ingredient name - sub ingredient name - main condiment name and main recipe. On the other hand, the menu name that is in native language or has a historical origin is exempt from this classification. Therefore, this study proposes a new standard, 'Hansik Menu Naming', to assist the food service industry and correct the names of unknown foreign dishes.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the food and dietary educational content in primary, middle and high school textbooks in order to provide fundamental data for the development of educational programs on Korean traditional food culture. The research objects consisted of 51 kinds of textbooks (15 kinds of primary school textbooks, 29 kinds of middle school home economics textbooks and 7 kinds of high school home economics textbooks), and the contents related to food and dietary education were counted and analyzed. The content analysis was performed using two categories: application method and subject matter. Application method included texts, cases, visual aids (pictures, photos, illustrations, chart, etc.) and activities, whereas subject matter consisted of seven types (well balanced nutrition and health, understanding of food and nutrition, cooking principles, cooking lessons, traditional foods and culture, others). The results of the application method in primary school textbooks show that visual aids were the most common in all six grades. For the subject matter, 'understanding of food and nutrition' was most abundant in primary school textbooks while 'well balanced nutrition and health' accounted for a large part of the contents in middle school textbooks. However, the contents regarding traditional foods and culture were insufficient in primary and middle school textbooks. These results suggest that educational contents on traditional foods and culture should be added to primary and middle school textbooks and covered in various subjects. Furthermore, high school 'home economics' contents need to emphasize comprehensive food and dietary education and adjust to 'science & technology for life'.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the Americans' perception on Korean food by analyzing the articles of the New York Times which is the best quality newspaper in America. The number of articles of the New York Times on Korean food were 111 from 1980 to 2005. The average yearly articles was 1.3 form 1980 to 1989, 4.1 from 1990 to 1999, and 9.5 from 2000 to 2005. A large number of articles(54.1%) concerning Korean foods were restaurant reviews based on the experiences in dining at Korean restaurant in America. Main authors of restaurant reviews were Eric Asimo(14), Florence Fabricant(11), and Mark Bittman(8). The kinds of Korean foods reported in the New York Times were 111 which included staple food(21), subsidiary food(82) dessert(4) and Japanese Food(4). There were 15 recipes on Korean food reported in the New York Times including 3 items on Kimchi and 3 items on Bulgogi. The New York Times said Kimchi, Buigogi, Galbi, Pajeon, and Bibimbop were popular among Americans. The New York Times described Korean foods as exhilarating, robust, bold, rustic, healthful, incendiary, assertive, lusty, and exuberant. There were many favorable comments on Korean foods in the New York Times.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine Korean restaurant industry during 1979~2001, and to review Korean restaurant industry related by statistics. Finally, to predict the Korean restaurant industry, major restaurant industry was categorized into fast food restaurants, family restaurants, pizza restaurants and ice cream restaurants. A contents analysis used to review Korea food industry yearly statistics and monthly magazine 'restaurant'. Korean food service industry yearly statistics have been published since 1980, the magazine 'Restaurant' has been published since 1985, but the statistics was recorded from 1995.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to provide a fundamental data to improve meals of the college foodservice operations serving more than 300 meals per day through evaluating changes in; total vitamin C contests, water contents, and pH, in the process of handling such foods as soybean sprout cooked and of fresh vegetable salads. This study, also, tried to identify nutrition reduction, step by step, to minimize nutrition loss. 1. In handing COOKED SOYBEAN SPROUTS, total vitamin C contents were higher after wash(1.54%mg%) than other cooking methods adopted in university meals(1.08mg%), however, total vitamin C contents was significantly lost during boiling step. 2. Significant loss of total vitamin C and water content in the FRESH VEGITABLE SALADS was detected in the process of washing and cutting vegitables. Especially,'cabbage' lost 20% of total vitamin C in the process of 'soaking in water', which was one of preparation process 3. Significant loss of vitamin C was observed after 6 hours of HOLDINC AFTER COOKING but it can be reduced through holding under lower temparature, in case of soybean sprouts and fresh vegitable salads. pH became acidic as holding time expanded. WATER CONTENT of cooked soybean sprouts decreased up to 4 hours holding time, however, it increased when we checked at after 6 hours' of holding time. Water content continuously decreased up to 6 hours of holding time in case of FRESH VESITABLE SALADS with the statistically significance level.
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