
한국식품위생안전성학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol.15 No.3 (2000년 9월) 15

2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Daily intakes of 14 preservatives were evaluated by using their maximum permitted levels(MPL) and national food disappearance data in 1998. The estimated daily intake (EDI) of each preservatives were compared with corresponding acceptable daily intakes (ADIs). EDIs of dehydroacetic acid, sodium dehydroacetate, p-hydrobenzoic acid ester, propionic acid, sodium propionate and calcium propionate were leas than 2% of ADI and judged to be safe. However, EDI of sorbic acid and potassium sorbate were 76.61 mg/person/day and it reached 5% of its ADI. EDI of benzoic acid and sodium benzoate were 85.65 mg/person/day and it reached 31% of its ADI. The highest intake of benzoic acid came from carbonated drink.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
With a rabbit model, the present study was performed to examine the effect of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (E. coli LPS) on hormones. Cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine concentrations in LPS-treated groups were high at all sampling periods (from 3 hrs to 72 hrs) as compared to control group (p$lt;0.05 or p$lt;0.01). The each peak time was at respectively 24 hrs, 3 hrs, and 12 hrs. Insulin and glucagon concentrations in LPS-treated groups elevated up to 12 hrs (p$lt;0.01 or p$lt;0.05) with a each peak point at 12 hrs or 6 hrs, while those of the rest sampling points (from 24 hrs to 72 hrs) were lower than that of control (p$lt;0.05). Increase of cortisol concentration was generally dose-dependent, whereas the changes of the other hormones were irregular patterns. These observations show that E. coli LPS lead to releases of stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine and disturbances of endocrine systems. These LPS-induced hormonal disorders may cause physiologically fatal results.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The contamination levels of food poisoning bacteria was investigated from 350 samples of beef, 338 samples of pork, and 350 samples of chicken during the period from March 1996 to October 1998. The contamination levels of pathogenic organisms were higher in refrigerated meat than packed frozen meat and were relatively higher in chicken and packed meat than in beef. The highest level detected for each of the various pathogens was : less than 10,000 cfu/g for Staphylococcus aureus : less than 0.9 MPN/g for Salmonella and Literia monocytogenes: 7MPN/g for Campylobacter jejuni /coli. In the comparisions of cross- contamination ratio of tested meat for four species food poisoning bacteria 14.3% of beef, 23.5% of pork and 55.0% of chicken were contained only one species of pathogen, whereas 2.7 of beef, 5.6% of pork and 14.7% of chicken contained two species and 2.3% of pork contained a total of three species. Generally, pathogens was encounted higher isolation freguency in packed frozen chicken meat than in chilled chickens.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
한강 고수부지 및 지천인 안양천, 탄천, 중랑천변의 경작지에서 채집된 36종 285건의 농작물에 대한 Pb, Cr, Cd, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu. Hg의 농도를 측정하고 그 결과를 채집 시기, 채집 지역 및 작물별로 비교, 분석한 결과, 작물 중의 중금속 함량은 평균치를 기준으로 볼 때 Fe(34.592 ppm)>Mn(11.071 ppm)>Zn(8.853 ppm)>Cu(1.795 ppm)>Cr(0.237 ppm)>Pb(0.100 ppm)>Cd(0.011 ppm)>Hg(0.003 ppm) 순으로 곡류 및 두류에서는 Zn의 함량이 Mn보다 높고, 채소류와 과실류에서는 Mn의 함량이 Zn보다 높은 양상을 나타냈다. 또한 각 지역에서 채취한 작물의 미량금속 함량의 경우 Fe은 0.004∼203.083 ppm, Cu은 0.017∼22.727 ppm. Mn은 0.000∼74.373 ppm. Zn은 0.080∼37.166 ppm으로 비교적 고농도로 존재하고 있는 반면 유해중금속류인 Pb은 0.000∼0.654 ppm, Cd은 0.000∼0.270 ppm, Cr은 0.000∼l.229 ppm, Hg은 0.000∼0.037 ppm으로 비교적 미량으로 존재함을 알수 있었다. 대상 농작물을 잎, 줄기, 뿌리, 열매로 분류하여 미량금속 함량을 분석한 결과, 분석 대상 금속의 농도가 잎>줄기>뿌리>열매의 순으로 나타났다. 무등의 뿌리 작물에 있어서 Pb은 잎(0.055 ppm))뿌리(0.035 ppm), Cr은 잎(0.118 ppm))뿌리(0.031 ppm), Cd은 잎(0.004 ppm)1뿌리(0.001 ppm), Hg은 잎(0.004 ppm))뿌리(0.001 ppm)으로 뿌리보다 잎에 많은 것으로 나타났는데 이러한 결과로 보아 뿌리는 금속 이온이 흡수되는 기관일 뿐 축적은 잎에 비해 상대적으로 적게 됨을 알 수 있었다.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Physicochemical changes of refrigerated chicken legs treated with acetic acid and trisodium phosphate (TSP) during storage at the temperature of 1±2℃ or 4℃. Chicken (average weight of 500±30 g) legs were treated with 2.5-10% (w/v) TSP and 0.5-2%(v-v) acetic acid soluions at exposure times of 10 min. pH values of chicken legs treated with 2.5-10% TSP significantly (P$lt;0.05) increased at initial days compared to control, which were consistent with the results of treatments of 5-10% TSP solutions for storage of 8 days at retail levels. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of chicken legs treated with 2.5-10% TSP or 0.5-2% acetic acid solutions significantly increased from initial days to 4days of storage compared to controls. pH values of chicken legs treated with 0.5-2% acetic acid significantly decreased at initial days compared to control, which were consistent with the results of treatments of 1.5-2% acetic acid solutions for storage of 16 days at 4℃. Chicken legs treated with 0.5-2% acetic acid solutions were a significantly different Hunter color L^+ values during storage of 4 and 8 days compared to the controls. Chicken legs treated with 1-2% acetic acid solutions were a significantly different Hunter color a^+ values during storage of 16 days compared to the controls. Chicken legs treated with 0.5-2% acetic acid solutions were a significantly different Hunter color b^+ values during storage from 4 to 12 days compared to the controls.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Protective effect of Corydalis ternata against the carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity was investigated. Carbon tetrachloride(CCl₄) induces hepatotoxicity due to the reactive free radical(CCl₃*) generated by cytochrome P-450 enzyme. We examined effects of hexane, chloroform, butanol and water fractions prepared from the Corydalas ternata methanol extract. Rats were treated with those for 3 days, and liver microsomes and cytosols were prepared at 24 hour after last treatment. Hepatoprotective activity. of the water fraction was higher than that of other fractions. To examine mechanism of the hepatoprotective effect of Corydalis ternata, we measured contents of malondialdehyde(MDA), cytochrome P450(CYP), glutathione, calcium as well as the activities of NADPH-CYP reductase, glutathione S-transferase(GST), superoxide dismutase(SOD), glutathione peroxidase(GPX) and catalase. The fraction inhibited production of MDA, content of CYP and calcium in liver of water fractions - treated rats as compared with those of CCl₄ treated rats. The GST activity was increased. We speculate that the O₂ radical scavenging activities of the water fraction might play a key role in the mechanism opposing the progression of CCl₄ induced hepatotoxicity, but the activities of SOD, GPX, CAT were decreased. These results suggest that the mechanism might be mainly due to the decrease of CYP contents, act as calcium channel Mocker and increase of GST activity rather than O₂ radical scavenging activities.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
식품의 항균물질 분리에 있어 여러 가지 방법이 있지만 오차와 손실이 많아 실용화 하기에는 많은 문제점이 있다. 현재 일반적인 분리법으로 유기용매분획법, 크로마토그래피 등이 있으나, 많은 시간과 노력을 필요로 하며 시료에 따라 항균활성이 소실되는 경우가 많다. 본 연구는 전편의 '부추의 미생물학적 항균활성 특성과 가공식품에의 응용'에 이어 부추의 항균활성 물질을 효과적으로 분리하기 위한 방법을 정립하고 항균활성 물질을 확인하였다. 부추의 항균활성 물질 분리를 위하여 ultrafiltration, liquid-liquid extraction, TLC, HPLC 순으로 정제하였다. Ultrafiltration 결과 항균물질은 분자량 5,000 dalton 이하의 저분자 물질이었고, TLC로 분리된 8개의 spot중 대조군에 비하여 높은 항균활성을 나타내는 1개의 spot을 추출하여, HPLC로 유효 peak 2개를 얻었고 각 peak성분을 GC/MS로 확인한 결과 cis-propenyl methyl disulfide, 5-methyl methylthiosulphonate, dimethyl disulfide등의 황화합물로 구성된 복합물질로 확인되었다.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
국내 유통식품에서 verotoxin(VT)을 생성하는 대장균의 오염도를 조사하고 이로 인한 식중독의 발생을 사전에 예방하기 위하여 1997년부터 1999년 사이 햄버거. 식육 및 채소류에서 VT생성 대장균의 분포조사를 실시하였으며, 이 결과 분리된 대장균에 대한 분자생물학적 특성을 조사하였다 식육, 햄버거 및 채소류 총 1,700건의 식품 중에서 VT를 생성하는 대장균이 검출된 것은 3건으로 매우 낮은 검출율을 보였는데, 분리주의 혈청형은 각각 026 : H4, 0157 : H7 및 055 : Hl2였다. 혈청형 026 : H4 분리주는 VT I과 VT II를 생성하였고,055 : Hl2주는 VT I을 각각 생성하였으며, 두 분리주에서 eae유전자와 60 MDa plasmid DNA는 검출되지 않았다. 혈청형 0157 : H7주는 VT II를 생성하였고 60 MDa plasmid DNA는 검출되었으나 eae유전자는 확인되지 않았다. 따라서 분리된 VT생성 대장균들은 eae 유전자가 검출되지 않아 질병유발 가능성은 낮은 것으로 추정되었다. 항생제 내성능에서 혈청형 0157 : H7 분리주는 ampicillin과 streptomycin에 내성을 나타낸 반면, 혈청형 026 : H4주와 혈청형 055 : Hl2주는 ampicillin, carbenicillin, cephalothin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole과 tetracycline에 내성을 보여 분리주의 다재내성능을 확인하였다 세포배양액으로 실시한 vero cell과 HeLa cell에 대한 세포독성능은 3주의 분리주에서 확인되었다.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy was used to detect irradiated chicken eggs, to investigate the effect of irradiation dose on the ESR signal intensity and to identify the stability of radicals under 77 days of storage. Raw chicken eggs were irradiated with doses of 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 kGy at room temperature using a Co-60 irradiator. The samples were prepared by separating, drying and powdering shells from the raw eggs. The irradiated chicken egg shells presented an asymmetric absorption in shape at g₁=2.0023±0.00004 and g₂=1.9979±0.00005, different from the non-irradiated ones. The strength of the ESR signal increased linearly with the applied doses (to 5 kGy). The intensity of the ESR signals after irradiation were stable even after 77-day of storage at 5℃ and/or room temperature.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was conducted to investigate the application of ATP bioluminescence to measure the degree of microbial contamination from raw meat, meat processing and milk processing lines. Samples collected from slaughter house, meat and milk processing plants were tested for estimation of bacterial number by using ATP bioluminescence and conventional method. The former result was transffered to R-mATP value(log RLU/㎖), and the latter transffered to CFU(log/㎖). Correlation coefficient(r) between aerobic counts(CFU, log/㎖) and R-mATP(log RLU/㎖) value was 0.93(n=408). R-mATP of aerobic counts from beef, pork, chicken was 0.93(n=220), and that was 0.93(n=187) between meat processing and dairy processing plants. In addition, Correlation coefficient(r) between aerobic counts and R-mATP was 0.87(n=252) under 1 × 10^5/㎖ of bacterial count and 0.74(n=152) over l0^5 respectively.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Effect of gamma irradiation on quality properties of half-cooked noodle was studied. The noodle were treated with lactic acid(0.1%, w/w), heat(10 min in boiling water) or their combination after cooking for 3 min, and irradiated at 0, 5 and 10 kGy. The noodle were stored at 25℃ for 5 weeks and microbial population, Aw, pH, and texture profiles were examined. Fungi were completely eliminated by gamma-irradiation with 5 or 10 kGy does. Number of aerobic bacteria were also decreased by 2 and 4 log cycles with dose of 5 and 10 kGy, respectively. The D_(10) values of aerobic bacteria were 2.34-2.95 kGy. Growth of the aerobic bacteria that survived even at 10 kGy of irradiation were significantly inhibited during storage. Acidification of half-cooked noodle was suppressed by gamma irradiation but A_w were not affected. Stickiness was decreased at the beginning of storage by gamma irradiation but was restored after 3 weeks. The results indicated that the gamma irradiation would be useful to improve quality and storage stability of half-cooked noodle.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The polymerase chain reaction was used to selectively detect sequences within the fimbrial antigen of Salmonella enteritidis. Sterile milk was artificially inoculated with known amount of S. enteritidis and then DNA was extracted with guanidine thiocyanate/phenol/chloroform, followed by PCR. A detection limit of as few as 100 colony forming unit (cfu) per 0.5 ml milk was obtained with this method. For the whole procedure, it took only 5 h. A semi-quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay which allows an estimation of colony forming unit of S. enteritidis was developed. Known amount of standard plasmid pGem-4Z-Sef B(-) containing cloned S. enteritidis fimbrial antigen gene was co-amplified with Salmonella genomic DNA isolated from artificially inoculated milk. The same set of primers were used for the amplification and the products were cleaved with Bam HI. The concentration of the target DNA could be estimated by comparing the intensity of the two bands after electrophoresis. The PCR-based protocol described in this paper provides a rapid, simple, and sensitive method for detecting S. enteritidis in milk.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was designed to predict the risk of a hazard chemical, vinyl chloride, by applying dose-response assessment that are one of the major process in practicing risk assessment. After extrapolating from the high dose exposure of vinyl chloride based upon animal carcinogenic data to the low dose exposed to human using several mathematical models, we calculated the cancer potency factors as well as virtually safe dose and the resulted values were compared. This process will provide the new insight to assess the risk of a chemical accurately imposed to human in the future.
2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A amylase producing bacteria were isolated from tofu residue and identified as Bacillus sp. according to the morphological and biochemical properties, which were named Bacillus sp. GM7330 and Bacillus sp. GM7312. The cultural condition for the production of amylase was showed on 5% tofu residue added 3% glucose and 0.15% yeast extract. And incubated during 72 hrs at 30℃, Bacillus sp. GM7330 and Bacillus sp. GM7312 were producing amylase of 488 units and 341 units.